Takeitslow ago

Just as an aside on the Dominican thing. I remember a few years ago Rush Limbaugh was busted with viagra and oxys on his flight to DR. It was alleged he frequented these underage brothels as well.

Maybe we can make a list of who is NOT part of this sextortion racket.

jml1201 ago

You are what moves this investigation one step closer. I appreciate the digging you've done.

BatRascal ago

The Melgin family have been very generous to Menendez and others, as well. http://www.followthemoney.org/search-results/SearchForm&Search=melgen&action_results=Go

carmencita ago

Oh, my God let's just list who is NOT involved. This is of epic proportions. Menendez was mentioned in the news last year for these very things minus the trafficking. They even showed pictures of him laying by the pool in the Dom. Rep. The only way he will get charged is if this whole thing blows up and they all fall like dominoes. Let's cross our fingers.

derram ago

https://archive.is/v1tGp :

Report: McAuliffe, Menendez donor ‘good friends’ - The Washington Post

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