cantsleepawink ago

Further to my previous comment, remember that the children said that they were taken to McDonald's Headquarters ? .....

Apart from the Pizza Express which sits right next to 47 HOLLYCROFT AVENUE MANAGEMENT LTD, just opposite on the other side of the road, there is the largest London McDonalds franchise at 108/110 Notting Hill Gate . ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Athul Patak runs 29 franchises through his Appt Corporation and is also very involved with all sorts of charity work. This self made man was even awarded an OBE by the Queen in June 2015.

Mr. Pathak likes to get involved with politics too. According to this parliamant document REGISTER OF MEMBERS’ FINANCIAL INTERESTS (pdf) he has donated to Mike Freer, Finchley MP and to Michelle Donelan, Chippenham.

So I had to have a look, didn't I ?

I came across this forum post which listed the names of MPs that had voted against a whistleblower's bill and Mike Freer was one of those MPs.

There are almost certainly others who are keeping quiet because they are being blackmailed or threatened. These are the people that badly need to come forward while they still can.

Anybody who blows the whistle on this should certainly be granted immunity from prosecution under the official secrets act. This proposal was suggested by Labour MP, John Mann. It was defeated in the house of commons 295 to 233.

John Mann was the MP that handed over a file to Scotland Yard about a VIP Paedophile ring and has been campaigning for an inquiry.

The Westminster child abuse ‘coverup’: how much did MPs know?

But the public was told No change in law needed to protect child abuse whistleblowers, says Tory ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Michelle Donelan is the other MP that Pathak donated to.

And she is affiliated with a most intriguing story ..the 'Tatler Tory' scandal involving David Cameron's Conservative Party.

Further reading here:

Ms. Donelan is now suffering from ill health Conservative MP Michelle Donelan diagnosed with Lyme disease after conversation with constituent

cantsleepawink ago

I just found a very odd piece of information on Ella's first husband Will Draper. He is a banker that was responsible for bringing Ella to the UK and for introducing her to Ricky Dearman after they divorced. Well, his full name is James William Draper and so I did a search under that name. . So he is always working for big investment banks.

And then I find that he was at one point also a director of a smaller outfit called : 47 HOLLYCROFT AVENUE MANAGEMENT LTD Address: KATZ & CO, 135 NOTTING HILL GATE, LONDON, W11 3LB

Hampstead Children researchers will be familiar with this address because Ricky Dearman used to live at a similar address BUT in Hampstead. (47, Hollycroft Avenue, London NW3 7QJ)

Going back to Draper's company where he was a director from 2000 to 2008, I had a look on Google maps. And right next to it, is a PIZZA EXPRESS at No. 137. (,-0.1992641,3a,90y,152.26h,81.04t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1seIp4oJ4hCtwM1vZZW1TPkA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1))

Currently, there are three directors:

  1. Suzanne Perry journalist, (Suzi Perry) who lives in Hampstead,,,

  2. Vincent Sagua, who is British and currently living in the United Arab Emirates, working for a satellite broadcast company, (Chief financial officer),

  3. Tatian Savkin who works in finance and lives in the UK

EDIT: Corrected Ricky Dearman's address from 4 to 47.

ListenUp ago

Yes, I did a blog post on him a while ago, he wasn't very happy about say the least. Thank you for the extra information, I should update the post and I'll credit your profile name if that's alright with you. Excellent work.

cantsleepawink ago

No need to credit me. I'd prefer if you didn't actually. (Edit: I have corrected and updated Ricky's address in my comment.)

I personally think that Will Draper is the key to this case. Why did he go to Russia ? And who is Ella, really? I think she is rather more than a yoga teacher.

Also, I'm sure that you are aware that Will Draper is a Royal Arch Mason ? I only became aware yesterday. I googled them together with the word paedophilia and got quite the plethora of articles.

And as was said here, it seems that nearly every UK paedophile is a freemason

Draper worked at Mirabaud Securities during and after the kerfuffle of the children's case, at this address . (The Swiss headquarters likes to collect Abramovic art pieces too.)

That bank eventually moved to another London address. I'm not close to my notes at the moment but following that is interesting too because of the background of the new building which is in the Westminster area. Real estate property tycoons and New York.

Draper is the key and that is why he was angry with you.

norobotono ago

And not once have you answered my question. You are not interested in truth. You run from it. Run away rather than face it and answer it. That one simple question that you still cannot answer. Hurl more abuse at me and call me a a liar or a pedo protector or anything that is the usual response to this simple question. I have not lied once. I have shown what is documented and what was said by the children themselves and other professionals. You ignore the lies being told by Abraham and the mother, but transferring that blame to me is much easier than answering that one simple yes or no question.

You are a coward who will not face the truth about what Abraham did nor even admit it, so run away. It is what cowards do. It is what Abraham and the mother did also, rather than face the courts where the real truth would have come out.

norobotono ago

It definitely sounds like you are trying to protect and support a verified physical and mental abuser of the children (including his own and their mother).

My only interest is in seeing anyone guilty of abuse of children punished. Your only interest is in protecting the person who actually is verified to have abused them. Not that you have the guts to admit that because you still keep avoiding that question.

norobotono ago

Again, you are avoiding the question. It is a very simple one with a simple yes or no answer. So stop changing the subject and deflecting away from answering it.

Yes or no. Do you think the children should go back to the same place Abraham will have access to them?

Queen_Puabi ago

Start researching more info on step father Abraham Christie and mother Ella Draper. There is a reason these children were taken away from her and she is on the run

ListenUp ago

Thank you for your support, there are many of us contributing to the cause...I am but a link in the chain of great case supporters

Queen_Puabi ago

I wasn't comparing these children with the other girl. Sorry it offends you but I don't believe these children. From interviews I have seen, together and separate, I believe they were fed this information.

Their mother telling the little boy that when his seed touches his sister he can get her pregnant? To wash his hands so his seed doesn't make a deformed baby with his sister? That teachers, parents, his father and children were ALL in one handicapped bathroom molesting them?

Not only does their body language seem way off for an abused child, there are too many details given in their stories (rehersed) without prompting from the psychologist.

I am a mother of 5 children with a BA in Psychology-minor in child/adolescent development. We will have to just agree to disagree on this one. Have a great day :)

Edit: Also adding that I am a survivor of child sexual abuse as well.

norobotono ago

This was already addressed in that the mother had given the children suppositories for their constipation and was therefore the most likely cause.

The scarring was not what it was made out to be and was well within the norm. It was not sign of long term abuse. That was the conclusion of the peer review.

norobotono ago

Wow. No surprise at the avoidance of answering my question.

It is the thing you are most scared of - facing the reality of the situation those children faced.

You would rather fight to allow the children back into the same house as that evil prick than admit he abused the children and would also continue to do so.

He was already cautioned for beating up one of his own kids. He put his children's mother in hospital once and has been jailed for violence, drugs and dishonesty 37 times to date.

You are the one who is pathetic for turning your blind and biased eye to the abuse he did to them. You would enable him to do it again. You refuse to condemn what that man did and pass it off as a little bruise and two cuts. He would be so proud of you.

norobotono ago

The children said whatever Abraham forced them to say. The police had no legal right to examine the accused when the children told them they had lied. Why should any of those expose themselves on someone else's say so? Why do you not ask those people that question and let them answer it for you.

The simplest explanation is not a double one. It is the whole story of what the children said from start to finish. The were in the beginning scared and tortured by Abraham and once out of his 'care' they told how he had used his own methods to make them say those things. They did not want to ever go back to him again. Nor to their own mother while he was still with her. That is the words of the children which again you ignore.

Now be so kind as to answer my question.

Queen_Puabi ago

I have informed myself and watched the videos of these two children. I also have a BA in Psychology minor in child/adolescent development, a mother of 5 children and I'm also a survivor of sexual abuse.

Queen_Puabi ago

I do believe this child was abused

norobotono ago

Let me remind you of what is the truth -

"the physical injuries described by the children as having been inflicted by Abraham Christie were, indeed, caused by him. I reject as baseless Ms Draper’s suggestion that instead Mr Dearman was responsible. A straightforward conclusion given that neither child had seen him for about three months at the time of Dr Hodes’ examination and subsequent police photography. Those photographs clearly show recent rather than healed injuries."

And seeing as the children had been in Morocco for weeks with Abraham and Ella, how else were those fresh injuries caused?

You get that strong feeling because your confirmation bias only allows anybody that questions allegations to be classed as on the side of the alleged perpetrators, rather than a person who actually seeks the real truth. You dismiss fact but believe fiction. Attacking anyone that disagrees with you and your view is your only defense because you never answer the hard questions.

How were those freshly examined, photographed and catalogued injuries caused? The bruise on her forehead. The cut on her chin and the one on her leg. Answer that.

norobotono ago

I have looked into this case and in a more indepth way than most people have. Most people do not investigate nor question the original story. They also will not confront the hard questions about Abraham and choose to ignore them or think of him as the children's savior.

Let me ask you one question. Would you be happy to let the children back into same house as Abraham to live?

norobotono ago

I am in no way connected to this case but did spend a lot of time investigating all the evidence and reading it thoroughly.

The police did investigate but found nothing where there was supposed to be something. No secret rooms and no places that were as described by the children. They toured round with them in a car and when they confronted the children over the lack of finding any single one thing, the children admitted they lied because Abraham made them with violence.

Again, Dr Hodes was not supported in her findings by her peers. All injuries on the children were recent and therefore COULD NOT have been by the father who they had not seen for 3 months.

You also fail to mention Dr Sturge's assessment of the children. Part of that is in the Judge's summary and is well worth reading. 144 onwards.

I am neither naive nor stupid. Both of those traits belong to people who refuse to accept that the only person proven to have hurt the children was Abraham, and their mother, who allowed him to do so.

LloydK ago

Oh rats. I signed the petition, but just as I signed it I noticed a check box that said I would be kept informed about this and other similar petitions, so now I guess I'm going to be getting more spam.

Anon1234567 ago

Signed! Great way to forge forward.

ListenUp ago

thank you!

PrideOfOshtekk ago


RedGreenAlliance ago

The UK gov has FOREVER been stalling, sabotaging, subverting any attempts at exposing paedos in positions of power. It seems to be endemic.

Here is a good graphic which explains it

Check this out - "The Pedophocracy" -

there is a link at the bottom to the full book

I will try to promote your petition.

A good way would be to hijack popular hashtags on Twitter etc and tie in the fact that these things get squashed

"The Hampstead Children Petition - don't let the Government silence child victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse - #PedoFiles #Hampstead #SRA #PizzaGate" then the graphic above

ListenUp ago

Thank you! Great idea, I will post a link when I've done this

Werwer12 ago


ListenUp ago

Thank you!

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

Been interested in this case for a while, I definitely believe those children. Signing petition now.

Votescam ago

Thank you -- done. I've read the testimony of the children and I certainly believe them. Too many Americans are unfamiliar with the Hampstead Case. Also Australia, Belgium, Norway. All of these cases should be read, but we should also keep in mind the history of the US, our Founders setting up an Elite Patriarchy while proclaiming "all are equal." Giving them vast control over our government and our nation's wealth and natural resources. Destruction of native people here -- 40 million and more on out islands. Destruction of Africans enslaved here. Even later recall the Church Schools/RCC and Mormon run for the benefit of US government where native children were kidnapped and brain-washed through torture, sexual abuse, beatings, hangings -- a long list of crimes against them. This is ancient history of this land. Theft of land, genocide, slavery. It's all there.

ListenUp ago

Thank you OSOM!

norobotono ago

When you say you believe them do you mean when they first made the allegations or afterwards when the police drove them around all the places they were supposed to have been and none of their allegations checked out and when they were confronted by this, they admitted that the mother's boyfriend forced them to say it all?

cayenne-peppe ago

Fuck off you nonce I watched the copper threaten the boy during the interview.

norobotono ago

Call me whatever - it's the standard response from those who took everything at face value and never investigated the claims at all. I'm only concerned that the right person be the one who is found guilty and in this particular case, it was Abraham and all the evidence proved that if you could be bothered to look at it.

You only saw what you wanted to. The policeman didn't threaten the boy or the girl. In fact, the boy asked that he never have to see Abraham again. He and the girl were clearly terrified of him and who can blame them after he beat them and kept them awake and mentally tortured them.

Show exactly where the policeman threatened the boy and back up what you say.

cayenne-peppe ago

He asked if he was going back to his father and then started changing his responses. do you really think he's goning to say i'm going to bash you head in or something.

norobotono ago

Again you are ignoring that the children said later that Abraham made them say those things and that their dad never did those things to them. They said this when they knew they did not have to see Abraham again.

The children were so terrified of Abraham because he had physically and mentally abused them so that they said what he told them to. He drummed it into them.

He woke them in the middle of the night and made them stay up repeating the things he wanted them to say. He punched the boy so hard he is now partially deaf. He slammed the girl into a wall and kicked her to the ground from behind. He hit her on the forehead so hard with a wooden spoon that the bruise was still visible days later on the video at the airport. He made them kneel on the ground while he poured water over them. And you want them to be returned to the mother so she can subject them to this evil person again? The mother who chose him over her own kids.

You ignore that the medical report showed the children had been drugged by Abraham.

You ignore that a member of the public (possibly the taxi driver) was so horrified at his abusive treatment of the distraught girl that the person reported him to the police, for dragging her around London the night before the police were due to take them on a tour to see the places they had made their claims about. He was telling people she was a baby killer and making her repeat things he wanted her to say. This was backed up by video proof which was shown to the mother after she denied it happened. Same with the Jean-Clement recordings. It is Abraham making them repeat things.

You ignore that he had child porn on his phone (which may even have been the children for all anyone knows, as it was never stated). You certainly don't care if it was because you continue to venerate this sick abuser as a saint and would be happy for the children to be returned back to his vicinity for that same situation to happen again. And let's not forget that the mother is equally as guilty for allowing it to happen. The same mother who was earlier reported to child welfare by a neighbour for locking the children out on a balcony all day with no food or water, in their sleepwear.

All the above is backed up by facts. Medical, video and witness statements.

Facts are what convict people, not salacious stories that you want to believe in.

ListenUp ago

We believe the children's initial video testimonies, the "Jean-Clement concealed evidence" recordings, the first two police interviews of both children, and we believe whole-heartedly the third interview of Sept. 17 was a coerced retraction by both children. I believe the children more than the adults trying to cover up the case. The harder you try, the more I believe the children

norobotono ago

You are aware it was Jean-Clement who turned him in because he was so concerned about his treatment of the children.

ListenUp ago

Turned Abe into who? Jean-Clement was concerned about the children alright, they'd been getting raped at school. Most people show concern for children getting raped at school. We've been at this for a long time now, this case isn't going away. Ever.

norobotono ago

It was Jean-Clement that went to the police with his secret recorded he made with them at his house. Not Abraham.

Also in that session it becomes known that Abraham had been working on this story full time for a whole month with the children, which begs the question of why if there was a suspicion of abuse up to two months prior, instead of going immediately to the police like any normal parent would do, they instead went to Morocco for a month. Was it perhaps to get the evidence that Abraham told Jean-Clement in several phone calls the month earlier that he would need?

Jean-Clement wanted the children taken out of the reach of Abraham, and being a diligent and responsible person also handed over the recordings to the police so they could investigate fully. Abraham nor the mother did that. Ask yourself why.

Here is an example of what disturbed him -

"106. Another significant feature of the audio recording relates to the intense animation generated by Mr Christie when he is urging the children to chant, over and over again, “Kill the babies … Kill, kill, kill … Let’s say it together … I like the sound of it!” The children, unsurprisingly, join in with the chanting and Mr Christie’s evident excitement."

"Let’s say it together … I like the sound of it!" This guy is one sick and twisted piece of work.

ListenUp ago

Lol, always deflecting back to's your usual tactic. Jean Clement was MEANT to turn over the recording to police, that was THE PLAN. Abraham went to Jean Clement's home to report to him first in order to know how to proceed. The children's testimonies at Jean Clement's home were given to a police officer (Jean Clement) and it was HIS DUTY to hand these recordings over. This was the "initial contact" with police.

"The 3 hour recording made by Jean Clement, Abraham’s brother-in-law, a Special Police Sergeant. On the day the family returned to the U.K. after the children’s disclosures on September the 4th Alisa, Gabriel , Abraham and Crystal, the family dog arrived late in the evening to Jean Clement’s home address. Jean Clement’s wife, Abraham’s sister was asleep upstairs. Ella and Abraham had enjoyed little rest since the children’s disclosures and were both still coming to terms with the situation, so Ella had gone home to relax and shower, and was scheduled to meet up with them all later. The children were calm, alert and happy to be finally free of their burden, yet would still persistently attempt the programmed ‘intimate touching,’ which would trigger more dysfunctional behavior. Jean Clement handed this recorded evidence and private video testimonies to D.I. Cannon of Barnet Police station. D.S. Rogers then concealed this critical evidence in a police property store an hour’s drive away from Barnet Police station in Chingford. The full 2 hr. 53 min. recording gives the listener an extraordinary insight into the Hampstead Cover Up. This recording has never before been published in its entirety." Text taken from the mother's Youtube video titled "Hampstead Cover Up. The concealed evidence - Jean Clement's recording."

Here's the transcription of the entire recording...

norobotono ago

I mention Abraham because he was the only one proven to have abused the children which every single supported of this story DEFLECTS away from when questioned.

So how about you answer that one simple question - would you be happy to allow the children back into his company?

Yes, lets not forget the dog who the mother cared more about than her own children. She could sneak back to her house for the dog but never once turned up for any meetings or court dates to get her children back.

And people should listen to those recordings to see how that sick pervert bullied the children and what a fantasy land he lived in. He even accuses Jean-Clement's daughter of being involved too didn't he?

So ask yourself again, why did he not go straight to the police station to report it 2 months prior?

norobotono ago

This story turned out to be a hoax because the mother's boyfriend had been the one who had forced the children to say those things.

He had child porn on his phone and was physically and emotionally abusing the kids. Did a runner with the mother when the police were about to arrest him.

ListenUp ago

No it wasn't Abraham that wore a big "fancy dildo hat" nor was it Abraham that was accused of putting plastic willies up a child's bum, that was Dearman accused by his children. Your strawman tactic is old and used but the children blatantly said Abe & Ella did not harm them like Dearman did. The children had been so used to Dearman's abuse, they didn't even know it was wrong, they thought everyone did it. Until they told their mother and she said it was wrong. Here's a direct quote from the children's testimonies transcribed here " But then, we understood, that when my mum, my mamma, found out about it she told me that its wrong to do this kind of stuff so then I, then me and Q had still been used to, but then we had understood that its wrong.

LloydK ago

I didn't know abuse was wrong either when I was a kid. When I was about 10 or a little older, Dad whipped me and my year younger brother with a rope for goofing off while we were supposed to be working. When Mom later saw the blisters on our butts and legs, she really chewed Dad out for going way overboard on the discipline. I was very surprised that she or anyone would consider it inappropriate. I had thought that we must have deserved the punishment. My brother probably didn't share my view, as he tended to be rebellious. Luckily, that was an eye-opener for me. We had been punished frequently before, but not quite that severely.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Hey, is this the case with the brother and sister, both blue eyed and blondish hair? I don't know much, I just saw the video of them speaking about it on youtube (if this is what we're talking about). It shocked me at first, but then I thought, they seem so this what we're talking about and where is there good information on the facts of the case?

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

The father seems like a lying psychopath, I can't believe that interviewer didn't suspect that was an act...jesus christ. Did you watch that thing about the swedish twins? that was disturbing, but is there any solid link to who may have traumatised them in this way? Thanks for the links, absolutely shocking and disturbing but illuminating.

norobotono ago

You pick and choose what went on and totally ignore the real facts in favour of what you choose to believe.

The injuries you think were caused by the father could not have been because they hadn't seen him for weeks. Meaning any damage had to have been caused by other means. The mother admitted giving them enemas for their constipation.

The doctor that examined the children (twice) used outdated methods to reach her conclusion and her peers were so horrified by her conduct that they reviewed her work and under intense questioning, had her admit her errors (and bias). None of her peers agreed with her. Are you going to accuse them all of being involved too?

The medical report also showed the results of the physical abuse inflicted on them by Abraham, who had kicked, punched and slammed the girl into a wall. The leg wound was still fresh and scabbed. The girl was partially deaf because he hit her so hard against the side of her ear it damaged her that much. But do carry ignoring all those real facts. You are the ones supporting a proven abuser by supporting him.

ListenUp ago

So did the police. So do you. Why weren't the Jean-Clement Recordings presented in court or used as evidence instead of concealed in a property storage in Chingford? Why weren't the tattoos and distinguishing marks of the abusers that were in the children's testimonies ever investigated? So many questions, BIG QUESTIONS, still remain in the publics minds....regardless of your MK ULTRA/TAVISTOCK designed "Hoaxtead Research". Why are activists and researchers in the UK silenced so harshly? Asking too many questions were they? You try and shut us up by intimidation, harassment and fear. But what you don't realize, all of that helps us see just how important this case is. Not only for Mr. Dearman and his associates but by the very agencies that helped cover it up.
"22/9/14. Dr. Hodes writes the second medical report affirming the veracity of the sexual abuse allegations despite the retractions. Dr. Hodes cites a specific research finding that found that 16% of victims will retract the allegations and affirming therefore that the physical evidence of abuse should outweigh the retractions.

Lindsay C Malloy, MA Thomas D Lyon JD, and Joia A Quas Fillal Dependency and recantation of Child Sex Abuse Allegations. J.Am Acad. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry. 46:2, 2007.

These statements were made without reference to the disgraceful performance of the interviewing officer in the retraction interviews, which only strengthen Dr. Hodes’ assertions." from

"The Medical Reports. Who wrote them and are they authentic?

There are two Medical Reports, one dated September 15th, 2014, the other September 22nd. Written on the stationary of the University College of London in a way that leaves no doubt as to their authenticity. Background checks on the names of the people who signed the documents end any doubt . To illustrate this I will cite the best known of the Doctors who have signed these reports Dr. Deborah Hodes (FRCPCH) Consultant Community Paediatrician. A cursory internet search indicates that Dr. Hodes is employed in that role at the University College London and is an expert in the field of child abuse having more than twenty years experience.

Dr Deborah Hodes"

Two, not ONE, TWO exams those poor children had to endure, each. I think it is only appropriate that the abusers should have to show their tattoos and distinguishing marks. When I say distinguishing marks, I mean warts, piercings and scars that the children identified their abusers with...

The church has been refurbished, the website taken down, and Father PC is nowhere to be found, where'd he go? Where'd everyone go? You all scattered like dung beatles. It's what you do...

All your lies to confuse readers to keep them away from the real story....are you sure it was the girl that had her ear hurt? I know otherwise.

norobotono ago

Yes, sorry you are correct. It was the boy that Abraham hit so hard that he is now partially deaf. The girl was kicked from behind, slammed into a wall, hit with a metal (not wooden as earlier thought) spoon so hard it left a bruise on her forehead and a cut on her chin, both of which were still visible on video.

Care to comment on this oh so caring treatment of the children?

The church was searched withing days and unannounced and like the other properties they visited, nothing was found that backed up the story.

The medical report does not back up the claims Dr Hodes made. Why do you ignore the peer review?

Why you do you avoid Dr Sturge's report also?

ListenUp ago

You cannot say that about Dr. Hodes medical reports. She is NHS specialist in child abuse with over 30 years of service.
Those most perfect reports can be found here And an excellent piece by "Crimes of Empire" is here titled, "Hampstead: Leaked Medical Reports End All Doubt About Sexual Abuse Claims"
Again, with your lame strawman theory. I won't even entertain the arguement anymore. I want Dearman and his associates, which by the sounds of it you may be one of them, to be investigated by a real investigation team, not by the officers that were implicated by the children, nor the same ones that re-investigated themselves for the IPCC review. I want non-baby eating cops to stand up and investigate these horrific crimes. I'm saying right here and now, NO MORE! NO MORE! Did you hear me Dearman? NO. MORE. NO MORE PEDOPHILE ABUSE NETWORKS. NO MORE CONSUMING OUR CHILDREN.
Every citizen needs to stand up and join this fight. The sides are clearly chosen. There are 3 sides, take your pick....Satanist. Luciferian. And those of us caught in the middle of this nightmare war of theirs. I know where I stand. I say, FUCK OFF PEDOS!!!

norobotono ago

It was not me that said it - it was a panel of her peers who also are qualified with many years of experience behind them and not one of them agreed with her findings.

The difference between you and me is that you believe anybody accused of being a pedophile is guilty regardless of any evidence that proves not to be true. I want guilty pedos to be punished to the fullest extent too but I also want to know they actually are guilty. Not everybody who has ever been accused is guilty. Some people accuse for vindictive reasons or in cases of custody battles, as was the case here.

You don't care if the person being accused might be innocent I do, and so should any decent person.

cayenne-peppe ago

Fuck off you nonce I watched a copper threaten the boy during the interview.

Queen_Puabi ago

I watched two separate interviews with the children and it seemed they were lying to me too. No emotion, body language was way off and way too many details without being prompted by psychologist.

ListenUp ago

I think you need to refresh your memory. These testimonies are one of a kind, the most damning testimonies the world will ever know. Check them all out here

YingYangMom ago

Kids who have been victims of satanic abusive rituals often perceive their abuse as 'normal' until they are told by other adults that it wasn't. It's common for the young victims to 'dissociate' or 'adapt' to their abuse as a form of basic survival instinct.

VictorDaniels777 ago

I did not know there was a global petition. Thanks for sharing.

ListenUp ago

We just started it, thank you!