Brainyidiot ago

ROSES have always been a sign of blood sacrifice

quantokitty ago

Is everybody else completely and utterly repulsed by this? I don't find it sexy, alluring, hot, or even mildly seductive. It seems really, really stupid, devoid of any real feelings, empty, sad, pathetic, evil, satanic, scummy, sociopathic, and desperate. How awful for these people to live like this. I'd really rather spend an evening watching TV with my cat than attend one of these ridiculous displays of callousness. No wonder these rituals are kept secret ... they're boring!

blackguard19 ago

Ignore the slight cheesiness and heavy-handedness of the presentation of this video...

mrohm ago

Don't you have anything better to do? Maybe David Brock needs more coffee.

neverobey ago

not to mention Abramovics Party at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles which I recalled when I watched the video.

Amino69 ago

Cannibalism is the next nouveau cuisine for the elites and their puppets to enjoy openly. Spirit Cooking (albeit the faux/sanitised version the public get to see) is a direct example of their depravity and abject decadence. They will normalise it in the same way as paedophilia and all the other sick and debauched subversion of culture and behaviour. Promote the subject through 'cool' artsy/post modern expressionism via the media industries and in an educational manner whereby we're convinced of its ubiquity around the world and how it's been accepted in human history over the ages. By predicating it on a choice of freedom rather than the perverse and Satanic activity that it really is, they will succeed in de-humanising the crime until it's regarded no differently than to eating pork chops. The truly evil part is the specific targeting of ignorant, impressionable and vulnerable children and young adults.

Also Perry's Monarch programming appears compete IMO. What a total fucking demonic train wreck!

Piscina ago

Katy Perry's video is SO unoriginal. Nothing in it is innovative, creative, artistic or free-thinking. Everything she has taken from the lunatic illuminati Satanist Rothschilds and the equally lunatic fame- and money-grubbing Marina Abramovich, desperately scratching at the entrance door to the Hollywood cool scene. The ONLY good thing about the video is that she breaks out at the end and reverses the roles.

Another thing which I hate is the example she's setting for young, impressionable girls and teenagers. She's teaching girls to love their subservience and their slavery. She's glamourising violence against women and girls--making it look sexy to be cooked, boiled alive, poked and prodded while naked; to be a 'thing' for the consumption of men.

privatepizza ago

Excellent comment

redditsuckz ago

I have heard that if you view the ritual its like you are participating in it. But that might mean a real sacrifice...we dont really know the implications this video has on the human psyche but if in real life you stand by and watch and allow someone or an animal to be sacrificed would that really make you better than they are?

They are preparing the public for something...

iownyou ago

Take a look at the URL, this isn't reddit

Gorillion ago

Poor effort. Your MKUltra treatments are clearly not making you useful to your masters. How many more chances will they give you before deciding to terminate?

The next butterfly you see may be your last.

evademoney2 ago fbi sources say they have videos of comey and friends molesting children

kestrel9 ago

Good find, was it by accident or did the video remind you of it...? Just curious.

Laskar ago

That was the first thing I thought of when I saw that video.

The Rothschild ball of 1972 is worthy of a VOAT post of it's own. It has everything that VOAT/pizzagate is about.

jstrotha0975 ago

Nothing is a coincidence with these freaks.

2impendingdoom ago

Is anyone looking at the family tree to see if KP could be a Rothschild like Alefantis?

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

She's JonBenet Ramsey. A super MKUltra edition.

Gorillion ago

She strikes me more of an ex abuse victim who transitioned to useful adulthood. Didn't get passed on down the descending spiral of degradation like the ones who don't don't "bond well" with their abusers.

Pizzalawyer ago

There is no evidence that Alefantis is a Rothschild. I did see a purported family tree that was doctored up to make if look like JA was related by marriage to Evelyn Rothschild but poor Evelyn was a male who died childless as a young military officer in WWI.

redditsuckz ago

There is no evidence that Alefantis is a Rothschild

No evidence that he is not a Rothschild.

poor Evelyn

Yeah poor poor Rothschilds LOL...

James Achilles Alefantis Great Grandfather was Evelyn Achille de Rothschild (1886-1917) ?

sugarskull ago

He looks like Phillipine too. Though I am not saying he is a Rothschild myself just looks like one.

2impendingdoom ago

I though Lynn Forrester Rothschild was married to Evelyn (male) who is still alive, its a big family, KP could be a far flung cousin, anyway its weird that she would replicate a Rothschild gala picture if she wasn't associated with them somehow.

redditsuckz ago

These freaks are all blood related somehow;

freeagent37 ago

Good question

2impendingdoom ago

now deleted thread showing cannibal/baby meat imagery on Beatles album cover recalled and pasted over upon release -- the butcher cover - origninally issued on 1966 album Yesterday and Today thread has great comments for anyone intersted in Beatles, the Paul McCartney death rumor, Paul/Faul etc.

HollandDrive ago


redditsuckz ago

Katy Perry music Label is Metamorphosis Music...

Metamorphosis Music is under Capitol Music Group

Capitol Music Group is a Parent Company of Universal Music Group (UMG)

Universal Music Group;

Doug Morris(Ashkenazi Jew) – Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Lucian Grainge(Ashkenazi Jew) – Co-Chief Executive Officer

Zach Horowitz(Ashkenazi Jew) – President & Chief Operating Officer

Who Controls America? Who Controls Music?

unrealisthenewreal ago

Interesting that Metamorphosis Music has a butterfly as their symbol...MK Ultra much or...

strangerthanF1iction ago

i think the true meaning of the butterfly/monarch symbol is actually about transgenderism. sometimes they try to throw us off the trail.

unrealisthenewreal ago

interesting take on it...never thought of that...

blackguard19 ago

Katy seems to have been symbolically sacrificed as Jonbenet Ramsey, which would help to explain why there's so much "rebirth" subject matter involving her music and videos.

Edit: I'm not kidding, maybe go look at the evidence instead of just downvoting. Or downvote away and still go look at the evidence.

pby1000 ago


Monsantos_Schlong ago

Project monarch?

pby1000 ago


Brainyidiot ago

Whats up with all these jews everywhere?

retreaux ago

You have some red pilling to do.

Brainyidiot ago

i meant it saracasticaly lol

SecondAmendment ago

Wow, @redditsuckz, good job, lad or lass!

GeorgeT ago

Very similar to all those Galas where the elites attend with Marina Abramovic - with mock cannibalism on display.

Brainyidiot ago

it's definitely ritualistic.

Eyezopen ago

Nope. She's really been in full force pushing the pedo agenda. Disgusting filth Katy Perry.

followthedolla ago

an attempt to demoralize those in the know by rubbing it on our faces. the rope is on the way.