istalkezwhoa ago

Miley cyrus I think the images speaks for itself.

Solver2 ago

Recent article on Perry trying to buy a convent, speculating it could get used for counter religious message:

Solver2 ago

Aleister Crowley and 777 brought up mention of Kabbalah in some discussions, which reminded me of Madonna and Alex Rodriguez having gotten into Kabbalah, Madonna was very pro-Hillary:

Solver2 ago

Miley Cyrus has this video where she has donut sprinkles on her and milk poured over her: She also has a video That I don't think is watchable titled BB talk.

Solver2 ago

Katie Perry video This is how we do it, wears pizza bathing suit, seems to be referencing sex and prostitutes in line with provided codes:

Solver2 ago

777 at the end of Alefantis's Buck's Fishing and Camping's phone number is an Illuminati book by Aliester Crowley. Miley Cyrus's We Can't Stop video she has deer in it for no apparent reason, children's toys, the dancing teddy bears, she makes out with a doll, young kids dancing around teenage at oldest in parts of video, she cuts off her fingers in part of the video on a counter with a knife, there is a skull of fries and she eats some, and it is cracking in the video supposed mind control symbolization, cannibalism and pedophilia alluded to it seems, and the lyrics we won't stop, this is our house this is our rules, can't you see we run things, we who rule the night, then you have Lady Gaga and Kate Perry performing in concert for Hillary's campaign and Miley Cyrus going door to door in Virginia campaigning for Hillary.

not-myself-today ago

Maybe as a child victim of organized abuse, Mylie was aware of being identified as a cheese pizza and imprinted by that to the point of above weird behaviors? Or maybe she's doing a weird kind of whistle-blowing (or both).

caliginosity ago

I remember Freelee the banana girl was discussing how she was upset that Miley Cyrus claims she's vegan and then has pepperoni pizza stuff all over the place. I now know why.

algernon4peace ago

Yes, I agree that the Politicians/Elite who are part of this satantic child molesting cult work hand in hand with the Entertainment Industry. We clearly see how biased the mainstream news is --- CNN is basically a bunch of puppets.

Imho, many of the big name celebrities are treated like "pets" to the elite. It's so sad. And I too feel uncomfortable when I think about how sexualized all of these kids were from such a young age. Remember Amanda Bynes? And I think you're right that celebrities are used to push an agenda for the elite.

Also, if you look in to "Room 23" and Cannes Yachts -- there's been a lot of rumours that some of our popular entertainers moonlight as prostitutes. (For wealthy international businessmen) Also I guess some of the celebrities who fly overseas to perform concerts are not just there to sing.

2impendingdoom ago

Yes, when you really start looking at it, there are so many weird celebrity deaths or deaths in celebrity families. Maybe those who weren't blackmailed or mind controlled themselves have been otherwise targeted with a death of family member...

SoSickInside ago

I believe that some knew that the word was getting out. By overloading people's minds with Pizza themes, etc, they'd get "cover" by being able to dilute the meaning and intensity of what was really happening.

Same way they deal with toxic pollution. "Dilution is the solutiion."

That's why there was a major effort to flood the market with knock-off Pizza themes / memes, to thus hide the real one.

2impendingdoom ago

I think your observations are valid but not solid evidence of actual crimes, but it adds up as circumstantial support. I don't follow any of these artists but I think that the music industry is extraordinarily shallow in general for many years. Up to the 80's you could hear songs with real political messages and/or real musical talent on the radio but for many years now its all hypersexed overly produced marketing schlock as you say. Its tragic that so many of the kids of hollywood/music industry lives are ruined but they are just the ones in public view. As a course of action, all that shit needs to be boycotted. If we as people cannot arrest the perpetrators of this abuse, we must ruin them financially.

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

Can we not involve the illuminati and celebrities and shit?.... its going to delegitimize this investigation. delete this.

ztx87 ago

This. Also let's not forget that pizza is a pretty awesome dish.

playzfahdayz ago

Well, they should be duly noted considering these celebrities are clearly involved in the DC pedophilia cover-up but I do agree, it shouldn't be the center of attention...