strix-varia ago

Quote directly from Eric Schmidt, from google and the documentary: TAKE YOUR POWER BACK, edition 2014

“We don’t need you to type at all, cause we know where you are.......with your permission. We know were you’ve been.....with your permission. We can more or less guess what you're thinking about"

"There's what I call the creepy line. And the google policy about a lot of these things, is to get right up to the creepy line but not cross it. I would argue that implanting thing in your brain is beyond the creepy line. At least for the moment,..until the technology gets better."

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

That article is so sad! She's a pig!

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Thank you but please excuse my ignorance as I'm still not following what ARK is.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Very strange! Thank you for sharing! Some of it I had seen but actually most I had not! I wish we had a huge chart with connections even if they are not relevant names right now they may be later! You know? The chart would probably need to be the size of a living room wall with a font of about 12! I think it's good to get this info out in as many formats as possible because we don't know who might not know some information! These guys have really got to be stopped and I really hope the Feds are able to do something with this information before all the evidence and/or witnesses are destroyed or killed! 0

save_thechildren ago

Someone on Redditt actually had a map and all of the connections- maybe someone can remember who.

ghtdak ago

This is a great lead. Connecting the handkerchief to the bank is important. Building a ship for kid transport sounds just sick enough to be exactly correct. I'm intrigued.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I think it's more important with the connections of these powerful people and their tight knit network! I have more to post tomorrow that quite frankly scares the hell out of me! These are very very evil people and they have several things in common! FBIAnon has given us 33 Clues and I think this might be a lead on two of them! We have to keep drilling! I think we as a community are the ONLY ones that can bring them down but we have to stay on it and stay vigilant!

Normality1 ago it's all here, please share.

gumshoe_mob ago

What if -- the podesta emails BEFORE may 3 are in the wikileaks' power pile -- and what if there was a connection to the clintons. --- the clintons seem to be used for providing aid and assistance in legal and international problems (as it appears to have happened in haiti) -- and smuggling a child in a private plane (epstein's???) with diplomatic immunity sure fits the bill. --- wikileaks has not yet released the smoking gun emails or documents that would put hillary in jail -- what could it be -- who are the ones with loose lips??? ---

edit: the more I think about it -- it is very interesting the date that the podesta emails begin -- and if it is true that wikileaks has them, and podesta knows this, we can see how nervous they might well be -- very obvious that date


dustygozangas ago

inB4 people say tug boats are not viable to go across oceans; they would meet larger ships off the coast and cargo could be offloaded without much suspicion.

EndThePizza ago

I was about to say "Wait, but wasn't Hillary against TPP?"

Then I remembered her affinity for public and private positions. Cuz, ya know, good ol' Abe Lincoln.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I've got another post I'm going to put in later tonight or tomorrow but I'm still working on it that ties them more together. It has more to do with the article that he was renovating the boat around the clock and with armed guards. Sounds a little excessive for remodel and he sails it around the world and FBIAnon said the TPP was fast tracked for human trafficking across the Pacific which is an idea that they got from an associate. Funny how he then sold the boat to Eric Schmidt a great admirer of Hillary's and wanted to help her with the campaign. Again, no smoking gun but some of his clues are meant to have us dig. This group of people are tight and meet up often if you look at Podesta's emails. The clue about someone bringing down a major bank I would think would have to be the Sandlers.

save_thechildren ago

Assange says that he will be releasing email about Google next week.....should be interesting.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I firmly believe the Lone Ranger had done weird stuff going on in there and for it to have been bought by Schmidt I think it's just too weird!

MAGABoomer ago

Obama help up TPP talks until he could get Malaysia in on it. We know they like countries with little or no recordings of birth. Fast boat...wondering how Malaysia records births.

WatcherWatcher ago

Malaysian Birth Recorder: "This one's hot. Uhh put it on the 'do not count' pile, and someone bring that tug boat around." 😝

derram ago :

George Soros can call on Hillary any time on any issue : WikiLeaks :

Eric Schmidt > April 2014 This is very scary to me! Tracking voters down through google? Someone who is more geeky than me please explain! : WikiLeaks

This has been an automated message.

a11en ago

That is quite an interesting email regarding what they planned for volunteers and voter information. It seems to me that they're talking about making a profile online for everyone possible, then linking that profile by way of e-mail or other identifying information to their real-world name and address etc. This is done in an attempt to highlight activities of interest for the person/voter, and address them in their canvassing.

What is quite interesting to me, is that we always hear that our metadata and advertising information that is in use is just that, useful for advertising, etc., But if this were to create a national database of persons who are also voters in the national election, all of a sudden they have enormous amounts of information about the voting public individually. This database, presumably also stored somewhere other than Google, would be suspect to hacking attempts and abuse. I wonder if this would also use the data combed via e-mails etc., for advertisements. Could be quite a shock if the public learned that voters had a database of all online trackable / stored data that was legal to use for advertising purposes in a form that was not advertising! [not that I think it's illegal, or that I like it, but it is what it is- we all surf online and use the internet in ways tha these companies track us]

I wonder if we'd "ok" a use agreement that included tracking our voting in governmental elections and referendums and tying that to our personal data online. [This also smacks of the BBC online surfer ID that is being made- what if these political groups could access all that information at the push of a button?]

GIF-lLL-S0NG ago

  1. Be pedofile
  2. be in the Continuity of Government
  3. have immunity from prosecution

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I'm sorry but I'm not following you?...???

dustygozangas ago

damn. this shit goes deep. has anyone found a map or solid evidence that the tunnels are under the pizza shops?

Thrash57 ago

The worst part is it seems these people only want to be elected to "lead" this country so they can break the law in the worst ways without getting caught.