Commonwombat ago

This is what it's all about. Fantastic research and finally the dirty pieces start to fall into place. I'm marking the court date on my calendar.

VictorDaniels777 ago

If you're a friend of the Clintons, you're an enemy of Humanity.

wecanhelp ago

Outstanding job. Another confirmation of FBIAnon's pointers being real. Thank you, please keep it up.

Chance903 ago

Extremly well researched ,well laid out easy to read .Relevant .+10

SaneGoatiSwear ago

crensch is part of pv, the sjw cabal taking over voat. you must be fucking retarded to trust pv.


I dont want to see their efforts disseminated

SannleIkurrin ago

Great work! I'm a lurker here so far but run a parallel Twitter page. I think it's important to keep up the pressure of pizzagate where people who need to be made aware currently go. VOAT and gab are not mainstream enough yet, but they soon will be if Reddit and Twitter keep censoring posts.

Anyway, my question...

Can I share this on Twitter because I think it's big. FBIAnon says stick to the foundation, as you know.

dph1978 ago

Yes, please do. I posted on my twitter account too.

SannleIkurrin ago

Thank you. Great job, really.

dph1978 ago

Thank you. I think showing a direct link to a human trafficker, taking his cash, and inviting him to the WH is a pretty big deal. Can't really call that "fake news".

SaneGoatiSwear ago

except this sub is about pizzagate, not clinton.

i've noticed people saying similar things as you just did, but towards those focusing just on clinton here on v/pizzagate.

do you understand that people can join more than one sub at a time?

v/pizzagate is fucking huge regarding consistent member participation.

listen here, you've been here 2 days. lurk more. you're talking to the fucking sanegoat.

my aim is to foster a community sister sub to pizzagate so people have a place to focus on the clinton investigation - which is being lost here on v/pizzagate because the fucking international elite pedo blackmail ring is so fucking massive, there are THOUSANDS of people to investigate in v/pizzagate.

mind the gap. i wouldn't want you to get smushed by the sane train.

edit: being part of multiple subs is like sharing your flame. a candle flame sharing flame to light another candle in no way diminished the original flame. and now we have two candles, more light, less darkness.

mysecretidentity ago

Please explain how the clintons having a direct link to an international human trafficker is not related to pizza gate.... The investigation into human trafficking by the us/world elites?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

it is related.

there IS crossover. the clintons ARE part of the international elite satanic blackmail pedo rings....

but the pizzagate investigation - correct me if i'm wrong, this is my observation from lurking pizzagate - that pizzagate is focused on the ring, the ENTIRE ring, the THOUSANDS of pedos blackmailers participants, etc....

not just 2 people in it.

so while pizzagate goes after thousands, the clintons become put on the side to the much much much larger focal point of the pedo rings.

so the issue to me isn't that it's not related, it's that there ALSO needs to be a focus on the clintons directly, but that that can't be done correctly within pizzagate, it would divide and distract from the larger pedo rings that need to be investigated.... so the only solution i could think of was to make a wholly seperate sub along the same lines, but with a seperate focus, so as to NOT detract from, distract from, nor divide the pizzagate investigation.

i believe there can be more than one investigation at a time.... do you disagree?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

v/clintongate for all your investigating the clintons specifically needs.

get them elite satanic pedo ring fucks!

get the clintons!


jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Thanks, didnt know that

dph1978 ago

Good idea, thank you. Just posted to v/clintongate.

KingKongisCTR ago

Not really PizzaGate related but wonder if this guy could be behind all the happy ending massage places all around the US.

mysecretidentity ago

pizzagate is a lot bigger than alefantis and a pizza shop. its about international trafficking by elites and this is directly related... I'm not subbing to that because its all related and shouldn't be splintered

DooDooDoodle ago

They seem to have connections to organ trafficking and heroin. I posted about the long history of independent pizza restaurants being use to launder heroin money. Thaci and his Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) were first accused of human organ trafficking in 2010 in a report from the Council of Europe.

The 27-page report alleged that Thaci ran a “mafia-like” group of Albanian nationals — dubbed the “Drenica group” — who smuggled heroin and human organs in order to help finance the Kosovo Liberation Army’s fight against Yugoslav and Serbian forces in the 1998-99 Kosovo War.

The Guardian obtained the report in Dec. 2010 and reported:

It names Thaçi as having over the last decade exerted “violent control” over the heroin trade. Figures from Thaçi’s inner circle are also accused of taking captives across the border into Albania after the war, where a number of Serbs are said to have been murdered for their kidneys, which were sold on the black market.

Thaci and his government have another Clinton connection. In 2012, the Republic of Kosovo signed a $50,000-a-month lobbying contract with The Podesta Group, a lobbying firm co-founded by brothers John and Tony Podesta.

John is Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman. Tony runs the lobbying shop and has bundled more than $250,000 in campaign contributions for Clinton. His signature appears on agreements with the Republic of Kosovo disclosed under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

The agreement states that the Podesta Group would “research and analyze issues of concern to the principal; counsel the principal on U.S. policies of concern, activities in Congress and the Executive branch and developments on the U.S. political scene generally; and maintain contact, as necessary, with Members of Congress and their staff, Executive branch officials, members of the press, and nongovernmental organizations.”

Podesta Group’s relationship with Kosovo and other foreign governments is mentioned in the Wikileaks dump of John Podesta’s hacked emails

NotThe77th ago

It'd be useful to cross post this to /v/clintongate.

Schade ago

I remember looking into John Ashe a while back and Snopes had a somewhat different account of events. I don't necessarily put much faith in snopes, I still find his quite death suspicious.

lilwagon ago

Snopes confirms the core issue. He died via barbell to the neck, and he was a dirty, 2 degree separation away from Clinton.

jealoushe ago

Great find. What an intense web they all weave.

CrackerJacks ago

This is more like it.....

nitro169 ago

This all is so big it seems impossible to cover all tracks. I try and imagine what I would do if I was HRC, there is literally nothing I can think of, its too much, aside from some sort of mutually assured destruction scenario, there is no hope to cover all this up. Strange there hasn't been more activity witnessed cleaning up all these bread crumbs, its like they have all but given up and chose to be silent. Very strange...

YingYangMom ago

There is something that the google and fake news have been censoring lately. The 1.8 billion dollars Clinton supposedly transferred to a Qatar bank. New articles are coming out debunking this claim and I don't know why, but if it was a lie amongst many others, they wouldn't want to debunk or deny it so heavily. It makes it all the more interesting. Could the money transfer be the link, or the main piece of evidence needed to connect the Clinton Foundation to a child trafficking scenario? Let's say we found evidence that links them to a sex slave ring or trafficking of people or kids, in order to prove it, we'd need proof of transaction, like for example a payment, or bribe, or money transfer. I mean, aren't we supposed to follow the money? And this is big money. I'm undecided at this point, but intrigued nonetheless.

reasonedandinformed ago

Solution to this for HRC and those involved: Censorship of people like us (stop the investigation) and murder of those who get too close (the list is long, Peterson being a recent victim).

nnfx ago

Yeah I find that strange as well... I wouldn't be suprised if they have a plan B.

Everything from launching some nukes from somewhere to start ww3 to stoping the charade and openly making use of some secret new technology/ weapon to openly fight the people is possible in my eyes.

Or maybe they just flee to some island and then release a fucking virus and wait till most people on earth are dead before they come out again. I wouldn't be suprised...

SavingGrace ago

I think we may have all just been warned by Buzz Aldrin- and a senior White House adviser: Infectious disease will be the greatest homeland security threat for next administration

SavingGrace ago

Wow - Excellent reporting!

derram ago :

  U.N. Bribery Probe Uncovers Suspected Chinese Agent - WSJ :

        Macau billionaire in U.N. bribe case to face January 2017 trial | Reuters

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