Freemasonsrus ago

I'm guessing George has access to some/all of the emails or other documents bc he says that he sent stuff to Wikileaks that hasn't been published yet. I'd assume that that's where he got a lot of his info and that his question about Braverman may be one he has a good idea of the answer to.

smudgepotforever ago

Did anyone else hear what I heard? He mentioned that he had made a submission to Wikileaks. It was at about the 15:30 mark of this part II. I don't think he means the vids/slides. He knows (had posession of ) something and shared it with them and he is impatient for them to publish it. He was on the inside enough, which explains why he can connect these dots when no one else really can to this extent.

He can't tell everything he knows right now, and he can't do the pizzagate stuff without risking getting banned from YouTube, but one commentator recommended to him another site he can who knows if that might lead somewhere. Anyway...I think this guy is a goldmine. Either that or he is the most delusional Don Quixote like character ever...which seems unlikely.

davemcgowanwasright ago

You are right. I have been looking into this angle for a long time and will develop it more with credible citations.

rutkdn ago

I'm not saying him as a whole is not valuable to our cause. Just this particular video appears to me like a missed opportunity.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

We should start backing up his videos if he is not already. Dudes laying breadcrumbs everywhere. I suggest everyone see his videos as well. Every little name drop, mention, finger point the guy does is some kind of breadcrumb sometimes.

WakingUpisHardToDo ago

Was just watching day 71 and reading the comments. There were about 45 including one from someone who noted that a comment about the FBI had just gotten deleted and George Webb agreed that they were scrubbing many. I just went back to the comments and it shows there are only 11 and the above referenced comments were also deleted. We have got to get off YouTube

WakingUpisHardToDo ago

Comments are back up now. Odd

Birdzeyeview ago

you people are all disgusting paranoid muckrakers!!! Monica Peterson committed suicide by hanging and she left a note. END OF STORY, stop using this tragedy to further your tinfoil hat sick fantasies, the products not of reality, but projections from your own sick minds!!!!!

9217 ago

Hijacking to post this thread asking some questions about Dyncorp in Haiti and Petersen... apologies for hijack

davemcgowanwasright ago

MIchael Hastings was mentioned in this video and is a very important piece to this puzzle. Just before Hastings was killed, he was working on a story that was going to expose CIA director John Brennan .

The following email was written by Stratfor President Fred Burton:

It reads: "Brennan is behind the witch hunts of investigative journalists learning information from inside the beltway sources. "

Now, here is the important question all of us should be asking: Why was CIA director John Brennan going after real journalists so hard? Probably because he was protecting this trafficking ring. Brennan is the key. This whole thing is a CIA operation and it always has been. That is why they are distratcing half the country with the Russia hacking nonsense.

TrishaUK ago

throwaway345678 ago

he needs to bring up claude d'estree and dyncorp in relation to this

rutkdn ago

He really likes to hear himself talk but actually says very little of substance. He could have used this platform to go over the Monica Petersen case. Instead, he uses her name in the title and just kind of mentions her suspicious death in passing a couple of times, providing little value especially to newcomers.

smudgepotforever ago

He didn't just mention her in sounds like he doesn't know exactly what happened to her, but he keeps pushing for McCabe to not isolate Miami FBI office and to send loads of investigators to Haiti to find out what really happened to her. He seems to feel that McCabe (hope I'm getting the name right) is currently blocking FBI getting the truth.

I could be wrong, but I can't help but think that he and other players (current and former agents of various alphabet agencies) are waiting for Jan 20th to turn the ship. I don't think it will happen right that day, but the wheels will be set in motion. I don't believe Trump for a second when he says he isn't going to prosecute Hillary. That's what I would say too, take 'em off defense, let their guard down. He isn't going to personally prosecute shit...all he is saying is that he's going to have the backs of those that try to set things somewhat right. At least I hope so.

it_was_foretold ago

Tried downvoting you, but I couldn't. He doesn't really want to touch the pizzagate stuff because he doesn't want to be the next Monica Petersen. He's said it himself in previous videos. Crumbs are dropped because it's an unavoidable subject intertwined into what he's discussing. He's far braver and provided more knowledge into what's going on than you have. Nothing personal, but I don't think we should knock down people who are getting truth out for nothing in return.

rutkdn ago

There is nothing wrong in criticizing ineffective delivery of Pizzagate related information. The mediums of exposure are so limited, that each one of them should be utilized to maximum effect. Same goes for David Seaman. I get his role, I do, but I can't even watch him these days, it's all rants and paranoia.

throwawaa ago

Respect for your opinion here, just wanted to comment -- I've watched all of George Webb's videos, and if you watch them from the beginning (especially as they're coming out) they paint a coherent picture, and he cites his sources in the linked slide deck. It's true in this case he didn't say too much about Monica Petersen, but his role isn't to put all of the detailed evidence in his video, it's to connect the different aspects of the whole system and give the critical leads for people to follow, so that we can help him by finding new connections and giving him sources to cite. (He explains this in some of his videos.)


srayzie ago

I'm surprised he has said his full name and shown his face. If I were him, I would want to be anonymous

smudgepotforever ago

He was at first, but he thought it better as sort of a dead man switch to use his full name and where he lives, increasing odds that his death would draw suspicion. At least that is what was said.

srayzie ago

Well that kind of makes sense too

oldchangling ago

I'm sure he doesn't need anyone defending him, but I'm gonna do it anyway. He's put an awful lot of information together, all (ASAIK) from public sources. The important output is the Google presentation, which has all the cites. The videos are just icing, highlighting shifts in direction and fertile areas to explore. Are the videos perfect? No, but they're still remarkable. I learn new things every time.

Rigg5 ago

He's trying not to get all his videos taken down and killed. Crumbs here and there are good enough for right now.

TrishaUK ago

Excellent!! insight Great YouTuber George Webb. Where is Eric Braverman.