equineluvr ago

That is a very odd-looking mug shot, to say the least.

AngB23 ago

Castrate his ass

CompletelySickOFit ago

Related to pizzagate/pedogate because the CEO of Boys & Girls Club regionally in Alabama was arrested and facing charges for having CP on his phone and computer. The CP was discovered while investigating another crime and he was fired from his position at Boys & Girls Club. I believe this goes much deeper and should be investigated. Who else is on the Board of Directors who put this guy in charge? What is this guys background and who else is in his circle? I do not believe this is an isolated incident and they went out of their way to say that the images WERE NOT of any kids from Boys & Girls Club. That's a pretty bold statement to make without having all of the facts but they are making that a main point in the narrative

AssFaceSandwich ago

You just beat me to it.