AeonOne ago

I agree with you but this is what crowd sourcing looks like and we wouldn't have to do it if the feds did their job. There are others here working against this and posting weird shit. I would like to see this group contribute to the board provided by wikileaks. They will review submissions and be a platform that the general public will listen to.

BrighterThanYou ago

Yeah I stopped buying this shit hen the started blaming the Jews. Shame, there hasn't been a good conspiracy theory I felt like buying for a long time, and those were at least discredited with science, these guys just shot themselves in the foot. Literally made a throwaway account just to say this.

Oh, and for all the dumbasses who think that Trump will do something about this. Yeah, maybe if he didn't "dine" privately with Epstein ( and also if he hadn't said this about him:

"Epstein likes to tell people that he's a loner, a man who's never touched alcohol or drugs, and one whose nightlife is far from energetic. And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."".


But yeah, keep telling yourself that the orange sniffler will make it better. Oh and yeah deeefinitely blame "the jews". LOL

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Why are you so overjoyed that nothing's gunna be changed you sad bastard. Rather take the time slam Trump supporters by saying 'hahaha children will continue to be sold, dummies.' Take a look at urself you sad sack of shit.

BrighterThanYou ago

Shut the fuck up you dumb kid and grow a pair of nuts.

I actually bought into this bullshit. I stopped buying it because it became clear these were the ramblings of idiots. It became clear when it became (a) about the jews and when it didn't become (b) about trump who has HAD CLEAR DEALINGS WITH EPSTEIN.

hurrdurr trump kicked him out. Okay, yeah sure. So? He's not the only dick trump has to suck for traction, if he was making moves on the girl of another dick trump is sucking on then obviously hell get kicked out.

The LOL wasn't in relation to child trafficking (don't make up quotes I didn't say you shit eating redneck, go fuck your cousin instead), it was in relation to the shortsighted idiocy shown by the 'investigators' (HA!) of this conspiracy theory.

You're dumb as a fucking rock and only half as attractive.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

'You're dumb as a fucking rock and only half as attractive.' Mate you're calling me dumb(which means mute, silly bollocks) and then proceed to call me ugly. But of course you don't know what I look like. So there is my evidence for your lack of creativity with regards to insults, and also your stupidity. Now, it is painfully obvious to anyone that Trump may well be involved. I don't understand, you say you stopped believing when it became about the jews and you realized Trump may be in on it. Neither of those things take away from the video,photo, and email evidence of pedophilia code and references made in front of children. So it is not a conspiracy theory, that this group of elites, at this 'kid-friendly' pizza place have obscene pedo art on the walls, and talk about killing babies, on video, in the presence of children. Do you understand those points, you big simpleton? Speaking of ramblings you are incoherent and funnily enough come across as an inbred redneck who was too busy getting rode by horses behind the shed to go to school.

demurrage ago

at first this post comes directly out of the guidebook for deniers, then drops some great fucking questions.

RE: dominos =energy dominos =podesta method of dominos

"not like I'm ordering from Dominos Pizza and getting exactly what I want"

far fetched idea, but why was Podesta subscibed to their sales mailer? I would speculate that their specials were coded.

This establishment is compromised by the pedos that congregated there, they are all likely disappeared, but who were hard core regulars at this place? In my mind, these are suspects.

remember people. follow the money.

HarveyKlinger ago

Rather than focus on what is know, finding connections between the establishment's owner and other people, following the instagram chains and twitter discoveries, there seems to be this desire to expose the world cabal over the internet.

Like this?

Which comes from this voat page:

oresd ago

I doubt that. They are just a lot of people willing to believe or connect anything. All this crazy dot connecting attracted them like moths to a flame.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

There always is in this shit, i completely agree with you, we should be focused on the substantial questions that have already come up, which clearly require investigation by proper authorities and we should be demanding satisfactory answers or charges.

CeepsNo ago

Incredulity that shills exists

Nothing to see here. Why would they lie???