wokethefkup ago

Also it isn't uncommon for singers to talk about their alters. Beyonce calls hers Sasha Fierce, she is unstoppable and nothing like Beyonce she is the diva within etc. I forgot the names of Nicki Minaj's but hers is a male name and she talked of him as if she kind of feared his behavior and how he may react if you insult him. Not sure if it's an alter personality or a spirit they choose to invoke. Years ago I remember reading about calling on spirits for certain talents which sounds much like selling your soul.

contrarianism ago

The cia is a satanic organization

Ronnilynn31 ago

Another resource if you're interested in a whole lot of detail regarding Monarch, etc. Downloadable PDF: http://www.auricmedia.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Monarch-mind-control.pdf

RedGreenAlliance ago


jangles ago

@Millennial_Falcon -This directly links to what you call "literal tinfoil hat stuff" on the v/pizzagate threadyou recently deleted____ @Millennial_Falcon Do you only think pizzagate is only about pedophiles? The elite want to attribute everything to pedofiles, are you paid by them? @Millennial_Falcon I have noticed you continue to delete decent threads regarding two things (1) steganography (2) human extracted fluids


There is a 3-part documentary with victim testimonies of experiments on children

jangles ago

@Millennial_Falcon if you want SCIENTIFIC PROOF that this isn't 'tinfoil hat stuff' read this paper. http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-41688-5_3

srayzie ago

Thank you for the google search tip to find free books too!

e-traiu ago

Shiiit. They are makin sleeper agents :/

And they are selling the byproduct : sex with kids, torturing kidds , kids for sacrifice...

I feel sick from this :(

srayzie ago

I just read this article about George Bush senior and Operation Brownstone and Brownstar. https://underthegrayline.wordpress.com/tag/operation-brownstone/

This part Surprised me because it talks about Ted Gunderson. As most of you probably know, he was a whistle blower and revealed a lot about the mind control and torture these people went thru. This article says he's an awful person...

CIA blackmailer Ted Gunderson, a known thief, liar and killer — a true “Daddy Bush FBI Troll, who surfaced in the 1990s to run cover for Bush and to identify those children who still may be living, who could be a liability to Bush, Gunderson and CIA George Pender’s Congressional Child Sex Blackmail Operation known as “Brownstar”.

Truthseeker3000 ago

I don't have the same opinion of Ted Gunderson at all. That is a really hokey website. Be careful about the smear campaign about decent people online.

srayzie ago

I don't believe it either. I've watched him and feel he's genuine

Truthseeker3000 ago

Ted was murdered for all the things he let out to the public and his relentless pursuing of new leads and justice. He is the voice interviewing many of the Franklin victims in their statements. There is someone on here who tried hard to discredit a number of things I mentioned a while back regarding Ted Gunderson. This man died for the cause and stood up for the victims. Yes, he was an FBI agent previously and worked at the White House but he was "awake" and spoke the truth long before any of us knew what was going on because he saw it first hand and wanted out, he then worked as a PI for himself. Don't let people smear his good work. Peace.

srayzie ago

I remember watching him a few years ago and I thought he was great. Him and another one. I'm trying to remember his name but he ended up being tortured. I thought Ted Gunderson was murdered too but someone, or an article, said he had cancer

eggmunkee ago

This seems like a pretty good article, but I don't know that source is supposed to be for this, especially naming Gunderson. I think other parts of the story were reported elsewhere, including in mainstream press about "midnight-tours of the White House".

srayzie ago

I don't understand what you mean

eggmunkee ago

I am not an expert on this, but if you look at the people saying negative things about Ted Gunderson and the people that defend him, I have found his defenders to be more credible, but that's a poor argument probably. I will have to read this, thanks for sharing.

srayzie ago

You're welcome. Yeah. I am going to look more into it. It doesn't seem right.

KingKongisCTR ago

Maybe we should be considering if some of the "pedo" symbols are actually MKULTRA symbols.

quiche ago

No offense but you mean PROJECT PAPERCLIP. OPERATION PAPERCLIP was a military fake out of Hitler.

Aderville ago

Thanks for all the research. I've noticed a lot of soft disclosure of MKultra in the media lately. Stranger Things especially. Vigilentcitizen.com has a lot of really good articles on this and all the rest of their debauchery.

Blacksmith21 ago

Another aspect to this is mindset. How do you condition a group of people to do this to children? Well, it's simple - commodity dehumanization. The mindset that children = people = herd. It's conservation management. If you believe the earth is overpopulated, then something must be done. Just like managed game reserves, your 50,000.00 tag to kill an elephant allows them to raise 5 more elephants. It's the same with kids - "sure, I'm paying 5,000.00 (or whatever the number is) to wail away on a minority child, then kill them after, but look at all the good the money is doing!" (going to child rescue, adoption, feed the kids stuff)

I know it's hard for us to wrap our minds around a concept like that, but I think it is the honest-to-God truth.

Alpo ago

You're right; there are some mistakes here, even though the overall premise is correct.

sunajAeon ago

Are you sayng Moon owns the NYTs???

21yearsofdigging ago

I am also convinced that children services are instrumental in the abuse of children , why else would there be such overwhelming evidence to support they give children to these monsters. This woman was promoted to adoption supervisor???? http://www.pennlive.com/news/2017/01/how_grace_packer_14_became_dis.html


great post ! without MKUltra, they could not have run this ring for decades unnoticed.

the Frank Olson LSD story is interesting

as is the story of the Rockefeller Commision - which exposed MKUltra:


Now why would a member of the Rockefeller family and then-Vice President be interested in investigating the CIA and exposing them and MKUltra?


very strange, Based Rockefeller?

redditsuckz ago

MKULTRA would explain all the fucked up shit going on in all these bands music videos that play at Comet Ping Pong...same goes for their websites...eg. Majestic Ape and Amanda Kleinman.

Heavy Breathing "Airtight" album Indiegogo pitch


Magestic Ape band website;


eggmunkee ago

YES! This is the pizzagate I thought was being investigated, but rarely, it seems, is. I think this is the heart of organized political pedophilia, sex slavery, and blackmail system. Throw in drug smuggling, cause it's part of the whole shebang, too.

eggmunkee ago

Also, I would note that we don't know about this stuff because people found spirals everywhere and connected them.

goatboy ago

The CIA learned the dark arts from reluctant British Allies during WWII. They were very good students, but don't discount the masters just yet.

eyeVoated ago

Could you be more specific? Like, a more sinister or subtle form of child programming?

goatboy ago

Yeah, more sinister is right.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Yes i am British and have been studying this stuff for many years. The UK is central to the NWO plans. I wrote this please have a look


eggmunkee ago

I have to say I wish more people were onto this angle. Loosely summing up British Intelligence helped setup US Intelligence (OSS) along with some Wall St. Bankers, after they used their spies to get us into war and to convince us to adopt their methods. The "special relationship" between the two countries is I think more to do with this than ideology or cultural history.

RedGreenAlliance ago

If you delve into the Tragedy and Hope stuff, you will find the NWO stems from Cecil Rhodes round table groups. The theory was that the British Empire was too unwieldy and it would be much better to control people than control countries. Don't forget the Empire was the Empire the sun never set on; the biggest in history. All that had a huge architecture. Imagine how much more profit and power if you could be the unseen hand not focus of enemies. After that they perfected the art of blackmail and corruption for control. They mastered the Great Game (of divide and conquer) by playing groups off against each other by fomenting resentment and false flags. Something we are seeing today.

goatboy ago

Yeah, Rhodes Scholars are all fucked up almost geniuses.

Piscina ago

I didn't believe that anyone worshipped Satan, until Pizzagate. Here is Mark Passio, a former Satanist, talking about trauma-based mind control of children in order to fragment the personality so that it is compartmentalised. He says it happens far more than we realise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zgtrspHDdY

Here is Mary Ann, a defector of the illuminati, being interviewed by Henry Makow, who states that tens of thousands of children are being sacrificed/killed every year, and that Satanists make up about 80 to 90 per cent of the US government and military.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83UqLDoZUn8

RedGreenAlliance ago

I doubt nothing except the percentages at the end...

eyeVoated ago

If you're an order follower, you have stated that you've relinquished your decision making process to a false, external authority. That's against natural law, and therefore satanic by nature. All military are satanic, by definition.

RedGreenAlliance ago

That's contorted logic, all ordered societies have structures where people are subservient to the layer above. We couldn't function otherwise. Come on fella

eyeVoated ago

If you believe that, then you are under mind control. Plus, you are using circular reasoning with your argument. Third, you assumption that people cannot function without masters is exactly what your handlers want you to believe. If you value freedom, I emplore you to contemplate this—it took me years to understand and discover this Law of Nature.

2impendingdoom ago

Thank you for this post. I think this is why pizzagate is so hard for many people to accept, mk ultra either sounds insane, or they are victims programmed to deny it. Big churches, little cults, government agencies are all using the same techniques, but it seems that the Satanism is the inner circle, powerwise.

Edit, just to clarify, I think the Satanism is a tool for the inner circle, whether or not Satanism is true (I don't think it is) is irrelevent, Its a just another vehicle for manipulative ritual abuse, grounded in traditional lore/history to give the abusers credibility.

Coloradical2 ago

Cathy O'Brien talked a little of that in her book Trance-Formation of America. How Ronald Reagan made Michael Aquino wear his Satanic get up to a party. She says Aquino was humiliated by this as his Satanic priest outfit was just a costume and most attending the party already knew this.

sunajAeon ago

I believe it IS true, there seems to be an alien component to this, it is just not human, I think Icke has solved the riddle, as fantastik as it sounds, it is the simplest explanation with the facts laid out

SynapticRevolt ago

Agreed, Icke is likely closer to the truth than the rest.

TaosDeiopW ago

I'm thinking that real mind control is just a fancy way of saying demonic possession. I believe in God, and I doubt God would allow anyone to 'mind control' you. That is why I believe all sorts of satanism seems to be related with this evil deviants. It seems, everything eventually ends up with a satanism link.

So I'm thinking these, at the top, are humans that are in perfectly possession by demons. Look up 'perfectly possessed'. It's basicaly when the person willingly accepts the possesion, and willingly furthers the goal of the demon. The 'normal' possession is when they make a pact with the evil ones, but most of the time after that, they cannot deal with it (that is why these normal possession vitctims, sleep with lights on, are paranod they are watched, etc).

My take is, the sign of the beast, that the bible says, is demonic possesion. And all these MK Ultra evil shit, are experiments done by satanists in collaborattion with demons, to determine how to perfectly posses a human.

So from their demonic perspective, it probably makes sense to use children. They defile purity, that God loves. And they increase their chances of perfect possession, since kids really don't know.

I believe that mark of the beast, will be some sort of perfect demonic possession of most humans.

So with media, movies, games, they are prepping humanity to accept it and embrace it. So movies and games are nowadays used as ways to invite humans to dabble with witchcraft, incantantions, spells, etc.. all as a means to get humans to embrace it.

We are dealing with sick fucks. Very evil.

Mango369 ago

The CIA is just doing the work that the Church of Rome pioneered over centuries, and before them the Priesthood of the various Cults... Evil is a phenomenon on planet Earth borne or a collective Trauma about 10,000 years ago, when some major cataclysm occurred. See Michael Tsarion for more on that.

As for the evil twats under current discussion, well, I have a poem to share about Mr. Alefantis... Cheers.


cayenne-peppe ago

Trauma based mind control is being carried out on a massive scale in the west to prevent the very thing that could save it http://thegreateststorynevertold.tv/

eggmunkee ago

The mind is not impenetrable nor is it ready to handle any level of abuse, especially while young. A lot of this has to do with fracturing the personality and mind through trauma. I don't see how this has anything to do with the idea of possession.

There is a telling passage in Trance-Formation of America, where a foreign leader is tricked into thinking the US party has witchcraft abilities, but it is clearly just playing on their superstitions. Demons is a nice excuse for evil, but I don't see the evidence for them. I do see men doing evil, whether seeming possessed or not.

eyeVoated ago


Jeremy20_9 ago

Maybe another way to put it is that "mind control" is the way a atheist/materialist would define the results, whereas it would seem that they have control, they are so morally compromised that they only want what Satan wants.

Fr. Amorth talks about this frequently, how a politician may not be technically possessed but affectively he is because he is so subjugated himself to evil that what would seem like acts of will are actually acts of demonic influence.

Posession is still incredibly rare, but demonic obsession is increasingly common, or so the exorcists (what few remain) are now warning us.

TaosDeiopW ago

Possession is rare because it cannot be accomplished without free will.

Obsession is more prevalent in society, because of the fact that people are dabling with things like witchcraft, spells, subliminal messages in movies music games, etc.. without really knowing what they're doing. It's really beyond their ken.

And all these activities, attract the demons, who then try to 'whisper' (for lack of better word) to the person, to dwelve even more in these things, who ultimately lead to a pact with the demon.

Maybe the satanists, the ones who know what they are doing, maybe they are trying to rupture the veil between our materialistic dimension and the spiritual field where these evil entities exist, so that these entities can enter into our world in greater numbers and spiritually attack us even more.

In any case, it's all very evil I guess.

Jeremy20_9 ago

Yes, I agree with all of what you wrote.

Maybe the satanists, the ones who know what they are doing, maybe they are trying to rupture the veil between our materialistic dimension and the spiritual field where these evil entities exist, so that these entities can enter into our world in greater numbers and spiritually attack us even more.

...This is why there is such a push for abortion, as in having people think of it as good, and baking into UN policies. Satanists use this grave sin in a ceremonial way with the purpose of allowing more demonic powers into the world. I don't know all the theology behind this, devout people I've talked to have stated this, but it does seem like it's working based on the unfathomable scope of these crimes and the exceptionally wicked nature of them.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Yes if its not knowingly Satanic, they use Satanism as a tool. Or think they are. Satan is using them.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Yes. They use specific techniques in their abuse so that when recalled, the victims sound completely mad. Eg they dress up in animal outfits, DOMINOS* masks, or do other bizarre things. Its to (a) screw with the person so they might believe (if they remember) that it was a bad dream or (b) nobody believes their bizarre recollections. Look up gaslighting.

*DOMINOS... could this be email question

Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?


Eyes Wide Shut features the same masks used in elites sex parties. He even calls one of his characters 'Domino' http://vigilantcitizen.com/moviesandtv/the-hidden-and-not-so-hidden-messages-in-stanley-kubricks-eyes-wide-shut-pt-iii/

Nana66 ago

Like telling a young child they are going to do something that children might normal complain about and it be code for the abuse. Then the child tells the parent uncle so and so for example, made me exercise and I hated it thinking they are telling. Most likely an unsuspecting parent would then tell that child, listen to uncle so and so because exercising is good for you.... 0_0 of course the panda code way is to drug them so they don't even remember and it's assumed they just took a nap and are groggy. I believe this is why drugs like ecstasy were originally invented and they also put them out on the street. It's hard to imagine these drugs are all invented and made by drug dealers.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Spot on lots of great insights, thank you!

Kawksnahch ago

Yep. This is why so many of us latched on. The whole time it was breaking... we always knew where it was gonna lead.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Just to add if you go through all this and everything else we have uncovered, I am leaning towards the possibility Alefantis is actually a CIA operative running some form of honeytrap.

Maybe his role is to compromise politicians and other powerful figures by getting them involved in child abuse, trafficking, satanism etc. Then they are compromised and must agree to be assets of the CIA / New World Order elites, and further their agenda. With MAPs (handkerchiefs) as evidence (the squares of cloth under the child for mutual DNA evidence), video etc - nobody can risk upsetting the apple cart or they wil be burned. Its a form of Mutually Assured Destruction. No wonder the entire political establishment, CIA,Globalist elites, Hollywood etc are going completely mad trying to stop Trump - he is a real risk as he is leading a counter-coup (see Steve Pieczenik videos) of people in the CIA FBI etc who want an end to this insanity.

Here's another extract from the book cited in the OP

The Franklin Conspiracy refers to a sexual blackmail operation and savings and loan fraud that began in Omaha, Nebraska in the early 1980's. Larry King, a 300 lb pedophile, operated a national child prostitution network that catered to wealthy patrons and Republican Party insiders. King was one of the fastest rising stars in the party, he sang the National Anthem at the Republican convention in 1984 and 1988. King and his associates defrauded Franklin Savings of $40 million dollars and used residents of Boy's Town and other children to video tape powerful and influential men and women engaged in sex acts with minors. These blackmail operations took place during fund raising parties for the RNC, those involved stayed late for the "after party" that included drugs and sex with minors. (Franklin) The strategy of early MKULTRA was to use sexual blackmail operations that targeted political figures in order to insure continued funding from legislators. Victims who came forward testified that King and associates performed Satanic rituals and human sacrifices. Many of the children who came forward with their stories have since been murdered or imprisoned. The most prominent and vocal victim, Alisha Owens, has been held in solitary confinement longer than any other person in Nebraska history. King served 2 years for fraud and was promptly employed by his good friend, the editor of an Omaha newspaper.

George Webb https://youtu.be/ADVVhtwumIE - has many vids explaining how people are compromised by getting them involved in 'after parties', where young prostitutes are used (maybe mind controlled / trafficked). Once compromised, they are given advancement and or protection, the next time they then shag a 17 year old. Then a 14 year old. Finally they are so degraded and the lines so blurred they are now into fullblown child rape. Maybe this is a form of increasing depravity as a stepping stone to protect themselves, or in return for advancement politically or financially....

Then they are owned.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I wonder if this is somehow related to David Brock allying with the Clintons, perhaps they were able to demand his loyalty?

VieBleu ago

I found this post to be really well done and helpful - never knew in years of reading what MK actually stood for, plus the book search pro tip help and of course all the links and info.

I would like to add re Alefantis - I've thought he was CIA from beg too, but came at it from a different angle. He considers himself first and foremost an artist really. I think one of the things he did as an operative was produce the Heavy Breathing videos and "music" for the blackmail parties as psychotropic mind control products. Heavy subliminal messaging and soulless psychotropic music combined with doses of LSD or other drugs served to control just about anyone, from a half hearted Congressman to a kid, to commit the acts needed for the cameras. Amanada Kleinman called herself "Puppet" and was IMO handled by Alefantis. The band was a front and could take the whole thing on the road to pedo 'house parties" which she comments on in her band blog - showing up to gigs that were literally a couple of people in a house.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Thanks for the compliments. Yes I agree about the music. Some of the music vids had subliminal flashing images. They are playing with this for sure. The connections are too many. And the two movies Alefantis is linked to are also very very weird. There is hints of MKULTRA in both. The big thing I didn't/ couldn't mention was drugs, which feature heavily in MKUKTRA experiments. That also ties in with the polls instagram posts, #carisjames (carisprodol?) etc.

VieBleu ago

The Heavy Breathing video I no luv also features a lot of drug taking as part of the story of dominating a pedo perv. You might be aware of but I'll post a link anyway to "Acid Dreams" which talk about how the CIA became "obsessed" (book blurb) with using LSD and psychotropics since the 60s https://erowid.org/library/books_online/acid_dreams.pdf

srayzie ago

What a miserable life Alisha Owens has had. To be a victim and then end up in solitary confinement for years. Her whole life ruined. Yet, those sicko's have gone free. I wonder if scientists have somehow altered some people's DNA too. It's like they have no soul at all.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Alisha Owens has been out of jail for quite some time now. She served about 4 yrs in prison and was quietly released. She had a baby girl during that time who was the police chief's. He is now deceased and denied it but apparently the child looks just like him. She lives a quiet life away from the public life. Sadly, when she was about to testify she found out that her brother had been murdered while in a jail holding cell on some minor charge. This was done to try to silence her. Many of the Franklin victims have been murdered or had family members murdered. I hope AO is living a good life and I wish the very best for her and her family. She's a hero and so are the other victims. May karma fall hard upon those who dealt so much anguish.

srayzie ago

Omg. What a tragic story! I wonder if she willingly had sex when she got pregnant or if she was being forced by him too! I guess it could end up being from one extreme to the other but my guess would be she would never want to be touched again after going thru hell like she did. I hope she's happy too and a good mother.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Willingly had sex when she got pregnant??? Come on... She was just a teenager and he was the fucking CHIEF OF POLICE!!! He was a total piece of shit, manipulated her, conned her, followed her, he was a sick pedophile. She and the other Franklin victims went along with what was going on out of fear, etc., they were threatened and tormented by these sick fucks.

srayzie ago

Oh gosh. I didn't know she was a teenager during that time. No wonder he pervert denied it was his. Poor girl

SynapticRevolt ago

Is she still alive? Still in solitary?

srayzie ago

Oh she's actually out! Here is an interview. I have to wait and watch it later but I saved it. https://youtu.be/iGkYl_1xDMs

srayzie ago

I don't know. I'll look it up tonight

Yuke ago

On my many searches during pizzagate I've come across something a few times that I wouldn't be surprised about if someone told me it was related to all of this, and that is indeed gene mutation. If you think (very) big picture, a few things that the powers that be want from the 'regular folk' is for them to be compliant (for 'compliant' assume a lower than average level of intelligence), for our population to be manageable or even designable, and I'd maybe throw in things like purposefully introducing illnesses so that we keep buying medication and treatment. The FMR1 gene is linked to the first two of those; it's quite scary to think of the possibilities. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FMR1

srayzie ago

That's so true. I'll read that. David Icke, I think, said he thinks chemtrails is altering our DNA. With the advancement in medicine and doctors giving patients so many prescriptions, you may be right. Even medication could be affecting DNA

RedGreenAlliance ago

Dark as hell. I can only read this shit in small doses now. I've definitely lost a little bit of myself in the rabbit hole known as PizzaGate

srayzie ago

Oh I have too. I don't trust charities now. I would do tons of research before donating to any charity now. I haven't posted a picture of my kids online since this broke out

KingKongisCTR ago

These are properties he owns near CIA base. It was in a thread here somewhere but couldn't find it but found it from a repost on another forum.

6513 Brawner ST Mc Lean, VA 22101

PO Box 7703 Mc Lean, VA 22106-7703

Dearborn ST Mc Lean, VA 22106

1117 Randolph RD Mc Lean, VA 22101-2930

749 Chain Bridge RD Mc Lean, VA 22101-1813

Nana66 ago

I think Bush Sr compromised Bill Clinton and I wouldn't doubt Hillary set it up and now they are family.... can imagine many scenerio's going on in this pic

srayzie ago

Yes! Look at this short video. It shows Bill Clinton dazed like a robot. It's really creepy https://youtu.be/Zt7r_XFMT_M

Nana66 ago

That was from the documentary Spin which is a must see. It made me afraid of Hillary winning when I saw it awhile ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlJkgQZb0VU

srayzie ago

Thank you! I'm going to watch it


David Brock once had a conservative anti-clinton stance - after a "breakdown" he switched sides, and founded Media Matters and Correct The Record (CTR), dated JA - etc


*"Controversial author David Brock suffered a breakdown last summer and was committed to the psychiatric ward of Sibley Hospital in Northwest Washington, sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.

"He had delusions, he thought people were trying to kill him," reveals a source who befriended Brock last July at the hospital.

Brock told fellow patients that he did not feel safe -- even inside of the hospital's secure medical setting"*

TODAY: Time magazine calls him an “influential OPERATIVE” from wiki

"David Brock, one of the most influential operatives in the Democratic Party, never doubted that he would spend the 2016 cycle working to make Hillary Clinton president. The question was how he should do it while staying on the right side of the law."


jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Holy shit, I was just thinking that and I read this comment, he was actually sectioned and thought people were trying to kill him......hoooooolllllly fuck

FriesischShipping ago

He probably became a targeted individual and received an extreme maddening form of harassment. Just ask George Webb or David Seaman about it. They're dealing with it right now.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Did Brock get turned by Alefantis on behalf of the CIA / Clinton camp? Would be interesting to see the dyes of his "turn" and his split with Alefantis. Maybe he was made to create MMFA and CTR and turn them against the Reps. Maybe Alefantis has a vid of him raping young boys. I'm serious. Who changes their allegiances like this, with a weird breakdown in between?

KingKongisCTR ago

Yeah, I read about his change from conservative Anti-Clintoner to super pro Clinton. He was writing a book on them. It seemed weird but I did not hear about thinking people were after him. Thanks.

remedy4reality ago

Excellent. I knew Alefantis was CIA from the beginning, but you and @redberries have done the work to prove it. I would like to add that Alefantis is likely the product of a lifetime of systematic mind control that started at similar age of his current victims. Blackmail is definitely a big part of this, but it's likely that many select victims are groomed to be used through their lives by the cult/ring/psyop.

gAvenger ago

It's like uncle tom syndrome. Likely the most responsive, most sociopathic, most "stable", obedient slave was groomed from among many to be a master. Like, he escapes from his trauma through dedication.

Also, such leaders, though undocumented child slaves with false identities might sort of be the bastard children of elite families with "pedigree" or are the product of illicit ritual sex ceremonies like Hieros Gamos which produced the child between two elite people but who aren't publicly married.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Yes. Who better to have as handler / honeytrapper - than a mind-controlled formerly abused asset? not like he will ever double cross. And MKULTRA has proven records where they can persuade people to suicide themselves with trigger words

I fear we wil see Alefantis killed and blamed on us, or he will suicide - again they will blame us for pushing him over the edge. The closer to the truth we get, the more his handlers wil be looking at this option. No way they let him be taken in and plea bargain.

zzvoat ago

JA will be killed and someone in this movement will be FRAMED for it.

ThePuppetShow ago

DC Hammond's Greenbaum speech is a good example of programming found..

Text: http://www.whale.to/b/greenbaum.html

Audio: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9FUersarZuo

sunajAeon ago

Send 'em to HELL and let GOD sort it out