strix-varia ago

This ummm...pop tart has millions of followers....millions. Everything is timed perfectly.. gooogooo at the superbowl, beycuntse at the superbowl, mediocre madge at the superbowl, etc.. etc. and now this. This shit is all planned, it is meant to annoy us but not the followers. They can't get enough of this nonsense.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Ok so here's some additional info on the song:

It says it was co-written with Sia, so I will take that as Sia wrote the song. It also features bob marleys grandson. Bob Marley seemed pretty aware of the NWO agenda based on some of his songs and I remember reading that might be why he was "taken out". I'm not sure though and someone may know more about that angle.

StrangeHologram ago

Yes they took him out in an "assassination attempt" that had cancer on the dart and he died soon after

StrangeHologram ago

Listen to the "rap" in the middle it tells NWO to get on the run because we are coming our legion is growing. Jon Benet is trying to escape the NWO Hollywood pedo clutches.

StrangeHologram ago

She says "You Think We're Free?" She was a child slave 2 pizzagte like pedoring in hollywood

Burningdandelion ago

Plus the song is absolutely terrible.

StrangeHologram ago

i kind of digging the jam

crashing_this_thread ago

I'm pretty sure references to selling your soul means they went through the initiation rituals and have participated in spirit cooking or something. And that they now basically own here since they have shit to blackmail her on.

huntercel ago

Hell you guys said Gaga's new video John Wayne was about PG, and it was just about white trash. First i just thought this was a catchy protest song then.. next it was just a tiny cheese burger ..but then oh shit, there was tiny pizza and pasta and hot dogs!

unclassified ago

I cant get videos to work on vidme. wtf? I blame it on Podesta.

StrangeHologram ago

vidme hosts child porn. check out badguacamole

e-traiu ago

link to the actual song. she or the writer is awoke asf

IPleadThe2nd ago

She is a puppet who follows commands. Whoever wrote that is shoving it in our faces that we are all slaves.

algernon4peace ago

I feel really sorry for these people. Someone should hack like Betty Ford and see what in those files.

Pipebomb ago

Christ, that video is loud as fuck.