Brainyidiot ago

Here is new info

Perry recently joined up with boys and girls club

who already has a case of a CEO arrested for CP

Will start watching this org

anonOpenPress ago

Thank You, this was very useful!

TrishaUK ago


anonOpenPress ago

"Katy Perry's Bon Appétit = Illuminati Confirmed" by Sheilaaliens on 2017-05-15

Video, description: "Katy Perry's latest music video praises and glorifies cannibalism, but it also makes specific references to an 80s movie called Society - all about Hollywood Illuminati elite eating people."

SoberSecondThought ago

Just want to add my own bit of praise for this. Well done!

Brainyidiot ago


upvoat this

This is very good to utilize in the meme war

thank u OP

TibbyTurtle ago

I don't see any mention there of her song E.T. The lyrics are pretty sinister and features Kanye West, who later started breaking his programming and had to be taken against his will to UCLA medical center (Who were heavily involved in the CIA mind control experiments) for "mental health problems" and has not made a convincing public appearance since.

Anyway, check these lyrics.

You're so hypnotizing
Could you be the devil?
Kiss me, k-k-kiss me
Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison
Take me, t-t-take me
Wanna be a victim, ready for abduction
Boy, you're an alien, your touch so foreign
Its supernatural, extraterrestrial

anonOpenPress ago

Wow, thanks, this is helpful in my Katy project.

And maybe Kanye West would herself be worth a similar collection. Would you be up to one?

paulf ago

The Dave Johnson video is completely worthless, a confused mess of ideas from all over the place from someone who appears to be bordering on mental illness. JonBenet is dead. I've seen her deeply distressing autopsy photos quite apart from the thousand of other pieces of incontrovertible evidence.

Pizzagate is very real and needs all the other solid information you've posted without this nonsense.

anonOpenPress ago

The lists includes posts from all the users, including possible shills. Your notes are important, and we should do such cleaning to gather all the well sourced information from each original submission.

"completely worthless" is a pretty strong claim, that would mean there's NOTHING reliably sourced in that video, can you confirm?

"all the other solid information" is another strong claim, meaning everything else is worth keeping. I don't think so.

Let's analyze more, not moving anything under "trash" or "disinfo" yet based on your comment

paulf ago

Fair point. I happen to be very well informed on JonBenet so I overreacted :)

I will supply a point by point rebuttal asap.

Vindicator ago

What a great example you've given of how to go through the troves of info we have accumulated and organize it for both additional research and efforts to raise awareness. Thank you for adding the how-to section anonOpenPress. I am giving this an "IMPORTANT" flair because we need mega-threads consolidating our best posts on so many topics!

Please people, make more of these!

Laskar ago

Exactly, this way we could organize the site to make it easier to add new material relevant to a particular category as well as hopefully preventing dozens of redundant posts.

The search function could be improved, but the idea of mega-threads is a great one.

Definitely upvote!

jangles ago

@anonOpenPress thank you for your work here! This is a model example how those in the community not finding new leads can help contribute in a very helpful way. Not saying you are not finding new leads, just want to point out that others can be contributing like this with other individuals.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Currently researching for PG Cards. Unsure as to how I missed this. Excellent collaboration anon! Hope you are well

Vindicator ago

Upvoat upvoat upvoat!!!

rooting4redpillers ago

Outstanding detail, A+++ and thanks for the effort. I almost added one of my "Related subs" comments (like I do here from time to time) to the latest Katy Perry OP, but I'm so sick of thinking about her, I just couldn't muster. Glad I didn't, you put my typical "Related subs" comments to shame. (Not that I'll stop doing that anyway :))

fartyshorts ago

I don't see anything about the clip where she gives pizza to a little girl on stage while wearing butterfly symbols. Example:

anonOpenPress ago

Added to Claims and Video links, thanks.

jstrotha0975 ago

Great work.

anonOpenPress ago continued

Video links

Removed videos

List of submissions used as the sources for the claims / videos

Date UTC Name Subverse Title
2017-05-14 21:32 Brainyidiot pizzagate Katy Perry being Gropped on stage in 2015 gets girl to say PIZZA
2017-05-14 01:13 los_amigos99 pizzagate A scene from Katy Perry's cannibalistic music video Vs. a photograph from Rothschild's Ball in 1972. Coincidence?
2017-05-13 00:32 Orangutan pizzagate Anyone else watch Katy Perry's newest video yet? Conditioning us for normalizing human sacrifice, cannibalism, and spirit cooking?
2017-05-12 20:23 Brainyidiot pizzagate Katy Perry NEW Cannibalism / Spirit Cooking video gone mainstream
2017-05-11 22:57 pig_lifter pizzagate Let's Connect The Ex-Illuminati Dutch Banker, Thelema, Child Sacrifice, Sex Magick, to the dark O.T.O.
2017-04-29 23:37 Laskar pizzagate Say it isn't so, Elmo; another pedo who will not go to jail: the case of Kevin Clash.
2017-03-20 19:42 Doboy787 pizzagate Katy Perry "This is how we do" video is RIDDLED with pizza references, ping pong etc
2017-03-19 06:02 LA_Trump pizzagate Katy Perry invokes Satan in her speech at #HRCLADinner tonight.
2017-03-15 10:54 Benkitchen105 pizzagate Marc Luzzatto - Nylon Magazine CEO , brother of Tamera in (wiki leaks pool party emails) pictured with Katy Perry and reference to Pizza in hot tub
2017-03-14 23:14 Honeybee_ pizzagate POP-ART, PIZZA, PING-PONG... And BILBO???
2017-03-11 13:25 cantsleepawink pizzagateunedited Hampstead Cult Financier Data Dump
2017-03-10 16:35 MyNameIsLuka pizzagate Are pancakes the new pizza?
2017-03-04 19:57 ThrowawayAccount123 pizzagate The Tiny Skeletons are Falling out of the Closet
2017-02-24 06:30 Miniyeti1919 pizzagatewhatever Anyone looked into Cuba?
2017-02-18 19:19 organic1 pizzagate Obey pizza with Shepard Fairey and Pizza Rules!
2017-02-14 17:59 StrangeHologram pizzagate The Katy Perry Pizzagate angle is real: They pulled the Jon Benet Pizzagate video! Look
2017-02-12 20:32 StrangeHologram pizzagate The New Katy Perry song "Chained To The Rhythm" is a ref to Pizzagate. She says "You Think We're Free?" she is a NWO slave
2017-02-12 05:34 StrangeHologram pizzagatewhatever Katy Perry Woke As Fuck!
2017-01-25 10:03 Alex_A97 pizzagatewhatever The Three Levels of The Elite; "Early Pizzagate"
2017-01-23 23:39 cakeoflightylight pizzagate Little girls seen dancing on tops of tables inside Comet Ping Pong on 1-20-17 to Katy Perry's I Kissed a Girl
2017-01-22 11:22 Fateswebb pizzagate Katy Perry and Megan Kelly and even Obama what are they hiding?
2017-01-11 11:58 RedGreenAlliance pizzagate MKULTRA, Monarch, CIA-Front Cults and Child Abuse.... IS THIS PIZZAGATE?!
2017-01-03 21:57 Killer23 pizzagatewhatever 'I think I should know, how, to make love to something innocent without leaving my fingerprints out'
2017-01-03 21:21 ChileInvestigator pizzagate Get The Pizzagate Message Across Using YouTube Music Videos Target the Mainstream
2017-01-01 19:10 rippingtheveil pizzagate Katie Perry pizzagate video, they deleted it last time
2016-12-28 18:41 herbsmoke pizzagate pizzagate vid about a Katy Perry video full of pizzagate symbolism from 2 years ago
2016-12-28 18:38 fugazihatespizza pizzagate What does watermelon mean??
2016-12-25 12:36 slickleg64 pizzagate Does this seem shill? "#pizzagate confirmation KATY PERRY PIZZA TOUR WEIRD MK TALKING TO CHILDREN ON STAGE
2016-12-14 19:04 BeezleyBillyBub pizzagate Katie Perry Pizza - Go to bed with a 10, wake up with a 2 - LOL!!! The Fun Never Ends...
2016-12-13 11:06 Bekindtoyurbuds pizzagate Why not use their own Propaganda against them? Katy Perry Ping Pong Pizzagate
2016-12-13 09:41 Bekindtoyurbuds pizzagate Katy Perry Pizza And Ping Pong.....
2016-12-12 06:49 ganesha1024 pizzagate Child Stars and Pizza
2016-12-11 20:49 safety pizzagate Pizzagate TRUTH BOMB KATY PERRY CONNEXION TO PEDOPHILE RING
2016-12-11 16:05 BRING_DOWN_THE_RING pizzagate Katy Perry Music Video with Pizza and Ping Pong References #Pizzagate
2016-11-28 21:51 DaveJohnson pizzagate Ping Pong #pizzagate S09E09 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives_ Food Network What I see from at first glance.
2016-11-26 17:22 Jay777 pizzagate Celebrity pizza obsession : Katy Perry
2016-11-26 14:52 oresd pizzagate DC resident to this forum: get out of your own way
2016-11-26 04:25 r0kuro pizzagate MEGATHREAD - Hollywood/Celebrity/Culture/Symbolism Potential References
2016-11-23 22:50 kptihwd pizzagate Hidden Pizza Symbology in "Katy Perry - This Is How We Do" Video?