SaveTheChildren ago

I'm not making any claims here other than 'basing 99% of your conclusion on ear lobes is not okay'.

Can modern medicine not change earlobe types?

carmencita ago

How do we even know that Jon Benet even died? She could have been sold off. Then when her mother could not stand the secret any longer she got cancer. Her father is suspect as mentioned on here before. The investigation was a paid off bungle. Just Sayin'. This has been sitting in my brain for quite a while.

StrangeHologram ago

That was the point of the video. Then they did a phony DMCA to puill it. No explanation of what claim was even violated. Now voat deletes this thread! SO FUCKED UP!

carmencita ago

I am glad people are finally even discussing this. They are so evil. I tried to see if Jon Benet had coloboma eye, but could not see one. I think it was purely for the money. I wonder if she was a natural birth or IVF.

dmthirdeye ago

Video already down lol.

StrangeHologram ago

yeah, thats what i'm saying.

SaveTheChildren ago

Modern medicine can change earlobes as far as I'm concerned. It's to be taken into consideration but just because people's earlobes aren't a match isn't 99% conclusive of anything until you take the whole picture into account.

Hopevoats ago

If you compare the ears, they are completely different in shape. It would take an ear transplant to make that happen. But, they growing human ears on rat backs; so who's to say...

SaveTheChildren ago

I'm not familiar with that conspiracy, but I'm entirely convinced the elite only draw from certain bloodlines. There's wayyyyy too many look-a-likes. I don't think they are all playing a bunch of different parts (although some probably do), I think they are just a bunch of inbred mongoloids.

Mishe ago

Just tried to open the video.Has been suspended