alneuman ago

Whoa. So this all happened while the Dutroux scandal was going on too? And some group was powerful enough to cover ALL OF THIS UP?

I'll tell you all what the problem is--people turn their heads away when they hear of these things. I do NOT understand this reaction, since, as a German American who grew up to the Nazi atrocities on tv, I resolved to myself that I would NOT ever be one of those people who allowed things like Nazis to come to power, without speaking out...

But the fact is, when I speak to other members of my family about this, I get pooh-poohed, and when I present EVIDENCE, it's very difficult to get them to look at it (not cp stuff, just evidence of it happening, things like SRA), and when they DO look at it, they just say, 'i can't deal with things like this'.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, another child is abused/raped/murdered. SMH.

lynirr ago

indeed, people don't want to look/face this stuff. It's the biggest weapon the pedos have. For me, this Zandvoort case was the wake-up call; you can't deny the reality when you have the images in front of you. It's the ultimate evidence. Also yes it took place while the Dutroux scandal was going on. Dutroux went from 1996 (discovery) to 2003 (trial). Zandvoort was discovered in 1998, the case dismissed in 2003 in Paris (the case itself, all the kids recognized on pictures, etc.). Crazy.