hafen ago

"WeAreChange" interviewing Hatian American Joseph Mathieu about the Clintons.


Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

No but I must admit, I feel responsibility for these people. Our government has allowed the Clintons to get away with murder and worse

Stellarjay ago

Hillary, bill, obama, alefantis, podesta, etc. Think of them as just the useful idiots to the elites. They are expendable don't you think. They had all the power they could muster and they still didn't win. All that money wasted on a campaign, all the lies, the emails, the absolute absurdity of msm, and they totally fkd up. This is what happens when you go against the flow of life, shit happens and what I'm seeing is the result of trying to control everything. You cannot control others, certainly you can try but in the end...no...so you have to use mind control. Haiti is a fine example of the flow of life being upset over and over to the point that no one seems to know what is going on there. Mass confusion, just like in Washington right now.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

We MUST do something though. I can't live like this knowing what they have done to people! I can't even watch MSM and believe ANYTHING they say! What kind of country do we live in that these kinds of things can happen and yet no one does anything about it.

Stellarjay ago

Yes, I agree and we can do something. My fight back will begin with money. I ReFUSE to support: Wikipedia, amazon, big banks, Walmart, credit card, pay cash for everything, stop depending on cell phones, don't read msm, don't have tv or cable. The change begins with you, deep inside, constantly questioning your thoughts and actions Please watch the last 10 -12 minutes of this video if you can by Mark Passio, it is very powerful and possibly helpful. He was in a satanic cult and understands their mindset. https://youtu.be/2QTT11eMmsA

sleepingbeautycan ago

I am trying too. However buying Christmas presents without Amazon has been hard.

BAppreciAting ago

Those people are our rejects, are you a cannibal?!$.

Eastwood350 ago

What really happened in Haiti? The earthquake victims are still living in squalor, no running water, no homes however an 18 million dollar International Olympic soccer field was built and a second soccer field built for 2.3 million dollars. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26GC23zZi2A

VCS Mining owned by Hugh Rodham, Hillary's brother, has a 26 yr. mining contract but there appears to be millions of dollars worth of gold https://miningawareness.wordpress.com/2013/01/06/haiti-morne-bossa-gold-missing/

The world's richest man, Carlos Slim, Bill Clinton and Frank Guistra and the Haiti connection: http://thehaitianblogger.blogspot.com/2015/03/hillary-clintons-scandalous-conduct-in.html?m=1

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I seriously do get nauseous thinking of what they have gotten by with in our country! What can we do?

sleepingbeautycan ago

why the downvoats?

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Wow! That is powerful!

abortionburger ago

You got hit really hard by the downoat brigade. I upvoated all of your comments in this thread, hopefully others will too.

JvbJvb ago

what does this have to do with pizzagate? i'm sorry i might just be out of the loop

Orange_Circle ago

Hillary was involved in getting a child stealer off the hook after she was arrested in Haiti.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I'll try to come up with more videos but here's one example! She and the Clinton Foundation have facilitated the downfall of this country for decades! Monica Peterson "committed suicide" while investigating human trafficking.


BAppreciAting ago

haitians, are subsaharran cannibals, they are as guilty as she is?!$.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Clintons/PodestaMolestas/Abramovic/Alefantis vs. Haiti in VOODOO CANNIBAL DEATHMATCH!!

Pay per view would erase US national debt.

(If Roger Corman reads this thread we'll see a movie soon.)

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Haiti Democracy project

Port-au-prince and Washington D.C


That's a PDF of the 2009 Haitian election. Well Organized with table of contents going over all aspects of the election, Including various types of fraud.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I glanced over the report but quite honestly, it doesn't matter to me what it says, I can't trust ANYTHING coming out of our government these days. I'm hoping there are a few patriots left that have not been bought off or corrupted to help us take our country back! Thank you for the report though...I'm not trying to seem ungrateful!

quantokitty ago

Like Trump said, she doesn't stop ... she doesn't.

Stellarjay ago

Hillary, bill et al, and Washington is a cesspool of slime and scum. It's what happens when you go against the flow of life, natural law, the Tao. When you do, shit happens like we're seeing now. Hillary is a cesspool of the worst kind...kinda like at the bottom of an outhouse...that what they all are.

quantokitty ago

I gotta agree with that.

vacvape ago

Baby marrow must be nutrient rich.

quantokitty ago

I can only imagine what she ingests to maintain that level of evil.

vacvape ago

I imagine that it starts with her own stink. Rumored to be a fine blend of pee steamed cabbage, and I assume a hint of parsley.

quantokitty ago

Let's see her get that in prison.

vacvape ago

Oh that'll never happen. There's really only one outcome for people like Saddam. She knows it. But I think she'll manage fine with her white male privilege. Her plane might go down.. over some tropical island. With pizza.

quantokitty ago

You may be right ... we'll see.

vacvape ago

There's a lot of stockholm syndrom wrt the system and it's got a lot of inertia. It's either about to implode or crystallize. Maybe a bit of both. No doubt in preservation of its best aspects..

quantokitty ago

Yes, that's a good point. You ever see a dog raise his nose up and sniff the air? That's me right now and I'm smelling the signs that this cabal is about to become undone.

vacvape ago

There's a sense that something is teetering and also the sense that I'm watching concrete dry. If I had to bet on the likeliest.. concrete is very dependable.

I mean.. how would it play out? Media: "OMG.. you guys.. won't believe what we've been hiding". They'll make fat beautiful first.

Seems like all aspects of society are crashing at this point.. and mostly ought to. But it's a fucking ugly wreck.

quantokitty ago

No, the media will play innocent and will say they're shocked -- as shocked as all of you. And, of course, they never suspected anything. That it was elites and, therefore, they were able to hide their activities. The usual garbage. But I'm sure these elites weren't kind so they'll be revenge taken in the press when they do ravage their former masters.

vacvape ago

That's the thing isn't it. When we see business as usual.. we'll know we got nowhere. I don't think there's a media without them. 'The revolution will not be televised" is I guess what I'm saying.

quantokitty ago

Hopefully, this will take a huge bite out of the operation by removing key players. Like I said, we'll see, but I do notice the distancing.

vacvape ago

There are some really obvious things that people should be fighting for hand over fist right now.. for years already. All of which being usurped in maintenance of the sick status quo.

Occupy was real close.. too close. Came the useful idiots/fake revolution, drove right over them and here they still all are. We're in a post collapse cannibalized zombie surveillance state.. still playing democracy. It's hilarious, and really sad and pathetic.

I don't believe there's such a thing as taking half the cancer.. so it's not hopeful. But hope is for suckers anyway. In a sense though, we got somewhere, or we wouldn't have been driven this far backwards. Let's see what happens eh?

"Starve the beast".. now with new meaning.


derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/godsavercountry/status/810915498590355458 :

GodSaveRCountry on Twitter: "@HillaryClinton interfering with Haiti's election!SOS emails & Office of the Historian website. #ThingsYouCantIgnore t.co/4DMdB9dDL8"

This has been an automated message.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@Pizzagatethroaway499 please post this tweetsave (not the twitter link!) to v/clintongate. right up the alley!

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I've been looking through the Secretary Of State's emails on Haiti and no wonder FBIAnon told us to look there. Just what is in the emails that she didn't destroy is damning if we had ANYONE in our government to actually hold her accountable! What will it take people? What the Clintons and the Rodhams have done to the Haitian people is nauseating! And then they want to blame our election results on Russian hackers! Hypocrisy! Can we find this man and give him the Nobel Peace Prize? https://youtu.be/4PeO0SfCw5s Update: Source of email: https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/22136

BAppreciAting ago

haitians are like one of the most base and corrupt cultures on this planet, this is why hillary is in bed with them, they routinely murder their own people and I will suggest that haiti is where hillary studies voodoo, what everyone else is mistaking for satanism?!$. we should exile hillary to a haiti?!$.