Windtwist ago


Blacksmith21 ago

Thanks Alex. Sorry, been busy since I asked you to do this. Anyhow, I placed very little stock in Illuminati-related topics until very recently. I've been on Pizzagate for a while, and have solid knowledge on the topic.

There are some questions I am trying to address which seem to hit in this area. I'll just start with two and see where that leads:

  • Where do Shriners fit into this concept?

  • Is there some DNA/bloodliner-related or genetic marker associated with Illuminati? And how does that relate to the colomboma/McCann/Podesta subject?

(funny you mention Umbra)

Edit 1: Future use - MK Ultra, test sites, advertising

dickface8 ago

Awesome post dude!

eyeVoated ago

I would love to see the end of the new dark age we are presently in. If you don't mind me asking, How did the R family gain this power differential? Also, any further reading materials you recommend? Thanks for the excellent summary of your knowledge.

Alex_A97 ago

Decided to post this here and elaborate a bit from the original comment on /v/pizzagate.