ZalesMcMuffin ago

This is something which has been debated a lot, for some time now. If there isn't already some page where it is authoritatively addressed, there should be. Our Aspie army can't help us if we don't see their work!

MONOLITHicide ago


chlrndrmz ago

Report on U.N involvement in human trafficking and prostitution from a Haitian Women's Rights Movement

" In 2009, 950 Haitian children were trafficked across the border; after the 2010 earthquake, that number spiked to 7,300 children. 88 They are taken by traffickers who often work with corrupted local authorities – reportedly, all the officials know who the traffickers are, but don’t report them.89 The traffickers coerce their victims into prostitution, or use rape to intimidate and control the victims.90" "Both consensual and coerced adult sex workers continue to face many challenges related to traditions, perception, and insecurity. The precarious situation of women living in post-earthquake internal displacement camps, especially for women heads of households, has driven a sex trade due to a complete lack of access to free government services and a complete destruction of their livelihoods following the earthquake. Displaced women and girls are being forced by circumstance into survival sex."

Eastwood350 ago

Dyncorp secured a contract for Haiti in 2008: Dyncorp also secured a 48.6 million dollar contract in Haiti in 2013. Dyncorp is presently hiring in Haiti:

lawexaminer ago

"jewwatcher" and "hivewatcher" are shills. Total disinformation

Commonwombat ago

I believe it's the same person.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Support for this assertion?

Godwillwin ago

Kissinger associates is run by big time nazi globalist Henry Kissinger. He wrote a book pushing his one world order agenda. He does not try to hide it. However, his company is secretive.
From Wikipedia "Kissinger Associates, Inc., founded in 1982, is a New York City-based international consulting firm, founded and run by Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft. The firm assists its clients in identifying strategic partners and investment opportunities, advising clients on government relations throughout the world. Known for its secrecy, its specific activities are not public knowledge."

Check out the Wikipedia on this-- His partner in this company is socroft, former NSA. Goldman Sachs and Rockefeller are two names involved as well. I feel like every company we investigate is super shady and we've investigated a LOT. They really are running the world. If won't don't take our works back soon I don't think we will ever have a chance to do so again. They are everywhere and in and running everything and are truly above the law.

"Later, Kissinger himself was appointed chairman of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States by George W. Bush. Congressional Democrats insisted that Kissinger disclose the names of clients. Kissinger and President Bush claimed that such disclosures were not necessary, but Kissinger ultimately stepped down, citing conflicts of interest."

The official website of the company. Notice the triangle. This just gets crazier and crazier with their triangles etc everywhere. Especially the golden triangle with ping pong behind it for the D.C. Website.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Henry (actually Heinz) Kissinger is not a Nazi. He's a Jew.

Godwillwin ago

He was born a Jew, but that doesn't mean anything. His actions and philosophies are more like a Nazi. (There are many born Catholic that are now Satanists)

Kissinger's background is quite eye opening. Here's a little on his teen years:

After fighting a horrendous war and witnessing vile crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Nazi regime, the United States military and intelligence communities decided to recruit thousands of the worst Nazi criminal scientists to work for them in America, Australia, and other parts of the world then attempted to cover it up.

Someone had to seek out and gather these Nazis in the chaotic aftermath of the war. Army counter-intelligence employed the services of a particularly gifted young Jewish soldier who had escaped Germany three months before Kristallnacht. This same person would go on to be a top American adviser on nuclear arms and head various other top-level government councils. He would decide to develop biological alternatives to nuclear weapons in around the year 1970. Besides working in powerful government positions, he then set up a consulting service to advise clients for a fee.

That's just a little background on his younger years to reveal how he was working with counter intelligence agencies from a very young age.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

"vile crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Nazi regime"

Like what?

Godwillwin ago

The Holocaust (prison camps, gas chambers, mass graves, starvation, torture etc)

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Prison camps were needed for prisoners, there were no gas chambers (except for lice), the mass graves were filled by Soviet killers (Katyn) and Allied attacks, the starvation was the result of Allied bombing (and included all Germans), and what torture do you mean? (I'm figuring you don't mean the torture of the Nuremburg show trial defendants.)

Godwillwin ago

If you don't believe the Jews were tortured during the Holocaust, then there's no point in discussing Henry Kissinger with you.

The number of Jews reported killed may be higher than the number actually killed, but torture and murder of civilians took place in prison camps.

It's extremely disrespectful and arrogant of you to say that the prison camps were for prisoners as if civilians including children DESERVED to be in prison.

I suppose you think the FEMA camps across the US will be for deserving American citizens as well.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I don't "believe" there was a "the Holocaust", since the evidence indicates that there was not one. Ergo, no, I don't "believe" the Jews were tortured or murdered in it. However, if you have evidence of torture or murder of civilians, I would like to see it. There are some stories, but the ones I've heard seem dubious IMO. A lot of details have been sanitized and others invented to skew the narrative, and pretty much all in the same direction. Nobody (except politically incorrect people) has protested, out of fear of being labeled and attacked. So now the story is absurd and crumbles upon inspection.

The number of Jews "reported killed" has varied wildly (and mostly downward), yet somehow it always supposedly tallies up to 6 million. Why is that?

Prison camps are for prisoners, but the Germans also had transfer and labor camps. You only mentioned prison camps, so that is what I addressed. If you're convinced children were mistreated by imprisonment, can you give any examples? (You'll recall Japanese internment camps in the US in WW2; if parents are held in such a camp, where should the children of those parents go?)

I don't know what the FEMA camps are for. Like most, I've heard the rumors for many years. Still waiting for anything to actually happen with them. (I'd feel better if they didn't exist, but my wishes don't always come true.) I've seen long trains and freeway caravans of military equipment IRL; no idea what they are for either. I've seen a lot of things. Some of them only "click" later, when something catalyzes, like PG. Suddenly many previous abuse stories seem plausible, where they had seemed outlandish before. Maybe that will happen with the FEMA camps. If so, hopefully it happens before we're in them.

Godwillwin ago

I've seen the looong trains carrying military vehicles and equipment too.

I suppose we will have to disagree on the Holocaust. Most of the prisoners were prisoners for being Jews. That's not the same as a war criminal that committed a crime. I believe most of what was in Schindler's List actually happened. There you will find the torture. The pulled fingernails and experiments and brutal hard labor and murders and gas chambers that killed people not lice. These people were forced to go there because they were Jewish. It's not the same as water boarding a member of ISIS.

The Nazi scientists came over to America and Australia and continued their experiments, many of them are involved in pizzagate. MK ultra etc. There's too much to write. I've read so much over the past months on the Nazi connection. I'm half German and my father seems very Nazi like - regimented and brilliant and stern and wise and skilled at everything he does and independent and observant and critical. I see how this breed of people could have been trained to be the cold "scientists" they are. My father is not cruel or a killer- lol. But he's very stoic and matter of fact, and I can see how if he weren't a TRUE follower of Christ that he could have easily been brainwashed and schooled to be like these Nazi scientists. (He wasn't born until right after the war, so that makes a difference too ;). But I know too many Germans to think that the Holocaust didn't involve the experiments/torture etc. I'm not saying all Germans are killers. I'm saying I can clearly see how they were schooled in such a way that they did their job as told and thought of as "what needed to be done" Nothing more nothing less.

Anyway, I hope something breaks on pizzagate soon. I hope Trump and his team shine a big fat light on this mold.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Well, this isn't a Holocaust discussion board, so I won't belabor that point any more here, except to say that I disagree with the assertion that the camps were full of people who were there "for being Jews" and also that Schindler's List (which is fiction) is a good place to learn the truth. There was a declaration of war in 1933 by Jews against Germany. AFAIK, that war has never been ended. Spielberg is a Jew. Why believe one side's war propaganda about the other side? At least look at both sides.

But I'll stop there.

I agree with you about Trump and hope, but I'm also keeping my expectations low. Trump's connections to Epstein and that whole scene, plus his aggressively pro-Israel stance, are disturbing (and related?) indicators. There are others; he's not an angel, as I think we all know. But Putin also has some skeletons in his past, but seems to be a pretty good president of Russia these days (at least compared to a lot of other politicians... does not seem to want WW3, anyway, and has some sense in his head). So we'll see.

Godwillwin ago

I do need to look at both sides. I don't want to be close minded. Will do more research on the jews and Germany once pizzagate is blown open for the world. Gonna focus on the little ones for now.

cautiously optimistic on trump with more optimism than caution because I don't think the establishment is controlling trump. When the republicans turncoated during his campaign right before the election, I was pretty convinced that he wasn't a puppet. It didn't make sense for all those repubs to turn on him especially when you consider his opponent. So I'm hoping he really is a loner that truly wants to make America great again.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Yeah, I have the same hope for the same reason. There is still the possibility that it's all an elaborate trick, though. I know some believe that. It seems like just too massive of a con to pull off, to me. Too much acting by too many people. I'm hoping the world isn't quite that much of a Truman Show.

Verite1 ago

Need to explain to ppl the no such thing as left/right after a certain monetary achievement. As a certain politician said in a debate last year, having Kissinger's support and recommendation is not something to which I would admit to aspire.

chickyrogue ago

not to mention his involvement in 911 end of the insurance and silverstein the other

Verite1 ago

You're joking you're joking you're joking you're joking please tell me it's not true please tell me it's not true

Godwillwin ago

Right. That too. He's a bad dude. He's 93 and I bet he thought this was the year he'd finally see his his global dream come true. Ha! We put Trump in the White House and are taking our country back. We are going to bring this one world order down like a house of cards.

chickyrogue ago

well some say he died what in 2014 and this is just hte continuation of the franchise not unlike hillary clintoon

throwaway345678 ago

Dyncorp given a contract in HAITI - despite "losing" 1billion

9217 ago

Monica Petersen listed herself as working at "The Union" School in Haiti, not sure if it may tie to Dyncorp somehow

Which also shows up in wikileaks cables here

And here

According to the cables it is the "Embassy's designated school"

Still looking for any other connections that would explain Petersen in Haiti and if Dyncorp or other similar groups are related.

MONOLITHicide ago

i work in dc alot. i am a land surveyor and have been following this pedogate for sometime. i am new to this site but came to a realization that i need to post the imformation that i know. first we need to look in to douglasdevelopement. the own a majority of the properties in dc. also when i have done these properties we are contracted with mccullough construction. there is one property that i was recently apart of to do a boundary on. its and old meat processing plant. the inside was a huge refrigurator like the pictures shown by james alfantis of the murder room. i did not get pictures but will the next time im on site. here is the address, 2130 queens chapel rd ne.


Douglas Dev has a pedo-like symbol

Verite1 ago

Could be, my not be, at least we know now about their type of brand marketing

MONOLITHicide ago

exactly. not saying anything is connected. but i do alot of work for douglas developement and after all this i realized there logo looks just like the boylove symbol. i figured id post something about it because you all have done a great job finding links and research. i also know douglas developement owns alot of properties around dc.

Verite1 ago

You are correct about Virginia. Reality Calls, excellent videos about that on YouTube. 16 of them or something and they are now being removed or blocked. Or we were confirming we can still access them

Yuke ago

Holy shit you are bang on the money. This could be huge. I noticed during my many searches during Pizzagate that the name "Jemal" came up more than any other regarding properties in DC, and that just so happens to be Jemal/Jamal of Douglas Development . The properties are all listed as Jamal's (add something else here; e.g; Jamal's Cisco Kid LLC), there are tons of them, search the permits history and you'll find them. This is the info for the address mentioned, 2130 Queens Chapel Road, NE.

Lorent ago

Just looked at Douglas Dev's website. Their logo is very similar to boy lover from the FBI logo:

salinaslayer ago

thanks for the lead

Godwillwin ago

Douglas development website

I can't find anything suspicious on Douglas developments. Here's their website

Jemal Douglas is wearing a weird necklace that I can't seem to figure the object/pendant on it is??

He's super rich

The logo resembles one of the pedi logos but there's nothing that jumps out at me while researching him

Verite1 ago

Can someone do some work on this image and clear it up? I'd like to look at it

Yuke ago

I've had a quick look around. Seems they aren't exactly angels. A couple of accusations of bribery and fraud against their name. Also, it seems the pattern of their work is to buy properties and leave them empty, sometimes for years, until the time is right to flip them. Lots of empty buildings could come in handy for nefarious activities.

MONOLITHicide ago

thanks for looking in. i do alot of work in dc and they buy up everything. i do alot of work for them.

Godwillwin ago

Do they hang out at comet ping pong?

HiveWatcher ago

Dyncorp owned by Cerebus & Veritas, all Peter Thiel holdings - Palantir(FB,paypal) NSA spook who owns Voat too - Veritas Lawfirms Tied to Pizza Block Saudi lawyers - DOJ ANDREW KLINE is "VERITAS"

/v/politics is now deleting any mention of dyncorp & voat(peter thiel)

throwaway345678 ago

Are Kline of Veritas and Kline of the DOJ different people? Trying to get the links sorted here

Andrew J Kline at the Veritas Law Firm...

Is this linking Dyncorp back to the Alefantis group? Kline represented Mendelssohn of "wethepizza"...

In addition to monica petersen >brain implodes

throwitawayn0w ago

Same person that Besta Pizza is registered to?

modsforsale ago did an article a long time ago that they are all the same person.

They are all tied to Veritas lawfirm, and the Veritas Group is huge in DC, and now owns DYNCORP.

throwaway345678 ago

I thought Cerberus owned dyncorp,looks like they used to be owned by Veritas.

jewwatcher ago

What's interesting is that anything that ties DYNCORP to Saudi is deleted immediately by the MODS.

The pizza-blocks are all tied to the same 'lawfirm' Veritas which is a legal front in DC for DYNCORP, now most of the lawyers are also working for Hogan-Lovell which seems to be the main front for obtains VISAS for Saudi's to hang-out in DC for a long time.

DynCorp is Cerebus & Veritas - Thiel Holdings; Pizza Blocks Saudi and Emir Khan ( Clinton's Gold star pawn ) was Veritas and tied to Pizza Block Saudi's for visa program

Lawfirm "Hogan" is a key element, and note MODS always delete this lead

Hogan & Hartson-now Hogan Lovells LLP-connects Saudi Arabia and Clintons - Supplying Pizza& Visa's for Saudi Elite in DC - Saudi

What’s perhaps interesting is that also on this website that he has now deleted, Khan revealed that he spent nearly a decade working for the mega-D.C. law firm Hogan & Hartson—now Hogan Lovells LLP—which connects him directly with the government of Saudi Arabia and the Clintons themselves. Saudi Arabia, which has retained the firm that Khan worked at for years, has donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation. Hillary Clinton, despite the repeated urging of Trump, has refused to return the Clinton Cash money to the Saudis. What’s more, Hogan Lovells also did Hillary Clinton’s taxes—and helped acquire the patents for parts of the technology she used in crafting her illicit home-brew email server that the FBI director called “extremely careless” in handling classified information.

Hogan & Hartson supplying Visa's to Saudi elite visiting USA. [ Many other services involving sex slavery. ]

yabbadoody ago

you must mean "Gold Star" fraud Khizr Kahn "formerly" of Hogan Lovells (though now probably on retainer), the dude whose firm received a $300K+ check just a few days after he spoke at the DNC last summer... THAT Khizr Kahn... I'm pretty sure Khzir is still "state-washing" passports for the CIA, though his starring appearance at DNC nearly outed him, via the increased public exposure... that was a horrible move on Clinton's part, he should've stayed in the shadows where he belonged... GREEDY little biches they are, tho

EndThePizza ago

You should make your own post. Click the "DISCUSS" button on the top or side of the page.

jewwatcher ago

You must now realize the MODS are deleting all posts, and eventually even this post will be deleted. All we can hope to do is get people to come forward and move this information to /v/pizzagateopen where it will never be deleted on voat, where it will be indexed by google,

Anything that goes /v/pizzagate eventually gets buried in the submission-bin

Fighter4Freedom ago

Is there a better site to move to? How hard would it be to buy a website address and create own version of voat/Reddit where this won't be removed?

modsforsale ago

Just move to /v/pizzagateopen where there are no mod's, except if @amalek posts and its blatant boring cut&paste 'anti-semitic-mod-bile', then ok it will be treated as spam.

but no pizzagate post will be deleted, or comments, and no political agenda, we hate all RNC & DNC, we are anonymous.

scared_yung_father ago

Isn't a new sub part of the divide and conquer strategy?

HiveWatcher ago

yep, staying here and having all work deleted is real fucking smart

9217 ago

Wow.. will definitely need to look into this.

Verite1 ago

Please do. please watch the Whistleblower with Rachel Weisz and Kill The Messenger Jeremy Renner