OrwellKnew ago

Good work

Hope you don't mind if I post an archive here. I was banned from the main sub


alliecapone ago

https://archive.is/cHUcZ Just in case...

jangles ago

high-energy psychotronic = pegasus?

charmeuse ago

Don't know, but a good place to start researching.

webofslime ago

Oh look, it is right by Cabarete, right where Laura Silsby said SHE was headed.

The mission's plan was to go to Haiti and bring a hundred orphans to Cabarete, Dominican Republic, where NLCR had leased a hotel to serve as a temporary orphanage.


charmeuse ago

From the article: "Henry Kissinger has joined the Clintons and other members of the American elite in colonizing areas of the Caribbean island where mysterious experiments are alleged to take place, with the likelihood that bizarre, high-energy psychotronic weapons are being used in mind-altering research." Maybe this should be under Conspiracy, now that I think of it, but it was next to Haiti and therefore..

noworldorder ago

Nah, there's a decent chance they overlap somehow. Good to have it here just in case.