chelseaclinton ago

The large shipping company Kinder Morgan might be involved. FWIW Morgan is one of the wealthy banking families not commonly known. Kinder means child I think.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

Conversely, not to spoil this lead because there is some truth here, it should still be recalled that the Wikileaks email talked about "flying in" with their "channels".

Wikileaks: "I think Obama spent about $65,000 of the tax-payers money flying in pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House not long ago, assume we are using the same channels?"

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

There may also be a connection to between this shipping and the tunnels as well.

Note that Comet Pizza plaza is on a long non flowing stream bed in back. The Missing 411 reports usually mention finding them along streams and they go missing just before a storm. Of course you can't run boats on dried up creek beds, but if you were to run tunnels in the ground where else would they be dug especially if they are connecting to major bodies of water or rivers where there would be boats. "Climate underground" is probably connected as well. These may even be part of old tunnels like the others discovered. Tunnels dug for past water management reasons or excuses.

Of course there is the tunnels part of Comet and Pegasus, and how they communicate with walkie talkies. Those tunnels could go straight to shipping yards. Think about that dump truck scene from Diehard 3.

Also connected with this is that ISIS took over the tunnels of Saddam, which many don't talk about or realize. That is a big issue with combating them like the tunnels in Vietnam. Of course a big part of the ISIS biz is human sex trafficking.

fogdryer ago

Why when I download the archive and then open later I cannot open the file......

dontkillmehillary ago

Which file?

investigatethepizza ago

Hey, this post was from a while ago now, I think this is something that should be brought to light again. Also did anyone end up linking Podesta and Spain with anything in this thread?

dontkillmehillary ago

No, I don't think so. I haven't had a lot of time over the holidays to look too closely at everything.

garlicbulb ago

moving kids by armed forces planes from military bases as well

fogdryer ago

Yes yes. Read that to

Remote viewer Grew to hate George senior !

anonymousj ago

This may be nothing, but felt I should post it. So many crazy things actually turned out to be something. Remember how "Caris James" was posted on a number of baby photos on JimmyComet twitter pages? I remembered reading that the "occult/satanists" liked to scramble words and they should be read backwards. Well I ran "Caris" backwards as "Sirac" and a hit comes up for the MAERSK Sirac, a container ship out of Singapore. Probably nothing, but posting anyway for the autists....ship is currently docked in Saudi Arabia.

Truthseeker3000 ago

And further in response to my post below:

It's NOT "Gail Allen" its Sue Arrigo or Dr. Sue Arrigo as she likes to call herself. Sue Arrigo has also posted this bullshit on another women's blog with another name. She doesn't want people looking into her name because she's a fraud. Yes, absolutely I 100% believe in MK Ultra and the MPD/DID it brings on but Sue Arrigo has taken so many stories off the Internet and put them all together in her own fabricated version of it and claiming she's a Presidental Model MK Ultra prodigy and she is not. Then she claims she's had President Obama torture her in another online claim. COME ON U GUYS PLEASE DONT BELIEVE EVERYTHING ONLINE. yes, absolutely I do believe in this stuff that's why I know so much about it (I think) because I have done ALOT of research into it but her story is all over the place and NOT believable. Look at the very top of the story, it says it's written by Sue Arrigo and if u click on her name her email comes up, do what I did to find out for yourself with those pieces of info. Keep up the fight. Thanks everyone

truth-uk ago

Hi guys, this could be an important part of this world wide paedophile ring. Just noticed this sign near my home, with the international paedophiles symbol (like a triangle) YWCA Jesmond House, in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England (Clayton Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE2 1UJ )
This building is in an affluent part of the city, and is a hostel that caters for vulnerable single people and recently released prisoners. Check out the symbol at the top of their web site Interestingly this place was opened by H.R.H. Princess Alexandrea on 27 sept 1984 This is the sign I seen from the street,-1.6029612,3a,15y,356.35h,85.75t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sG5E6OjeUozpTNMc2DP0TOg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Hope someone with more know-how then me be able to dig some more, little children could be at risk now.Thank you. I would also like to thank Victurus Libertas VL, for recently making this video about this matter

levinyl1 ago

Check out this vessel

It goes from Haiti to spain - then back - but is registered in Valetta malta -

afterbernerthrowaway ago

Per the recent FBI tweet, let's dig into the work of the Joint Interagency Task Force South in Key West, Florida.

IsThisThingSafe ago

Planes, Trains and Automobiles. Think there's anything to this? A plane is flying low over Manhattan today.

popezandy ago

Shit, with all of the edits you've added I'm going to link in my Master List thread. Thanks guys this is an wonderful development as far as investigative tools.

Johnny3names ago

Idk how dependable this publication is but I just ran across a post from 2014 accusing Pelosi and her husband of using his business to ship in little boys for Harry Reid. Anybody know what business her husband's in or a company name? His wikipedia page just makes some vague reference to American businesses with no real specifics.

Well, today we found out, from the same unimpeachable whistleblower who gave us the information about Reid, that Nancy Pelosi has been Reid’s primary supplier of little boys. Apparently her husband has a multinational business and he’s been shipping in children for Harry.>

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

This has the most upvotes but isn't at the"top".?? Please fix voat. This just in that relates:

DefenderOfTruth ago

I had to search to find this thread again, but since it's buried now, does that mean we are more "under the radar" now with fewer shill comments? Either way, I do agree with you that this is a topic that should be at the front of the investigation. I hope this is the key to actually finding some kids before they're abused more. :(

anonentity ago

Apparently their are also a lot of dead bodies. What do they do with them.?

DefenderOfTruth ago

Not that I don't think McDonalds is into all sorts of nefarious practices, but, this site probably isn't the best source. See what they say about themselves (at the bottom of the page):

ABOUT US is the most notorious fauxtire & satire entertainment website in the world. If it's trending on social media you'll find it here!

ronnyCPI ago

That's what I suspected as well. Am looking into Stone Harbour shipping, of Jim Blom and David Stone fame, but not much information is available. There is an HRC email available on Wikileaks site that is significant in relation to this, however, which I'll follow up with later.

DarkFae ago

Hi. I've been lurking, apprehensive to reg here. I had to when I read through this thread. #1 I really think this is a huge key. There's been so many reports of this stuff at ports throughout many years.

2 I want to throw something out there. Has anyone, at all, talked about the Kravis Brothers?

George Kravis was convicted of paedophilia some years ago, only to serve a ridiculous sentence, then become a leading Art Collector and Philanthropist. Around the time of his release, his Brother Henry Kravis procured a huge company called Kinder Care, that are child care centers that span the entire globe. Henry along with 2 others have a company that specializes in leverage/ take overs of big companies. (They destroy them, then buy them.) The company is KKR. I'm not used to the forum, but I'll try to link some stuff. I'd like to note that KKR seems to have there locations all over the world - and looks to be ports, for the most part. George Kravis also is a regular importer of Art, furniture & Lamps (?) From a German Port via New York City ports. I really, really didn't want to register. I've been researching this evil shit since the early 90s and I'm sick of it. But...if I can help in anyway to finally see it come to an end, I will. Edit: (Having issues linking stuff, I'm not too savvy) Note: Marina Abramovic thanks Henry Kravis in her book; The Artist Is Present.

DarkFae ago

Here is a shipping management company owned by KKR : Borealis

They also just formed a maritime finance company (loan)

Maritime Finance Company

Edit: I'm not sure this will go anywhere, but no stone unturned & all that. The history of George & Henry Kravis is pretty sketchy. Google KinderCare + abuse. Plus George was given a slap on the wrist for some pretty horrible crimes. Someone is covering his a**, IMO.

dontkillmehillary ago

Wow! Spectacular find! Thank you!

Don't worry about registering... We all bit the bullet at one point ;)

To do a link the text [ starts in square brackets ] like that, and immediately following the ]( is the rounded brackets with the link ). There is no spaces between brackets and text. You can also use preview to make sure you have it right. I'm sure there is easier ways, but that how I do it.

I think I've heard of the Kinder Kare thing before. It's definitely worth a look.

DarkFae ago

Thanks! I think I figured it out lol

DarkFae ago



Marina Abramovic:

"Additional generous funding is provided by Agnes Gund, Marie-Josèe and Henry Kravis, Jerry I. Speyer and Katherine G. Farley, David Teiger, and The Junior Associates of The Museum of Modern Art."

Marina Abramovic

search4truth ago

Would it be possible to monitor incoming ships suspected of human trafficking by a drone (clearly outside the boarders of Port property)?

dontkillmehillary ago

Definitely. It's actually a really crafty way of doing it. FBI anon basically said the best thing for us to do is gather evidence the old school way, which was cameras and microphones.

search4truth ago

Thanks. At some point, we will have have to take it to the next level to gather evidence.

Truthseeker77 ago

Are ports and docks open to the public?? I wonder if citizens could get involved with cadaver dogs to help expose this??

dontkillmehillary ago

I was thinking about this.. I think they use drug dogs, but cadaver dogs and rescue dogs would be better at finding people. I don't think drug dogs do this. I suspect they sweep for drugs and explosives, but not humans.

Investigate1999 ago

The funny thing about all of this, is that James could be retrofitting a shipping container, and thinking, "Hey! Let's take a photo. Nobody will think that this looks like a shipping container, since it's all smooth inside.", and then along comes you saying, "Hey! That's a shipping container!".

I highly doubt that it is, but it would solve a lot of logistics issues. The container could be cleaned somewhere else, where investigators would not bother to look. Maybe there is a material in the walls to prevent thermal imaging during transport.

If you still have a good vibe about this, then try to imagine where it would be used. Where would it be, if it were stopped? If it's not in motion, then there would need to be room to park it. That might give clues to the whereabouts of the children.

Keep up the work. :-)

REH ago

This is very detailed and plausible, but after reading down to the 30% mark I realized the author was very serious about being able to see things via "remote viewing."

The problem is that the majority of what's being said sounds like something that's very likely going on, but it's mixed in with so much false information one can only assume a psy-opt.

Truthseeker3000 ago

You are absolutely correct. It was written by Sue Arrigo NOT Gail Allen and ive been trying to expose her lies on her but she has so many accounts so keeps posting her fictional story. She is schizophrenic confirmed by her sister and even her sister advised she should not be on the internet.

Investigate1999 ago

Well, I work in the construction industry, and I was involved in a different kind of work, that used them.

Here are some photos.

However, it seems that I was wrong to some degree.

An important issue, though, is cost. Kill rooms won't need to be refrigerated sea containers in my mind. They could be refrigerated rooms, though.

Bear in mind that the cooling units in the kill room are on the right side, while the cooling units of the sea containers are on the ends.

If you still want to pursue the idea of a sea container kill room, then go for it.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

incidental reference to boats in this article. "herb sandler made boatloads of cash"

vintagedaisy ago

Six months ago I would have thought this woman was completely crazy and a liar. The talk about shape shifting, remote viewing etc would have confirmed that bias to me. Now I believe that the monsters abusing /"training" these kids have done that deliberately to make them sound crazy and to help create their split personalities. Lord help us.

Fifthestateknows ago

That was highly detailed

VieBleu ago

whatever damage these children to in a van in a few minutes between being drugged and taken off again is a testament to the human spirit.

AndoMc87 ago

Fiona Barnett was trafficked to Bohemian Grove

AndoMc87 ago

Fiona Barnett was trafficked by cargo plane (drugged) to Bohemian Grove.and an after hours pedo party at Disneyland (where she saw Ted Turner by the way), she was also trafficked to Fairbairn military Airport in Canberra where she was rapes by Richard Nixon

Commonwombat ago

BuyWe have to look closer at the company that operates out of the Caracol Industrial Complex that the Clintons set up, SAE-A Trading, a Sth Korean business that specialises in textiles and garments with Walmart, (Clinton Donor) & JC Penny being the biggest customers.Now, apparently Ban Ki Moon is closely associated with them but I haven't found the connection yet. Head of the UN, Ban Ki Moon appointed Bill Clinton special envoy to Haiti to head the relief straight after the hurricane and then SAE-A came on board in 2011/12. Chairman of SAE-A is Woong-Ki Kim, a very influential businessman that has utilised the services of Cheryl Mills consulting company, Black Ivy. Richard Branson has also invested in the factory. SAE-A, (Clinton donor), has offices and factories in Haiti, USA, Sth Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Nicaragua & Guatamala. They support many causes and fund lots of projects but 2 notable ones are the Tam Binh shelter and orphanage near the Vietnam factory and the S & H schools in Haiti. The Clintons joined Woong-Ki Kim at the grand opening of the textile factory which is not benefiting the workers or the Haitian farmers, on the contrary many farmers were kicked off the land to accommodate the build and the workers spend most of their daily wage on transport to and from the factory and lunch. Now how easy would it be to bring in children from Asia and Sth America into US ports in containers if you had UN backing?

Investigate1999 ago

Shipping containers don't have smooth walls.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

What's the real risk of discussing all of this in a completely open forum?

dontkillmehillary ago

I agree. Discussing this on an open forum is like broadcasting everything they need to immediately start covering.

In the flip side, we are all just looking at public records and so forth. Let other sites crack passwords and look around servers.

pizzainvestigator ago

On the Pizzagate reddit someone found this company was linked to the same area that CPP and all of the others were. shipping "used hard and soft toys" which I would imagine definitely points to some sort of code. Notable countries include: Chile, Iraq, India, Pakistan.... Worth looking into for sure on this subject of shipping kids.

blackfyre_rebel ago

Wow this makes so much sense...Thank you !!!!!!!!

Lunari ago

I'm like 90% just kidding by saying this: But this totally made me imagine them doing shit Dexter style and taking a boat out into the ocean and disposing of chopped up body parts.

Obviously we've already seen the barrels in Hawaii which likely were being used to dissolve / dispose of bodies, along with a few other pieces of information found regarding to what likely could be body disposal methods, etc, etc.

But in all seriousness, it could be true - considering that fact that about 95% of the Earth's oceans are still "unexplored".

Also, while I'm talking about body disposals.... while I was writing this comment I was talking out loud about it to my friend (he believes PizzaGate to be true but doesn't really investigate or read into it) but my friend brought up an interesting point about farms. He was saying that if there's any farms with a lot of pigs - that it would be a likely possible method of body disposal. Because when mixing chopped / grinded up human bodies with pig food, pigs will consume it entirely. Leaving no trace of human body parts. We should maybd consider looking into some of the "farms" that have been mentioned and see if any of those places have pigs?

dontkillmehillary ago

Good points!

I'm thinking if they move by ship, they would just dump the bodies in the ocean. Easy and quick, a la' Dexter.

basil999 ago

This may be nothing but if you see "green goo" in art maybe see if there is anything suspicious about where you see it.

I'm posting this in the boat thread because I suspect the area somewhere along the Potomac river has places where these kids end up being killed for at least a decade or longer.

ProudTruther ago

I think ripe means some die but some live. They like to traumatize these poor children so they'll be more compliant.

ProudTruther ago

Wow she survived the purge 3/1000 children not killed in one day. I was a big fan of that, tbh I'm afraid this chick is probably dead by now, but she seems pretty resourceful so maybe she's out there somewhere.

RedPowerRanger ago

Please provide more details on the incidents highlighted by your locations.

dontkillmehillary ago

Norway- see Norway pedophile bust in November

Netherlands - see J. Demmink and related incidents (about 3)

Jersey- see Channel Islands child abuse scandal

England - See Operation Yewteee, Operation Hydrant (also applies to Jersey if I recall)

Portugal - see Orphanage child abuse scandal

Ireland (post in header)

Florida - check stats on missing children rates nationally. Also Epstein

Haiti - see Monica Peterson articles on Voat

Hollywood - see, lol, Hollywood

Hawaii - user suggested tie-in, see Pizzagate

Australia - see Peter Truong and ties to Netherlands child abuse network

also, instance in New Guinea, but I haven't researched that one.

There is more also, but articles are in other languages so I'm hitting road blocks in those. Demmink was a pain in the ass to find English new articles.

Sorry I can't provide links. I'm on mobile at work right now, so I'm writing entirely from memory.

RedPowerRanger ago


DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

The FBI did a report years ago that I have in my library regarding the Chinese triads. They are all over and very difficult to crack because of his they operate. They appear as legitimate biz enterprises

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

UPS is a very shady enterprise. Can't stand them

dontkillmehillary ago

Agreed. B-Grove definitely is tied into this.

shortymcbossypants ago

One of my cousins actually knew Daniel Perl. Ugh from what my cousin said he was a wonderful man that did not deserve to die like that. Such a shame, we need to lock these jerks up STAT!!!

stickittotheman ago

Good find, upvoted, keep digging.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

COINCIDENCE? FBI just tweeted this an hour ago...

dontkillmehillary ago


sleepingbeautycan ago

We are seeing the web of criminality and pedophilia filling in. I believe that we have some of the details wrong but as we go we are mending the inaccuracies.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I posted this a few weeks ago tying the "Lone Ranger" to Peter Lewis and Eric Schmidt. I attached the article that talks about how Peter Lewis had it renovated under super secret armed guards around the clock...

I also tied most of these same people to medical research...

carmencita ago

That is so sad. Do you think Boys Town is still involved in this dirty business? We have recently received requests for donations. We sent one last year but I now throw all of them out. I also heard that CFS is one of the largest suppliers of children.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Don't bother, Dr. Sue Arrigo is a scam and her so-called story is FALSE. Read the comments.

carmencita ago

The CIA Agent mentioned in these comments that started out as a child sex slave, was forced to bed with almost every President since Kennedy. Johnson, Bush Sr, Bush Jr, Reagan, Clinton, and Nelson Rockefeller. The holy roller Christian ones really kill me. She said Jimmy Carter was the only exception. The President of the US, has WH dinners and 5 to 50 women will be featured to be sold that night. The President can make $100M per year as his take from this very lucrative business run by the CIA. Yes, People, this is what is going on with our Politicians and our govt. It is thoroughly disgusting. The CIA (she says) bombs during the war and the children are taken to the orphanages the CIA runs. They take the best of the children and take them in a block to bring them to the US saying they will be adopted. What a shameful business. She also talks about sacrificing a child or young virgin as well at parties. So what we have read is what is really going on behind the curtain. Just like the curtain James Alefantis has at CPP.

Investigate1999 ago

I could almost imagine them deciding on where to bomb and attack; based solely on the number of children that they can "harvest".

carmencita ago

I guess they are looking at Russian kids since the President is threatening to reciprocate because of the "Russian hacking" fake news charges by CIA (who is behind the whole mess). They will get us all blasted to smithereens. Putin outlawed adoptions of Russian children by the US because he was on to what happened to the adopted children. This is so very shameful and disgusting. Our leaders and politicians are constantly berating Putin and Russia but yet they are guilty of some of the most heinous acts against the world's most vulnerable.

Investigate1999 ago

That's interesting.

This reminds me of what FBIAnon said. He said that Russia is really good, when it comes to freedom. If this is true, then what you said must be true. After all, a normal good leader would ban adoptions by a corrupt country. He would want to protect orphans, even if it meant suffering by more orphans.

This is so disturbing, isn't it?

carmencita ago

That is why I believe it has been so hard to convince certain people. We have all been brainwashed about our own country. Who would not want to believe that we are the white hats and everyone else wears black hats. Those of us that have been red pilled will have to help those that just are not strong enough to accept this awful truth. No matter what color the pill, it will still be hard to swallow.

Investigate1999 ago

I agree. It's really hard.

I remember a long time ago, when Saddam was still part of the news. I brought up the idea: "What if Saddam was a good guy, and what if we have been deceived?". Nobody even entertained the discussion. I don't think that he was a good guy, but I think that we haven't really considered his perspective well enough.

Another thing that surprised me is that FBIAnon said that the holocaust never happened. He said that there were lots of deaths, but it never happened, and the census records support it. I watched a few YouTube videos, and they went through the numbers and the science of cremation. I honestly don't know how legitimate it is.

The best support for the holocaust was from a reddit user, who said that there were quite a few speeches given by prominent Nazi leaders before the mainstream discovery of the holocaust.

Another thing that FBIAnon said was that Mossad was behind 9/11.

When I take all the views out there and then put them together, the most cohesive view that I can get is that 9/11 was a Saudi effort to send the USA into the other regions of the Middle East, so that Saudi Arabia could assert dominance in the region. It had hoped to pin the blame on Iraq and Afghanistan. Mossad got wind of this, and then posed as a terrorist cell network, and acted as 1 of the 2 terrorist organizations to train the attackers of 9/11. Mossad had hoped to push the USA into the Middle East to dominate the region, while releasing evidence that it was a Saudi conspiracy. So, both Saudi Arabia and Israel pushed in the same direction, even though they are mortal enemies.

Human trafficking is tangential to this, but it heavily influences the event, in that the Saudis and the Clinton Foundation trade services for human slaves and prostitutes.

Somebody in this forum shared with me snippets of text from the Talmud. I can say that those snippets are very racist on first glance. I could imagine that a lot of people believe that kind of thing. FBIAnon said that the Zionists [including George Soros] are like a Jewish version of the Nazis. If this is true, then it might explain why Hitler focused on the Jews so much. He must have hated the way that Jews treated Germans. I'm not saying that Hitler is a hero in this scenario. I'm just saying that he doesn't operate in a vacuum, and that we are all victimized to a certain degree.

So, if any of what I found out is true, then here are the groups and their details in broad terms.

  • Zionist: Nazi-like; strong hate for Saudi Arabia & other Middle Eastern countries; tolerates USA; might enjoy pedophilia and human trafficking

  • Saudi Arabia's Royal Family: looks down on USA; enjoys pedophilia, human trafficking

  • Clinton Foundation & Washington DC: looks down on everybody, but uses everybody; enjoys pedophilia, human trafficking, and Satanism

There are other countries, too, but these are the strongest trends, I think.

I'm not going to defend this view, though, because I honestly don't know.

carmencita ago

A lot of what you say makes sense. I think Obama is one of the worst Presidents ever. They have all had their bad moments, aside from LBJ, who ran that heinous war with Vietnam. I have a crazy idea, and it may not make sense to others or be true, but I somewhat doubt that we killed Bin Laden. I cannot even believe for a second that we would harm the head of a Saudi. They would not have been in favor of us taking him down. I believe he is living somewhere maybe in hiding, maybe with a new face. It would be one of the greatest lies Obama has told. They would all have lied. Everyone that was in that Situation Room. But then we know that everyone in there is good at telling lies and is compromised. Obama, Biden, Hillary, etc. Just a crazy idea.

Investigate1999 ago

It sounds like a pretty legitimate idea to me, when you tie it into the idea of Saudi Arabia not permitting it. I don't know much about them, so I could picture them looking out for their own.

Part of my idea from the previous post comes from my views on God and his sovereignty. In general, I've come to learn that he doesn't want us to create a certain outcome. He just wants us to do specific things at specific times, and then he will bring about the correct outcome. To understand what I'm saying, you have to imagine a Star Trek world full of different time lines, where he chooses which time line will exist. There are infinite possibilities, and sometimes he, in his goodness will choose the ugliest time line.

We, on the other hand, will panic, when we see the possible dark outcome. That is why I quickly jumped on the Mossad-Saudi theory for 9/11. Mossad would have to panic, when they see Saudi Arabia gaining dominance in the Middle East. After all, Saudi Arabia has been funding terrorism, haven't they? Mossad and the Zionists would want to destabilize the Middle East, so that they could justify controlling it. To do that, they send in the US.

The funny thing is that they could have just backed off, and let history run its course, but they also wanted to control the presentation of the evidence, so that the Saudis would look guilty. They wanted to tar everybody.

Of course, this is just a theory. shrug

carmencita ago

It certainly sounds plausible. We know not what they have in store. My advice for this whole mess and what we can do right now (aside from what many of us are already trying to do on here) is to take down the jobs of the present Dems that are in office. We need to threaten them with loss of jobs. I think in the up coming mid terms there will be a huge back lash. They certainly deserve it.

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

It's going to be super painful paying taxes this year. Like 50 percent of my income for this sh*t. :(

carmencita ago

I know what we have discovered is horrendous and seems hopeless. I am a more optimistic person and hope that there are things going on behind the scene that will take this horrible system down. We have to keep fighting, for while we are disgusted, maybe sometimes hopeless, there are children that are feeling much worse. Keep the faith and peace.

surgit2 ago

Sorry I don't have time to link resources, but Stephen Colbert's sister Elizabeth and her husband are involved in the shipping industry, Port of Charleston SC. Might explain his extra-butthurt

Catsfive ago

Do they just put the kids in a shipping container with some food and water, or do they have anything specific?

Also, if someone could upvote this, I'm tired of not being able to vote for you guys.

Investigate1999 ago

They get small amounts of food and water. There is a bucket for relieving themselves, too. If I understand correctly, there is a tiny bit of electricity.

dannonyme ago

Apologies if this has been previously covered, and more so for not being able to provide more detailed research and relevant links...I'm just passing thru on a break from work (the paid kind)...but want to make sure these few points below are not missed.

On Australia

The PM of Australia, over the course of a couple of days in late November, announced that

a) Australia would be rejecting ALL refugees (of which there was already the growing problem of gross violations to human rights). Then generous ol' Obama agreed to have them all resettled in the US by January 20.

b) Australia would be cutting all funding to the Clinton Foundation

His announcement about the refugees went over like a lead balloon to the public, but reading about it, I immediately wondered if this mightn't have been a desperate effort to separate from the Clinton-shenanigans as quickly as possible, especially coupled with the cut in CF funding announced a few days after.

Also, Australia detains refugees on a processing island called Nauru. Have you seen where Nauru is?? The middle of nowhere – middle of the far away from anywhere as Diego Garcia is in the Indian Ocean. Coordinates: 0°31'41.82"S 166°56'3.39"E

BE SURE to follow Fiona Barnett's story. She is one of the Australian abuse victims. This is her website: Pedophiles Down Under

Australia also had a weird serial murder case a few years back – the Snowtown murders. The dead bodies were "dissolved" in barrels of acid (*just like in the CheesyBay pics), with the barrels then stored in shipping containers. It doesn't really seem directly connected to the Clintons (and neither does the killer, John Justin Bunting) but the correlations are a bit odd.

On another addition to Cathy O'Brien's videos, check out Kay Griggs as well – Illuminati Wife Tells All (this is Part1/4...the rest are easy to find after you find this one :)

Yuser_Manuel ago

These may be useful: and

Piscina ago

See Dr. Colin Ross's book "Bluebird : Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists" which he wrote after having patients like this and reading 15,000 pages of CIA documents released under the Freedom of Information Act. Their minds were split using torture at an early age. Mine was split at age 3 to 4. One or more of the parts is often very psychic. There are however much better ways to make accurate psychics without trauma.

Piscina ago CIA harvesting kids from war zones & selling them for $2000 by Sue Arrigo.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Do not believe anything written by Sue Arrigo. She is a scam and the story is fictional. Read the comments on here for proof. She goes by Dr. Sue Arrigo.

HelpingChildren ago

Has any one contacted the Anti-Clinton Haitian protestors? They have family, friends who are there and can do much of the fact finding. They must not be afraid they keep protesting and do interviews when people will listen to them.

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

Perhaps find a forum or something native Haitians use?

HelpingChildren ago

Yes they know the people there, they are protesting daily outside the Clinton Foundation trying to get attention to the Clinton's evil perpetrated in Haiti.

dannonyme ago


Fragnostus ago

I just want to note that for the US that doesn't mean much, most population density is along the coastlines, so one would expect most abductions happening there. In Europe inland is also populated so the findings are most relevant there.

dontkillmehillary ago

Agreed, but one of the interesting things about Paulides missing 411 is that he accounts for that in his research. He looks at averge missing rates (for example - and I'm totally making this number up - 1 per 5000 go missing) and studies areas higher than the average (eg. 1 per 2000). If you compare the map of his I posted you will see interesting patterns.

logjam ago

White children are a premium in the Middle East.

How do you know this?

votesarestolen ago

Bill Clinton is much more clearly implicated, but it makes sense to be suspicious of Trump and Epstein's relationship. Especially when you consider that Trump's spokespeople distorted the facts to downplay his relationship with Epstein, and Trump oddly never brought it up against the Clintons.

logjam ago

I am reading this and a lot of what she says is feasible. I would not have taken note of her story before PG mind you. Life forever changed.

Do you know of her credibility?

logjam ago

Do you know of the lady who wrote this? I did a search on her for credibility - and not a whole lot came up.

Truthseeker3000 ago

THIS WOMAN IS A FRAUD. The story is 100% FALSE fiction. I spent a lot of time reading the entire story and looking her up afterwards. "Dr." Sue Arrigo is her name so I googled both that and her email address which is located on the story. I found her online real life pics and some messages from her sister to conspiracy theorists' websites advising Sue Arrigo has delusional schizophrenia and was NEVER in the CIA, MK Ultra, abused, kidnapped or anything remotely similar. She should be banned from the internet. There were a number of red flags in that long story which I will not expose so she can potentially correct them. I believe she is here posting as "Against Pedos" below looking for credit on this story. I believe Ms. Arrigo watched a number of YouTube videos of Brice Taylor and others, as well as reading first hand accounts of children in MK Ultra stories and put them all together in her fabricated story. Brice Taylor is real, Sue Arrigo is not. In another conspiracy forum she posted about Obama abusing her and sitting in on CIA meetings as of last year!!! As far as being a "Presidential Model" she is an overweight late 50s early 60s woman who, again, has severe schizophrenia. **I wish people like this would STAY OFF THE INTERNET and not post delusional fabricated stories that are not true in such a serious investigation. **

fogdryer ago

Don't agree

Truthseeker3000 ago

Good for you. Dog Fryer, how creative...

logjam ago

Why in the -hell- would you want to give her the opportunity "so she can potentially correct them." if she is so full of lies and schizophrenia?

You're a new account and a shill.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Look up Paul Soros.

MaidenMotherCrone ago

Also check into who actually owns and controls the ports at major cities. I had a longshoreman friend who complained about the fact that Middle Easterners were buying all the ports to control goods coming in and out of all countries. I never took it seriously, but now... it makes sense.

AndoMc87 ago

Here in Australia the port of Darwin has just been sold off to the Chinese

pby1000 ago

Jimmy Savile had a yacht. He would take children out on it, along with various politicians and high level people. They would sexually abuse the children, then dispose of them because they could not risk the children talking. Very cruel!

I see a lot of parallels between what happens in Britain, America, and Afghanistan. How the rings operate, how they deal with law enforcement, how they keep the children quiet, etc. They really have it down to an art.

Truthplease5 ago

ovens, chemicals, and boats.... disposal wow

dontkillmehillary ago

Jesus, you just made a great point. If there are servicemen who have done duty in Afghanistan they are a great resource to get working in this. A friend of mine FUCKIN HATES Afghanies cus of their boy fucking tendancy. Those vets would know all the tricks those bastards use over there.

And ya, I think there is parallels because I'm personally convinced they are all connected. When one ring gets shut down those who aren't arrested move to a different location and start back up again.

pby1000 ago

I recently watched The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan. I noticed how they find boys and keep things going without police interference. One man runs a kite stand because young boys love to fly kites. That way, the boys come to him and he does not have to go look for them. In America, young boys love pizza and ping pong...

Fateswebb ago

I can tell you that they found a bunch of illegal aliens inside a train car that had all died and they blamed a coyote. This happened in the US not that long ago. NY Times article about the incident. As well as the children are said to come in by the thousands on another train.

Also thousands of children ride this train to get here. Washington times article about a train that mostly children ride to get to the USA

Also there is evidence that our government is doing something with these unsupervised children immigrants..

Judicial Watch article showing Obama is paying for their lodging

Politifact check on Obama housing children at military bases

I'm not saying these housing programs are anything more than the government claims that they are, I am just trying to show that certainly shipping people in containers or on trains and boats is something that they do.

Worldfailcenter ago

Holy shit. This is what i was thinking and made this thread to point it out! probably useful to read the mail and get an insight on how they might operate

bidentime ago

I'm not sure if this might connect, but let's not forget GW Bush's push to have UAE's Dubai Ports in charge of many of our major ports.

"The pending sale — expected to be finalized in early March — puts Dubai Ports in charge of major shipping operations in New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia. "

As the son of his New World Order father, this would be a perfect opportunity to traffic kids and arms.

Investigate1999 ago

OP, as I left my computer a moment ago, it dawned me. What I'm about to share with you is just a theory, so take it for what it's worth.

I think that you have got us over the biggest hump in our attempt to flesh out the details.

If they are shipping by sea containers, then they are probably bringing sea containers to those ports filled with stuff, and then emptying the containers, and then filling the containers with children for the outbound trip. In other words, having the containers full in 1 direction helps to justify the movement of the containers.

For example, if wanted to ship several containers of children out of Haiti on a normal day, then where are we going to get those containers? If there are no containers there, then we can bring our own, but don't people want to know why we're bringing empty containers to Haiti, when there might not be stuff to ship out? I don't know. I don't understand the shipping world.

For Haiti, there was a video, where the documentary goes around Haiti showing these weird houses that were built the Clinton Foundation, and even the mayor had no say in the matter. Nobody understood what was happening. We and the Haitians are focused on the natural catastrophe, and the money wasted, and the sovereign rights of the locals. However, none of us ask about the missing kids in the outbound sea containers.

I think that the Clinton Foundation built the ugly houses to justify bringing containers to that location. It would be weird to do a lot exporting during a catastrophe.

They have to do their human trafficking during a catastrophe, because it provides cover for missing children. Many children die at that time, and many might be washed out to sea. So, if a few hundred are kidnapped, then nobody would know, or maybe they would be too distracted to do anything about parents's complaints.

It would be like you going on a vacation, and then walking through a foreign bazaar. A man invites you to play a game, where you have to bet 5 cents. He explains that he is a professional magician, and that it wouldn't be fair to cheat you out of a lot of money. So, you accept, and then he shows you a card. He shuffles, it with another card. You guess incorrectly, and pay up 5 cents. On the way to the hotel, you are so impressed. Later that night, you discover that your watch is missing. In this hypothetical story, you would have been so distracted with the card game, that you missed him taking your watch.

The Clinton Foundation is comparable to the magician, and the Haitian children are comparable to the watch.

fogdryer ago

I would like to say there is nothing weord about an empty shipping container showing up at the dock. maybe you are on your way to another post to pick up or maybe you have just dropped off a disaster is a great time to come empty cuz no one would notice what with all the chaos...

dontkillmehillary ago

Good point on the containers! Incoming containers would be carrying disaster aid, and the outbound would be filled with the fabrics and clothing made in the factory Monica Peterson was looking into. A sea container is 10x10x20 or 10x10x40 so filling the front and back but leaving a 10x10x10 space in the middle is a super effective way to smuggle.

The companies exporting from Haiti might be worth looking at next. There is a few that benefit from the fabric manufacture. This was the angle Peterson was looking at I think. Her theory also included mexican human trafficking cartels.

Commonwombat ago

It's SAE-A Trading. I'm trying to dig into them.

carmencita ago

Please check out Veracruz Mexico. It is a Port City and many children come to dive into the water while people throw in coins for them to catch. There are never any adults with them so I wonder if many come up missing or are just plain homeless.There are many ships coming and going daily and the kids are right there at the waterfront. Just right for their picking.

Investigate1999 ago

I just tried to look up information on missing Haitians statistics, but couldn't find anything. At least the Clinton Foundation did claim to be involved in since whatever time, so we can always start looking from there.

Regarding whatever I said about Vancouver, I think that we should scrap that idea. I recall now that the missing women were probably mostly natives. I don't mean to belittle them in such a sad topic, but I think that these specific natives aren't as desirable as the typical trafficked humans. Anyways, here is a reference.

dontkillmehillary ago

ok... Hang on... The Highway of Tears? I think it was Stuff You Should Know (or Stuff They Dont Want you to Know) did an episode on it, and they mentioned in that show the FBI estimated that there was a ring of human traffickers working from transport trucks. The transport trucks could be a link from ground abductions to sea transport. Its a connection, but I agree one that should back burner for now.

Investigate1999 ago

Yeah, the Highway of Tears, if I recall correctly. I honestly don't know what to make of that. I don't want to ignore them, and I don't want to read into every situation.

By the way, if they are transported by sea containers, then they'll probably be transported inland by trains in those same containers. It's just a guess, though.

By the way, in the last few rounds of comments between you and me, I've often wondered about the prostitutes on Craig's List. If the photos could give us hints of the demographics of the port cities, then that might be worth looking into.

dontkillmehillary ago

Ew... Lol, that's a lead I'll let you look into :p

A ex gf of mine used to do logistics with transport companies. Sea cans run on rail and road. Something is nagging me though about sea transport out of Alaska... I need to look into that when I have time I guess :/

This thread started waaaaay more leads than I ever anticipated.

Truthseeker3000 ago

This Highway of Tears stuff and the Vancouver connection as mentioned above has NOTHING to do with children and pedos. It is drug addicted women prostitutes being murdered by johns which has nothing to do with Pizzagate. These "leads" are not exactly leads but, rather, sending us on a wild goose chase away from pizzagate. This person supplying the info is all over the map. Beware.

Investigate1999 ago

This thread started waaaaay more leads than I ever anticipated.

Yeah, I never expected us to talk about shipping. However, when I think about it, it makes sense. When people are involved, there has to be a physical part of the problem.

dontkillmehillary ago

It's frustrating because I can't even hope to look into half of the stuff for at least a week because... Sigh... Work.

I need to win powerball.

Investigate1999 ago

Yeah, me too. :-(

doubletake ago

wow. synchronicity being what it is, i am listening to sgt's voice and he says: "if you wind up with the goods, you wind up dead." good overview, second half. be safe.

kingkongwaswrong ago

is rule 3 applied on this post?

djklbd ago

This is a great find, sharing over at /r/conspiracy for exposure.

dontkillmehillary ago

That cunt Savile spend some time diddling in Jersey. There's a couple of news articles you can find on google about it.

bodthedog ago

In the case of Jimmy Saville, the children got on the boat and then were killed on there and thrown overboard after... Not sure if this is relevant...

AndoMc87 ago

Yeh Ted Heath the once PM used to take boys from the Jersey care home out on his yacht, there were witness reports that sometimes boys would be missing when the yacht returned

logjam ago

TPTB HOPE that at least 40% of children being transported die in the process

Why would you hope you lose cargo? Whether you are shipping humans - or animals - or cargo, don't you want your goods to arrive in good condition?

dontkillmehillary ago

That would be great! Thank you! Could you pm me details also if you find some links?

FoxMcCloud11 ago

Good to know I'm not the only one! Hello!

Blacksmith21 ago

Of course there are always classified shipping containers that no one touches. You can figure out who ships them. #followthechildren

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

I'm wondering the same. Can they be government classified?

pizzahthrowaway ago

Anyone remember the white rabbit SLC Daycare thread and how the shell companies were getting like 1500 tons of unnamed "toys" delivered to them in Shipping containers?

disclosuretimes ago

Care to elaborate with sources? :)

Investigate1999 ago

OP, congratulations!

I heard that Vancouver could be a human trafficking port. Many years ago, the news reported that a health inspector [or something like that] found brothel of slave women.

dontkillmehillary ago

Can you post the link and I'll add it at the top?

Investigate1999 ago

I wouldn't be able to find the source, but hopefully this government web page will add credibility to my claim.


Paul Soros - the "Invisible Soros" who made his own fortune building the world's largest industrial ports.

JrSlimss ago

I had a similar thought - unused but viable ports - but I was actually looking at Fort Liberte - where Clinton intended to build initially cause it's also a deep water port. I noticed this one article where Koreans were being trafficked from Haiti to the Dominican Republic.(Link) The main anchor company of the Caracol Complex - S & H Global, S.A - is Korean. Though no direct link, the article is saying that the Koreans being trafficked are being held at nearby in Fort Liberte (which is very close to the Caracol Complex and was intended to be its port). My thought is maybe the victims were returned to there, because they last came from there.

disclosuretimes ago

Its not so much lol. They get these abilities from hardcore abuse, whereby they dissasociate from their person, create fractured personalitites and enhance their abilities. Its kind of freaky.

Fifthestateknows ago

NOTE TO ALL On all cargo going long distances, the shipping companies have a distribution centers at main ports for continuious lanes. These points are called transhipment points. The trade lanes can be hard to follow and there are direct routes (no stopping too). But for example, most cargo coming from North and South America go to Hong Kong for transhipment and then from there feeder vessels fan out to other nations. For cargo headed to North America, there's Kingston, Jamaica and Panama. In Europe, its Rotterdam. Vessels have a manifest All cargo coming into the United States must be cleaned through US Customs at a bonded warehouse. An entry from must be filed via a Customs House Broker. I vaguely recall a story about a customs agent from the ICE team killing himself and leaving a scathing letter about the atrocities he saw while employed. I would need to look for it again. Once a container clear customs, truckers pIck theme up for delivery to warehouses around the US. They can also be delivered right to the rail. Union Pacific and Norfork Southern are your two to look at. You will have better luck asking questions among trucling outfits or dock workers. You can look for the names of importers and exporters under the Federal Maritime Commission, which provides comprehensive list. If traffickers are not operating an NVOCC, they need to hire one to arrange the freight. I assume they would not hire because then they would not control the records. To access more detailed info, its big bucks via the PIERS report where you look at custom entriies. Air Cargo is managed via the TSA. I am gonna bet it's mostly done via Mexico and driven into the USA thanks to NAFTA. And who is responsible for NAFTA? Our buddy Bill Clinton.

EndThePizza ago

Second season of The Wire

BrickInTheVVall ago

Check out my investigation Senator Menendez ( which is related...


Robert "Bob" Menendez (born January 1, 1954) is the senior United States Senator from the State of New Jersey.

He was indicted on corruption charges in 2015 misusing political authority to help friend and donor Salomon Melgen in exchange for gifts.

In assist to donor ( Salomon Melgen), Menendez urged US to withhold port security equipment from Dominican Republic. ( The Dominican Republic is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children subjected to sex trafficking and forced labor. ( Considering these facts, why would a United States Senator try to withhold port security?! The Dominican Republic borders with Haiti.

Now it gets interesting...

It is alleged that Menendez and Melgen had sex with underage prostitutes at Melgen’s villa in Casa de Campo, Dominican Republic. (

MeatballPizza ago

REMEMBER also there was a J&L Shipping post on this subVoat a week or so ago. Some company that had Clintons and others listed as officers/owners.

Fifthestateknows ago

See my post on how to look them up

Truthseeker3000 ago

It's NOT "Gail Allen" or "Cathy Fox" its Sue Arrigo or Dr. Sue Arrigo as she likes to call herself. Sue Arrigo has also posted this bullshit on another women's blog with another name. She doesn't want people looking into her name because she's a fraud. Yes, absolutely I 100% believe in MK Ultra and the MPD/DID it brings on but Sue Arrigo has taken so many stories off the Internet and put them all together in her own fabricated version of it and claiming she's a Presidental Model MK Ultra prodigy and she is not. Then she claims she's had President Obama torture her in another online claim. COME ON U GUYS PLEASE DONT BELIEVE EVERYTHING ONLINE. yes, absolutely I do believe in this stuff that's why I know so much about it (I think) because I have done ALOT of research into it but her story is all over the place and NOT believable. Look at the very top of the story, it says it's written by Sue Arrigo and if u click on her name her email comes up, do what I did to find out for yourself with those pieces of info. Keep up the fight. Thanks everyone

garlicbulb ago

ok just give me a link to your research then

MeatballPizza ago

Any tech savvy folks here that can make up a "pizza-related map" - a global map of these locations mentioned above?

Might be some spots that look like obvious connection stops along the way.

dontkillmehillary ago

I've been thinking of whipping up something like this on photoshop. If someone could get me a list of locations I can do it this week.

isthisreality ago

here.. i have to find my notes to go back and find the port ... but this is for sure related to the post:

This guy - Wang Wenliang > Rilin Enterprises

"Rilin owns a large port near the Chinese border with North Korea. The division of Wenliang’s business empire handling that project retains a roster of high-powered Washington lobbyists with the firm McGuireWoods."

Johnny3names ago

A few years back Mitch McConnell's shipping company got busted bringing a shit ton of coke into the US and then it immediately got swept under the rug.

If his ass is trafficking drugs he's possibly into more, at the very least he's confirmed corrupt and connected enough to still be in office.

carmencita ago

His wife is Elaine Chao, who inherited her father's shipping co. She is being considered by Trump for Transportation Secretary. A great way to keep track of those children.

ProudTruther ago

I hope he's just floating the name to say you're fired as he did to Romney and giuliani.

Johnny3names ago

I'm not sure what you mean by "keep track of", I understand a lot of ppl had high hopes for Trump being some kind of outsider but that is not what his picks appear to be saying.

It's looking like same agendas, different face. Rothschild family and co have been finding a way to back both sides of every major conflict around the world going back more years than most of us have been alive, I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would believe this election is any different.

carmencita ago

I hear you. I am not totally convinced that he will do anything about it either. I am hopeful, but not convinced.

ababcb ago

Didn't FBI anon say something about children being shipped in USAID containers?

GodBlessAmerica24_7 ago

@dontkillmehillary I just seen this on another thread. Paul Soros, George Soros brother, "build Soros Associates, which has dominated the port-building industry and shifted international trade and production patterns through its shipping innovations."

coincidencesmyass ago

This makes so much sense. How did we not think of this before? Thank you OP

dontkillmehillary ago


I suggest this for the PizzaGate motto; "Where you recognise evil, speak out against it, and give no truces to your enemies" Havamal (127)

TheUltimateDebate ago

WOW MAN! What an awesome discovery! If everyone would be this good in researching we'd be able to bust the pedo satanist networks within a matter of seconds! Blessings

kingkongwaswrong ago

is rule 3 correctly applied on this post?

dontkillmehillary ago

Thank you! Patterns! It's what humans are best at... Finding patterns

lynirr ago

I'm posting the link again... but in the case of the Zandvoort scandal (production and distribution of CP in Belgium/Holland), the investigator found CP places around Antwerp (biggest port in the world). Among others, he found a child network between Portugal and Belgium which was trafficking children. The main distribution center (a flat with the servers running non-stop, where the CP material and some child clothes were found) was in Zandvoort, a seaside town! The guy running the newtork had a YACHT, where he could film CP...

(godammnit OP you managed to make the whole thing even more creepy to me...)

GodBlessAmerica24_7 ago

I think you maybe onto something with this. I seen this video the other day talking about the unusually high number of missing children in Virginia (I personally have NOT verified) with the highest concentrations being around Fairfax County (just outside DC), Richmond (the capital) and the Norfolk/VA Beach area.

Norfolk has a large port terminal, along with other terminals located near by.

PizzaBurner0 ago

Is the archive link the same article as ? Archive isn't loading

Godwillwin ago

wasn't that steel mill warehouse that caught fire the night of the election also used for shipping?? i believe it was in a port? they just let it burn. there's a voat thread on it somewhere. it was in lackwana, NY

joey4track ago

Ok, I'm gonna go watch The Wire season 2 again and see if I can pick up any tips.

slevin_kelevra ago

Ok please do not drag Missing 411 into this, you have absolutely zero evidence this is related.

cantthinkofagoodone ago

there's a clinton email shipping related. trying to avoid duty fees. on gefilte fish?

featheredmasks ago

This would make sense why Rick Scott (FL governor) gave top priority to shitty ports that FL didn't need. Also I just fucking hate Rick Scott and wouldn't put it past him to be a kiddy fiddler even if everyone else came back clean.

rutkdn ago

And let's not forget Sharif Silmi. He has an import/export business that is still active (iTechMission Limited) AND he's a lawyer who specializes in immigration. He was at Comet Ping Pong when the false flag event went down.

Blacksmith21 ago

Is that a proven link? I saw that doing some research, but it looked like a startup that never went anywhere. Has anyone done a full packet on Slimi (how appropriate)?


his profile clearly states he "moves people and goods"

waxdino ago

There was that story in zero hedge a week ago about human trafficking, questionable NGOs, and the boats they use:
This Clinton email always bugged me, describing Dave Stone's (of Stone Harbor LLC) business partner Jim Blom

American, but well healed due to long family history in Norwegian shipping companies. Grandfather was pals with Onassis. You get the picture. Has tight linkage in supply chain & IT space(s).

This is regarding who they want to lead the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking. Jim Blom is a good choice with shipping experience, links in the supply chain, and IT spaces.
.... :( I can imagine the implications of what that knowledge is put to use doing.

PEi ago

Ships can be tracked via shipping tracker live. Also, become familiar with maritime terms such as portage.

MeatballPizza ago

Some have said the "kill room" Instagram photo looked like the interior of a shipping container.

cantsleepawink ago

...and private yachts, I suspect.

Sentastixc ago

Guys remember to use the Russian competitor to google,, if you're having trouble finding diverse sources.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

Ted Gunderson said they had auctions in Toronto too! Bethlehem Steel just burned to a crisp in Lackawanna, NY. They had a private canal to load containers on cargo ships. Guess what else!!! Lisa Jackson of the EPA appears in a ton of articles about Bethlehem Steel. They gained access to Lake Ontario by using the Welland Canal. The ship that needs to be investigated is the Mississagua Express. Flintstone connection is NOT Hawaii! Search for Flintstone Glass and Mirror, Mississagua, Canada. There is a canal from Lake Ontario going Inland that stops right in front of Flintstone!!! Company has been in business for 45 years and the company's details are very private as far as ownership goes. I will post some pictures when I get to my computer. DIG!!!!

DeSales ago

I live about half hour away from Mississauga. Am tempted to go park my butt there for days

Stormtrooperx52 ago

I live pretty close to Buffalo and the fire did not make the 5 o'clock or 11 o'clock news. I read a Ted Gunderson report which can be easily searched and found on any search engine. He stated in the report that Toronto was one of the main auction locations. When I started browsing the November news for Toronto, Mississauga, and Brantford I stumbled across an article about Dr. Essam Michael from Astra Fertility Group being arrested for fraud. Then I found Flinstone Glass & Mirror located on front street....(1st street from the water) Then I saw that Sam Blyth's private school "Blyth Academy" was building a new school to try and keep up with the demand. However, when looking up the school, I noticed they do not excel in any academic categories compared to public schools. I also read that there were 66 openings for a job as a Foster Parent. Pretty high at 1st glance. Then after browsing articles I noticed a lot of fucked up crimes happening in Mississauga. It's a port town, probably less crowded and easier to offload some kids. Idk though. Oh, and Charles R Blyth was a member of the Bohemian Club. Cannot confirm whether or not there is any relation to Sam Blyth. Im guessing if hes opening up these academies like Mcdonalds restaraunts then he probably has the bankroll. Also says he attended Cambridge. Whoever Bethlehem Steel used, I bet they did not always load an entire ship. Chances that Mississauga Express had there containers on board is extremely likely.

warrior_of_light ago


ZalesMcMuffin ago

bumping potentially epic reply

VieBleu ago

does bumping work here?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I dunno... hoping so. (Is there a voat user manual?)

AreWeSure ago

You need to look at a population map. The US population is not spread out evenly. It's densest in cities, and cities that are ports are among the densest. What does this mean? It means density of almost any type of people is closest near cities.

fadingmatrix ago

Jeffrey Epstein's co-abuser Ghislaine Maxwell CURRENTLY runs a Clinton Foundation-funded NGO focusing on the preservation of "international waters" (where criminal laws don't apply!) Link below. It's called the Terra Mar Project. This looks promising.

TokyoJoe ago

So wouldn't it make sense to look where arrests were made? That proves illegal activity then try to trace it back? Keeps getting deleted but

AgainstPedos ago

That was me. I just re-posted the basic info above. I didn't get any up votes, response or interest in the true story which was extremely detailed and covered a lot of areas of information.

Blindjustice ago

Attempted to provide a link source but was informed Voat was under attack so here it is HUMAN TRAFFICKING MAP & FACTS interesting the map is similar to the election map

AgainstPedos ago

I already linked you the story of a former sex slave who explained how large groups of young children from war zones like Bosnia were put in shipping containers with drugged water and no food or access to toilet facilities. The wholesale buyers expected a 40% "kill rate" so that the survivors would be so traumatized they'd be numb. Those along the way tasked with overseeing the import and export of the mislabeled "goods" were bribed and/or threatened into submission. They knew by the smell of death what was being transported but were powerless.

Once on land in the USA the human cargo were stripped naked and hosed down before being sold as a group and trafficked to their ultimate destinations. Those who don't cooperate are drugged once again and beaten. There's no humanity involved. Many authorities are aware of this long term practice especially those in law enforcement and government.

Truthseeker3000 ago


The fictional story she is referencing was written by Dr. Sue Arrigo who is proven to be a fraud. Do your research.

AgainstPedos ago

Really appreciate your info, Yes, when I did a search of her name shockingly a former border/housemate accused her of repeatedly fabricating stories to an extreme. Surprising given her educational and professional background. However much of what she wrote in the book was very detailed and direct which makes the stories sound more credible. Wasn't Arrigo just the author and another woman who wants to remain anonymous the victim described in the book? If so I assume Arrigo was chosen as a writer because though her very domineering and controlling father she likely experienced some of the same mind control techniques and sexual and emotional abuse. Well did Arrigo embellish the stories she was told to sell the book?

Truthseeker3000 ago

Nothing u have said makes any sense whatsoever. When will u stop Sue? Really?!! We've gone back and forth on this so many times u and all your multiple accounts on here. Why do u keep distracting and trying to garner as much attention for yourself as possible by constantly posting this fictional story. We are trying to do real research on here against a real crime against children and u keep trying to sell this story as real when it is FAKE. Stop. Enough already.

AgainstPedos ago

I'm not "Sue" and have never used that name. I only have ONE account on Voat. Was this comment meant for me or someone else?

LloydK ago

Bosnia was a Clinton Affair.

hashtaggery ago

Freeport, Bahamas -- state of the art facility

Hutchison Whampoa

DawnofTruth ago

There is no coincidence that the Bush's occupy both Florida and Texas. Both states accessible via water.

Listen up grasshoppers............they (career politicians and most religious leaders) are ALL satanic pedophiles and they are ALL not human. You must come to terms with this extremely unrealistic reality in order to understand and receive enlightenment. We all must realize the ugliest on this planet in order to see its beauty. Polarity at its finest!!!

LloydK ago

The lizard theory is stupid.

TokyoJoe ago

Bush gave the security to the Dubai firm when he was president. It was huge news then. Also children were find ina shipping container in Lagos Nigeria!

contrarianism ago

That's a goldmine. It lays out all the details. Nice.

C1REX ago

Thanks for the link. Amazing article.

derram ago :

Human smugglers try new tactic | NBC News :

To Move Drugs, Traffickers Are Hacking Shipping Containers | Motherboard :

Police Find 35 People in Shipping Container, and They Think It's Due to Human Trafficking

This has been an automated message.

rangerkozak ago

May have something to do with access to "international waters" where jurisdiction is different.

TippyHome ago

That they use ships/boats makes sense when you look at history. That is how slaves were brought to America. This is nothing if not a 21st century continuation of this.

LyinKing ago

Mayor of Tucson, Jonathan Rothschild, is using trains.

carmencita ago

Someone posted the other day that a Rothschild was Mayor of Tucson, but he could not find anything nefarious about him. Do you know that he is specifically using these trains in connection with the children? That would be awesome to find. I just think that he might have just chosen a smaller town on purpose. Who would expect a Rothschild in such a low level Govt. position?

MrG13 ago

All the ports have quick access to rail yards.

thicktail1730947 ago

This may be part of why flyover country is so uninteresting to the powers that be.

LloydK ago

The Franklin Coverup was in Nebraska, flyover country.

dontkillmehillary ago

Good god, that's horrific.

jbooba ago

Keep in mind all the refugees coming from Syria on boats, and the news in Europe hundertes of thousands of children are missing ... another piece of the puzzle?

BlackFriday1 ago

Many of those missing "children" are 25yo disguised as 17yo to be allowed easier into the countries.

elgindelta ago

Use this maritime ship tracker that live streams boat traffic. The same one used to track the muzzie smugglers from lybia to Italy, Franceistan ect ect.

Then if y'all wanna dig up ship names owned by the corps these fukkes are board members of, use this one and archive the traffic. Comecto think of it, a call to the law enforcement agencies could be warranted down the road on this

shortymcbossypants ago

I was just looking at these websites and noticed something that could be telling. There seems to be a highly concentrated number of container ships coming out of Turkey. I do know someone on our former Association (lol) posted about a Turkish man who tried to stage the coup the past few months in having a strange farm/complex in the Pennsylvania country. Depending on where you are at, Pennsylvania isn't far off from Montreal, a major port. The mans name was Fethullah Gulen. What I'm thinking is possibly these container ships have a large number of children/human trafficking victims, they empty them out in areas of a large Middle Eastern population, i.e. Montreal, Toronto, Savannah, Charleston, NYC, then have auctions according to the other thing I just read from this thread, and disperse these people nationwide. I live in one of the Carolina's, and won't name which one it is due to I don't want to be killed while defending my children, and one of the largest ports in the world is in Charleston. From Charleston, it's only about a 7 hour drive from DC and there is a pretty decent sized major airport out of Charleston.

hedy ago

Anecdotal evidence about trafficking through shipping ports from a survivor: (this is a link to Arrigo's story posted on another woman's webpage - not endorsing the webpage but it's the most readable and accessible version of the story online.)

Truthseeker3000 ago

It's NOT "Gail Allen" or "Cathy Fox" its Sue Arrigo or Dr. Sue Arrigo as she likes to call herself. Sue Arrigo has also posted this bullshit fictional story on another women's blog with another name. She doesn't want people looking into her name because she's a fraud. Yes, absolutely I 100% believe in MK Ultra and the MPD/DID it brings on but Sue Arrigo has taken so many stories off the Internet and put them all together in her own fabricated version of it and claiming she's a Presidental Model MK Ultra prodigy and she is not. Then she claims she's had President Obama torture her in another online claim. COME ON U GUYS PLEASE DONT BELIEVE EVERYTHING ONLINE. yes, absolutely I do believe in this stuff that's why I know so much about it (I think) because I have done ALOT of research into it but her story is all over the place and NOT believable. Look at the very top of the story, it says it's written by Sue Arrigo and if u click on her name her email comes up, do what I did to find out for yourself with those pieces of info. Keep up the fight. Thanks everyone

hedy ago

WTF are you talking about "Gail Allen" or "Cathy Fox"? I've always referred to her as Dr. Sue Arrigo. Did you respond to the wrong person?

Of course not everything these witnesses put out there is factual, that DOES NOT NEGATE ALL OF THEIR MESSAGE. This isn't rocket science.

MRAinTX ago

That makes sense because aircraft are tracked closer

fvckh1m_up ago

Lord James of Blakheath confirms this, he herded tens of thousands of terrified children in London onto a boat to Australia.

lawfag123 ago

cultural enrichment incoming:



made a list of the companies listed:



Jugend Rettet -


Proactiva Open Arms -

Sea Watch -

Sea Eye -

LIFE BOAT - ? help

most seem to be involving children and refugees

anonymousj ago

Notice that the ships are communting from the Port at Tripoli Libya. Any chance Bengazhi was not just about gun running?


may be the enitre reason the Clintons wanted Gaddafi taken out, easiest african port to italy/europe right there

bopper ago

Makes sense to me.

logjam ago

How about Fedex? They have operations all over the world. I couldn't help but notice how Hillary's campaign had the same arrow. Coincidence no doubt - but I associated them.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

noticed boating is popular amongst this crowd, i saw some photos on fb of podesta friends the other day that made me think. I wonder if that was silsby' s plan...

dontkillmehillary ago

Is there emails specifically discussing boating trips?

YouaremeandIamyou ago

no just fishing trip photos, i have seen so far. probably is though, lots of mentions, we will see, if looking for them

Tomioka ago

Flightradar for boats? Check for private, ocean-going yachts? Sultan of Brunei and his brother might be interesting, pretty sure they have a few ships.

davemcgowanwasright ago

The former President and CEO of Progressive Insurance, Peter Lewis, remodeled a tugboat under suspicious circumstances in Florida back in 1997. I think it might be relevant to your theory.

I remembered this from a previous thread that can be found here:

Here are the articles about it:

shortymcbossypants ago

Thank G-d that we no longer have Progressive Insurance. That was some of the crappiest car insurance me and my family had for a good two years.

Fifthestateknows ago

It's a dirty industry- thoroughly dirty

LostandFound ago

Super post just you scratched surface of something real here, checkout this! Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership

create new enterprises that capitalize market opportunities to generate social impact by addressing existing market gaps in developing country supply or distribution chains.

three “market-driven” models – Distribution Enterprises, Supply Chain Enterprises, and Training Center Enterprises.

Just in case thats ambiguous check this out from the CF itself about the work it was doing here on this YOUTH project in Cartagena, Colombia

In Cartagena, youth from the poorest neighborhoods are provided training for jobs in productive sectors including tourism, port logistics and health care.

Guistra looks like he is the logistics man, and heres a location to start digging !

Edit: This just gets better, thats the official site listed on the CF... first post visible... "200 young people from communities near Cartagena received certification as port operators"

shortymcbossypants ago

You know despite him selling drugs to the "gringos" of his time, Pablo Escobar was notoriously anti-American and would routinely try to clean up areas that had a strong American influence. I'm starting to wonder if he knew firsthand about this global pedophile network and was doing everything to stop it. That has been the underlying feeling I've gotten while binge watching Narcos in the past few days. I've been sick with a pretty bad sinus infection so been binge watching my favorite shows this past week. I know since stumbling upon Pizzagate a few weeks ago, that everything I've ever known has just changed, so why wouldn't this by any different?

Nana66 ago

New Secretary of transportation....

LostandFound ago

The Ping May eh? .... ..... must keep an eye on you ;)

Nana66 ago

Ping May, Soya May, Fu May and Grain May among others

JrSlimss ago

Sorry, if someone mentioned it - but what about the Secret Service guys who were busted have sex with underage girls in Cartagena, Colombia. Coincidence? (Link 1) (Link 2)

LostandFound ago

Edit misread that .. Brilliant find serious work there


"The Gultainer deal, which has alarmed the military, was approved by Treasury Secretary Jacob ‘Jack’ Lew, a former senior adviser to President Clinton."


SinGunChaser ago

Didn't we know that because of Harry Reids smuggling boats or something?

wecanhelp ago

Sometimes the most trivial things are the most overlooked. Excellent lead, just waiting for my daily allowance to upvoat the shit out of this. Hawaii fits the theory, too.

doubletake ago

"sometimes simple things can expose everything." -- Bill Maloney

Sun, Sea and Satan

Mooka_Molaka ago

Same here ~ it's kind of tough rationing out the upboats. There are so many posts that deserve an upvote but I just don't have enough to give :(

Also completely agree that the smallest, seemingly insignificant clue(s) could be a game changer. Much thanks to everybody participating 💗

God Bless You all ^_^ 💖

Votescam ago

Same here: Wouldn't simple "recs" with user name for ID be helpful re thread For specific comments which often offer additional information, the same?

4thDaGrymReaper ago

I think FBI Anon in his supposed 5th AMA (unless its a larper) responded to a 4chan users suspicion of USAID shipping containers containing children, but thats it. 4chan was suspicous about that in the Clinton emails that can be seen from wikileaks. I think emails mentioning some Gefilte fish might be related.

Edit: Here is another image from the 4th AMA I found while rereading all 7 AMAs again.

Here is the court case in the last image post in a pdf.



IsThisThingSafe ago

I didn't realize FBI Anon had posted again, much less 7 times. Where can I find these?

4thDaGrymReaper ago

I like to read the QnA formatted pdf, but the archive links of each are in this post as well.

carmencita ago

E According to the Washington Post, just before the Jewish holiday that year there was a trade dispute that held up a large shipment of Illinois-caught carp (the fish typically used in gefilte fish) that was destined for Israel. Clinton had pledged to help resolve the issue. "I will take that mission on," she told Rep. Don Manzullo, R-Illinois. Tablet Magazine’s Yair Rosenberg was the first to make the connection on Twitter, where he shared an excerpt of the former Israeli ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren's, memoir, 'Ally: My Journey Across the American-Israeli Divide,' in which he recalled the situation: Clinton’s campaign has not confirmed if this is indeed what Clinton was emailing about, but the timing of it makes sense. Edit: I have noticed that a lot of trafficked children and refugees have been sent to Israel, so I am thinking that this would be a perfect time to send those kids, the same time the fish are heading to Israel. She of course would want to do whatever she can put a rush on it. Nothing would be better than to have some gefilte fish to celebrate when that little child arrives. Don't know if this makes any sense but why would Wikileaks include this email unless their was something "fishy" about it?

fogdryer ago

I read that. Something about unpaid taxes . If there was fish in that shipping container it would help combat the odor. s if Israel can't do their own fishing!

When you ship there are less eyes to see you

pepe16 ago

I never said it, but this much was obvious when we read about Madeleine McCann. It makes sense and it will lead to leads.

davemcgowanwasright ago

I would also add Hawaii to that list.

CrackerJacks ago

Didn't someone post a name of a shipping company in one of the threads on Hawaii the other day? I'm really sure it was being talked about in one thread.....grrr...I'll try and find it.

AFriend ago

I think it was Stone Harbor LLC

I can't find the link any where. but I have that name written down with my "Hawaii connection" notes.

EDIT: Yes, this was the company that was connect to David Stone (aka "David Flintstone") of CheesyBay fame.

Go look at the Hawaii Connection thread

ThrowawayPanda ago

Apparently David Flintstone doesn't own the CheesyBay eBay account, and the guy who pegged him as operating a super secret facility was an unhinged former employee. You can Google up David Flintstone PizzaGate for the details.

AFriend ago

Awesome. Thanks.

CrackerJacks ago

Yes that's the bugger....I knew I had seen it. Thanks.

dontkillmehillary ago


Chimerarose ago

When looking at Clinton Foundation donors. Look for shipping/container companies who donated. Found one in Africa. I'm still compiling a list of suspicious companies that donated to the foundation and a few stood out. Most of them transportation companies.

fogdryer ago

Well Lordy Lordy Lordy Can you sent me the link to that foundation? She was some piece of work

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I did a whole post on shipping containers.

Not sure if it's as relevant as I personally think. But there's no reason to assume, It's not... at least based on what's been put forth so far.

isthisreality ago

I have to pull out me trusty notes to find it, but at one point I was looking into a Chinese donor that has close ties to a gang that is involved heavily in human trafficking- if I remember correctly, the donor also owns/is in control of a specific port in China- hold on, I'll get the info...

ababcb ago

Excellent suggestion.

cosmicmind ago

Good work, pharma, child-help, and bio,techno research companies are all lumped under their many, many charity agencies umbrella word called, 'think-tanks'.

Godwillwin ago

i found an email from some woman to podesta saying very important invitation and when you open the email, there's just a link to a garage door company in Africa?? i'll try to find it.

JrSlimss ago

What about the Caracol Industrial Complex in Haiti? Poor Monica Petersen...

Edit for Clarity: the Caracol Industrial Complex, which was created by the Clinton Foundation in partnership with others, is on the bay of Caracol of Haiti and what Monica Petersen thought was involved in human trafficking based on the last post before she died.

Edit for Response to Replies: Good work on the Cap-Haitien articles and the USAID's problems in fixing that port. I forgot about it until someone's post below that FBIAnon said to look at the USAID's shipping containers (Link)

doubleherpes ago

That Monica Petersen wiki doesn't mention what I heard, that Petersen told a friend before she died that the Caracol facility was likely used for trafficking.

fogdryer ago

We need drones for photographers

fogdryer ago

Someone in the office knew she was going to Haiti. Were they waiting for her or ....who had something to loose here

JrSlimss ago

It does discuss it: (Link)

doubleherpes ago

Oh good. Didn't want that to get lost. I only remembered it because the word Caracol sticks out in English. Thanks!

Also, when I upvoat you it doesn't show up. Not sure if normal or fishy.

PizzaBurner0 ago

How long has been around!? Was literally just thinking, "this needs its own wiki." Who do I thank for this?

anonOpenPress ago

Do we have that review page archived?

Julian55 ago

thanks for link, great link !

JrSlimss ago

The creator has posted on here before. But thank him/her by just contributing/cleaning up. The link is on the very bottom of the sidebar here, but people don't see so they don't know about it - which is partially why there are many redundant posts on this sub.

Le_Squish ago

Shit guys.

I know some dudes that work docks and they tell stories of getting containers with human feces and urine inside and can't figure out why.

When you ship a large container, it isn't allowed to be sealed before it goes to customs. When it reaches the docks and after it is inspected, that is when the container is locked.

You could slip a shipment of people into anyone's container and they would never know because the people would be unloaded before the container reached its destination. We might not be looking for a company but inspectors and dock workers that are conspirators.

fogdryer ago

Such sick people. My god

justiceforever ago

Are those guys on board with pizzagate?? You gotta get them on our side! Maybe they can help us make some connections. They could blow the lid off this thing!!

fogdryer ago

wont work-----------violent and serious they would kill ya my dad used to work there.

Le_Squish ago

I'll try to see what I can go find.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

East Europeans and Chinese have been using containers for migrants and trafficked humans for years, they're often finding containers with people in em.

AgainstPedos ago

As I wrote above summarizing the link I provided when this thread was 1st started, the dock workers and inspectors all know what's going on as they have become familiar with the smell of mass death. I'm not just talking about one or two victims, and as I already explained this is intentional. Whoever pays for the human cargo and arranges the bribes and/or violent threats for compliance is the guilty party. Don't expect the "cargo" to be correctly labeled either.

Commonwombat ago

The Clinton Foundation received donations from the Mariners union too.

Nana66 ago

Remember Mitch McConnell's wife's I think father had a ship that they were busted with crap tons of cocaine? Trump just gave her a position in his cabinet. What if they are involved and Trump has some kind of master plan and it's why he is picking these people....

SpikyAube ago

Or, more likely, Trump is part of the whole thing.

votesarestolen ago

Better be careful about insinuating that Trump is involved with this. I mentioned the Epstein connection and got downvoted.

SpikyAube ago

I think people need to be aware it's a possibility. It would be awful for everyone to put all their eggs in his basket and be blind to any potential wrongdoing of his and then get blindsided by something. It's just good to keep an open mind and trust no one, especially no one rich and powerful!

dontkillmehillary ago

I think we need to figure out a list of the CF preferred shipping companies. Does anyone know how to source that info?

rutkdn ago

Look into iTechMission Limited. It's owned and operated by Sharif Silmi, the DC immigration lawyer who conveniently was present at Comet Ping Pong when "gunman" showed up last week.


same guy that blatently says he "moves people and goods"

ZalesMcMuffin ago


That Shill-me guy is a liar and total shill.

Now I almost wish I were using my real identity here, just so I could beg him to sue me for calling him a liar.

Did I mention what a pants-ablaze liar he is?

SherlockMcGyver ago

That's the fag that Alex Jones had on the show. The guy was completely ridiculous, couldn't even stay on a single topic, just felt so strongly that he had to discredit the conspiracy theories that he took his own children into a place where you can see from the evidence we have collected that the owner is a homo pedo boy lover connected to the rich, powerful and famous who all have connections to real pedos and an obsession with death and magick. I mean....who the hell does that?

FoxMcCloud11 ago

America’s strategic infrastructure compromised: Did Clinton pay-to-play arrangement hand over port container operations inside national security nexus to wealthy foreign associates?

'Project Pelican' Unveiled At Port Canaveral

Peanuttles ago

That's exactly what I've been thinking. Take a closer look at that container company from the UAE that got the 35 year contract in Florida, thanks to Clinton. They have a lot of containers they could use in human trafficking, and then there are the instances of Clinton wondering about the cost of transporting people. It reminds me of Bush trying to give the port contract to Saudi Arabia, until people raised a ruckus over it.

Cbradio ago

Jersey isle is right by GUERVE island that connects to Providence corp in Fl, under Fbi investigation. That Fl Providence connects to Brazil, and to Providence Health that owns Logisticare corp that Obama for eights years has used in the Obamacare federal NEMT program. Providence Health, also owns worldwide Igeus corp ( IGEUS is HUGE). Mass people are blocked from medical necessity acc from NEMT program fraud, in Fl and 47 states. Children too, as parents of kids, also prevented cheap home medical supplies. States take kids. Parents have fought to no avail. Can find on web. Ones should already know Rick Scott Texas History. From OIG, dep and down to local govt staff, absolute refusal to stop the fraud in NEMT, destroy patient complaints, intimidate patients exercising their ada RTS to grievance and public health laws and contracts rights to grievance and protection of their rights. Media gas suppressed for years, a few stories came out, all falsely lacking the fraud. . Logisticare cover-up is huge nationwide. Depopulates, routes to institutions/ nursing homes, state ward ...a big ahem. How remarkable that Obamacare, corp vendors connect right to GUERVE island , right next to Queen Elizabeth Jersey isle, of major sex ring case that Saville was in, also. Also Brazil. Jersey Isle, must read up on...Children's burnt bodies found in the state school, and lime was used. Reporter on it, banned from England for two years. Just as your seeing the grandiose narcissism vs concern for kids even in photos, Queen demanded a public apology, even after burnt children bodies found, and of course false news screamed. Ain't she just special. Obama just awarded Logisticare another four year contract , after eight years of hell, death, medical blocked, mass children taken for eight years. Look up office inspector general 2016, annual random review of Logisticare where NJ state was chosen. On a deeper note, think found even connections to ww corp, Ingredion, biomaterial food products. Fl panhandle is also a huge child ring route, not far from finders case, has become big a S Florida. Fl Providence under Fbi investigation lives near Einstein. Providence Health board director lives in West Palm, too. Both their daughters are socialites in photos. Small world. Mass sick, voted for Trump, trying to finally stop this, as dying, rotting at home with no medical, children taken. One child taken, her mom fought solo hard to keep her. They took child far towards south Florida. Failed to even hook her oxygen, or check on her on over six hr trip. Mom refused to see child. Sick ass case and one of many. Look up all the boys skeletobs found at the state board school, came out last year. Tallahassee state mental ward is said to be another of many haunted places of what all goes on there. Governor to Fl disability rights and more, do nothing but violate and profit. Many are on nursing home and institution boards, same with hmos like united.

street1510 ago

I have specifically been working on tracking shipments via boat for the last month. I want to build a physical map of the routes. Project pelican does have 1 loose connection to child trafficking and the Clinton foundation through Iraq and Saudi Arabia:

I still have to go through the news sites for each port city. If anyone has shipping related info they can link to child trafficking feel free to pm me.

Kiwi_Slave ago

FWIW, I have travelled by sailboat. At most ports, you just dinghy in at leisure and sign some papers, get passports stamped, pay a fee. Almost never do inspectors set foot on your boat, and they do not watch the comings and goings from anchored boats. Quite a contrast with air travel.

TrumpisaPEDOPHILE ago

What BULLSHIT. We are talking weeks. I too have sailed the seas, but we're talking infants here, kidnapped children. That can fetch one million usd in saudi.

Precious cargo goes by airplane.

Sailing from NYC to Israel is 3 weeks, 9000km at 20km/hour, 24hours/day, nobody is going to babysit an infant for 3 fucking weeks on a boat, you fuckers are insane.

AmenRA ago

Maybe they're custom containers & a steady stream of em.

search4truth ago

Good point, but shipping from the Caribbean to the US, or Europe to the UAE is possible, and would be relatively quicker than the distance you mention.

Vindicator ago

Can confirm.



"The abruptly-announced deal between Gulftainer and the port immediately became a lightning rod for criticism due to multiple security concerns.

To deflect those objections, Port Canaveral CEO Walsh employed the Obama administration’s standard talking point: “We can’t be racist.”

fogdryer ago

Omg. He answers to everything Where's the common sense? When trump gets in office this needs addressing !


Pelican? suprised they didnt call it "Project Stork"

but then agin...

ALDO_NOVA ago is mentioned

"The Gultainer deal, which has alarmed the military, was approved by Treasury Secretary Jacob ‘Jack’ Lew, a former senior adviser to President Clinton."


ZalesMcMuffin ago

Possibly useful for comparison's sake is the "Fat Leonard" scandal, which involves improper bypassing of naval security in certain ports, or something like that. (I'm lazy so no links but I recall seeing something about it in the past month.) Oh, and it also involves prostitutes.

DarkMath ago

By George I think you've got it!!!! That was better than a cup of coffee. God bless you and Godspeed. Hunting Pedophile's is fun!

NonexistentNihilist ago

I ran out of upvoats so you get an upcomment

dontkillmehillary ago

Beautiful lead!

FoxMcCloud11 ago

Beautiful username.. haha! Hope it helps!

Sephel ago

You've got an enemy on your tail! Use the boost to chase!

Sephel ago

...and he hasn't been heard of since.

Air_Gate ago

Hey it's me your dontkillmehillary

Truthseeker77 ago

Make sure you tell everyone you know that you are NOT suicidal.

disclosuretimes ago

How can we find Clinton foundations shipping contractors?

dontkillmehillary ago

Well, ports are federally regulated so once we know the shipping companies we could request port entry logs perhaps. Older ones may already be available on line. I have a friend who is a harbormaster in the UK. I'm going to email him to see what is available to the public.

Fifthestateknows ago

I answered in my long post

dontkillmehillary ago

Ok, so he just texted me back. He says in the UK they are not public record. The reason is because they need to keep sensitive shipment secret... like for example when the queen arrive in port, or military shipments.

logjam ago

Surprise surprise - not.

dontkillmehillary ago

I asked if we knew the port of entry could we call the port and ask the date? He said its worth a try but the port is unlikely to give the information to a random caller. He said his port wouldn't.

Perhaps a better approach is FOIA requests for older port entry logs which wouldn't be classified? We might be able to correlate them to older scandals, but maybe not the CF.

2impendingdoom ago

Probably in shipping containers. There is a thread about J&T (or JIT) Packing Inc. somewhere around here. The Company's directors is the whole cast of CF players.

dontkillmehillary ago

Actually, after I wrote the mafia thing.. I remembered something else. The Channel Islands/Jersey scandal claimed they were renting kids out to Yachtsmen. Possibly the movement of kids is with private boats. Port entry logs would have this information also.

srayzie ago

That reminds me of, I think it's Mark Zuckerberg, having that big yacht practically rebuilt. There's tons of security and they don't let people close to it. It's real hush hush.

dontkillmehillary ago

The mafia are famous for smuggling people into europe through shipping containers.

jangles ago

This is good. We know how hard it is for them to fly, because of flight logs. They boat for sure. UPVOTE THIS THREAD and DIG, Look for pictures of kids at harbors near Clinton associated businesses !!

Investigate1999 ago

There probably won't be pictures of kids there. They will probably be shipped in sea containers, and then at port, the containers will be trucked to a warehouse.

Fifthestateknows ago

A US Customs bonded warehouse. FYI

Vindicator ago

Pretty sure just about every US port is Union. Might be a good idea to put a request out at r/the_Donald for any longshoremen to keep their eyes and ears open. Most are pretty decent dudes. Especially if we can narrow it down to a few key ports. Sanctuary City ports might be less likely to scrutinize illegal entrants also.

Fifthestateknows ago

Especially in transhipment points