YingYangMom ago

Comment section, omg. This can't be real. People are torn when they should know it is not natural and it goes against moral values. Wow. Some even say this is art!

icuntstopswearing ago

What a sick little puppy. Bleeding heart liberals slipping into the mire. Who would care - but just think of all those innocent tweens and teenagers conditioned to think this is cool.

TimesUp ago

Marina Abramovic herself could have been artistic consultant for Katy's new music video, which mirrors what happens at her own occult dinner parties.

This 3-minute video clip features Abramovic and crew providing dinner entertainment, which includes a female body wrapped in saran wrap and caterers with giant knives carving body parts off a life-size human cake. Glamorizing cannibalism -- how very chic!


gamepwn ago

Cannibal MK Ultra whore


Jeez Orlanda Bloom escaped a fate worse than death. Perry's the real deal bunny boiler!

chowmetal92 ago

horrible, but still less creepy than her DNC performance

Red4reel35 ago

Wow. That was the sickest thing I have ever seen the only thing that made me feel better was that it had almost 40,000 dislikes . She is one demonic cow.

Intheknow ago

Shes a obama whore

carmencita ago

Who ever messed with her brain needs to be sent to one of those organ harvesting teams.

pizzaequalspedo ago

I agree this is not natural. She was "created", by someone that knew exactly what they were doing.

carmencita ago

Somehow reminds me of eyes wide shut. Don't know why.