rooting4redpillers ago

Question, specifically about the ART and ARTISTS categories (probably applies to all categories). If we find specific artists and galleries peddling sexualized images of, or geared towards, children - is this the best sub to post such specific links? Since there are so many, getting specific here could eventually flood the sub with just that one topic. Some such things could be submitted on their own, but that seems disorganized, and things get deleted or just slide away. Any suggestions?

rooting4redpillers ago

I'm wondering why this sub isn't high in the "Top" subs. It has more upvoats than many there. I can't make sense of how "Top" and "Hot" are determined.

rooting4redpillers ago

I just saw this article today, and think it might fit here. If it doesn't, or there's a better place to submit, or it's not of value, please say so. Also, I know many of us are mistrustful of gov agencies that deal with sexual exploitation, abuse, etc., but maybe that's a reason to check this out. In any case, I hope we will all continue to remember, and contribute to, this sub.

WND Radio (March 6, 2017)

Top 12 Brands in Your Home that Facilitate Porn, Sex Trafficking

Social media, premium and cable television, and educational resources are among the worst corporations to profit from and facilitate sexual exploitation, according to the National Center on Sexual Exploitation.

The "Dirty Dozen List is a project of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation. Communications Director Haley Halverson told WND and Radio America the list is designed to highlight the worst offenders in several different venues.

“We’re targeting 12 mainstream corporations or organizations that we invite into our home, and that we think of as a reputable brand, that are facilitating pornography, prostitution or sex trafficking,” Halverson said. (continued)

Eastwood350 ago

Under President Bush a law was enacted that allowed the medical community to administer riskier drug trials to children who were under the care of the state. The medical community jumped on that new law and there are children who are removed purposely to enable them to participate in trials. There are a number of children's hospitals in this country who have a preponderance for reporting a parent to CPS to achieve their agenda and CPS is only too happy to comply. Most of these parents are charged by the hospital staff of Munchausen's which is a syndrome that is reported in medical journals to POSSIBLY affect only 2/100000 people however there's been a rash of these Munchausen's allegations over the past several years resulting in parents losing their children. There are several medical conditions/complexities that children have where they have been placed in state's care. Children with feeding tubes because of gastro issues, autistic children and children with brittle bones have compromised a large group who've been removed from their families over the past few years. Is it a mere coincidence that these hospitals were running drug trials on those specific conditions? There are approximately 1500-2000 trials available to hospitals to apply for but they need "guinea pigs" to conduct their trials and when the trials are risky it behooves them to initiate a removal.

It's a win/win for the hospital and CPS because CPS is then paid by the FED to the tune of 85k on average per child and well over 100k per child if the child has medical complexities. The medical facility benefits by receiving grants to conduct the trials and if the trials are successful it helps to elevate their status. Also Medicaid pays for every dime of the child's medical care as a ward of the state.

Sheilaaliens ago

Nice work!!

Forgetmenot ago

May I suggest: ENFORCERS: law enforcement that have the capability to suppress an investigation, or intimidate victims or advocates. Can also work in a a security or protective capacity such as the secret service.

JUDGES: Conspirators are put in judicial positions in order to suppress or delegitimize an investigation.

CRIMINAL ORGANIZATIONS: ( there is probably a better term for it) such as the MS13 gang which help fund and provide supplies such as children, weopons, money, buyers, and even henchmen.

Your post is excellent, yesterday I watched the Matt Laurer and Hillary clinton interview, the one where she said they would all hang if she lost; and it was so telling. Knowing what we know today about how this vast network operates, it is so clear she was relying on the network to protect her and help clear her reputation. Your post is great! Upvoat!!!

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Great addition thank you!

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Thanks for the video. I believe that the detention center plays a very big role in the next extermination of people (see stories of AU detention center run by G4 on Christmas Island). But in the U.S. who are people who are expendable? Is it people who don't have credit? Is it people who don't have jobs? Is it immigrants? The people who are actively being targetted and killed by those in power is black men. But it is us poor people who hold up society via work and disproportionally high tarrifs on food, loans, etc. It's hard to save when you have little money. We poor people circulate money like there is no tomorrow. None of it is saved or horded away. Gosh if Trump enacted Universal Basic Income the country would be awash in economic growth funded by McDonald's employees who could afford to eat at McDonald's :) But now he is adding 54B to the MIC, not the people :(

DerivaUK ago

This is the most eloquent articulation of the sheer scale and detail of this issue but personally, has helped me to better collate all of the information I have been absorbing (without the tech ability to archive properly - makes for a sore brain, I promise). More importantly, this has presented me a means by which I can share this information without having to try to explain to the uninitiated and ending up turning them off with my ineptitude to get the details across. A version without the names names would be an excellent piece to share and persuade others to further investigate. But thank you. It's helped my sore brain immensely. Upvoated.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Thanks DerivaUK your feedback is valuable to me.

chelseaclinton ago

We should organize evidence into a legal case

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

There are hundreds of pages of reference documentation missing from this. This is just a beginning. Here's a question. Obviously, the people doing this are violating the law... but what law? Americans change laws in small ways to make unethical things legal. Hillary Clinton has done a lot of her work under diplomatic immunity. This is not a "get out of jail free" card but it does place boundaries around investigating her that will last her until she croaks. There has been egregious violation of the public trust. But these people are often transnationals. They are globalists and operate in a system above country. And the people who manage treaties are also involved... So HOW DO WE SUE THESE MOTHERFUCKERS when there doesn't seem to be a jurisdictions that applies?

Vox_Pacem ago

we need to get this stuck to the main page

Devious1 ago

I read your coments and thought surely that isn't a thing. But of course we are in the new world now and everything is probable. 'Shudders'

chelseaclinton ago

Would another category for Amusement Parks be helpful? I've long had the theory Disneyland was used as a scouting ground.

  1. Children from all over the country and world are taken to the "happiest place on Earth".
  2. Parents register children with "safety bracelets" and other measures in case they are "lost".
  3. Disneyland database of children and home addresses is used after the families return home to know where to go to abduct the children.

In the Johnny Gosh documentaries I've seen picture folders with names and addresses were mentioned. These were order books The Finders would use to go and abduct the ordered children.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

I am going to post another thing right now that directly relates to this about: Spiral Toys.

DeathToMasons ago

Upvote. A lot of work. Thank you.

keepthefaith ago

so, EVERYONE, basically?

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Yeah, it does seem like they are everywhere watching and protecting each other. Really creepy.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I have wondered about the Moron church and their control over They get you to spit in a tube and now they have access to all your DNA. If you think the CIA does not have your DNA your mistaken. The CIA and FBI draft heavily in the Moron community. They could target potential abductions and search for matches for their Elite clients. They could find a perfect organ match and send their teams to snatch whoever they wanted.

Last year I did this DNA test. I really dont like the fact I did it now.

Fightforright ago

My boyfriend wants me to do the whole thing but it makes me uncomfortable. As a victim of childhood abuse who moved out and has supported myself since I was 13, I really couldn't care less about my ancestry.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Yes, the wholesale collection of DNA is a security risk given that we are uncovering a network of people concerned with bloodlines and genetic markers. The public needs to be educated to these realities.

chelseaclinton ago

Also the secret UN program to take newborn's blood at birth for cataloguing.

keepthefaith ago

ding ding...

B_dog ago

Psychologists who push the False Memory Syndrome Foundation lies shut down investigation into this cesspool for about 30 years in the US. Any allegation of SRA was rejected as absurd. Victims and their families were attacked.

That's what 'red pilled' me: realizing McMartin tunnels were found by a team of archaeologists in 1990 and the FMSF was a pedophile -- mind control disinformation group.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Excellent contribution! Thanks!

naturallyfree ago

You know the Trump rallies locals held in various cities the last two weekends. I am sure they needed an infusion of energy. Trump needs to know his trump_train_army is prepared and probably senses rallying marches is the way to show force, peacefully. You must be a speech writer IRL because I can see an easy entree that would jump participants in these United_Trump_Peace events. That is if you can come up with the Venn info graphic, ginormous as it will be awesome. This line at the top, Thousands more do not know that they allow and facilitate evil. Along with - your raw from paste: People on the internet are obsessed with an emerging scandal that isn’t being covered by the mainstream media. People in the media are obsessed with an emerging scandal they are not allowed to cover. People in government are scared that the details of their manipulation and blackmail will come to light. People in law enforcement are mad that they cannot do their job when it comes to a protected class of criminals. The Trump administration has declared a goal to seriously hinder “Human Trafficking” in the United States ------ Perhaps a tipping point, of 16 million awakened people , that's the Titus Frost calculation for turning this towards a positive direction for ethical behavior on the planet without the LEO, GOV, INTEL doing their jobs. I do believe you are producing the tool to ring the Liberty Bell loud and clear!

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

I do this... But as you can see, I am deftly afraid of these people. I posted this under an assumed name, so it wouldn't be associated to another assumed name LOL I have re-engineered my life to be able to speak out about this. I have 24/7 security. I shit you not, there is a man guarding my door while I sleep at night. I am not sure I can withstand an order of "life disruption" from the establishment because I am poor. But you'll see, there is a plan in progress.

naturallyfree ago

You do seem very deft at your info graphic plan. You and others have gone to great lengths for security and privacy. I hope you are not ordered for an expensive life disruption, too! Moving is pricey. I do see the organizational chart is good to go, as per your plan. It's truth is a weapon. It is a source of power. Use it for good.

zzvoat ago

That's the most coherent and detailed articulation of the situation that I have ever read. Awhile ago, it would have left me completely overwhelmed, depressed and too paralyzed, for weeks and weeks, to continue this work.

As an ardent atheist, I was stunned awhile ago to realize, like a lightening bolt striking my soul from the universe, that this is no less than a spiritual battle between good and evil, light and dark, life and death. (My immediate impulse was to run over to my nearest Target and buy a necklace with a crucifix on it. Hahaha! I haven't gone that far, yet, but I still might.)

Seeing things with new eyes gave me hope, courage, and direction. (Not to be morose but only being honest, if it didn't, I would seriously consider killing myself. What would be the point of anything any more?)

So, thank you.

“We are going to link up, hold hands, and walk out of hell together.” – William Pepper.

Forgetmenot ago

I had a similar response to pizzagate. I very much relate to your post.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Oh thank you zzvoat. Pizzagate is overwhelming. It will be hard to educate the people about it but finding ways to talk about it from as many angles as possible will mean that smaller topics can reach different kinds of people. These people may be able to provide greater context. Just the Real Estate Agent racket is but one field which yields half a dozen organized criminal scams... It's endless. I only wish to equip people with numbers to add up on their own.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Just dont go to Target....they want Trannies in the girls bathrooms....and a couple of years ago you could say they were just being good it is likely they are just getting society prepared for pedophilia.

Forgetmenot ago

They also put the little girls underwear rack front and center in the main aisles. And recently a blogger complained about the clothes being very risqué for little girls as well. She compared the the inseam of toddler clothes to other stores and targets were basically daisy dukes, for toddlers!

MyUSA2017 ago

You guys/gals rock ThrowawayAccount123, FreeRebel. Nice work!

Hopevoats ago

Here's my contribution; and an insidious Trojan Horse, at that:

CATALOGERS: School and church photography companies. They maintain extensive catalogs with photographs and personal records of every child in the educational system, and many in religious organizations.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago


Chasnigga ago

'Cha Snigga. Not Chas nigga

Chasnigga ago

Got the wrong guy, troll

andrevandelft ago

Typo: UNESCO in Brussels should be UNICEF.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Thanks, that's important!

Chasnigga ago

Enjoy the image. Hahaha, the gays are always trying to outsmart us...

Chasnigga ago

Haha, Bubba. Good one. You're so enlightened. I dgaf who you think your president is, you're loser ass is gonna be sore for the next 8 years, just not in the way you like it. MAGA, bitch.

zlomsocz ago

what about how odd it is that alternative media outlets connected to the truth movement started the conversation about Satanic Ritual Abuse or SRA back in 2008-2010, have ties to some of the very people involved at comet ping pong. for example james alefantis' good friend Septime Webre's brother ; Alfred Lambremont Webre runs and has a vested interest in this subject matter, and controlling the narrative on it. very peculiar connections

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Oh wow, I did not know this! This is an excellent contribution. Will look into. Thanks!

rooting4redpillers ago

Something to add: Entities that create/market/sell products - specifically intended for use, and interpretation, by children - that contain/display/describe sexually suggestive content. Toys, packaged games, electronic games, online games/social media, books, music, packaged videos, online videos, television shows... and any sponsors of such products.

AND - Thank you for your great work!

Fightforright ago

I think it would be great of you could expand on this by adding the names of people alleged to be involved with these crimes and links to specific articles exposing that. Let's build on this!

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Excellent addition. Posting something about this next: Spiral Toys.

Chasnigga ago

Shut it, Alefantis. You and your sick fuck crew are going down. Troll.

Chasnigga ago

Thank you for taking the time to compile this list

Eastwood350 ago

Great list but I would also add the medical community that is partnered with CPS to remove children who fit the criteria for thousands of clinical trials.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

CPS is in the list. They are in the ecosystem of the "school to prison" pipeline. I will expand to cover your comment. Thanks!

md3inaustin ago

I can see why, but I actually know someone who just got her certification in infant massage, she's an amazing sports injury therapist. Not saying some pedos don't abuse that industry, just saying not all infant massage therapists are pedos.

Fightforright ago

I recognize the validity of what you are saying. I am not a pedophile. I was a massage therapist for years and although the market for professional infant massage is minimal massage can be therapeutic for all. As a child my brother had one leg longer than the other and receiving chiropractic work from infanct on helped him prevent getting a hip replacement at a young age in adulthood. I could imagine babies born with specific muscle development or chronic pain issues and such could find some relief in massage.

The_Kuru ago

Foundations that give grants and support artists who promote the sexualization of children, the performance of mock-cannibalism and the sale of organs (Clinton Foundation/Marina Abramovic and Bush Foundation/Stu Mead)

There is plenty wrong with the political Bush family but let's not pretend that it has anything to do with the "Bush Foundation". That is a completely different family with no known relations to the political Bush family. I already debunked it in that Stu Mead thread.

It's like a full-time job debunking fake news around here.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Yes, I am aware that Bush Foundation is related to the 3M family, I looked it up. Thanks for the note.

3141592653 ago

Great work

Votescam ago

Hi Throwaway -- You might be interested in the type of mapping or format that George Webb uses very successfully -- Don't know if it's exactly what you had in mind, but thought I'd bring to your attention.

Webb has mentioned his series is based in Open Media research -- he's a citizen journalism - using story board design (Trello?) - Triangulates relationships - Shows how people are connected.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

I don't like Trello. I am working a new software that looks at people and their legacy in a 100% new way.

Votescam ago

I'm not at all familiar with any of these programs -- computer dummy. Glad that you found something that you'll be able to use! :)

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

I have seen some of George Webb's videos. It's true, that could be a format. I didn't expect so many people to chime in with such great comments. This dissection of the pizzagate world has a lot of potential if i can flesh out each point with a chronology of events and MSM news references, etc. I will consider this.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Nobody who has ever categorized pizzagate as fake news, ever offered an explanation why this is so. And neither have you.

FreeRebel ago

GREAT WORK! I have batched these and given titles, incorporated the posted comments, & listed them alphabetically. Ran into a limit of length so must make two separate posts. HERE IS PART ONE....

ABORTION. The Abortion Industry and its role in trafficking in body parts. Fetal tissue is used in vaccines, making the industry tied to the hip of corrupt UN practices in the Third world.

ART DEALERS. Art dealers who operate fronts for money laundering and purchase of alternate goods (e.g. children or drugs included in the purchase price of art). The Modern Art market, internationally, is the largest unregulated market in the world. It allows the Elite to move massive amounts of capital unseen. Similarly, within the upper-middle-class, the Visionary art movement is a cover for the same type of activities as well as being a sacred house of worship for the Luciferian family. Art groups who maintain access to the underground tunnel systems present in most cities associated with Luciferian practices and human trafficking.

ARTISTS. Artists who depict themes of pedophilia, ritual sexual abuse, traumatization of children and mind control. Photographers who advertise photography of young women in seductive poses. Art directors and producers who create videos rife with pedophilia imagery.

ART COLLECTORS. Patrons who support, fund and patronize artists depicting themes of pedophilia, ritual sexual abuse, traumatization of children and mind control. (e.g. Anthony and Heather Podesta modern art collection)

BAR/RESTAURANTS. Business people who run bars and restaurants as social gathering places for their “family” or to socialize with would-be customers for the special goods they offer. Sometimes, these places are used as a place of worship.

BREEDERS. Parents who provide their children to the service class or the Elites in return for money and influence or inclusion. Women who are manipulated into choosing adoption by operators of fake abortion clinics related to small religious groups. Women who accept money or non-financial favors to produce babies for friends, family or other contacts.

BREEDING. Private birthing centers and adoption agencies who are able to produce babies outside of the normal registration process. Fertility clinics who help parents produce children who will bear organs compatible with Elites who have rare genetic disorders or clients requiring anti-aging treatments or organs for transplant in the future.

BUREAUCRATS. Government agencies minded by people intimately connected to the business of covering up multiple ways in which the system exploits children in the U.S. while maintaining that “human trafficking” is only a problem internationally (e.g. U.S. State Department’s 7th floor shadow government)

CHARITIES. Phony charities such as the Clinton Foundation acting as illegal slush funds. Many of these are nominally based around stopping the spread of infectious diseases such as AIDS, HIV and malaria. Religious groups or charities used to remove children from orphanages and transport them to the United States (e.g. Laura Silsby).

CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES. Private enterprises who benefit financially from the removal of children from their parents and the diagnosis of them as mentally ill. (e.g. Child Protective Services)

CONSTRUCTION. Fabricators and construction companies that install underground hiding rooms, and play rooms or make cages and secure holding facilities.

CONTRACTORS. Military Industrial Complex contractors who operate key services in the transport of organs, human remains, infants and children from war zones to underground U.S. operations who trade in these products. (e.g. DynCorp’s work in Kosovo)

DOCTORS. Doctors, dentists and pediatricians who serve families connected to organized child sexual exploitation and protect parents involved in this system. Doctors redefining being medically dead in order to allow for harvesting more internal organs, thus enabling them to refuse to restart the hearts of easily saveable people, and instead profit from harvesting their organs. Psychologists and psychiatrists who are involved in the continuation of the CIA’s MKUltra/Monarch program, an advanced R&D program into psychological manipulation or mind-control that had to be taken “off-the-books” after horrific details were exposed in a Congressional Investigation. (e.g. Psychologists who study Leadership, electroshock shock therapy, LSD influence and Dissociated Identity Disorder, formerly known as multiple-personality disorder; and False Memory Syndrome.

ENABLERS. Highly visible and powerful political agents who rescue Americans arrested while involved in child exploitation operations worldwide. (e.g. Hillary Clinton’s work on behalf of Laura Silsby in Haiti and Bill Clinton’s work on behalf of Laura Ling in Korea.) Religious groups, both mainstream and cult-ish, constantly associated with sexual exploitation scandals all over the world. (e.g. Catholic Church). Community influencers who protect accused pedophiles and write recommendations letters for them, or install them in positions of power once their short sentence is over.

EX-CONS. Convicted pedophiles who change their name in order to continue working for the government and avoid detection via the registry system.

FARMS. Farmers who use their livestock to dispose of human remains.

FINANCE. Financial institutions that help criminals launder the profits of drugs and human trafficking. (eg. HSBC and Franklin Credit Union)

FOOD SERVICE. Chefs who specialize in the preparation of human flesh for consumption (includes those who specialize in the consumption of the placenta).

INFO TECH. Technology firms who get to decide which abduction cases get national attention, and which don’t (e.g. Amber Alert).

LOBBYISTS. Who trade in strategic info or seek to control policy makers and politicians on behalf of their clients, both national and international. (e.g. The Podesta Group)

NEWS MEDIA. Pundits, writers and talking heads, related to persons of interest, who publish coordinated prose to decry the fight against human trafficking as “fake news”. (e.g. CNN’s Jake Tapper). Local newspapers and blogs concerned with the promotion of the official or non-official cover of people connected to the CIA and/or Luciferian groups. (e.g. The Washingtonian and Bright Young Things)

NGOs. Foundations that give grants and support artists who promote the sexualization of children, the performance of mock-cannibalism and the sale of organs (Clinton Foundation/Marina Abramovic and Bush Foundation/Stu Mead). NGOs that scoop up and take exclusive ownership of photos and videos of child abuse allowing them to trade in the strategic information contained within. (e.g. NCMEC, ICMEC and Thorn). U.N.-related agencies who are supposed to protect children, all-the-while hosting child abuse video production facilities in their basement (e.g. UNESCO in Brussels).

OFFICIALS. Federal, state and local law enforcement; judges; all corrupted officials who must be paid in sexual services or drugs because they are prevented by law from receiving cash.

PERFORMERS. Performers and bands who make MKUltra-inspired or pedophilia-related videos. (e.g. Sex Stains and Heavy Breathing); who pattern their performances after Luciferian references or “illuminati” symbolism to prove their adherance and obedience to the Satanist Elites. (Lady Gaga’s Luciferian flight, Beyonce’s Grammy performance and costume.) Pop stars who write pedophilic anthems laden with code words about child sex while normalizing the “secret pizza party” and satanic subculture of sexual abuse. (e.g. Kathy Perry, Lady Gaga, Madonna, Miley Cyrus) Quirky Performance artists who make products supposedly sourced from human remains; who do artistic rituals designed around mock-cannibalism or the promotion of human remains (skeletons), organs (heart transplants). (e.g. Marina Abramovic)

POLITICIANS. Republican and democratic politicians who enjoy an intimate relationship with the pedophile “service class”, or act under the influence of manipulators who have “Brownstone Operation”-type incriminating evidence against them. (e.g. Those most closely involved with the efforts to remove Trump.)

PROCURERS. Movers and shakers active in the sexual exploitation of minors where films are made of VIPs having sex with underaged individuals, for later use as blackmail / leverage in sentencing. (e.g. Jeffrey Epstein)

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

That is glorious :)

FreeRebel ago

And now, to continue....

PROTECTORS. Highly visible and powerful political agents who protect high-level VIP pedophiles against inquiry or arrest. (e.g. Hillary Clinton’s work on behalf of the Ambassador to Belgium during the Dutroux scandal cover-up).

PROGRAMMERS. Fracture children into a state of dissociation via traumatization, in order to make them easier to manage within a Satanic ritual abuse circle, a child sex exploitation ring or a program designed to use them for a specific lifelong purpose. Some of those who got their training in military intelligence programs have gone rogue and now do their programming / deprogramming on a freelance basis.

RENTALS. Real Estate Agents who help VIP pedophiles find adequate private properties to rent for private parties.

ROYALTY. International royalty who require disposable human entertainment.

SCHOOLS. Academics who operate safe houses connected to religious schools (e.g. schools filled with acquired orphans from NGO-connected countries.)

SHELTER. Museums, attractions and facilities with decommissioned government bunkers who house children.

SOCIAL MEDIA. Social Media Platforms where people who sell their children or other children for sex can advertise (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and youtube)

TALENT. Young athletes are often abused by coaches. The entire child entertainment/ athlete/ model/ dancer angle, from "modeling" agencies to talent scouts to "Dance Moms" and coaches and managers and pageants… ANYTHING that separates a child from their parents and puts them in the control of non-relative adults is suspect.

TRAVEL. Resorts, camping grounds & hotels who host American patrons looking for sexual services by underaged boys and girls. Travel agents and social group operators who cater to Luciferian or CIA-connected families. Business people who participate in sleepovers and off-the-record meetings at the White House and travel with the First family. (e.g. James Alefantis)

THE GRIM FIXER. The powerful connector to each of these groups; adviser to the President of the United States and his chosen successor; brings up cannibalism in interviews when asked about unrelated subjects. (e.g. John Podesta)

druhill007 ago

both of you are superstars!!!!!!!

darkknight111 ago

Suggestion for the list: All the paid shills trying to derail or discredit this investigation. Since they are protecting the pedo scum, legally they are all accomplices to their crimes and likely face jail time themselves. When the pedos get busted, perhaps we should identify the shills protecting them to LE. That would teach them a good lesson. :D

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

I can't say I have seen that many shills in 2017. And I am not sure people can be paid to shill here. Because when you ask drones to shill here you are just exposing them to bottles after bottles of red pills. People who are here shilling must have personal reasons which are worth more than 5 cents a post.

Also, I am not sure that the "Pizzagate is Fake News" army knew, initially, that they were producing propaganda to protect the worst scum of the earth. Pizzagate is impossible to ignore and deny if you step in here because you can be sure an article on the first page will hit home. We have all witnessed and dismissed pizzagate for 30-40 years.

naturallyfree ago


Antonius ago

Infant massage...what a fucking sick concept.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Only if you associate massage with sexual gratification. I mean I can understand that people do that because everything has been oversexualized over the past 20 years. Even the word "teen" doesn't belong to teenagers anymore, only to porn. The sketchy guy who does infant massage is the only one we have found who does that. Yes, HE is sketch but I live with a masseuse and therefore only associate massage with extreme pain LOL

YingYangMom ago

Wow! This is awesome. Thanks for sharing.

This list could be very helpful in Consolidating and Gathering info for our Projects. We could definitely use a map like this. @silverlining @privatepizza @newworldahead @cantsleepawink

wokethefkup ago

I know you are referring to infant message possibly based off that site where that man and his wife as well as child are shown on the site and I at first was disgusted how blunt they were but by reading the site it's a service to watch your kids as you receive your massage in hotel or whatever resort. Though they could be passing it off as that and those in the know read it for exactly what it says.

Xax ago

We need to galvanize. We out number the evil elites. If they take down Trump, we buck up and come at them harder. They are buying time because a lot of useful idiots are still asleep. Wake them up and the elites have nothing.

Mellowmountain ago

"Chefs who specialize in the preparation of human flesh for consumption (includes those who specialize in the consumption of the placenta)."

what about Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall:

strangely his River Cottage cookery school was destroyed by fire:

but he's also a big patron to ChildHope UK, so he must be ok right?

Devious1 ago

Fk me, Didn't know this - thanks for bring this to people's attention, all be it a somewhat small audience at the moment....

Rmm ago

Wonderful contribution thank you so much( it will be in my arsenal to try to recite by memory to all the sheep in my circle)

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Gee, my list is so long I can't add stuff. But your comments are being read and saved preciously.

The goal of this is to expose how each type of professional does overtime for the continuation of the holocaust of children. How they benefit from it. How they pervert the very nature of their profession. And perhaps this can trigger professional groups to go after their own bad apples. Or, at least, we will know bad apples are installed on the board of the oversight committees.

Chasnigga ago

Get it together and make a video. Wear a mask or give it to someone else to present. Video is easier to get going viral, because let's face it, motherfuckers don't like to read a whole lot. But a video with this info could convert a fence-sitter into a believer. Exponential awareness! Nice work, friends.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Motherfuckers don't read... I am very aware of that hahaha. I am looking into presentation software.

naturallyfree ago

Do It! I always look for good content to listen to multitasking cooking, cleaning, etc. I love your RAW in PASTE with the Obessed, Obbessed, Scared, Mad list. Great by itself, very standalone. Why do I see flyers in doctors offices, travel agencies, all that are listed with warnings of what to be on the lookout for? A GoFundMe todo?

Don-Keyhote ago

We oughta divide the work each do a section with some examples. Shows its A wide collaborative effort and makes it manageable. Then YouTube plAylist

NoBS ago

Damn Dude, sweet list. Hat tip.

This list is but an infant in humanities dark side.

It will only grow and the horrors of government depravity will be exposed

Thank you.

Blacksmith21 ago

Jesus. That is staggering when you read it.

Narcissism ago

You get my upvoat.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

If you think of more players to add, it will be appreciated. I only realized it was that big after copy pasting into pastebin, once I typed this out from memory over 60 minutes LOL

I think that by naming professions we can trigger professionals to start going after their own bad apples. Because this is like trying to remove rocks from quinoa with only a magnifying glass and tweezers.

Freemasonsrus ago

I may have missed it, but I would add medical professionals, (specifically ER staff), who do not report abuse of possibly trafficked children bc they're a "lookout" for the local group. When a victim comes in they contain the "problem" and make sure the info gets back to the local people, even corrupted LE, to silence the victim.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

In the list of doctors. But your angle is interesting. I am not sure SRA families can count on ER staff. This is a field that sees amazing turnover. That is why NCMEC introduced themselves as an intermediate in the process. They encourage people to submit there, and they do not forward the info to the FBI/Police, unless the FBI/Police opens an investigation. NCMEC can spot cases related to VIPs and intervene. This causes a destruction of chain of evidence.

Tanngrisnir ago

I would include-

  • Doctors currently redefining being medically dead in order to allow for harvesting more internal organs. This enables them to refuse to restart the hearts of easily saveable people in order to harvest their organs.

  • The Abortion Industry and its role in trafficking in body parts. Fetal tissue is used in vaccines making the industry tied to the hip of corrupt UN practices in the Third world.

  • Phony charities such as the Clinton Foundation acting as illegal slush funds. Many of these are nominally based around stopping the spread of infectious diseases such as AIDS, HIV and malaria.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago


Tanngrisnir ago

No problem. The list is absolutely fantastic!

sponiatowski ago

This is too much! The mind boggles! Thanks so much for posting this long list. I'm afraid to think about all this!

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

140 days of reading about pizzagate will do that to you.

Chasnigga ago


Dauphin ago

There is an entire child entertainment/athlete/model/dancer angle... from "modeling" agencies to talent scouts like "dance moms" and pageants. There are young athletes and Olympians (often are abused by coaches etc.) ANYTHING that separates a child from their parents and puts them in the control of non-relative adults is suspect. Then you delve into children's entertainment such as song, music, shows, cartoons.. think Teletubbies,Barney, Sesame Street. The whole Olsen twins videos etc.

PizzaGateTwiceRetard ago

Why don't we just go ahead and list anyone who has ever had anything to do with kids?

SpikyAube ago

None of your comments are helpful and they all highlight the fact you haven't really looked into any of the research. Critiques are largely welcome here becuase it helps us tighten up thinking, recognise flawed reasoning etc. But you're not offering any kind of helpful criticism, just silly one liners that only prove your ignorance about the whole thing. It would be much more helpful if you could go and read through the sticky on the front page and maybe have a good look through the Pizzagate wiki, learn what it's all about and why this work is important, and then come back and use your critical eye to actually help us make the investigation better, instead of just being all grumpy and sarcastic and wasteful of your own time! @AreWeSure is pretty good at doing this, and it is very helpful in fact to have devil's advocates who actually test assumptions and warn against confirmation bias or point out inconsistencies. So if you can make yourself useful in that way, it would be much appreciated, if you're nice and pleasant about it! Thanks :-)

PizzaGateTwiceRetard ago

None of your comments are helpful and they all highlight the fact you haven't really looked into any of the research.

Except for the part where I've literally read all of the research. I've read the sticky, all of the posts on the sticky, followed all of the links, read the website (which is essentially a rehash of the sticky), looked through a number of the Wiki entries, and seen numerous videos, most of which have been taken down for reckless doxxing.

Your "research" doesn't need to be corrected. It needs to be thrown out. Every single item falls into one of three categories:

  1. Highly speculative and creative misinterpretation of e-mails based on a made-up "code" which is not corroborated by any pre-existing documentation.
  2. Connections between people and entities that are totally unsurprising given their personal and professional relationships, associations, and friendships.
  3. Character assassination based on guilt-by-association, bigotry, ignorance, and literal interpretations of humor and/or art, all also highly speculative in nature.

For example: Tony Podesta is suspsected of pedophilia because he collects art. This is substantiated by three primary exhibits: the Arc of Hysteria statue, "multiple color pictures" by Katy Grannan, and a painting by Biljana Djurdjevic.

The Arc of Hysteria

The statue is claimed to be inspired by the pose that Jeffery Dahmer put one of his victims in before photographing it. Not only are the poses not actually identical (Dahmer's victim has arms and legs fully bent at the elbows and knees while the statue's arms and legs hang down fully extended), but Dahmer's victim (Ernest Miller) wasn't beheaded until after the photos were taken. The image probably looks like it has no head because it's bent under the corpse at the neck. (And what are the chances that the artist of The Arc of Hysteria would have had access to that photograph in pre-Internet 1993?)

What's more is that Dahmer wasn't a pedophile. Even if the statue were inspired by Dahmer (and there isn't any documentation that supports the claim that it was), it would have nothing to do with pedophilia. Guilt by association, plain and simple. It's good-old-fashioned ad-hominem that isn't even true.

Katy Grannan

Tony Podesta's house apparently contain unidentified images by a photographer "known for documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers". Yet the question remains: are the photographs in Podesta's house "documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers"?

If not, again, we have guilt by association. He has work by an artist, that artist also makes controversial work (which he apparently doesn't own), therefore he's assumed to be as guilty as he would be if he owned the controversial work itself.

Biljana Djurdjevic

Yet another case of guilt by association! The paintings that Podesta owns are not the paintings used to implicate him. The paintings in Podesta's house show kids lying on the ground in a circle, fully clothed. But because Djurdjevic also happens to paint really twisted images of kids apparently suffering abuse (none of which have been shown to be owned by Podesta) this is considered evidence that he might be a pedophile.

I could literally go through the whole archive of Pizzagate evidence and expose the flaws of your entire stupid theory, but I'm not even sure I want to put in the time and effort for something that might not actually pay off. In the meantime, you'll have to excuse my snark. This place is full of gullible idiots who want nothing more than an excuse to shoot off a few rounds in a random pizza parlor.

dmthirdeye ago

I mean at least you go ahead and announce you are a retard with your name.

Dauphin ago

I am speaking specifically about ONE on ONE coaches and teachers for HIGHLY TRAINED and DEVELOPED children for acting and Olympics... I am not talking about your 1st grade teacher in Duluth.

YingYangMom ago

Troll alert.

Dauphin ago

yeah I am seeing that now, thanks buddy!

YingYangMom ago

Anytime ;)

Hey_Sunshine ago

with your attitude it's no wonder there are fewer and fewer male teachers

Dauphin ago

I am speaking of teachers and coaches that spend SIGNIFICANT ONE ON ONE time ALONE with a specific child. Traveling around with said child sometimes without parents. These would be kids who are athletes, performers, singers, dancers, movie stars... I am NOT referring to your local 1st grade teacher in Wichita.

Hey_Sunshine ago

There are young athletes and Olympians (often are abused by coaches etc.) ANYTHING that separates a child from their parents and puts them in the control of non-relative adult males is suspect

>implying only men are sexual abusers

gtfo here with that nonsense

Dauphin ago


ThrowawayAccount123 ago

I didn't even consider the pedowood side of all of this. I concentrated on political/satanist/cia side of it. Consider this an early attempt at nailing the pedogate infographic we all need. But if you can define your excellent points into jobs and function (who does what) then it will be great for the list. Thank you!

Vindicator ago

An image just flashed in my head of each of these nasty categories as a fruit of the deadly tree of corruption our government and elite have become.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

This list only exists because I stepped away from Pizzagate and spent time thinking without a firehose of red pills hitting me in the face all day.

Dauphin ago

Hope it can be of help... here is my attempt for the details you requested... again, hope this can be of help: *Children's sports coaches and those involved in child athletic/Olympic competition. From gymnastics to swim, soccer, wrestling, etc. Coaches that work one on one alone with children and travel out of state/country with children. Children who are athletes that are forced to live in training camps etc. People who run such camps. *Children talent and modeling competitions. Dance, cheer, theater, acting, pageants, modeling. Again, coaches and so called "talent scouts." I lived in Los Angeles and saw this type of predator quite often. Photographers and fashion modeling is infamous for this. They target children of all ages, races, and genders. Many children are pressured to have sex to score the role/shoot. Photographers are a BIG one! *Children in film and entertainment such as television and movies. Casting directors and acting coaches. Casting directors can be just as bad as photographers mentioned above. Adult co-stars, looking into the horrible details regarding Bob Saget and Olsen twins. Parents desperate to get their kids famous. Children based tv shows and all involved in their production, casting, writing, marketing. Barney, Sesame street, etc. Think Corey Feldman, Drew Barrymore, Shirley Temple.

SturdyGal ago

What a massively great list. I have two to add (unless I missed them or they are included under 'public officials') 1) federal, state and local law enforcement 2) judges

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Yes. I do think some cases are routed towards courts that are "in-the-know" i.e. how Edgar Maddison Welch is being managed. School-to-prison pipeline.

SpikyAube ago

In the UK it's become noticeable that the same few judges will handle certain controversial child abuse cases, particularly those involving Satanic ritual abuse, and invariably their judgement is that anyone who believes in such nonsense is 'either evil or stupid' - those were literally the wordsof one judge I believe, commenting on the Hampstead case - and no one goes to prison and the victims are revictimised in the press/on social media.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

But people (worldwide) will no longer be able to see Satanism as "a funny inside joke" when the evidence is laid out. But this is a thorny topic. We have to avoid the "Satanic Panic" glibness of the sheeples. They (in USA) have a 1st Amendment Right to freedom of religion if we force them out of the closet. They can hire Barack Obama to defend them even...

Jem777 ago

Excellent article. It would be great if Trump could freeze the accounts of the main players

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Pretty sure they are trying to figure out a way to roll these people up on corruption charges. Because this has been the M.O. in the past 8-10 years. Whenever a person gets covered in the media as a child sex offender or pedophile or human trafficker, the subsequent reports downplay that aspect of it. It is a directive from the top to make sure the general public never cues into this topic as existing. Mass mind-control.

Chasnigga ago

Every person involved can also be charged with conspiracy

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Great point!

Mellowmountain ago

listed is "Museums, attractions and other facilities with decommissioned government bunkers who house children."

could this have to do with the small museum at Droop Mountain in West VA? Previous link here:

And Ole Dammegard discusses it here:

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Well, there is a large list of places related to museums that have new or supposedly disused secret facilities or are sketchy. The farm (in McLean), The Getty Museum, The Smithsonian (is mostly underground) and Droop Mountain. The thing is that within the Luciferian or Satanic visionary art movement, the museum (or art gallery) is a place of social gathering and worship. Ted Gunderson (sp?) said over a decade ago that there are 4 million practicing Satanists in the U.S. These people need discreet places of worship that change frequently so that they can pursue activities which are sacred to them, but illegal in the U.S.

Freemasonsrus ago

The whole "underground art room" for Tony Pedosta was such a clear example of this. No normie has a room set up specifically to watch videos pertaining to "art". Seemed to be a gathering place for a secret society of some sort. The fact that BO moved in a couple doors down should cement any thoughts he isn't involved with these pedos.

Don-Keyhote ago

Good list but I'd suggest:

BCCI as criminal bank, royal families as additional category, and CPS is not a private enterprise it's govt so get a better example, no mention of those with close ties to Israel bro? No Soros who fbi anon called the kingpin?

Freemasonsrus ago

Deutsche and Grameen banks.

naturallyfree ago

The Banks - very good point. The real coverup is to keep the dark money. The Billions laundering industry. The fear of Trump is that he wants that money and is going to get it. May it be so!

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

The list is incomplete, as stated in the introduction. Your input is welcomed. If you can format it in the form of "WHO does WHAT" it will greatly help. I am doing this to form a Venn diagram of the types of people involved. They all have different motivations and payouts from participating in this whole ball of whacks and it is often tied to their tiny bubble world. Compartmentalized.

Don-Keyhote ago

Yes sharing our research is vital, just look at the new lead on Sedona by a dude who by chance hadn't heard of open society foundation

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Yeah, I think a slideshow with voice would be cool. Each point needs validation. It should also be re-written for a voice delivery.

NoBS ago

I guess some would like voice. I do know all of us appreciate the text that can be used and abused like a weaponed Snowflake.

Except this uses logic and reason.

Again my esteemed ThrowawatAccount123, Thank you!

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

New age practitioners who offer child services like massage.

The thing is that the person who was brought up here has sketchy connections. BUT the concept of using massage on children is not problematic in a medical/therapeutic sense.

PizzaGateTwiceRetard ago

Child massage therapy? "Fine."

New-age child massage therapy? "She's a witch, burn her!"

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

The "New Age" movement is a creation of the CIA (It is the age of Aquarius). But this is a whole new bubble of weirdness.

It is hard to write about this and be super precise. Words have been so mangled by propaganda that you can have a conversation with another and realize neither of you have the right definition of a word.

And, as such, writing about Satanism is hard too.

dmthirdeye ago

Great posts and replies, don't mind the troll, at least he identified himself by making his username Retard.

mooteensy ago

^well said

Mellowmountain ago

really good

shoosh ago

This is a well done data point formatting of information.

I'll send this forward but would prefer if someone could add it to a website or do a series of vids to highlight this information for better presentation.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

This is a first jet. This article names names in a way that could get the blogs in trouble. There exists mainstream media and VOAT threads about each and every phrase in the article. I just haven't done that bit. But if someone can do the "fact checking" part, they are welcome to use this in any way they want and put their name on it.

archons ago

Awesome job. This really puts the massive scope in perspective.