mudbear ago

Im surprised anyone is surprised by this, female pop stars are vulgar scum, leading our young girls down a dark path. Id write an essay on this here, but the onion did it best

I just had a sad realization that the parody video on this that was supposed to mock the classlessness and vulgarity of modern pop has been far exceeded to the point that its beyond parody :(

angry_mob ago

katy perry is not a "young girl" - she's 32 yrs old and already divorced! i really didn't see anything wrong with the kid's behavior - just an obsessed fan. nothing more than some onstage silliness. i'm not saying katy doesn't do other questionable things, but the vid with the girl is no big deal.

strangerthanF1iction ago

katy perry, is probably a tranny. most of the celebs/entertainers and even politicians are. i think most of our first ladies have been trannies. even george washington has kind of that mona lisa thing happening. i do a lot of transvestigating when i have the time. only a matter of time before we add the P to the LGBT movement. it wouldn't surprise me if all of these tranny celebs were pedos too. thats the thing about pedogate its just so all-encompassing, its makes it hard to investigate.

the tranny angle shouldn't be ignored bc it ties all of the conspiracies together in a sort of way. I know a lot of the tranny sruff may be hard to digest as we have grown up with a lot of these people and we like some of them. while there may not be a ton of physical evidence for the pedo thing (mostly circumstancial) there is a lot of evidence that a lot of these people are trannies. it kind of shows that most of our reality isnt particularly genuine. causes the same type of dissonance as the pedo thing tho to the general public but the evidence is there.

FE_Rebekah ago

Katy says she's "rolling" twice. That's what my friends and I called being on ecstasy..

FE_Rebekah ago

In the first video, the last thing she says is, "You are not my first, and you won't be my last." Fucken creepy.

And for the second video (really both videos), Katy Perry is apparently 32 years old. Can you imagine if a 32 year old MAN did that to a 14 year old girl?? I'm so sick of people pretending like there's a double standard and it doesn't count. Like I'm supposed to believe the kid "would have wanted it" and somehow that makes it okay. NO! This is pedophilia, having sexual tension/relations/romantic affections with a CHILD.

Brainyidiot ago

so creepy huh

Brainyidiot ago

i did say 'Katy perry GETS gropped'

Brainyidiot ago

katy perry kissing a 14y old boy, sickening......"are u nervous?"

heretolearn ago

if you watch the movie Inside Man, there is a scene where a kid is eating a slice of pizza in a bank vault while talking to Clive Owen's character. that scene cringe worthy.

TrishaUK ago

This clip? Didn't look too creepy to me.

heretolearn ago

yup, that one. the vault looks like a mini prison. young kid, adult male, eating a slice of pizza, the long slow zoom in on them talking. it just gives off the whole pizzagate symbolism. I'm probably overthinking it.

8BigMacNMuhDietCoke ago

Don't forget her satanic music and performances.. dark horse at the MTV music awards comes to mind.

blackguard19 ago

One of us needs to get tickets to a Katy show and make it on stage like this thot, and when she lets us speak into the microphone: EXPOSE THE GLOBAL PEDOSATANISTS!!!!11!!1!!1

CantWaitToGetAPizzaU ago

thats a good way to get disappeared lol

Brainyidiot ago


TrishaUK ago


anonOpenPress ago

Hi, could you copy this comment also below /v/pizzagate/1860353

TrishaUK ago

Hi anonOpenPress, I will copy with pleasure, but not sure where you want me to copy it too? Its here already. :D

anonOpenPress ago

Just as you did, thanks!

TrishaUK ago

Disgusting, I feel sorry for her parents who are apparently Pastors. :'(

Bot117 ago

Both these Whores need to be shot

con77 ago

theyre rubbing our faces in it

Brainyidiot ago

Esp as it appears all the evidence gathered from the citizen investigation isnt convicting anyone

con77 ago

watched her perform a satanic ritual live on stage at the MTV music awards 2-3 years ago

Brainyidiot ago

Yep, she must be a witch of some sort as is lana del rey

equineluvr ago

"everything looks innocent and playful"

No, it doesn't. That chick is out of her mind on Ectasy. Perry knows it and acknowledges it a few times.

Brainyidiot ago

Its intentional

equineluvr ago

I know that, BIdiot. That doesn't make it "innocent and playful."

Brainyidiot ago

obviously, but the thousands of cheering fans saw it that way, in fact the screams showed they loved it