comeonpeople ago

Dr.Nwo posted that after Pizzagate got started, as a troll on Comet. He's just another internet douchebag.

moonlaundry ago

Good to know.

justiceforever ago

Really? I'm glad you mentioned that. I had considered that "whip up a Haitian special" comment real and I found it to be very convincing. Edit:typo

TheCursedOne ago


nnfx ago

I'm freaking the fuck out it's all true!

nnfx ago

-Ricky Dearman works for people connected to hrc. and this Haiti orphanage enterprises.

-This are Ricky dearmans children:

chickyrogue ago

YAY RE-EDIT!!! <== hick's fav welcome new friend

Louisa ago

prepare to have your world view decimated. :/

chickyrogue ago

knowledge is power