pizzaboss ago

Thank you for posting. This article has been featured in Eyes on Hampstead 4

EQJ ago

Looks like this is his original video, which directs you to more of his videos

EQJ ago

I think we should look at what other videos father Ricky Dearman has produced. Maybe more clues......

cantsleepawink ago

He's done videos for this organisation: Unfortunately, I haven't got the time to find them.

EQJ ago

Link to his channel! He has many more videos

cantsleepawink ago

Ah, yes and from that Supreme Master Ching Hai organisation too. Here's an article about it..another Clinton connection -

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Did any1 notice the main building is shaped like a penis?

nosilence1 ago

Now this is a smoking gun, I knew the kids were telling the truth, no kid that age could recount at such detail and in such a spontaneous matter a made-up story. Not even actor kids.

kaptklok ago

I was never into that Hampstead story. And now I saw this retraction from the boy. My gut feeling is that he is telling the truth here.

cantsleepawink ago

Don't you think it odd that the detective brought up the film Zorro and then prompted him after the boy said that though his story may have been exaggerated babies were killed ?

This was a complex story that also involved the Tavistock Clinic. You said that you weren't into the story. I suggest you don't form an opinion based on one video. These children had been in custody for a couple of weeks (if memory serves me correctly) and there were extreme concerns about the way the police handled the case. Read the comments under the video on the Youtube channel.

EDIT: Here's a video I just found of a summary of this case;

(Apparently the police officer interviewing the boy in your video was found to be a member of a Hampstead masonic lodge.)

nosilence1 ago

Nice one shill.

smokemirrors ago

Fuck, this is fucking HUGE. Everyone must spread the word; post post post under each related Hampstead video on Youtube. Any Brits here, spread the word to anyone you know investigating this.


Evileddie13 ago


nosilence1 ago

We know we're onto something when the shill trolls arrive.

cantsleepawink ago

Extraordinary how that happens with this particular case.

ravensedgesom ago

There could be another connection here one of the organizations was called points of light could be a reference to satanism as in thousand points of light

Somevoatguy ago

This is huge

teefymcteephteeth ago

Man, this is crazy. I'v known about the hampstead children since it happened, I always knew the dad was evil, now you've just linked it to Pizzagate! Making me wonder how many other cases are linked to this. I heard some mention of madeline mckan. Maybe the franklin coverup? Jesus how deep does this go? it must be a global operation.

doubletake ago

i feel your pain. :) ... but actually, if this connection holds, wow!. might be interesting to see if our favorite witch ever performed in that area?

teefymcteephteeth ago

I had a look, can't find anything on her being in hampstead but she has been to london, not too far from each other.