Fateswebb ago

YES!! I got an ad hominem attack from armyseer!!

See guys??? Clearly there IS SOMETHING HERE

thanks armyseer for the endorsement!!

Melitica ago

What does this have to do with Megyn Kelly? You didn't even try to match that up.

Deaths can be faked no doubt but talking about..OJ case? Bin Laden? How does that freaking tie in other than a big fat sensationalist balloon.

This is why normies won't even try to listen about pizzagate.

Fateswebb ago

You seriously didn't watch the videos if you don't know the answer. Megan Kelly used to be Nicole Simpson, the ears prove this.

reasonedandinformed ago

Either general lunatic or CTR. Look at this guy's history, and he should always be ignored.

Fateswebb ago

This is a poor attempt at an ad hominem attack. This post is my lowest rated submission and it's still rated the very same score and your lowest. So before I made this post and it when you made this comment my submission history was definitely not being questioned. And my lowest rated post was a positive rating, while you're was negative... That being said what the fuck are you basing your attack on? Did you look at the stuff posted? What do you think about the claim made about Megan Kelly? Or are you just going to stick with the logical fallacy instead of a real comment?

CynicalLurker ago

I think this is coincidental. There are only limited ways of how a face can look like and you will eventually have some people that look alike.

Intheknow ago

plastic surgery?

Fateswebb ago

Ears are said to be better identification sources than even fingerprints. Most people do not realize that.

CynicalLurker ago

Alright I didn't know that. But I still think this is a bit of a reach, or at least very hard to prove. Have you heard of the theory that states that Alex Jones is Bill Hicks?

Fateswebb ago

Since you asked I have looked into this theory and I'm mostly convinced. The things that convinced me are these.

They look a LOT alike and have similar voices. They both have the exact same two freckles on their necks in the exact same spots. I have looked at the ears and they are almost identical, however it would appear that alex may have had some sort of collegen injections or even injury to his ears. (There is a part that doesn't perfectly match and it looks unnatural but don't get me wrong the ears are mostly a perfect match.) then you have the teeth. And boy oh boy they match big time. Then you have a mole that hicks had on his neck, where if you look closely alex has a scar in the same spot, removed? Then you have that they both are best friends with the same dude!! Then you have that that very same dude wrote a book and in the book he says about leaving bills funeral that bill was riding shotgun with him and that bill said that he pulled off the biggest joke in history. Basically flat out admitting the funeral was fake. Another hint is that bill told his fans he was going to start a tv show.

So thanks for telling me to look at that, I have taken an whole new view of alex jones. Now I do believe that he is controlled narrative, he is there to control and drive what we look into and believe. Not that he still doesn't expose truth, he just controls what truth gets exposed.

Fateswebb ago

I have heard something and am willing to look at it... but I think the small amount I have seen didn't convince me. At this point I have seen enough to not be surprised at anything. The second video on here that compares Kelly and Nicole, is insanely convincing to me, I'm amazed that more people aren't agreeing, but since there are a lot of comments that show people aren't even watching the videos then I'm not surprised. So it's no wonder it's getting downvoted if most are dismissing it without actually looking. Ahh whatever I don't care about votes just finding truth.


What does this have to do with Megan Kelly?

Fateswebb ago

You didn't watch the videos huh..... there is a video that compares Megan Kelly to Nicole Simpson and there are a dead on match in every way.



Fateswebb ago

Thanks bro, notice I get a negative 3 score and I think it's mostly because people really just didn't look at the stuff posted, but when you look then you go HOLY SHIT! maybe there is something here. The ears have me convinced that Megan Kelly is really Nicole Simpson as a CIA plant similar to Anderson cooper. So they mind fugg us with OJ trial, and then bring her back as a news anchor. Or you know what? Maybe nicole brown simpson was intended to be a mind fuck from the beginning. And wasn't really who they claim she is. Either way it's really weird that her body in the death photos when nobody was on scene for over four hours and she lost a ton of blood, it's just strange that her skin tone looks so healthy. As if it's a healthy person staging their death. When you die from loss of blood your skin immediately changes color. But even if it's not from loss of blood I'm supposed to believe that she had healthily looking skins over 4 hours later?

So anyways thanks for looking. I'm not crazy and I'm not a shill as I have been accused since I made the post. It's REAL stuff to look at. Shit man even since then I think I have uncovered that yes Alex jones as well is some sort of mind fuck... I think there is significant proof that he was bill hicks. Not sure if he is CIA but it makes sense that they create him to control the narrative of the conspuracy theorists. We all know that some subjects are off limits for jones. Some sandy hook stuff, some of the Jews and Zionist stuff and definitely pizzagate. Now I'm not saying those topics are proven. But you know how I feel about pizzagate and it's very telling that Ben swann was willing to talk about it when Alex jones wasn't. What Ben swann knows better than Alex how to not get sued or Alex just was told to control the narrative? But anyways I'm rambling now....

Also what's interesting is there seems to be a lot of disinformation targeted at similar conspiracy theories. It could be COINTELPRO..

For instance there is a claim that trump is biden, but it's fake if you look closely, and there is a claim that David koresh is Dave mustaine, and it's easy to prove fake. I actually spent a lot of time on that one, because it's real hard to find pictures of their ears since they both have longer hair but once I did find the ears it was easy to debunk. Also they just don't even look that much alike, but mustaine always kinda hides his face in hair so hard to look at....

Anyway. Thanks for looking man I got a lot of shit for this post.


Lots to consider. I think that Swann could very likely be CIA. Not sure. I watched my uncle die on a table. He went from looking vibrant to a ghost in the course of 5/10 minutes.

Fateswebb ago

Yeah my dad as well he lost color almost instantly.. you could see it over a matter of a minute or less. And he didn't die of blood loss. So I feel like something is up. If you read the PDF linked above it explains how the whole trial from a Legal point of view was a huge mockery of actual law proceedings.. I have started to notice these huge media circus trials are fake. Starting with this one, but then you start looking at others like the Casey Anthony trial and other media circus events and looking from a new angle and you start to see through this shit. It's a huge red pill so I understand if you're not convinced but thanks for opening your mind.


I'm convinced.

SturdyGal ago

Respectfully, these people do not look alike. I think we will find that JonBenet was, as Simonbarrow says, a cult child. I think sadly she is really dead, the OJ trial did seem like Amateur Hour but was real, and that Nicole Brown is dead (the nose and chin are completely different and it is easier to make a nose smaller than make it broader with plastic surgery). I do think that there is a lot of placement of children going on as revealed by all of the victims of child trafficking and ritual abuse.

Fateswebb ago

So the bodies laid there for 4 hours Nicole lost tons of blood and over four hours later the police arrive and take pictures and the bodies look as healthy in color as if they were alive. Nicole lost tons of blood and lay dead for 4 hours and isn't purple or white but perfectly tan and healthy looking? Not possible. I said these pills would be hard to swallow. But I feel like people aren't looking closely. Why does Nicole look like a healthy person in color. Not white or purple. The first responded is said to have been over four hours later. You can find the crime scene photos in the PDF above...

SturdyGal ago

I do believe it is possible with spray tan.

Fateswebb ago

I could see that, but we're talking about a long time ago when that wasn't as common, and when people did it, it didn't look as natural. But if you look at the photos it doesn't look like a fake tan at all it looks like a natural and healthy tan. Definitely not like someone who lost a lot of blood and has been dead 4 or more hours.

reasonedandinformed ago

Very polite on this, but this is a joke. They do not even look alike, and this guy keeps posting nonsense.


Just a suggestion: cult children.

Fateswebb ago

kaptklok ago



Fateswebb ago

Somewhat convincing, but I'm not seeing a vigina in these pictures, and it's very well possible that they have presented her as a girl from birth even if she wasn't one. This is a fucked up crowd if anything is proven it's definitely that.