nathanwblair ago

hi! fan of your work! can i get an autograph?

Hopevoats ago

Here's a breakdown I did in another thread;

OK. Read this as you watch. I've noted the things that jump out at me:

Yellow – Mind Control: Yellow Brick Road, Fritz Spingmeier “The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave” (Google this and get the PDF. You can search various elements mentioned for more information. Colors and patterns are key)

Pee Wee Herman Dancers

Ping Pong: Sexual reference (presumably simultaneous oral and anal sex)

Bathtub scene: Pearls refer to being the recipient of male ejaculate, ie “pearl necklace”. Also, necklace she is wearing may be anal beads. In homosexual or fetish communities, the size of beads indicates your size preference.

Pizza: Code for sex (with children?) “Cheese Pizza” = Child Pornography or Child Pussy?

Checkerboard patterns: Reference to Freemasons. Checkerboard floors are symbolic.

Popsicles: Sexual reference. Clothing pattern shows triangle with circle on top (All seeing eye?)

Shapes in background are significant. Seen in other videos and similar to Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Yellow background (yellow again). All seeing eye and zigzag pattern.

Mondrian Art: Not sure what this is, but is a recurrent theme in Illumati imagery.

Cube Hair: Cubes are being identified as significant. Freemason imagery?

Rainbow patterns on clothing: Homosexual reference

Heart-Shaped sunglasses: “Lolita” by Stanley Kubrick

Pizza pattern swimsuit

Stripper shoes

Watermelon?: Unsure of this. Perhaps related to triangle shape?

Hand gesture: 666 Illuminati hand symbol.

0:57 / 3:29 Illuminati hand symbol

Pizza earrings

Hair style shaped like DNA: Reference to Illuminati lineage and eugenics

Tacos: Reference to female genitalia?

Animal Prints: Reference to MK ULTRA BETA Kitten programming (See TV)

Mariah Carey: BETA Kitten (Wearing Purple – MK ULTRA, again)

Dress color sequence mimics Wiccan Pentagram: Red, Blue, Yellow, White, Green

Font with accentuated triangles (pyramids)

1:30 / 3:29 Ice Cream Truck: Shape symbols, again. Sequence to left of door handle resembles a penis pointing into the truck. “Ice Cream” used in pedophile terminology.

Dancing ice cream, pizza and watermelon?

Answers phone call from “Jessica Thot”: THOT is slang for “That ho over there”

Illuminati eye earrings

Girl flying through air with Yellow shirt with 666 symbol and yin/yang earrings

More Illuminati hand symbols and recap of everything already covered.

This is just a quick rundown of the things that I'm aware of. I think that almost everything in this video has some hidden meaning; so I'd be interested to hear what others find.

Edit: Almost forgot - The title "This is How We Do" is a nod to the Simpson's famous stonecutter's song "We Do".

Brinecat ago

the Katy Perry video NEEDS to be discussed, but here is a much more superior video about it... please watch its a FANTASTIC breakdown:

thanks guys, let me know what you think.

herbsmoke ago

Great video thanks for posting

rippingtheveil ago

I posted same video, they took it down, it's connected, she was on Hilary campaign trail

herbsmoke ago

You would have to be a blind retard not to think it is connected, the whole song is filled with pizza, ping pong and pedo symbolism.

herbsmoke ago

why do you say that? it is proven that there is satanism and pedophilia all throughout the entertainment industry, and katy perry has a history of satanic symbolism in her videos