edblings ago


spacewitch ago

And look at her last song "chained to the rythm", it's filled with occult symbolism and at one point there's the pedo logo, a heart within a heart, when they're looping in the attraction parc.

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

Unlike a half-billion other people, I obviously don't spend my time watching Katy Perry stuff, so I'd never seen or heard that piece of shit of a video/song before. Now that I have, I can safely say that it's a DIRECT LINK BETWEEN PING PONG AND PIZZA. One might even wonder if this is Alefantis' personal theme tune. I also noticed the ice cream. I wonder if children watch this stuff - it's certainly not appropriate.

edblings ago

children do, in fact, watch these videos, many, many children

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

The worse thing is that it's most probably targeting them.

DonKeyhote ago

Same here but unlike u apparently I watch Mark dices vids

srayzie ago

This was felon a few years ago? 😮 I thought it was new and she was just mocking us. This is even worse because she has it all connected in this video before Pizzagate was ever discovered. Wow.

burntheswamp ago

This is CIA conditioning.

It is doubtful Katy Perry even composed this.

toav ago

Listen to the lyrics. It was probably originally composed for a rapper.

edblings ago

she doesn't compose anything in her records, that's a fact.

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

She won't remember anyway. Nobody remembers the Ronald Reagan.

PG_IsRetarded2 ago

Being insane must sucks.

archons ago

Being paid minimum wage to protect child rapist murderers must suck.

DonKeyhote ago



InnocentAngels ago

HaHaHaah ! He had that creepy laugh too !

InnocentAngels ago

 Did you also notice the men dressed like PeeWee Herman ? I believe he was accused of child abuse or having child porn.

featheredmasks ago

That was a false flag. He was arrested for jerking it in an adult film theater. The child porn stuff was basically nothing.

ansipizza ago

Correct. Pee Wee Herman (Paul Rubens) had a child-oriented tv show and there were pee wee herman dolls. After the bad publicity, the show went off the air and the dolls were recalled, but what he got into trouble for did not involve children.

Humor from the time: "Q: how do you make a rubens sandwich? A: hold the pickle."