reasonedandinformed ago

I think there might be something here. Please build it out a bit and try to repost with some narrative and support. People are sometimes paranoid about shills/red herrings, but I think you found something worth chasing more.

zlomsocz ago

did you look at warchilds pictures, fucking disgusting (another DC area band that plays at comet and room 11)

"Bring your fucking babies to Asylum tonight. We don't give a shit. Party time."

"Everyone go to Room 11 right now and order a Warchild and drink it fast and then order 5 more." price 666

redditsuckz ago

Monster Energy Drink 666

redditsuckz ago

Dont forget to Archive and Screenshot!

That baby is crying in the pic...

And what if they meant "fucking babies"...

They are raping babies...

Pedophile Criminal Networks of the World Exposed

AdVict0riam ago

You clearly have never worked in a high pressure, more-than-40-hours-a-week job. Coffee is the lifeblood of productivity and is widely revered as such.

This does not appear to be a productive area of research to me.

ProudTruther ago

Coffee is fine but Starbucks not so much.

PepperoniBoni ago

If black coffee is blood, I can't even imagine what they mean when they add cream and sugar. My guess is blood, semen and breast milk, and ties back to spirit cooking code.

redditsuckz ago

Red Hot Chilli Peppers Album...

Blood Sugar Sex Majick


Blood sugar BABY

She's magik

Sex magik sex magik

PepperoniBoni ago

Stellar reference. "Mothers milk" (1989 album)

redditsuckz ago

Yeah these bands are into Satanism and Aleister Crowleys OTO hardcore;

And Crowley killed and ate people.

justiceforever ago

Wth is the inevitable black? So weird...

redditsuckz ago

They do this "inevitable black" thing every friday...from going through all the instagram posts this equals killling and they gather "wood" which is "body parts"...and they harvest blood/coffee...

This is a company at "The Pajama Factory" where Jeff Smith(kill room guy) works;

Adipocere Soap is one of the first tenants listed.

When you google "Adipocere"

Google Images for "Adipocere"

Their website Skull packaging on soap


MAGAphobia ago

Retarded. This shit is a red hearing. Don't let shills push retarded nonsense like this on you guys.

Lunari ago

Seriously. Also, the fact that OP is spamming the link to this post in various other threads makes it even more obnoxious and obviously a fail attempt at pushing this disinformation.

redditsuckz ago

I suggest you look at all the pictures and evidence in this post and come back instead of just go on a rant. This goes much deeper than "pizza".

MAGAphobia ago

You guys are retarded. Human traffickers don't operate like that. This is basically just an underage pimping ring... Guess what? THOUSANDS of those exist and they operate like normal pimps. Look into North Preston's Finest. That's how they operate. Only idiots would run a business like you guys are saying.

redditsuckz ago

This is basically just an underage pimping ring

Not true...this is what the MSM and controlled alternative media would say...they would never go so far as to say they are killing children and that they are cannibals.

redditsuckz ago

WOW - Good work everyone

Starbucks MUST be serving a "special" order...I bet they got orders mixed up.

Room 11 DC Special order "WARCHILD"...WAR-CHILD...blood from a child of war...;

MAGAphobia ago

There's no proof of that. Prove to me they're eating children.

redditsuckz ago

Multiple Instagram pics of babies and pizza together...

Baby in the corner and "Edible" magazine..."yum baby"...

Just plain sick shit inside Comet Ping Pong...

itrunshot ago

Keep at it man, the shills cant keep the truth hidden

redditsuckz ago

Well I hope they at least burn through all their downvotes.

cosmicmind ago

The interesting this is that they must have puled on from another forum because you have to have a specific number of posts to qualify to downvote. In other worda ... trolls.

ProbablyHoly ago

Pizzagate becomes coffeegate has ten downvotes

Littleredcorvette ago

This post on puzzagate2 got down voted quickly too Possible front company in Florida

redditsuckz ago

Must be a word that trigger the downvoting. Gave you an upvote for the post.

Littleredcorvette ago

Remember the graphic about pizza fueling the election? My interpretation:

Pizza= gate

Subs = (Subway, Jared Fogle)

Donuts = (Dunkin Donuts- on the logo look at the steam coming from the cup-swirls)

Bagels ?=? Starbucks?

redditsuckz ago

Your right about Dunkin Donuts logo;

Starbucks logo is just evil all around;

Littleredcorvette ago

There's also plenty of coffee flowing at Dunkin' Donuts too.

I have noticed a lot of donut imagery along with pizza images. I don't have a specific example, but it seems like there were donuts in the photo of bucks with the steak.

redditsuckz ago


The donut "hole" could be mean "anus"...more satanic sex majik with the "eye" as the anus" also.

Majestic Ape...Comet Ping Pong Band; "anus eye"

ThorTheWonderful ago

Interesting analysis in so many ways.

LA_Trump ago

Wow. Good work, shills are downvoting.

redditsuckz ago

Yeah last thread there was a downvote to every upvote...and this had 3 downvotes in less than 3 the second I posted it.

redditsuckz ago

Shillbots are trying to bury this...

Those who downvote this come and explain with reasoning as to why you are downvoting.