PLevi ago

I helped do this report I did Homestead investigation Keelan did the work on Holly Grieg

Sorry guys it was big fat stinking lie I could be wrong I spent 6 months covering it

Every lead was a red hearing

llm2016 ago

Surprise, surprise: @ploppy cited the exact same source (while ignoring all other sources we shared here) from you to claim it's a hoax (until proven otherwise, you two are the same exact person). All the vague interpretations that favor the accused aside, could you explain the following: 1. Explain to me why the kids were able to describe (with drawings) the whole cult activities with a high level of detail; 2. Why the judge and the police involved deliberately overlooked/avoided to examine if those accused have the tattoos on their body parts as described (which are THE MOST EASILY VERIFIABLE evidence to prove their innocence/guilt); 3. Why the entire MSM block related documentaries and video evidence in the UK; 4. Why the school involved changed their entire staff; 5. Why those suspects are no way to be found online after this.

PLevi ago

(until proven otherwise, you two are the same exact person) WTF???

PLevi ago

  1. They were kidnapped.. taken abroad videos are over 4 weeks off brainstorming. Whilst being abused, it with spoons, water torture. Punched. Suffocated.. Came home continued the videos. Thats how they got the ideas in there head.Forced down them by the mum and boyfriend during a divorce... Boyfriend had previous for child abuse and admit abusing these children whilst '"BRAINSTORMING"
  2. You cant say people are guilty because they wont show you there penis.. Or I can say you rapwe kids my proof is you have a smurf tattoo on yourt penis.. Only way to proof im not lying is for you to take photos of your penis... No you make the claim you provide the evidence. Cant demand people drop there trousers based on a story you need actual evidence.
  4. To avoid death threats and further agro doesnt proof there guilty your claim
  5. Because there sick of being called pedos over and over and over... they did speak, I spoke to them for one..

ploppy ago

Don't bother. He won't hear it. Anything you post will be hand waived away. The burden of proof is on him and so far he has ignored all arguments or shouted shill. He wont address any of the facts you posted above. He claims he watched 3 x 45 min videos in the space of like 35 mins. Impressive. LOL. He is not worth your time. Seems immature but harmless. Just move on.

llm2016 ago

  1. Baseless accusation. Tell me how they exactly executed that master plan and cite your source;
  2. That's the easiest way to clear their names, but the judge intentionally overlooked it. The court can't demand people to drop their pants? They absolutely can, since the children included the drawings/descriptions in their testimonies.
  3. Do you live in the UK?
  4. Clearly if that's false, they have nothing to worry about. Changing all the entire staff just because of a HOAX? I guess you have more reasons to be skeptical about this, don't you?
  5. Shills do that too.

PLevi ago

I kept a vlog... I did beleive it at first.. Then I changed my mind when I met all the parties and we actually got the documents they said they had.

This is where I figured out it was BS

See my vlog I went in with an open mind.. It was hoax.

llm2016 ago

Not convinced. Apparently, more than half in the comment section don't buy this shit. I'm more interested in your 4-month research and what your main claims are, because simply being skeptic does not conclusively prove it's a hoax either.

PLevi ago

can you stop calling me a shill

my findings are here

Keelan did Holly Grieg.. Joined our group of investigators he did a breakdown of both our findings on Corbert report

PLevi ago

yes I live in the UK I investigated for about 4 months met all parties my team met Ricky I believed it at first the story didnt add up Medical report didnt match Then we fund out Abe beat the shit out of them for 4 weeks

covered on muh youtube UKvigilantjournalist I worked with the team that made and recorded the claims

They did this hoax before same team that was behind Holly grieg that turned out to be BS as well

ploppy ago

Great post. maybe llm wont be so closed minded and stop shouting shill. He loves it.

llm2016 ago

If that's true, tell us where he is hiding. Maybe you can ask him to answer all unresolved issues about this case. Also, feel free to share your research. Post your link. I'm sure a lot of people are interested.

PLevi ago

Abe and Ellas own interview and Sabine on CCN

ploppy ago

I live in the UK too and concluded it was PROBABLY a hoax. Respect for doing more than just an armchair investigation. I just think lim2016 has confirmation bias. Anyway, im moving on. lim dont reply to me. Cheers.

ploppy ago

I am undecided but open minded about this. Lets debate this like adults. Not name call so we can work through it TOGETHER. If the posters in this thread can answer all the questions in the video above, instead of shouting shill, I might be more convinced. Go for it guys.

llm2016 ago

It seems like you've never wanted to address all the fundamental questions I asked yesterday: 1. Explain to me why the kids were able to describe (with drawings) the whole cult activities with a high level of detail; 2. Why the judge and the police involved deliberately overlooked/avoided to examine if those accused have the tattoos on their body parts as described (which are THE MOST EASILY VERIFIABLE evidence to prove their innocence/guilt); 3. Why the entire MSM block related documentaries and video evidence in the UK; 4. Why the school involved changed their entire staff; 5. Why those suspects are no way to be found online after this.

You don't want us to shout shill? Simple. Don't act like one.

ploppy ago

My answers: 1. The parents trained them to do this. 2. Dont know. 3. To protect possibly innocent people. Innocent until proven guilty. 4. Dont know. 5. Dont know.

Now, your turn, answer the questions in the video. Being sceptical does not equate acting like a shill. Learn the difference or I cant see how we can move forward if you say shill in every post which you have so far. I was honest in my answers above with regards to what i know and don't know. You will not make me listen to you if you keep saying shill. I will simply walk away from the discussion. You want to convince people, then you are going the wrong way about it. Clearly, I am not the only one who has problems with this story so lets talk about it.

llm2016 ago

"1. The parents trained them to do this. 2. Dont know. 3. To protect possibly innocent people. Innocent until proven guilty. 4. Dont know. 5. Dont know." Good luck convincing people with these LOLable answers. Innocent until proven guilty as a general rule? Agreed, but we are not in court, and we are trying to decide who's more likely the bad guy here, and all the hard facts are not on your side.

The fact that you don't even care to listen to the children and examine the other side of the story suggests that you're a shill. I don't care about your feeling and stop sabotaging our investigation unless you come up with good counter-argument. It's just wasting our time.

ploppy ago

Ooh look, You said shill again. Mr predictable. LOL. I have watched the videos. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything. You need to calm down. I am asking for the questions in the video I posted to be answered. Which you have again ignored. Again. I feel like you are wasting my time too so lets leave it there.

llm2016 ago

I've watched the links you posted. Now do me a favor - read mine. If you come up with any sensible explanation to the main claims here, I will be happy to discuss further. Until then, don't reply to me.

PLevi ago

If Hampstead was real?

Why does the medical report show an anal scratch like that caused by an enema an anal detox WHICH THE MUM DID TO THE KIDS If they were raped by giant dildos daily over and over. Why does it not show the medical report. It shows ENEMA

The medical report is a big fat stinking lie by alt media im afraid

Abe and Ella admitted to beating the kids torturing whilst brainstorming the story in Morocco. Beating were so bad he hid the kids from public Abe had previous for beating his own kid we also checked out the hidden rooms and locations and it wasn't a match

I have the medical report go read it doesnt say or hint that they were sexually abused in the way they described People behind this were also behind Hollie Grieg where the other victims said it didnt happen.. The people accused didnt exist and again the medical report didnt show any sexual abuse

ploppy ago

I spent most of last night trying to explain this but nobody would hear it. They just yell "shill". Lets debate this like adults. Not name call so we can work through it TOGETHER.

llm2016 ago

Highly suspicious behavior here. Maybe because you carefully ignored all the INCONVENIENT truths in this case and cherry picked mainstream sources without articulating HOW those explain the questions asked?

ploppy ago

Just like you are ignoring all the questions highlighted in the video I posted.

llm2016 ago

What questions? Those are his interpretation, and you seem very obsessed about the one and only source (ironically called ""). Over half of the people in the comment section disagree with his "subjective" analysis. I will report you if you keep citing this source without articulating any counter argument to the main claims of this case.

ploppy ago

So report me. I really don't care. How old are you? You need to grow up. I have been calm and measured. You seem consistently angry. Whatever. I think we are done.

ploppy ago

These statements should be submitted to him for analysis. Thanks OP for this thread. I think we should submit the children's statements and the parents statements to this guy for analysis. He is amazing. . This guy is used by the police and says he can detect the truth in a statement with almost 100% accuracy. In these 3 videos, he breaks down in great detail the statements of the Mccann's. His conclusion: Madaline died via an accident, she was likely sexual abused, the parents hid the body: 1. 2. 3. He is doing a live Q & A on 2nd December: I think we should ask him for help.

llm2016 ago

”This guy is used by the police and says he can detect the truth in a statement with almost 100% accuracy。“

Who's this guy? Anything credible to back up this statement? You're promoting the idea that we should rely on him and can't think for ourselves.

ploppy ago

How about you watch the videos which you clearly have not where he explains his background and his work and his websites. If you had actually watched them you would have not asked the question as the answer you want is in the videos. Its almost like you have discounted this without looking at it. Very lazy. You seem to have a twisted view of things. This guy could help us. He is an expert in his field. Or are you an expert in that field too? Are you actually suggesting that we don't ask for help from people under the guise of "not thinking for ourselves". Very counterproductive and paranoid.

ploppy ago

Thanks OP for this thread. I think we should submit the children's statements and the parents statements to this guy for analysis. He is amazing. . This guy is used by the police and says he can detect the truth in a statement with almost 100% accuracy. In these 3 videos, he breaks down in great detail the statements of the Mccann's. His conclusion: Madaline died via an accident, she was likely sexual abused, the parents hid the body: 1. 2. 3. He is doing a live Q & A on 2nd December: I think we should ask him for help.

llm2016 ago

No, you should not distract us with your irrelevant (to Hampstead) videos. Reported.

crosshairs ago

Medical reports on the Hampstead children 3/15 Hampstead: Leaked Medical Reports End All Doubt About Sexual Abuse Claims and many reference links

Father's name Ricky Dearman: 3/15 - article trying to cast doubt

Ricky Dearman (father of A and G abused children from Hampstead satanic group) and his affiliation with Ching Hai Asian Cult interested in children and he took this cult into Haiti Aangirfan Blog - a lot of great research here!

PLevi ago

as you can see no sign of the abuse the described in the medical report IF YOU READ IT. They would of been ripped apart sorry to be gross

There is a tiny scratch matches enema not daily dildo ass fucking parties


llm2016 ago

Member for 3 hours, and you created this account just to cast doubt on the medical report of this case. Highly suspicious.

PLevi ago

I have the medical report would you like it..

ploppy ago

@lim2016 You are a member for 4 days. I am a member for 8 days. In your book using your rules, that means I am more credible than you.

hayisforhorses ago

i was really disturbed reading thru the transcripts. As I came upon the part (I am paraphrasing one of the kids) saying they danced with the dead baby skulls, some even with the hair still on them, I remembered seeing an image from one of the pizza places. I tried to find that image again so I could link but could not. This image was of children dancing "ring around the rosie" on top of a pizza with a pentagram with baby skulls on their heads, some with hair. very disturbing.

micha_ ago

Excellent. As a movie fan, who pays highest attention to good acting, I recognize most weaknesses in acting. I urge everyone to watch the father's interview with muted audio. It's important to mute the audio to judge acting. IMO the grieve and the tears from this man do not come from the heart. This man is acting grieve but not feeling it.

In comparison watch the video of the mother without sound: she tries to supress her grieve. IMO authentic.

Please also pay attention to the running text at the bottom: the BBC declares the father being innocent and not member of a cult.

Who was the CEO of the BBC? Mark Thompson. Look at this: Jimmy Saville - BBC coverup:

RJGolden ago

fully agreed. It is completely put on it seems. Not a lot of tears.

european ago

This hamstead case was quite big on /r/conspiracy feb 2015 and I did some digging. What I recall is that the father worked for a bank and the bank was listed on a pastebin or other document. When I checked the for the bank website there were childrens charities listed on archive but not the live version ( i.e deleted) I found that pretty strange.

cantsleepawink ago

Have you got the link?

european ago

Long time ago now. I've looked again before and not been able to find anything. At the time I saved a lot documents that got destroyed when my hard drive failed. I've just looked at some of my old submissions and found a link to a bank in the origianl pastebin that was spreading at the time. ( I couldn't find a link to ricky dearman working at bank)

I think I may have mistaken Mr Draper (ex-husband) as the father.

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you. Mr. Draper is very much on my radar. Far more important in this saga than most people realize. The last link is quite useful.

llm2016 ago

It appears that these pedos may have tattoos or something similar on them that can be easily identified by others. I hope there are kids alive who can come out and testify when Trump takes office.

Riva ago

Not mine but a good resource!. Get in there

llm2016 ago

Definitely. Should add other similar cases in there and connect the dots.

nnfx ago

Not new at all.

Thrash57 ago

We should not be tying Pizzagate to other scandals until we have more concrete evidence. Getting too far ahead of ourselves will undermine our operation.

EDIT: I was wrong, this is actually a great lead we should follow. Apologies, OP.

29328 ago

it's all part of the same operation, sticking together, sharing information and gathering that concrete evidence you speak of, uncovering the lies should be paramount.......not being worried about being undermined, who cares what people think - these kids need our help. Come on people. It's not about who's got a story right or wrong or whatever...........we all just want to uncover the truth.

Thrash57 ago

Both, you and u/llm2016 are right... i did not take these perspectives into account. Admittedly, this is a huge lead for everyone.

llm2016 ago

They are directly related: The father of the two children mentioned in this article has now been confirmed to have worked for LuvForHaiti, which is owned by Josiah Bruny, a man that has been linked to Pizzagate

To understand Clinton Global Initiative, we need to understand more about the global connection and and the information inside the ring, not just outside (social media). I respectfully disagree that it would undermine our investigation. It will help complete the puzzle for us more likely than not.

caliginosity ago

I'm curious, do you know how Josiah Bruny has been linked to Pizzagate? I have a full summary of everything with sources and I want to back up everything with evidence.

llm2016 ago

Josiah Bruny (@jbruny) • Instagram photos and videos Josiah Bruny. 1,213 posts; 360 followers; 302 following. This Account is Private. Already follow jbruny?

He's also associated with LuvForHaiti.