flyingcuttlefish ago

Unconfirmed thoughts on Haiti angle sent to me. The sender warned some info on Monica Peterson might be a psy-op to muddy the waters. The person says....

Here is Monica's supposed colleague who is at around 1h20 min on the podcast (link below).

Notice that he is funded by Pardee - formerly of RAND and alleged LA slum landlord. Maybe Pardee wants to legalize prostitution so that they can bring in a lot of women from India, China, etc, on H1B visas? Pardee' s real estate manager is Raj. Pardee seems to like the Indian subcontinent as a Pakistani was appointed to head his new Boston U. Program.

Once prostitution is legalized the wages will go down. The podcast is reporting wages at $150 per hour and on up with the prostitutes pitying those advertising at $25 per hour.

Something similar is the case of a European immigrant to the US who had made $12 per hour working under the table as a maid while awaiting her green card. She got her green card and found out that she couldn't get this sort of money legally even with a BA - I think it was international relations. Plus she paid taxes to work legally.

Reference is made to Monica but I'm not sure that she appears. Had I found it earlier I might have listened while doing mindless activities but no time now. I was skipping around on the podcast.

Alternatively, maybe they wish to convince people that prostitutes are all willing so that human trafficking will not be monitored. Only when other jobs pay as well as prostitution can they speak of willingness or not.

And person has this obsevation - The Embrey Foundation (sisters) poured a lot of money into both Amnesty [International] and into the Polaris spin-off, which is named something like Laboratory on Human Trafficking. This lab is where Monica spent a year ca 2014. Embrey funding allowed the spin-off. Polaris was criticized for not sorting out willing and unwilling prostitutes, I think!

Then I got this comment from Dr. Leuren Moret - Frederick S. Pardee Wikipedia Multigenerational intel, Boston Univ., 100% Jesuit trained, NWO insider. Here is his bio = NWO.

Claude d'Estrée | Josef Korbel School | University of Denver ORIGIN: Estrées (name), a French family name and the name of the Maison d'Estrées [House of Estrées] family Duke of Estrées, a title of nobility [see *Gabrielle d'Estrees below] CAREER: USAO lawyer-money laundering (CIA), Dalai Lama Priest (Dalai Lama is CIA), assistant-Stanford PhD (CIA/Tavistock both Jesuit ops), Prof. U.Denver, Korbel School Claude d'Estree is Jesuit trained from a Hapsburg Empire Ducal family, NWO, and the UDenver/KorbelSchool is exactly like what they are running at UC Davis, biggest Monsanto (Jesuit) center in academic US. Korbel School is for CIA training in the NWO programs - Research and Expertise: Forced labour, human trafficking and modern slavery; international humanitarian law of armed conflict (IHL/LOAC); torture; international law; international law and human rights; national and homeland security law; comparative religion and spirituality; Buddhist philosophy

US/UN = Jesuits, and the UN is full of ancient Iranian bloodlines and many with titles who run the world from the top through the UN and the Jesuits. These ancient Papal noble families are all from ancient Iranian bloodlines such as Fidel Castro [House of Farnese, Duke of Castro]. All the Popes are from ancient Iranian bloodlines.

*Gabrielle d'Estrees [Notice her red hair confirming her ancient Iranian bloodlines on her mother's and father's side.]'Estr%C3%A9es [Please read all of this, she is in my bloodline, and her children are also related to me through Henri IV] Henry IV married Marguerite de Valois after Queen of France Catherine de Medici forced the marriage. They never got along so the Pope annulled the marriage after 3 years. He fell in love with Gabrielle, and had 3 children with her. After the Pope annulled his marriage and Gabrielle's to another Noble, he planned to marry Gabrielle. Catherine de Medici then wanted to marry Marie de Medici, another daughter to Henri IV (to capture the Bourbon throne), but Henri IV's mother, Jean D'Albret Queen of Navarre and the driving force for the French Huguenot movement, was opposed to that marriage. Catherine de Medici sent her a gift of leather gloves and Jean D'Albret died from the poison on them. When Henri IV gave his coronation ring to Gabrielle, Catherine de Medici poisoned her and killed her and her unborn son. Henri IV married Marie de Medici and had about 5-6 children with her. On the day of her coronation as Queen of France, a Jesuit priest attacked and killed Henri IV in his coronation carriage on the way to the coronation of Marie de Medici.
The Medici's had finally captured the Bourbon throne.

Antoine d'Estrées Father of Gabrielle d;Estrees

Beginner info on Monica Peterson/Haiti and Clinton Foundation story I have on my blog here -

Urebeat ago

Nice Info! Would never have figured that out myself, keep up the good work!

flyingcuttlefish ago

ideas/info evolving as new stuff comes in. All items sent in to me .... not my own research. I have clustered the better items from as comments on my blog at

Nicefind ago

Apparently her boss a Dr. Estree is in possession of her 200 page report that he is hoping to find someone "brave enough" to publish it. I am suspicious of Estree as he has ties in the past to Dyncorp and the Depart of Energy

Urebeat ago

Hey there! sorry if this sounds dull but can you inform me on the situation sorrounding Dyncorp and the DoE? doesn't need to be too elaborate just something to point me in the right direction!

chickyrogue ago

reason she was killed and her words will be changed look to wikileaks to now offer to publish this ... compromised!!!!!

Urebeat ago

Yes the credibility was shattered in the people who follow the mainstreams eyes, now their credibility is shattered in the publics eyes, we need something revolutionary!

chickyrogue ago

so true upvoted you ps they are precious!

chickyrogue ago

agreed here we are we will create our own path forward great minds collective <== unstoppable!!!