doubletake ago

This is SWEET! fantastic. what a link! those kids were telling the truth, plus the medical exams verified abuse. Keep on keeping on, friend. This is great.

Godwillwin ago

Y'all are deeper into the Hampstead investigation than I am. So for "beginners", here's a useful hampstead site - explains Mk ultra and why they sodomize (the medical report of alisa showed she was not vaginally abused, but extensively anally abused) the med records are also on this site

Here's a link to all the video testimonies by the children :(

cantsleepawink ago

I just did a search for Hintze here in voat. Links everywhere. I need a break..

cantsleepawink ago

Btw, in terms of Will Draper - he went to work for a very discrete Swiss Bank in London called Mirabaud back in the summer of 2015. This was when the Hampstead case was still a hot topic in the UK press. I always found it peculiar that such a discrete bank would hire him at this point as I know that these types of institutions have an aversion to any whiff of a scandal as they deal with very wealthy clients who want to stay as far away from publicity as possible. (Mirabaud is on the same level as the Rothschilds). Their London address at the time was 33 Grosvenor Place. Here's a peculiar article on this address:

I just did a search for that address in Wikileaks. Seems its connected to Stratfor, you know, that global intelligence outfit. Seems the associated London company is CQS Management. And the CEO there is one Michael Hintze Read the section on his charitable foundation. Seems like a wealth of information there. I have many other things I'm looking at, so I'm hoping that someone else will take up the slack.

'Sugar daddy' Tory donor's company earns £125million a year....but pays just £77,000 tax

Hintze is also a Vatican Bank board member: Revealed: Vatican bank officials tied to fossil fuels,

Godwillwin ago

Wow! Good research.

cantsleepawink ago

When I was researching the Hampstead case a couple of years ago some discoveries I made convinced me of the global nature of this high level pedophile ring. Some facts have not yet come to light, but in time they will. Might I also point out that we still do not know much about the background of Ella Draper or her ex-husband, banker Will Draper. It was Will Draper who brought back his Russian bride, originally from Rostov (close to the Ukrainian border) and who had studied at Moscow University. We also aren't clear who Will Draper's employers are. He's currently at BT but I suspect he has other employers too. He was allowed to slip back into the shadows. I believe that Ella was introduced to Ricky Dearman via Draper. The focus of attention by most investigators has been Ella vs Ricky, and this has been deliberately and actively kept at this level. If people dug deeper in those respects new facts would come to light. Remember TPTB plan in terms of pyramid formations. Look up.