SturdyGal ago

I am surprised (although nothing should at this point) about a Vatican:MI-whatever connection. I would have thought the staunch aristocratic Anglican Church roots would preclude association with the Vatican. But they do have a lot in common; a lust for blood, control and money.

cantsleepawink ago

These artificial divisions, Anglican vs Roman Catholic, for example, are to compartmentalize society. At the top end of the pyramid they work together. This is clear if you look at who attends Bilderberg meetings for example: people on opposing political parties are privately attending meetings to plan their future strategies. And this has more to do with freemasonry than it has to do with the church. Ever wonder what the Vatican is hiding from its flock ?

SturdyGal ago

Agreed. Love that sculpture which is of course the opposite of what they say it is.

cantsleepawink ago

And don't forget Lucifer telescope in the middle of the Arizona desert. Why would the Roman Catholic church be involved with a scientific project looking for life in other parts of the universe? Goes against everything Catholics are taught.

SturdyGal ago

Looks like we've been down the same rabbit holes. I'm fully aware of the Vatican's mischief. Maybe it is my programming but I thought the Anglican aristocracy was so sectarian they might avoid even a hint of a papist alliance. But I agree these divisions must be purely for appearances, especially in light of the evidence.