21yearsofdigging ago

Strange that J and T packing was in an earlier post now disappeared. Is it just me or does it seem like anything about Clinton Foundation seems to get either buried or deleted??

By the way another article about Clinton Foundation http://www.abeldanger.net/2016/12/frank-giustra-clintons-poison-dwarf.html

fartyshorts ago

I also found the old location: 716 Advance St, Brighton, MI 48116

http://www.yellowpages.com/brighton-mi/mip/jit-packaging-inc-8116110 / https://archive.is/wBafl

fartyshorts ago

In the street view, Research Dr. is conveniently absent, but from what I can see from Grand River Ave. there's a building there in the latest snapshot (November 2016), but not in the previous one (July 2015). They claimed to have moved in May 2016, so it's probably a new building that wasn't there when they took the close-up aerial shot.

Sorry I didn't line up the angles very well, but you can easily go and look for yourself.

2015: https://i.sli.mg/MBFzRv.png

2016: https://i.sli.mg/MRfaJz.png

Innocent_Bystander ago

I wanna know why after this post got over 200voats, why it got bumped back like 4 pages away from front.

webofslime ago

Is that not the Outbound Technologies building?

Verite1 ago

Your post is so ridiculous. And your use of the word innocent is offensive.

Verite1 ago

Good question.

scotchfor1 ago

People or bodies?

Verite1 ago

I saw it and I even posted something about it on Facebook.

Verite1 ago

Yes and it's super important that you go down that rabbit hole so you understand the significance of it. Give yourself 30 minutes at least. Pay attention to the Hawaii connection. And then search for that and read the original post about Hawaii and the Wi-Fi and Flintstone.

Precipitate ago

Great job, but quit calling everything a smoking gun.

webofslime ago

Honestly, it is a smoking gun. The fact that not everyone sees it that way should be troubling.

Godwillwin ago

Do you think it would be effective flood news channels with tips/emails about this stuff? Lay it out for them. Maybe if enough journalists see these dots and how they connect, they will at least report on the money laundering and treason issues. Once that's accomplished, it may be easier for the public to fully grasp the evil depravity of these people and how they have been preying upon children

Just a thought.

Godwillwin ago

Monica Petersen was looking into the Haiti mining of Hilary's brother being used for trafficking from the garment factory. Monica is dead now, as we all know. How more Americans aren't in a huge uproar is quite disturbing. Washington and the media have dumbed down the people. and sadly it seems that half of the people are too far gone to ever think for themselves again. Meanwhile children are being raped and murdered and we are being silenced

srayzie ago

It pisses me off that this whole time they have said Russia and Trump were connected somehow and it was them! I didn't know the biggest Russian bank uses the Podesta lobbying firm. This to me is huge. With the the sale of our uranium to Russia, that most people know about already, and the Podesta brothers being Russia's lobbyist should have been all over the news when Hillary was running for president. I wonder why the Republican Party didn't use that against her.

On another note, it's weird to me how some of the MSM networks that just kisses Hillary's but, like NYT, stand up for her and lie for her and then you get articles that just destroy her from the same network.

thewebofslime ago

I wonder why the Republican Party didn't use that against her.

I believe that to be an important question.

I think the coverage you are referring to shows that there are either still factions within the media or they maintain a moving target. Truth be told, they still pulled some punches. That way, when Media Matters chimes in, the whole thing appears to be debunked, at first glance, and most people won't bother to look much further than a couple of news articles.

srayzie ago

That's a good point

thewebofslime ago

I still see an empty lot. Which address are you looking at?

thewebofslime ago

Look at the dates founded.

Then, call and ask them.

They just use slightly different names, for whatever reason.

Godwillwin ago

Yes. I've noticed that with all of their shady companies, they use the acronym as well as full name as well as an acronym similar but off by one letter. It's weird

jml1201 ago

Amazing post!

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Fuck yes I did. And I wasted a retarded amount of time defending it...

I didn't notice the spaces at the beginning though...Good catch.

Verite1 ago

YES YES YES 🙏 You you brought us Kaiser and Bethlehem steel and the fucking fire , those Fucks

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Edit: I'm responding to your comment 4 days late, So I forgot the comments that came before you, were referencing my referencing my JandT packing post.... Now THAT information, I can say I'm 100% certain about. I'm certain it's connected, and I'm certain is very fucking important....

That being said, I've thought to be 100% certain about things in the past (Not pedogate related) and have ended up being dead wrong.... But considering the accusations are toward 10 of this countries/worlds most evil cunts, fuck em. It's not like it's introducing new people that are potentially completely innocent.

Even if J &T packing isn't relevant (It is) we know the people involved are guilty as fuck in a hundred different ways. So It'snot like someone innocent is going to be harassed.

But again, I think it 100% relevant, and huge.

I brought you some facts. Some facts, and the circumstances around them. I'm still not sure one way or the other, as to how relevant it is to pedogate. I felt it was at the time, but I Haven't seen anyone do any follow up... So I dunno. Maybe they're smart and simply aren't sharing their findings publicly yet. Or maybe they found something that dissolves all the suspicion that I had.

If that were the case, I wish they would tell me... The last thing I want to do is point the finger at someone innocent( At least innocent as far as pizzagate) I mean, I can say with 99% certainty that fire was not accidental. That being said, It could have been simple insurance fraud... But based on all of the sketch circumstances, one could reasonably assume it might be connected.

I mean, if it was just insurance fraud... Then that's on them for choosing to burn the fucker hours after the election was called. They should have known how that would be perceived. I.E SKETCH AS FUCK.

The timing was sketch as fuck, In addition to burning cars, boats, and "possibly planes". In addition to all the false reporting and statements by the officals. In addition to the owner of the building, sharing addresses with clinton foundation in 6 states. In addition to alefantis growing up there.(I don't know if he grew up in lackawana specifically. But his parents had a cabin, on a lake, just outside buffalo. Beth steel location is on lake, just outside buffalo.)

To be honest, I haven't done much follow up on anything in those posts. I was sitting on that information for awhile, but I didn't know what to do with it... Eventually someone else made a post about steel and mining, so I figured that'd be the best time for me post it, since the owner of the building has multiple companies ranging from mining, pipelines, steel, construction, and more. OH YEAH. DEMOLITION! And the demolition surrounding the fire was sketch as fuck as well.

I didn't even want to deal with that shit anymore. I have too many other leads that I know, are connected to PedoGATe, FO SHO. 100% connected, no question. Where as I can't say that about the posts we're talking about... But I felt there was enough suspicion surrounding those facts, to warrant more investigation... which I hope others have done.

Even if I was 80% certain that all of that info, is NOT related to pizzagate... I would still have posted it. The implications, if true, are extremely dire. (Destroying an entire fucking building to cover your tractions?That's huge) So much so that it'd be irresponsible for me to not share it.

Disclaimer: I'm just giving an example, if I had to gauge my certainty I would say 55% certain that it's related, so I think the chances of being related, are greater than not being related... Which is the least certain I've been about any of my research. We were very spoiled in the beginning, There was so much that is just out in the open. Just blatant as fuck. It's like we didn't even have to do anything... Just keep following the evidence, which seemed to always lead to more. I mean, there's still a lot information being found easily... I'm just saying, We can't dismiss things, just because it's not as obviously incriminating, as a lot of the information provided, thus far.

Which was where a lot of the flak I received, came from. People were asking my to make accusations, and provide concrete evidence... Like what the fuck? Did they think that's how research/investigation works? Unless you can say with 100% certainty that it's connected, then don't say anything? I mean, I guess you can't really blame them, for the reasons mentioned above.(we were spoiled in the beginning)


Jesus fucking christ, Long story short.... Thanks for the support.

Verite1 ago

I went back and looked for this thread because I think it is extremely important. Regardless it is and was huge news a giant facility burning to the ground hours after the election and I didn't even hear about it. Just on that note alone. I can't unfortunately follow up on anything right now. I I actually try to figure out how to sticky this or make it more front and center. For fuck sake people are getting distracted with dumb things in my opinion. It annoys me that people refer to the kill room as the kill room. We haven't verified any killing went on in this room. For right now it is a fucking freezer. But we know who built it where it is and the types of photos and comments culture that they find "entertaining and humorous."

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

How do you feel about, the torture chamber email as well? I feel like that's dead too... Like, If you're talking about torture rooms legitimately, Whats the point of using code for kid fucking? I dunno. There's so much information. Almost too much. Too many examples of things that seemed like nothing, that are now vital aspects... Too many things that seemed damning as hell, that are now nothing.

As far as the killroom, I do not know what to make of it... I agree, we have no reason to believe any killing occurred, and my common sense tells me that if it were to actual be used for killing... YOU DON'T FUCKING LABEL IT THE KILL ROOM ON YOUR PUBLIC INSTAGRAM. The building where the killroom is located, Is sketch as fuck though. With sketch as fuck circumstances, For example, the bulding permits they applied for, then quickly canceled... The fact that it's a random building in an ally, with no street access, by a fucking park, where street view shows a creepy guy on a roof looking at the kids, Fucking James Adding the building on google maps as a museum, and how now removed it.

But my common sense of today, is not that of a year ago. Now my common sense tell mes, "You have no fucking clue what common sense is". Lol. I mean, based on all we've seen, I really don't know what common sense means anymore. But yeah, there are so many other aspects, unrelated to Instagram at all, or even the emails, that in my opinion are more damning... But I think by the end of this, we'll be surprised to learn what was the most damning aspects of this. Fuck, it could be something inconspicuous that we've all seen 100 times, but it won't make sense till later.

Kinda like... This whole research project. lol. Like This shit has just always been here? Shit be Cray cray.

Stay healthy buddy. This shit is draining as it gets.... Well not really, I'm sure it'll get way worse... But you know what I mean lol.

Boud8814 ago

nice name jimmy

witch_doctor1 ago

I posted this below, but it got buried. Yesterday there was a thread mentioning June 21 and Dec 22 as important occult dates...so I searched the Podesta emails and found a curious one that is now kinda creepy considering J&T Packing.....A UPS package from Tony Podesta to John Podesta on December 22, 2015 .....description of the package "tipsy elves"


Verite1 ago

That is too creepy to even fathom.

Ronnilynn31 ago

Posts like this are what keep me in awe of this forum and the people who contribute. This takes an incredible amount of time and organization and I appreciate the sacrifice of time and energy that goes into the research involved, particularly by individuals who aren't paid as journalists to do so.

search4truth ago

Thanks for placing a magnifying glass on this theme of corruption and the high crimes that they commit - which are obviously indictable. This Thread should be placed on the pizzagate sub-wiki.

Be careful about one of the documents that you listed regarding the Podestas having so many pedophile friends. I noticed Ashkok Mahbubani was cited as being convicted of drug trafficking. In another thread, this was discussed, but someone pointed out that the person convicted was actually a Filipino with the same name. The hearing was in a Federal district in FL, and the court transcript showed that this Mahbubani identified himself as being from the Philippines.

I will search for the thread with the citations, otherwise your post is great.

Also, I did notice, when researching the EKTA foundation, which the Mahbubani's run, there was a symbol of a small hand within a larger hand at the bottom of their website. http://muslimektafoundation.com/

witch_doctor1 ago

It certainly makes this email creepy...A UPS package from Tony Podesta to John Podesta on December 22, 2015 (June 21 and Dec 22 are important occult dates).....description of the package "tipsy elves"


NeutiquamErro ago

FBIanon, is that you?

webofslime ago

This is their website...

http://www.jitpackaginginc.com/about/ https://archive.is/9O4B5

Notice it says "Engineering Advanced Automotive & Industrial Packaging Solutions Since 1994!"

I think if you can tie the unserialized AK 47 silencers to the Clintons, you have a slam dunk. They were being shipped as "small engine mufflers." Not even /r/conspiracy will touch the story that leads to a CIA owned town out in East Texas.

http://gawker.com/a-redneck-overcharged-the-navy-for-untraceable-rustic-1463663322 https://archive.is/cqZyV

https://theintercept.com/2014/10/16/black-op-turns-bedlam-navy-silencer-scandal-unfolds/ https://archive.is/x5FJ5

This is their address... an empty lot:


Here is the Bizapedia:

https://www.bizapedia.com/ar/j-t-packing-company-inc.html https://archive.is/5OFP2

ANDREW KESSEL Chief Financial Officer









KEVIN THURM Chief Operating Officer






NeutiquamErro ago

This is fantastic work.

webofslime ago

This is their website...

http://www.jitpackaginginc.com/about/ https://archive.is/9O4B5

This is their address... an empty lot:


Here is the Bizapedia:

https://www.bizapedia.com/ar/j-t-packing-company-inc.html https://archive.is/5OFP2

ANDREW KESSEL Chief Financial Officer









KEVIN THURM Chief Operating Officer






Cbradio ago

The book by refugee victims from.Haiti, explain no h the routing of humans and many of the govt, npos like Boystown, industries, Krone, sponsor families and more that are investigate lved; and the us policies that are enabling.

Podesta has many emails of policy, infrastructure lobbying, also. Ann Klein is one, brought in, to assist.

webofslime ago

To present it all in such a way that communicates it all to be fantastical?

I do feel that there is an 'in your face, under your nose' aspect to a lot of it.

Especially when you can find news articles that basically spell out what is going on. Wild assumptions aside, Pizzagate does follow a path from person to person in such a way that seems to corroborate the notion that, at the very least, a nest of money launderers have been uncovered. I've heard drugs, guns, pedophilia... but the point is the code is a code that exists in several different lines of communication, the Podesta gmail account likely being the least of it, given James Alefantis' Instagram.

Maybe to warn people? Maybe it is part of the ritual to advertise it? Confirmation bias; now you just see it everywhere?

I suppose there are a lot of explanations. In a world where real news can get you killed, maybe presenting political criticism has a logical home in 'science fiction' stories, to avoid censorship, and there is more value to them than just a couple of hours of entertainment. Brave New World. 1984. Animal Farm. Anthem. Slaughterhouse Five. West World.

We have certainly been warned.

Boud8814 ago

Your amazing, thank you, incredible

webofslime ago

Everything is going to be okay if you would take a minute to peruse the real news articles in the post. That way, you can know what I am saying is true, where you will finally reach a relaxed state and start to do the right thing. Good luck.

wellington33 ago

http://archive.is/9O4B5 http://archive.is/5OFP2#selection-720.0-1414.0

;) it would be better if you dont share those links.

The way in wich the company is named, makes impossible to find it from google. very clever.

Cbradio ago

Saville reality in jersey island.

The corps and npos involved in the Hersey island orphan school of mass bodies found, and saville was there in pictures, but he lied about it!! Look up how the building is tan by this odd board, and instead of creepy place torn down, they selectively rent to various Biz throughout years, related to corporations, non profits, sport groups that they are affiliated with!

Has been a hostel, sport athlete center, vacation place and vacation bookings, etc.

Saville reality is the huge, luxury real estate in jersey island.Various homes are application only, to see or even know the price. Same female realtor. Saville is also

in UK realty.

Jersey island does not register pedophiles to certain laws! Both jersey and guerve island do not tax corporations. Both islands are near each other and are corporate tax havens.

Florida FBI even opened a case on one of the providence corp subsidiaries, under same name providence. Its the investor end, and shell corps traced to Brazil and guerne island!

Also a mafia guy in.providence, arrested from body found in warehouse in Rhode island, connects.

Webb also connects long island serial.murdered to all of this and prince/dignitary sex orgies in NYC. Not sure if ones know, but many in NYC do. They come, at least yearly, rent entire floors of hotels for these orgie parties. Many DJs, producers ate invited, as many prince/ dignitaries and their fans/ friends, ant to make their own music albums, like Paris Hilton did. These producers are white, black, Israeli and more, and travel to Germany a lot, and Belgium, and s Africa, the havens for these producers that cater to the elitescabs crowds.

One, is the son of the sister of Susanne somers. That is, there are "jobs for ones in lower elite that are connected.

Also, article on how Jenna bush went to south american country under a Npo front, but was really there to initiate a bush signing of huge piece real estate by a factory and by a huge property owned by a huge Chinese firm.

Public " forgot about bush daughters, after convenient party news. Paris Hilton is a DJ, going to Dif countries. Clinton foundation creates hotel contracts all over areas they destabilize. The Marriott will be second one in Haiti that is planned, and on their cf website.

That is,you can find more UK connections through hotels and satanic churches, industries being built.

Hence, why the one female killed in Haiti, was going to the Clinton foundation industrial park! A Chinese clothing factory is their already, coffee and fish corps, spread out. Pics on Clinton foundation website, show more elite scavs, EVEN the senator guy arrested for pedo when football coach is on website pic with bill ! Look at factory pic with Clinton's and bigwigs and factory workers. A lot of factory workers, do not look happy. Notice its all dirty slave job industries for the poor and ones who lost homes and jobs from the quakes, war zones, etc.

Ones do not realize, but from Bosnia and all areas destabilized, not all displaced are non educated. Many have degrees in various fields, even medical. They cannot practice when displaced from.country they are licensed with.

Cbradio ago

Sorry typos, vouts keeps erasing my comments s refuse to post, so have to type fast and post, ...

Eastwood350 ago

It's the first time I see anything about J&T Packing and I'm assuming it's because the original post about the company was deleted before I or others ever set eyes on it. Since there's been a myriad of issues with extremely relevant posts/research being deleted by shills perhaps a group of researchers in this forum should be gathering, downloading them and storing them all in one safe place.

BTW absolutely brilliant work on this current piece.

Cbradio ago

Yes, someones are erasing posts. Someone's even hacked my pm. Have not even had are back from vout, with multiple posts AND emails to them. It violates their terms of use and privacy to hack ones account property, ( besides legal law).

Notice there are low IQ type shulls, of this is false, to ones that act like investigating, then do posts like the ONE you see on this subverse by SOMEONE bashing the work of the subverse maker. Lookity look!!!

Also, if share posts on Illuminati initians that are all over Fb, Fb locks account and requires proof of Id to get on. Trying to track, identify people! The id needed To use internet, is starting with Fb. Wynne owns part of Fb, invests.

just_clueless ago

Random thought...Could access to a Boys Club and big high school drama class reduce the need to have a pizza franchise? Maybe that's why you switch it to a gold (mining/money laundry) selling business instead? I'm just clueless

privatepizza ago

Indeed, lots of suspicious info there (and other places), about Esther Rantzen. Allegedly she's the head of a coven.

And yes, Coleman has been worryingly MIA. He / they disappeared for a few months last year and came back with a post saying they'd been working deep within enemy lines in extremely dangerous territory, and we're about to reveal all. That he's now gone dark again is very strange....

crystalclearme ago

Well done again and again- you rock!

crystalclearme ago

I've been wondering what ever came of this J&T Packing lead. Is there some way or HOW do we get explanation?

Godwillwin ago

That's the problem - no one cares. The media doesn't care and law enforcement doesn't care. There's so many questions but no one is asking them. Take Megan Kelly for example. She didn't ask any questions. It was all poor James. Think of all the great questions that could be asked.

witch_doctor1 ago

Very true. I am a huge Gold Rush: Alaska (TV show) fan, and they tried a spin off called Jungle Gold, where 2 Americans went to Africa to try and mine gold. Surprisingly, heavily armed Chinese companies are basically stealing gold in Africa. The show only lasted 2 seasons because these guys were going to get killed if they kept trying to mine.


NeutiquamErro ago

FBIanon said WWIII would be "fought over the African plains." Was that a reference to gold?

witch_doctor1 ago

Great question and I wondered the same thing myself....gold or oil would be my guess. Oil more likely IMO because of the pipeline stuff George Webb is talking about (need to watch his Youtube if you aren't already). Plus gold seems to usually be more prominent in rivers and streams in proximity to mountains, however; there were some impressive gold finds in the Western US plains back in the day.

Cbradio ago

Koreogate, most never knew.

Natives in Alaska took to Washington state court. Lost, but set infrastructure down for regain our life sovereign RTS and land, sea repurces.

Being sea, oil drilling. Its natives of Alaska and Korea that own. Don't believe all news about n Korea. He's crazy too, but its ocean oil issue going on!! And the man who organized and strategized their legal, in case for natives and all of us, is dead. Heart attack n bathroom as doing conference with the bigwigs. Hank otrosky.

Cbradio ago

Also, Lisa of epa. Cory booker. Www.ourpassaicriver.org LOOK up the boards of every engineer firm and such. They knew the drive dying would be dangerous and bring up more agent Orange and twenty over chemicals, heavy metal in area already worse than flint and ignored. It was a testing ground.

Lisa admitted to using her govt epa mail, posed as a male, and Hawaii four chan's, found Lisa connected.

just_clueless ago

Frank Giustra is extra shady...Has a plane that takes Bill Clinton around WAY more than Jeff Epstein did, He also owned Lionsgate Film at one time and TONS of mining currently....VERY attached to a Vancouver Troubled Teen Boys Club type thing where he's really tied to an actor named Jimmy Crescenzo who teaches some type of drama class in a Vancouver school. Extra nice program super well funded (Giustra and friends) and tons of awards for Jimmy and an odd video called "The Secret of Boys Club" among others done by the students.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29-wyxdOHFQ&t=52s


fucking great work -

looks like any future book on the Clinton Foundation is gonna be bigger than "War and Peace"

Verite1 ago


witch_doctor1 ago

Good work. Another outrage that you may consider adding to your work, is the HRC State Dept meddling in Haiti's elections to install someone that would look the other way on the Clinton Foundation corruption. Foreign gov't hacking elections is bad as long as it's the Russians (it's not the Russians).

To be honest, I did not pay that much attention to those emails as they were coming out and did not realize the significance until George Webb spelled it out in one of his recent videos.

Verite1 ago

YES! And they have done it numerous times! Call to set up the perfect playing field in Haiti

Cbradio ago

As Webb said, five more Arab countries are next. Same with their next plans for Haiti, Sudan, elsewhere.

Guarantee that child ring connected to Industry park with murdered Lady ( Jessica? Is related to this corp or similar , INGREDION, bio material food. Check their website.


Candygram_for_Mongo ago

If you can link Jeffrey Epstein to Comet, that would be a true smoking gun.

Orange_Circle ago

Here is Jeffery Epstein, at Comet Ping Pong. 3rd pic down: https://archive.is/ziz1v

Orange_Circle ago

Here he is, Mr. America.... https://i.sli.mg/7f2Hz8.jpg

AreWeSure ago

yeah, looks nothing like the other guy.

Orange_Circle ago

He's older in the photo from Comet Ping Pong.

AreWeSure ago

This photo of Jeffrey Epstein is from September 2016. That is not a photo of him at Comet Ping Pong and it's laughably obvious.

Orange_Circle ago

It's him.

Cbradio ago

Good find. And happiest place on earth, thought Disney was. Oh yah, a run down.pizza joint and let's regress to kids pingnpong vs tennis. Ohhh, makes adults soooo happy!!

Cbradio ago

Some leads. Boystown is all over USA, India world. 12 locations now, include Florida, Texas, near new mexico.

Epstein new mexico ranch is near the Boystown in new mexico!

Retsch tissue and bone, donor center ( under a Dif name but on retsch website PDF file and I wrote it in another comment on Dif subverse, recently).

Also, book, Let Haiti live, how us policies are destroying us oldest neighbor, by two Haitian victims. Boystown and much more is mentioned a lot. Boystown in south Florida is one of first routing spots for young boys. A DENTIST is used to check teeth of boys that look almost 18. If not a minor, male routed to krone and broward high security prison as deportees.

Might find connections to Epstein with any of these leads, even dentist, court lawters . Another dentist in fl providence as arrested for sex abuse, kill kids. In news in last couple of years.

The owner of the providence stock sale subsidiary in Florida, lives in west palm by Epstein. The main providence corp has the Obamacare contract for fed non emergency transport, Logisticare corp for eight years, and Obama just rewarded four more years contract to this shady fed violating corp. Oig reports of Logisticare in Nj and wisconsin and mass beneficiary complaints of gross fed violations, deaths, conditions worsen is ignored by Oig and dop.

The providence that runs logisticare, also owns igneus corp. Important to look up that company. Board director on that providence, ALSO lives by Epstein in fl.

Provide nice fl is on FBI investigation in Florida, shell corp, investment fraud, shell corps to Brazil and over corp no tax friendly island, guernes ..right by jersey island ..pedo/saville/queenE.

Boystown sells IRA gold/ silver, and coins.

Boystown uses group homes now, sponsor fans and two research hospitals.

Epstein, right by boystown in fl and new mexico homes! His attorney also might have connection to any above, as clients, stock.investments. Tracing the boystown gold silver IRA and coins to the firms that hold sticks and sells, might connect Epstein or his attorney.

Attorney teaches at Harvard, runs dept. Harvard school f public health, shows mass resesrchnon dire affects of poverty, substandard medicine. Research is paid by govt, Univ donors, npos etc!/ If you call any researcher on staff, you would think they care of lives, but boy do not. I contacted them and that attorney before about some serious cases. Rude mofos, a social justice front, look me all of them.

Cbradio ago

M. H. Epstein is he a relative to Epstein? Jeffrey epstein taught at harvard and elsewhere. Attorney allen dershowitz is of harvard. Www.boystown.org research staff team. The vice pres has articles cited in his youth trauma research. M.h. Einstein is one of the authors in journal of emotional and behavioral disorders. Ronald Thompson is vice pres of the research hospitals of boystown. There are two, and in India and abroad, kids are sent to their affiliate locations. Google boystown,India. Lots comes up.

Epstein, wikipedia. Taught allen greenberg son of Bears ltd, owner/ director, and later worked for vesr and stearn. , Alan Greenberg who is finally, on federal indictment charges for multi frauds with one of his firms, 2025-2016.

. Greenberg and Steinberg fams are very behind scenes like Wynne, but parallel to Rockefeller's in long histories. In israel to behind scene in Hollywood, NYC, Chicago, many corporations, esp financial.

In fact, a Steinberg ( Tampa ssi attorney) was on 2016 vice pres ballot under indep party, rocky which if you go to wikipedia on Rocky forvpresudent, can see all the big backers. Was on Ca, fl and other state ballots.

Who can trace Epstein family tree?/

Epstein ..bear Stearns, lelie wessler, the limited and abercombie and finch, Jeffrey Epstein via FOUNDATION.

A big missing piece is the model and fashion industry that hobnob and share multi industry interests, including leather and chemical factories in impoverished areas.

Boystown, besides 12 states has group homes all over, including Orlando, Tampa, near west palm.

Jewish metro foundation may be area to look. Post r are told to go there for food pantry. Its a mental route trap. And, counseling not even free, but very high cist, $80 and up, even for sliding scale. On Facebook they encourage poor to refer their fams and friends.

On podesta wikileaks, mass emails of Jewish federation corruption in California!!

Go to www.tzedaka.org BOY, much info on a lot. Names, salaries, organ owned bynonrs that are misleading Npo organization names, locations of some people, their organizations. Needs archiving, mass good data.

isthisreality ago

I tried searching up Epstein's family before, couldnt ever find anything on either of his parents- and on a semi-related note, on Robert Maxwell's Wikipedia page, there is no mention of Ghislaine Maxwell when it mentions his children. Just thought those two coincidences were a bit odd

Cbradio ago

I'll be looking into your other great leads, some already non my list. Ones look into retsch, boystown , San Antonia donor, calcium waste catalyst for biofuels ( same corps and related doing mass engineer research!!

Find even the articles of they are trying to stop graveyards, and ashes. All under sustainable and bio materials!! 2009 food summit sahara Africa region!!

They want both the old and their new emerging industries. So easy to see, really..

Sure, scalia killed for wanting to be bigger than I hers, using his position to threaten. Its HOW prey minds operate.

Psych industries and mags are in on this too, spinning false news.

Stratford emails EVEN say how we lied to of the why and how of wars, they joke to tear Iraq apart.

Honestly, good Muslims, gaus, trannies should be aware, and uniting. We are all being screw played.

Ones in other countries need to stop this go to aggro vibes, and see what's up and target the real PLAYERS THIS GOVT MAFIA..ones so easy manipulated that already have aggro in them. Very unintelligent, doing dirty work for top that has them expenidble too and destroying them in wars and much more.

Cbradio ago

Yes!!! Good work. Multi crimes are related, and this is how criminal minds work. Clinton foundation is not even registered by IRS to do more than Arkansas library archive, related research!/(charles Ortas).

Obama is def involved, and too many downplay all you mentioned, Hawaii Honolulu dog stand, Obamacare and obama foundation.

Obamacare is killing so many, jail st with transport fraud, but way more. The corps he contracted are subsidiaries owned by hugevworldwide corps in all types of prison, social, disabled industry welfare AND those corps are contracted with same mining corps, engineers, etc to build up their expanded industrial prison plus institution complex PLUS brings in immigrants refugees felons to USA, France, etc, etc under guide of hr-5 bill!!!!

Fr infants to the most sick, can't drive, poor not getting transport, but illegally cut off by these frauds or so endangered harmed on vehicles of these immigrant felons. ( sex assaults, deaths, yep, covered up but enough on web to see the pattern here).

Podesta, Wynne and invest in industries using calcium powder ( HUMAN BONE).

BONE also makes bio- diesal!!! Retsch corp has a tissue donor office in San antonio!!

Search all wikileaks, way more. Stratford files Genocide Cannabil Meat Meat grinder Syria files Serbia mafia and particular one on Stratford files: mafia being used to bring black market stuff in and out of Syria through turkey!! Weapons, drugs, ( children, George Webb mentioned ratline??

Inside correct the record, other emails, have attachments. Meat search on cell phone, shows you meat is in the msg, but meat not in 50% of the emails!!

This is mafia, organized, strstegized. Life is ROUTED and Haiti survival book, well outlines the ROUTING of humans. ( let Haiti live)

Boystown is spread all over, USA, India, more, IRA gold silver stocks and coins EVEN!! BEEN saying this a lot. Look up their websites in full, wikipedia, search engine. Data all over. Right in our face.

They don't care. They are not human. They are anti look fe prey prototype. All they do, they will lie and gaslight victims, false blame.

Learn THEIR WAYS..its already way to late...its beyond organized and structured and occurring and huge plans in the world under the fraud of sustainable.

All is a front. Ww need unity, strategy, publication c and private groups to disseminate. Stop thinking they are Hunan. Look how old human classification is. They are anti life, destroy drive prey prototype. This prototype has been around for centuries, started with few, group think, multi generational. DNA DOeS change with even the loss of lactose. Do you not think their ways has not created DNA change, mind change in others to masses they "collect as want to take over, even bio electric energy change..polarity of what Wilhelm Reich found.

Last week, I had posted the Washington society list that has podesta, bush, Rockefeller's, princes from various countries and more, on it.

AreWeSure ago

By the way, Uranium prices have really fallen so they probably overpaid for the deal. Uranium is cheap and easily acquired. There's a global market for it. The US faces no issues with its uranium stocks or supplies.

AreWeSure ago

You talk about crimes, but I see no evidence for the claims. The sale of Uranium One involved no crimes and multiple federal agencies confirmed it posed no threat to US security. You are using this for your claim of treason?

Joule is an American company. It is not controlled by Moscow or by Russian investors. And not a single word of that email concerns bribes.

You seem to alleging lobbying crimes, but it's not clear at all the specifics. The Panama Papers didn't reveal any crimes on behalf of the Podesta Group. Sberbank only became their client this year and they are publically registered as a lobbyist for Sberbank. See here


The issue they were hired to lobby on is US sanctions against the bank.

*Also there's a bonus there!

webofslime ago

Doug Band explicitly stated that Chelsea used 3 million in CF money to pay for her wedding.

The financials from the Clinton Foundation make it clear what is going on. Money laundering through a web of NGO's.

They are personally enriching themselves and their friends with blood money.

AreWeSure ago

I will sacrifice a chicken to the God of your choice if you can show me where Doug Band "explicitly" says this.

thewebofslime ago


In 2012, Amid A Spat With Chelsea Clinton, Doug Band Threatened That If Chelsea Wanted To Audit The Foundation That She Runs The Risk Of Exposing That She Used “Foundation Resources For Her Wedding And Life For A Decade…”

Here is a copy of the email...


21yearsofdigging ago

At the end of the email he mentions 'Bari". Is this short for Barry?

AreWeSure ago

I read the email previously which is why I knew what Doug Band said .

Forget your fight with me and read the email again. See what he explicitly says.

webofslime ago

You are asserting that the Clintons don't profit, personally, from donations to the Clinton Foundation.

Your assertion is wrong.

AreWeSure ago

Do explain how.

webofslime ago

Are you saying that the Clinton Foundation covering Chelsea's personal expenses do not fall into that category?

The Clinton Foundation donations are donations to themselves... at least 85%. They give to their own charities.

Charity Navigator does not consider the Clinton Foundation to be a charity, at all.

Charles Ortel, the investigator who uncovered the financial discrepancies at General Motors before its stock crashed, says the Clinton Foundation is “the largest unprosecuted charity fraud ever.”

$10 billion in aid funds were taken in the Haiti earthquake and at the Clinton's discretion to give out. Can you tell me were that money went? Haitian reporters called Clinton disaster fund-raising “predatory humanitarianism.”

AreWeSure ago

Charity Navigator actually gives The Clinton Foundation very high marks.

Score (out of 100) Overall Score & Rating 94.74 Financial 97.50 Accountability & Transparency 93.00

For comparison the American Red Cross has an overall score of 83.33.

They previously didn't rate them, because the Clinton Foundation spun off a subsidiary that made year to year comparisons impossible.

Why hasn’t Charity Navigator published a rating of the Clinton Foundation for the last few years?................. For each charity, our rating system evaluates numerous financial and accounting metrics, including a comparison of how these metrics change from one year to the next. In 2013, the Clinton Foundation merged with one of its affiliates, the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). This merger made it difficult to compare financial information of the combined entities with financial information from the Clinton Foundation before the merger. In situations like this with any charity, we will reevaluate if the charity provides consolidated financial data that will allow us to perform an accurate year-over-year comparison.

AreWeSure ago

CharityWatch has them as a top rated charity and gives them an A.

The Clinton Foundation never controlled 10 Billion dollars. False. That's adding up all reconstruction money from all parties. And that is what was pledged. It's unknown how many pledges were unfulfilled.

If you want to read the best of account of the failure of Haiti reconstruction which affects not just the Clinton Foundation, but also the Red Cross and UN and others read the book The Big Truck That Went By. Here's a long form article by that author on what happened, what the Clinton did well and where the they failed.


One aid worker claimed that Haiti was a mess at every level and corruption exists at every level.

Vindicator ago

Aaand scene. The commitment to citing sources is why I love this sub. :-)

AreWeSure ago

It's a mis-cite of the source or he doesn't know explicitly means.

Verite1 ago

Bullshit. And to top it off Chelsea herself was suspect of the dealings of CF.

Vindicator ago

Yeah...I think that was window-dressing. I think she did that 'auditing' stuff and conflict with Doug Band or whatever his name is, so that she and her parents can later claim their underlings were doing the nefarious deals behind their backs and they tried to stop it.

Verite1 ago

This could be true. I'm just wondering though with everything we know from George Webb about Eric Braverman perhaps not knowing and being shielded from the actual activities and the chain of command and maybe that's why he has now disappeared or went underground, or whatever because he figured it out? Could Chelsea have also been kept in the dark in some way?

Vindicator ago

Absolutely. These people are experts at 'plausible deniability' and isolated sleeper-cell tactics. Chelsea has probably been preserved spotless in case she has to run for the presidency to pardon both her parents. Hope those 4chan anons that have gone underground have hacked 'em all and gathered a mountain of incriminating stuff.

Boud8814 ago

hows is it going over at Correct the Record? A lot of this "sacrificing" I suppose

Cbradio ago

Its a Russian subsidiary, ..why you minimizing such?

What's the extra bonus on there?

Etsy endorsed by pee pee? Etsy where ones can buy Hunan body parts and animals, in every form, as is to lamps?

AreWeSure ago

Are you confusing Sberbank, the Russian Company with Joule the American company where Podesta got stock? It looks like you are

Cbradio ago

Are you confusing aliens with podesta?

AreWeSure ago

Joule is not a Russian subsidiary. That is false.

Cbradio ago

Oh good..now u got more false news you can tell Mr fdlse news podesta and his alien conspiracy...heehee

Cbradio ago

Yah, why another country did an indictment.

Yah, uranium and nuclear stocks competition is no big deal, and khaddafi to north Korea nuclear stockpiles were never a concern.

Yah, they incite Russia to war that now has more nuclear weapons.

Yah, stocks don't fall by any market manipulation

Yah, uranium is an unlimited resource like oil, coal, gold, diamonds, cobalt. Yah yah yah!

AreWeSure ago

Another country did an indictment? So?.

Do you know the process by which the uranium one sale was approved by the government?

Cbradio ago

Bye bye..I'm working not here to prove jack to you...have a nice day, Mr alinsky. Flush.

witch_doctor1 ago

Using your position as SOS to enrich yourself is absolutely 100% illegal. And if the Clinton Foundation wasn't about buying influence, why has the funding dried up now that HRC is at the back of the bus?

AreWeSure ago

There zero evidence of her enriching herself by using her position.

They were buying prestige, not influence. It was an ago thing.

Verite1 ago

Yeah right. So for every business transaction they lined up for their buddies. Our govt "civil servants," in exchange for those millions and millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars got them no finders fee? Is that what you would have us believe?

witch_doctor1 ago

That's crazy talk. If you can't see that the Clinton's got rich by using their status, then you aren't really looking, because that is crystal clear and irrefutable.

"They were buying prestige, not influence. It was an ago thing." This is cognitive dissonance.

AreWeSure ago

You are making a vastly different claim from she used her office to enrich herself. You don't even seem to understand it.

There still hasn't been a single quid pro quo shown even after more emails revealed than any other figure in public life.

Don-Keyhote ago

The fact that the Clinton's have publicly stated that their standard of proof is "you can't prove that a decision was made based exclusively on a contribution" (real quote essentially) says enough. Nervous at ctr yet?

AreWeSure ago

Essentially or real quote? Forgive me, if I suspect you dropped some nuances.

Not nervous. Not ”at ctr." That sounds like you wanting an excuse not to engage the debate. Ad hominem and all that.

Do you know the process by which the US government approved the sale of Uranium One? And what Hillary Clinton's involvement was?

Don-Keyhote ago

The quotes message is clear and I'll answer this with another by Maureen dowd writing about a Clinton scandal: "the thing about it was: with the Clintons the charge was plausible."

AreWeSure ago

Maureen Dowd hates the Clintons.

So you can't find the quote you paraphrased? Because I would like to see that.

witch_doctor1 ago

I understand it perfectly...not one quid pro quo? I'll give you a bunch...Clinton Foundation donors get private meetings with Secretary of State if their donations are big enough. End of discussion on my part...not gonna feed the shills.

Cbradio ago

Hey, @witch_ doctor1 ( are we sure) is clearly a shill. Anytime, good leads, roaches come out of cracks to deny, minimize, mislead.

Even calls a corp, not Russian affiliated, links a archive and it states RUSSIAN SUBSIDIARY. And Podesta's jumping on the military privatizatiin of housing.

Monopolizing and privatizing resourcescand industries and hogging up govt staff, as poverty, jobs, all over USA are a huge escalating issues, and many other issues affecting quality of life and life duration.

ACTS like uranium grows on trees, and is as safe as apples.

Cognitive dissonance propaganda. This shill better train under Saul Alinsky more, very lousy at His agenda..hubba hubba forest gump jump jump!!

AreWeSure ago


DarkMath ago

AreWeSure, please look up RICO violations: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racketeer_Influenced_and_Corrupt_Organizations_Act

When the ongoing FBI investigation wraps up they'll be using RICO to charge Hillary. And that's bad news because in a RICO case you don't have to show Quid Pro Quo explicitly. All the FBI needs is to show two violations, most likely financial harm to someone(Haitian earthquake victims) and criminal intent (deleting emails, destroying phones etc would show criminal intent. Deleting massive amounts of emails means Hillary knew what she did was a crime).

She'll also be charged with Money Laundering through IHRC. Please watch Clinton Cash to get a better idea of how badly Hillary screwed over the Haitian people. It's unconscionable.

Hillary will also be charged for using the Clinton Foundation to set up a private army to invade Libya. Private citizens can't set up armies and invade other countries. Sorry. I don't make the rules. And actually now that you mention it, there's very strong evidence that Hillary sent Qaddafi's stock of Sarin gas to Syria via Qatar and Turkey. I'm sure you'll be interested in reading the following since by your own admission you want to be sure:



Finally to wrap it up, George Webb does a great job laying out what the FBI case will look like. Here he is with the email of Hillary asking Sidney Blumenthal to set up a private army via gmail: https://youtu.be/x9VyrKB88DM?t=217

The party is over AreWeSure.

May Godspeed The Plow.


AreWeSure ago

I'm quite aware of RICO law. I have no idea why you say

And that's bad news because in a RICO case you don't have to show Quid Pro Quo explicitly. You of course still need to prove a crime.

Your example of RICO predicate crimes are extremely vague. Financial Harm? What crime is financial harm? Deleting emails is not evidence of criminal intent. Good Lord, people delete emails all the time. It can be evidence of intent, but it's not automatically so and in the case of her turning over her emails to the state department, the State Department has confirmed she was well within her rights to delete personal emails. So deleting massive amounts of emails is zero evidence, I'm afraid.

She created a private army to invade Libya? I've read Seymour Hersh's article and I've read all the reasons it falls apart. Such as the UN report that shows the chemical munitions being launched from Government controlled areas. We disagree on this strong evidence.

DarkMath ago

"Deleting emails is not evidence of criminal intent."......You don't use bleach bit to remove emails about yoga and your daughters wedding: https://www.bleachbit.org/

"She created a private army to invade Libya?".......Hillary HIRED a private army via Sid Blumenthal.

"launched from Government controlled areas"......The Porton Down testing showed the Sarin gas didn't come from Assad.

"I've read all the reasons it falls apart"........Did you? You'd heard of the Porton Down testing? Why did the Porton Down evidence "fall apart"?

What's up AreWeSure? You aren't conceding on anything. I conceded your point about warm traffic. I can be rational and objective. Can you?


AreWeSure ago

Trying to determine truth is not a one for me and one for you kind of thing. I'll have to look at the warm traffic thread again. I didn't see that.

The Sarin gas at Ghouta contained hexamine. Only Syria is known to use hexamine in their sarin recipe. When they gave up their chemical weapons, they declared 80 tons of this stuff as a chemical precursor specifically for Sarin. It makes sarin more stable and allows for more concentrated/more potent sarin. Syria had very strong control over it's chemical weapons stocks. That and the fact that the trajectories of the rockets trace back to government controlled areas leaves very little doubt, Assad's forces launched this Sarin attack. Speaking of criminal intent, Syria continuing shelling the area for days before letting the chemical weapons inspectors in to inspect the area.

She hired a private army through Sidney Blumenthal. That's a good one. I thought you were serious for second. You got me.

DarkMath ago

Ok AreWeSure that's just about 24 hours and you didn't respond. You didn't address the Porton Down testing. That means you have no interest in objectivity here. That's not good.

All you have is spin. Remember this gem: "Deleting emails is not evidence of criminal intent".

Remember my response? No? Here it is again: "You don't use bleach bit to remove emails about yoga and your daughters wedding: https://www.bleachbit.org/"

BleachBit is clear evidence of criminal intent. Full Stop. End of story. It's not debatable. You know it isn't even close so instead of admitting you were wrong you go to your Safe Space. That's pathetic.

Actually arrogant would be a better word. And arrogance is why you Leftists lost the election. We're talking about killing 1300 innocent men, women and children in cold blood. You don't sweep that shit under the rug. You don't pretend there's no evidence. You don't run to your Safe Space. There's strong evidence innocent PEOPLE DIED A FUCKING HORRIBLE DEATH. You should be ashamed of yourself AreWeSure.

AreWeSure ago

Blah, blah, blah.

DarkMath ago

Lol! Were your fingers in your ears and did you end it with "I can't hear you!". Of course you did. You're a spineless chump.



DarkMath ago

"hexamine".....A chemical weapons lab in England tested the Sarin but you don't even mention it. An objective person would address their opponents argument. You ignored the argument and hoped I wouldn't notice. Sorry but you can't do that. You need to explain why the Porton Down testing was invalid.

Hillary used gmail to instruct Sid Blumenthal to consider hiring a private army to overthrow Qaddafi in Libya. Instead of addressing that well documented fact you suggest I'm joking. You then end your rhetorical coup de grace with "You got me.".

Uummmm yeah. I'm still getting the impression you're not being objective and dispassionate about all of this. You've closed off your mind to new evidence. That's not good. Let's review:

Good: Observation -> Conclusion

Bad: Conclusion -> Observation


Schade ago

Outstanding research!

joeysaperv ago

I like to listen to Jim Willie's interviews at the goldenjackass.com for his insights into issues related to gold and international banking.

For years he has been saying the US government is run by satanists, which finally clicked into place when spirit cooking and pizzagate opened up. His primary expertise is in the role of gold in finance. To see these issues come back together from a separate source adds validity.

Because he has a prolific log of interviews I don't have a specific example to give at this point, but I am sure he has relevant information. I'll send him a note just to point him to this page.

Cbradio ago

Yes and look at boystown, IRA gold silver, and coins!! On Forbes #48 list rich npos..under Flanagan name!!

Ihatepizza2 ago

I've read a lot about Frank giustra. Seems like a nice guy (/sarc). Try the below in google "giustra site:.incakolanews.blogspot.com". The website owner is rather tempestuous so approach at own risk

Thorshamster ago

This is fucking fantastic work, friend. Great job!

badastrid ago

Excellent work. This is what we've all been waiting for: so many loose ends tied up.

Innocent_Bystander ago

This to me is a really Key piece of the puzzle. Maybe the one that finishes the puzzle. This explains Why its going on in the first place. The pedophilia has always just been a byproduct of the more serious problem going on.

Verite1 ago

Yes exactly. The raping of the resources. Through regime change leaves the collateral damage of displaced children women which they can now turn into a commodity. Well to wheel efficiency if you well.

scotchfor1 ago

Pardon my analogy, but this occurred to me earlier today: Nobody gets the real de-value of aluminum because aluminum production is not about aluminum but the by-product of aluminum, Sodium Fluoride, which is poisonous. Therefore, the process is unrecognized for its true value; it is at least twice as valuable as what it is listed as. Value is all perception.

salinaslayer ago

Magnum opus!

MolochHunter ago

thanks webofslime. Another thorough post - I cant hep but wonder if the FBI are using voat to get shit out that their bosses cant get political traction on



DarkMath ago

"Hillary’s brother ended up on the board of VCS Mining."....George Webb has a theory about this and that is the mine given to Hillary's brother is really just a money laundering operation. There's no gold there. It's already been mined and the gold was taken out long ago. The mine exists so Middle Eastern funny money can pass through it and appear on the other side as revenue from gold mining.

Verite1 ago

Yes. Just watched it and put that all together. Until they get that mine online there laundering Libya gold

Godwillwin ago

There's a garment factory that monica Petersen was suspicious of. I think she thought they were trafficking through the garment factory to the mines in Haiti. Correct me if I'm wrong. But I think that is what she wrote to her friend about the clintons

webofslime ago

http://journal-neo.org/2015/03/20/hillary-the-new-york-times-will-never-tell-us-this/ https://archive.is/rE1iQ

It has just been revealed that she used a private email address run on her own server, during her years at the State Department, and never had a ‘state.gov’ address as required for government official business. She ran all her professional emails through her own Internet domain, ‘clintonemails.com.’ When she left office her emails left with her. That included emails that would have dealt with her response to the Haiti earthquake. The Federal Records Act requires employees of executive branch agencies to keep all of their emails and make all of them available for permanent retention.

She was Secretary of State from January 21, 2009 to February 1, 2013. In December, 2012 Hillary’s brother’s company got the lucrative gold mining contract. During her time in State, the State Department through its USAID disbursed $3.6 billion for Haitian “earthquake relief.”

The plot gets uglier. While she was doling out billions in US taxpayer dollars to unspecified projects in Haiti, husband Bill Clinton was serving as UN Special Envoy for Haitian earthquake relief as co-chair with Jean-May Bellerive of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission. At the same time, Bill was head of the Clinton Foundation, which claimed to have raised $36 million from “private contributors” for Haiti relief. However, the Clinton Foundation, at the time Hillary was Secretary of State, also accepted money from countries that Hillary Clinton dealt with while Secretary, including the UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Iran, brazen conflicts of interest should Clinton become president. In one case the Clinton Foundation accepted a “gift” of $500,000 from the Algerian government to “benefit earthquake relief efforts in Haiti.” Hello?

joeysaperv ago

"A gold mine is a hole in the ground with a liar standing on top of it." - anonymous

VieBleu ago

...and a slave at the bottom of it.

BedAndRektfast ago

Does anyone know how much gold Hillary's brother says he's found in a hole in the ground in Haiti?

Cbradio ago

Yes but more under sustainable industries. Mining other "resources..human.

SpikyAube ago

A man in the UK did a lot of research into organised crime in the UK government, and it is also related to mining, and also related to the US. The problem with this guy is that he cannot for the life of him explain properly what his evidence is, despite numerous web postings and a video of him handing evidence to the BBC (who unsurprisingly never reported on it). I believe he has discovered proof of crimes because he seems credible, but he is just unfortunately extremely bad at putting what he's found into words that an interested outsider can understand.

Do you happen to know what the best way to find out about similar operations that have occurred with the UK government? There is sure to be a connection, and the more connections the more evidence, the more evidence, the more likely this will all come to full-beam light for the majority of citizens.

This UK guy had found his evidence through company records and financial records I think. I just wouldn't know where to start, but you seem to have a good handle on looking into this stuff. I did find that the Clinton Foundation UK is registered to a London address that several UK politicians have businesses registered at - at least one of them is a convicted pedophile. Any pointers would be most welcome!

Godwillwin ago

FBI anon told us to focus on London and Qatar

Verite1 ago

Yes that's right. London.

webofslime ago

Glencore is probably the connection.

Though all roads seem to lead to Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. In Clinton's case, it is through ARK.

Cbradio ago

Also, tavidtock and multi.other Soros and Wynn groups, foundations, research entities ( usually psych social) in UK, Switzerland, Ireland and more.

Soros even has a psych social economic research center to create and promote conspiracies. ( as false news is blamed on citizens).

You can find goodvresesrch blogs on Soros and his groups, esp.in UK where ones have done a lot if research and put blogs up that also need archiving.

Lots have dug into all aspects of corruption. Getting all pieces on one page is pertinent.

Camelot project. Has website and utube. A Rockefeller female, that states she is a victim of mind abuse, pedo, satanic is interviewed by camelotproject.

Tednews on web and utube. Maas disinformation by agents. They act as if pedo abuse bad. They stare trauma cannot be healed. Bull crap, it can by various movement energy modalities, emdr and a lot more that release trauma from the cells, the way wild animals do, as released from.caproboty. " shake it off, " a process even done with a refuge in a Africa country. If not shake it off, are immediate prey to other wildlife and not group accepted. Ted talks is about put sh ones through mental routed and psychotropics. Psychotropics and over talk therapy, actually keep cementing the neuron synapses of trauma, firing up same areas in brain, retraumatize. Tedd talks is very UK based. From audsters with an agenda.

Aside, from USA, UK, and more; all over social platforms, any.psych that does false news, or sex abuse with children talks and reports; send comet pics of infants and key D's for by law they must mandate report if see those questionable photos. Mandate report laws require ones in professions required to even fill out a application and send to CP's and other child agencies, if not reside in USA. CP's 2026717793. Expose and pressure all the fraudsters. UK in psych mental psychotropics areas is in this.

There is a independent film of the frauds in england public healthcare and welfare that came out, just last year, by a rich guy. It exposed, but did not help the ones violated. Its just like Obamacare and bush care. Many deaths, all ages, include infant mortalities, institution routings( look at board and stocks as its all about systemic routing for mti industry profits), or illegal blocked from all medical as rot at home. That movie exposes a lot, as does hufgington post in UK, of various advocates and victims that speak out. Oddly, has huffington post, bowed down to.public pressure to allow a welfare, public health care, advocacy forum, blogs and articles for UK!!

Also, there is a blog on the web, parents were both illegally arrested and severely mental routed for reporting their young son was solicited for sex by a rich be ghbor. ( Norway or Sweden) the blogger, then did a huge blog on satanism in the arts of London, but meshed into PSYCHOLOGY for VICTIMS. ( Tedd talks and Orhers are using psych areas to indoctrinate victims and ones with mental disorders). Many are indoctrinated with satanism, and this blogger shows what's going on and the sick art work of violence, and psych and social agencies involved!! Mental drugs cause aggro violence, volatile to be trump ggered. They are chemicals that also have a electrical energy to them. Very easy to manipulate ones.

Cbradio ago

Board of directors, stocks, wall street, investors, firms they work with. Such as engineering firms.

Start in websites. Read thoroughly. Cameroon is def one. Queen FAM, their land, corps have and work with. Look on jersey island and guernsey that queen owns. Jersey pedo and bones is huge case, with saville. Both islands, near each other, between France and UK.

Corps in fraud, connected to Obamacare are providence. Many providence subsidiaries.

Providence owns worldwide igneus. Igneus is also in UK, USA, Australia, Saudi, mass more.

Facebook, iniate Illuminati is huge to third world Africa, VOA UK, USA entities ( NY, ohio, London come up a lot. Who.is building, funding the mass satanic churches popping up.in UK, USA, Africa, and owns / Acquiring property.

Your UK idea is smart. Always review websites very well....and search key phrases on web and wikileaks in full, not just podesta sta and Clinton.

Whole slew of data being missed, by ignoring rest of WikiLeaks. Hillary used Bills presidency to go into data on all people, govt staff, corps, worldwide to see who has crimes and violations. Goal of hers, build the mafia network organized with bill and Chelsea under cf.

Don't be fooled by Chelsea, some are. She was raised by Chelsea, and uses same type of geeky downplayed sex appeal to manipulate. Guarantee, Eric Braverman brought in was not to expose and fix foundation, but part of plan with her parents to move Clinton foundation out of Brock and others, for their later takeover moves in govt to corp worldwide, to give Clinton's bigger profit and control assets.

Don't even fall for gaymovements thibg, esp.if gay, etc. Its all a front to bring satanicviolent types into all power and industries and the masses. All is a front. Underestimating them and how expansive they are is not even safe.

It does not start with Clinton's, bush and prior. Clinton's just reorganized it and Obama. Do not underestimate Obama in this. Study all he has done, Obama foundation, Obamacare.

Igneus is used to transfer immigrant, immigrant felons, refugees into countries via jobs. In USA, through bill hr-5./Ones have no idea how fed violating, abusive, fraud bill, no show, strand for hours or all night PLUS intimidate and harm all ages of disabled, esp.ones that speak.up.of fed nemt transport frauds, exercising both their beneficiary rights and ADA rights togriwvance, and its title iv violations to intimidate ones who exercise their ada RTS to grievance.

The "things that have happened to disabled or parents speaking out. A lot. Ones have no idea, how dangerous it is to speak out, including to state governors, state attorneys. Events..do happen, including kids killed in transport, even by simple oxygen not hooked up, and kid never checked for long hour trips. Its just like cps intimidations., and whistleblowers laws do not protect victims and their FAM advocates.

Look at way laws are structured. Read all laws and corporate govt federal acquisition handbooks, contracts and more for each country. He brought that up in this subverse, of how another country, did charge one of the mafia players of unregistered political corps.

Wynene and Podesta and multi corps involved in the federal indoctiin case of gross medical surgery at human illegal experiment level. What is missing from that? The same experiment done all over world, not just us a and in many hospitals PLUS where wynne and crew are getting the BONE paste.

Oddly, Wynne's corps had approval to use the bone filler for arm surgeries, butnot the spine. Three died on table, in USA. They were not just doing in USA. Guarantee mexico and India. Many in Africa go to India and Germany for medical.

Allepo and other Syria rat lines of poison. Look up the cases of chemical warfare in Syria, Iraq; for england review studies on it, also blaming Assad, pull up further entities named for your UK research.

Also, UK pulling out of union. Look up UK govt and corps that are tricking the UK people by adding loopholes and delaying . Obama went to UK to tell ones not to vote for brexit. Obama is a bold mofo, crime agenda.

Why is bill Clinton called the top type politician by so many top turds? The criminal mafia plans plus his ACTING of charm. Do not be fooled, even George Webb is a bit fooled by bill and Chelsea, when they work in conjunction to Hillary and each play their acting role.

Look on ALL Clinton tweets. You can find Maas govt , corp, npos, universities they work with, as they promote and share tweets. Chelsea has been extra active in plating that role esp after Hillary lost and corruption came out more.

Look at charles sort as website. Heard ones archived it, but if you can, archive everything you can, anywhere. You can find UK aspects, and much more on his four year review.

Keep watching George Webb on.utube. CCC gas, foreign affairs, engineer firms ( many even listed on ccc website).

Hope that helps. Glad you want to add more of the pieces. Sorry if typos..

Boud8814 ago

This blows me away, this is so massive how to put it together for the uninitiated to understand or care? So much digging to do, is this why the internet was given to us? This is a epic struggle against good (but blinded) and evil. Internet tableturned?

SpikyAube ago

Thanks so much for all this, that's so helpful! I have a feeling that the UK is some kind of hub, or seed for a lot of this stuff for some reason, that the UK possibly has more corrupted politicians and corrupted upper parts of society than perhaps anywhere else. I kind of suspect that countries that have kept their monarchy, even if just as a nominal head of state, are the worst and most rotten, and their people the most brainwashed by this entrenched idea of an inherent social hierarchy, that some people are just born better than others and therefore deserve riches and special attentions etc. So many Brits buy into that idea, not that they'd admit it necessarily, but it's like a stubborn weed that crawls through the subconscious of British society. Gives me chills! Anyway I will get researching with all this help you've given me and will report back later!

Cbradio ago

No prob. Nice to meet you!/I found when ones are legit with ethics, they always find so much, where they feel sense an area to look.

So, look forward to see what your archeological dig, brings up!! Happy new years and nice to meet you!!

Aside, UK witnesses to assange at Ecuador embassy. There was a thread about a song and other hints, he possibly dropped..))

postfascion ago

Tavistock was mentioned by the op research that for more ifo on how the UK is connected maybe. What I do know is that their building was splattered with blood on 7/7 a fucked up way of hiding in plain sight, since they were likely involved in that falce flag production. http://www.ukcolumn.org/ does some good work on these subjects, but as always be cautious of limited hangouts.

privatepizza ago

Maybe you know these sites, if not and you're feeling brave you could take a look at Aanirfan and The Coleman Experience. Both researchers of various uk and international underworlds. You may find some connections there to delve deeper into. Overwhelming amount of information. Not an endorsement !

Companies House is a good source of info on U.K. Public limited company's, and offer a few free searches per day. You can search by persons name or company name.

Good luck ; )

SpikyAube ago


Yuke ago

Excellent work my friend. Now if only a reputable, brave journalist would 'break' this kind of information to the masses, we might just be able to sort this mess of a world out.