V____Z ago

"I released a gospel record when I was 15 because I grew up in a household where all I ever did was listen to gospel music," Perry told Australian TV presenter Ruby Rose. "I swear I wanted to be like the Amy Grant of music but it didn't work out, and so I sold my soul to the devil." http://www.christianpost.com/news/katy-perry-jokes-about-joining-the-illuminati-appears-with-all-seeing-eye-on-rolling-stone-cover-124161/

strix-varia ago

This is who millions of people look up to and worship! Worship!!

micha_ ago

Besides the fact that she equalizes god and satan in that speech, I find it interesting, after she had removed the trophy, how the gently speaking woman was replaced by a very aggressive bitch. Love, peace and harmony from the mouth of a lovely woman? LOL! She is the complete opposite of a lovely woman. What a disgusting satanic bitch.

TweedleDee3000 ago

Someone needs to tie this piece of jew shit to a stake and burn it.

nnfx ago

"Katy Perry invokes God in her speech..." Would be just as right as your title. We already knew on which side she stands, but this here proves nothing. Why trying so hard to make something out of nothing? You planing to apply for some MSM job, because that's how MSM does "reporting".

yourtruthseeker ago

I'm just a singer songwriter? Lmao I see exactly what she's trying to do. She's trying to make herself seem innocent because the heat is coming on. Like she doesn't have the capacity to understand what the elite are doing and that she is powerless to do anything against it. That she's not one of them. That she knows good from evil. I don't buy that shit for a fuckin' second you little feline high priestess.

You know about the cloning and the grooming and the child mental conditioning and the kidnapping and raping.

TweedleDee3000 ago

You got it brother. These satanist freemason and jew scum are feeling the heat under their asses. Time to turn it up.

yourtruthseeker ago

we have to remove the religious aspect, they are all feigning any sort of religion, it's ART man, it's the POWERFUL not RICH, money is to pay the PUPPETS, the REMORSELESS, those DRUNK ON POWER against those with a conscience, those who would rather die than murder a child or manipulate human life so callously. Think about it like this, would you rather have unlimited money or the ability to kill anyone who opposes you? It seems like a hard question, until you realize you could create your own system of money and simply kill every single person who objects.

V____Z ago

For one thing, she isn't Jewish. And fuck off with your anti Jew trolling.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Well, it's clear which team she's working with now

rooting4redpillers ago

She got a one-eyed wink in there at 1:47. I knew that I started a conversation.

ieatrocks ago

Her family is ultra Christian. Bible thumpers often go on at length about Satan, that is not the same thing as worshipping Satan. Use your brain.

kestrel9 ago

"Ultra Christian" and "Bible Thumpers"...not the same. Bible Thumpers are aggressive, self justified in their arrogant and judgmental ways. Katie learned well, and believing in whomever she does, or supporting whatever she brags about supporting, she behaves no less arrogantly, no less self justified, aggressive and judgmental. And just like the TV evangelists she hates, she too, makes money off of her hypocrisy.

EricKaliberhall ago

Well said!

TweedleDee3000 ago

Her family are jews who run a fake "christian" racket, to make money and cover up their other crimes, much like Pat Robertson and other satanist jews.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Has someone had a little sniffy sniff before that speech? Her jaw is all over the show and she won't stop sniffing up.

Awkward to watch :/

123_456 ago

If you're Christian, you know there's not really anything wrong with what she said. Lots of Christians talk very frankly about Satan, and hell, and sinning. It's par for the course.

micha_ ago

Hey satanic scum, do Christians use God and satan in the same context or as opposites?

TweedleDee3000 ago

….said the jew

clowntrash ago

Oh my god. If I hear one more anti-Jew remark, I'm gonna lose it. Stop destroying our cause if you're not a shill...and if you are, enjoy life supporting a bunch of child rapists.

Cleareyes ago

They're playing the division game.There are good jew people and black people and muslim people (except these groups have been socially and ideologically corrupted and denigrated by the elite classes and inside traitors for a lot longer than the white countries/people), if they act like this page is a hotbed of racist shortsighted evil fucks they think it will deter good people who come here who don't want to be a part of it. Nothing will throw me off of pizzagate/pedogate. Other things yes i'll leave because of racists, but this is too important.

clowntrash ago

Perfect comment.

TruthTrumps ago

1:59 mark: "My first words were mama and dada...God and Satan." We need to storm these pro Kay tweets with the truth about her. Don't just tweet to people who agree with you...tweet to her ignorant fan base.Get the word out. Expose her for the sicko she is.

derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/evrenperry/status/843339335109939201 :

EVREN on Twitter: "ICYMI: Watch Katy's National Equality Award acceptance speech at the #HRCLADinner 🏳️‍🌈 You're a light & inspiration! t.co/PCmzeucs2d t.co/DBjJBJl42N"

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