Theupsidedown ago

It's total shillery.

Sentastixc ago

She tried a career as a religious singer first. But eventually succumbed to secular music.

Sentastixc ago

What crazy fake news... Katie Perry is a UNICEF goodwill ambassador, she would never do that.

its probably really symbolism, but unprovable. I agree here it is protrayed in such a way to discredit the idea.

SheSaidDestroy ago

Anyone can pop up online and present any sort of content, and then slap the "pizzagate" label on it.

This has its pros and cons.

The obvious and biggest con being that it's absolutely easy for anyone to try to discredit and smoke-and-mirrors pizzagate by presenting disinfo, things taken out of context or other manner of bullshit and then labeling it as pizzagate.

But the obvious pros are twofold, the first being that with it spreading like wildfire, there are always going to be the off-the-deep-end people distracting the morons away from and taking the heat off of people who are more serious about exposing this type of corruption in the government (from local government programs all the way to the top). Second it means that pizzagate will never have an official definition. You can ask 20 people what pizzagate even is and get 20 different answers. Again this makes it easier for those of us who are more serious and genuine in our concerns to compile information and raise awareness while the MSM and citizen idiots are out having a field day with all of the "Podesta Illuminati Hand Signs" junk.

I don't answer to anything or anyone except for myself, my higher power and just laws. I'm not looking for approval from the general public or the MSM or the corrupt individuals in government or some trashy artists at a pizza parlor. They can think and say whatever they damn well please.

Those who have the ability to look at something and see that it is inappropriate for a "family friendly" business, if not just inappropriate in general, to perceive and acknowledge the warning signs of certain types of corruption in our governments, those are the people I want to reach with information so that they can become aware.

Everyone else can feel free to huddle under the next trollish bait video or article and gawk until the end of time.

VieBleu ago

there is also the factor that people are genuinely furious - and protective.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

I also noticed there was a Pizza related hashtag trending on Twitter a couple days ago. It was something like #ReplaceSorryWithPizza.

Then I saw a commercial for a cruiseline which had a father playing ping-pong with his pre-pubescent daughter, which I thought was a little more than a coincidence.

It does seem like they're trying to make these things look like common, innocent symbols that people are reading too much into.

Shitseverewhere ago

One reason I find pizza gate so interesting is because I was noticing weird pedo shit in commercials last year. I even had friends there and was like watch this weird pedo shit. And it was like a ice cream commercial with a little boy with vanilla ice cream all over his face. Then a toy commercial where a little girl was jumping and in the background, slightly out of focus was the handlebars to a bicycle going right between her legs. And as soon as I say see I told you, boom, commercial for the PEDI-spin.

Kawksnahch ago

Kitty Purry videos have been pretty much pure MK Ultra referencing from go.

PizzaGate used to be called looking into MK Ultra and Project Monarch.

C'mon people. lol

Edit: Case in point:

Like... the firs link... the Dark Horse Video.... I'm not familiar with egyptian queens being represented with hearts radiating from their heads. This looks more like hearts within hearts with hearts... if you know what I'm sayin'...

Also... wtf sense does this even make? From her 2015 Prismatic World Tour...

Hell, there's this too: oh look, it's Sobek for just a scene... The Egyptian Dragon...

This video about underage people in adult situations opens with a chicken and a crotch shot. What the hell.

ThruTheHaze ago

One of my best friends was an extra for one of her videos...said KP was a giant cunt. KP needed boots that fit her, so my friend gave Kinda off topic but...her the ones she was wearing and was told she'd get them back and that KP was so thankful and would hook her up with an autographed pic when she got them back. Filming boots pic...she said KP just whined all day and didn't even attempt to talk to them. This was a military shoot at Camp Pendleton, CA the extras were all female Marines. What a bitch.

VieBleu ago

To be fair, being a mind control slave with no purpose but to promote Clinton, the military industrial complex and brainswash little girls is a suck life.

chickyrogue ago

both i think depending on which aspect of their audience they are playing tooo kinda like a double entendre or killing two birds [hate this expression but it works here] with one stone

RedGreenAlliance ago

Agreed. It's illogical to assume too much. Who knows how much artistic direction is down to Perry, and pizza has become embedded in pop culture and is fetishised for some reason. Yes there is the paedo/sexual link we now understand but it doesn't follow this is what the majority mean by it or understand from it. Pizza seems to be a byword for the ultimate fun food / what any kid would love.

To barrage comments like that seems a bit fishy to me too.

VieBleu ago

Perry's "artistic direction" is absolutely zero. She sings what she is told to sing, stands where she is told to stand, wears what she is told to wear. Walks onto a fully fleshed out set where her handler(s) let her have the "freedom" to do what someone else tells her to do until she is taken to be polshed and shined up for the next production, tour date, campaign, conrolled press interview, etc.

Toogi23 ago

Celebrities as mkultra victims has been around for a long time. The symbology in the videos is much documented and available in depth on YouTube. It covers another avenue of the magnitude of possibility. Sometimes even the most obscured or seemingly unrelated thing is actually another link in the chain.

slickleg64 ago

MKULTRA was disbanded by 1977. Katy Perry wasn't born until 1984. Beside the point, gathered from everything on remaining declassified documents, the CIA never attained a point of absolute mind control of their victims, stated in the 1955 document read from pages 12-14 . Nothing is stated in their goals anything less of obtaining substances for use of torture or extreme temporary or lethal states of mind. Get a little tired of the "mk ultra " tinfoil hat experts keep repeating, unless its solid evidence, you may as well start blaming lizard illuminati ufo's. Like how does a research program intended to create advantages over communists from the 60's have to do do with a pop singer giving a child a fucking pizza. No wonder the elite can make us look mental. We are being gaslighted by the media every day.

VieBleu ago

not to mention gaslighted by our own commenters.

Shitseverewhere ago

So what is going here. Is this just made up fiction? Let me know when you see the butterfly references.