NamelessJoe ago

I could explain the joke, but it's often funnier when you get it yourself, even years later.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Eh... maybe. That's a fairly generic spiral, though.

Sometimes a spiral really is just a spiral.

Still... noted.

ZalesMcMuffin ago first, THEN post. ;-)

Verite1 ago

In what became the Whitewater scandal, Ching Hai donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to President Clinton's legal defence fund.

Jesus Christ. What?!?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

The Clintons have been dirty for a long, long time. David Brock knew this before he joined up with them.

That guy should have his head examined (again).

ActivistAngel ago

I put this in a reply but I will post it separately cause it's so important. We need to all work to answer the question that was on Reddit the night before the threads were deleted. What do the citizen researchers do when they hack in to these databases (Comet Ping Pong and the FBI), and find this horrific, absolute smoking gun evidence in pictures and video? Where do they take it? They certainly can't "re-post" or download it to their own computers. Plus they are trying to figure this out while throwing up their dinner. The evidence has been found, but when it implicates the "authorities" and can get you imprisoned for simply having it, where do you go?

ActivistAngel ago

We need to all work to answer the question that was on Reddit the night before the threads were deleted. What do the citizen researchers do when they hack in to these databases and find this horrific, absolute smoking gun evidence in pictures and video. Where do they take it? They certainly can't "re-post" or download it to their own computers. Plus they are trying to figure this out while throwing up their dinner. The evidence has been found, but when it implicates the "authorities" and can get you imprisoned for simply having it, where do you go?

notdivided ago

thanks. we have more in common than you know. I was recently kidnapped by a complete stranger and went through more than most people can bare to hear, yet the thing that has stayed the loudest ringing in my head is that it doesn't even touch the terrible memories it unrattled of my childhood. Examining my "split" revealed it's origins were deeper and worse than I can maybe even imagine now. How do you find help that isn't part of scary cia related DID research ? It is true, so far nature is on my only healer.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Ching Hai is the innovator of the Loving Hut Restaurant groups. Check out their logo. Heart within a heart. Once again, another pedophile symbol.

29328 ago

I have some information to share but urgently request an extra set of eyes/brain before i upload my findings (ideally someone who knows the case/names/locations quite well) . I've been looking into the hampstead case for around 6 weeks now, and today I found something (i dont think its yet in the public domain) - i just want to double check my findings with a fresher pair of eyes if anyone is available?

jimble ago

Hi ya! I'm so glad this is investigated. I followed the Hampstead case closely, and yesterday I wrote up most of what I know about it here: Feel free to AMA.

ActivistAngel ago

Jimble that is a great article. The timeline and links are extraordinarily comprehensive. Thank you. Those children haunt me every day. Blessings for your great work.

GoldMoose16 ago

I went further with MCL - NEED HELP

Please look here

Note that the Charity Registration says they are DELINQUENT with their Registration. Yet according to the FB page, they still seem to be doing business.

Please see this page for the master registration

Please, can someone else verify my findings? We need to have this info correct before reporting.

While I have already found that the orphanage is soliciting funds in a manner that bypasses proper practices, it looks like the whole MCL operation is soliciting without having a current registration.

Looking for a California resident to file complaint. Why? Because it will have more weight coming from a resident, and you have a congressman in place to bug about it.

BTW, Guess who the AG is for Cali? Kamala Harris. Seems we have heard that name before in pizzaland.

nnfx ago

First Link is down/server error?

Sorry can't help much. Living in germany.

GoldMoose16 ago

I think I found something solid, fishy and possibly ACTIONABLE regarding Luv For Haiti, the "side project" of Bruny and his Haiti orphanage. See the image from the MCL facebook page

They want money via western union directly to haiti. Unless I am missing something major, I cannot find "LuvForHaiti" charity records anywhere. As I stated in a previous reply, it just seems to be a "side project" for Bruny and MCL.

From the LFH website:

"Love For Haiti is a NGO incorporated in Haiti and was formed and is affiliated with Music Changing Lives a registered California Charity."

More from About Us page:

About Luv4Haiti

"Love For Haiti is a NGO incorporated in Haiti and was formed and is affiliated with Music Changing Lives a registered California Charity. All financial donations received in the United States, and Haiti will receive a tax-deductible receipt."

This language does not pass legal muster for anyone soliciting funds in the USA. No lawyer or knowledgeable company officer would have ever approved this language.

To complicate matters further, it seems that at times they are calling themselves "Luv For Haiti", but at other times, "Love For Haiti"

Here is why that's bad --- I found a conflicting small fundraiser using the generic Love For Haiti here on an indy funding site

From my viewpoint, there is no way in hell I am EVER sending money directly to Haiti via Western Union.

Is there anyone here from California? This should be reported to the Cali State atty general's office. All you would really need is a brief outline including the amateurish website language and that screenshot soliciting funds via Western Union.

Some legalese regarding donations to charities in foreign countries:

"Also, the IRS will not allow a domestic charity to be simply a “money conduit” to a foreign organization. US law does not allow such direct-affiliate organizations. In other words, a US charity cannot exist for the sole purpose of financially supporting a specific foreign charity." ---- Source -

nnfx ago

It's all true. After weeks into this, today I lost all doubt.

Commonwombat ago

Wow, I didn't know about Dearman and Haiti. Shit just got interesting. Well done to you, we are finally seeing some research done into how things operate and connections.

dindonufin ago

More on Ricky Dearman:

GREAT find...

notdivided ago

can someone hampstead cult TLDR me? I started watching the vid with the kids explaining and had to turn it off.

dindonufin ago

Ricky Dearman is the head of Hampstead church/school and they (according to the kids - and appears to be true) do the same stuff we're investigating right now with pizzagate. Watch his interview, it's much less detailed than the kids' statements.

notdivided ago


CaliforniaRed ago

Me again. Looking at the 'official' YouTube page for again, the one from Ricky Dearman. Uggg. Almost ALL the subscriptions are super weird, creepy. WTF: This is a thread worth exploring. Could be something big.

CaliforniaRed ago

What do we know about Ricky Dearman? Besides earlier comment referencing HampsteadChristChurch, which suggests he is one the top global child traffickers, and was accused of Satanically abusing his own children by their mother, Google him. And as for those promotional videos, it' seems his Haitian charity is a total front. Click on the video, and look at the weird stuff his channel is subscribed too. NONE seem relevant to the charity. And many are weird like this random pick:

ListenUp ago

"We" know a lot, there are VERY strong connections between Dearman, Supreme Master Ching Hai & Haiti. First, Dearman did voice-overs for Supreme Master, one of them was about Haiti

He also did 16 other voice-overs for her. He wrote a poem about volunteering with her "cult" I tweeted about this here and here I wrote a post about Dearman being a pornographer here My friend wrote these two VERY important articles for WakeUpWorld, the first here Second one here, which has more CF connections within, here

Angirfan wrote about the connection here He even started a website called "Hoaxtead Research" after other activists began a website called "Hampstead Research" to mock us, the researchers and activists. Here is today's offering from that horrid site, use your VPN as always... I am a smiling pepperoni on the slice of pizza on their little meme today found here, slagging us all off as "conspirtitards" All activists in the UK are silenced. Threatened with jail and worse. It's an impossible situation. We need help getting the word out. We have fought tooth and nail for every video that still exists on the internet, our work is hard to find because we've had to go underground but we are here with tons of info. My facebook page called "Believe The Children" is named for the fact that the cult defenders say they lied, the children cannot lie about things they shouldn't even EVER know about. It's a cover-up from the very first day when parts of the childrens testimonies were concealed and never used in court. The case never made it past the secret family court system. The case has never been fully investigated by police because they were implicated. The concealed evidence taping is called "The Jean-Clement Recordings" and you can find the audio and transcriptions (1000's of man-hours of volunteer work) here and here A few Facebook pages exist, the largest is the creator of "Cannabis Cures Cancers" has written hundreds of articles and put them into his photo section. His page has 100,000+followers but very few pay attention to him for some reason...there seems to be cognitive dissonance. Here's one of his photos on the CF connections And the rest of his photos can be found here United Kingdom Prime Minister Theresa May Eat Babies group here

EatenLivesMatter is here

Believe The Children is here That's a good start, oh the mothers website is on twitter she is here It's been a hell of a fight, we are really tired and need more people to see this, to see what is going's ugly and it wears on you. I'm here if anyone needs any info....tons of screen shots, links, connections, you name it. It goes deeper than you even think, you haven't see the worst parts of it all yet, but you'll get there if you keep digging. Sorry to say. Peace!

GoldMoose16 ago

PewDiePie (guy with the wacko dicks video) is huge on youtube. I have been subscribed to him for a long time. Found him when we were looking for some gaming info. He's a jackass, but I personally don't find him offensive and I'm female. He's a goofball. People send him games to review, so he sits down and actually plays them. Most of the games are very, very bad, amateur attempts at game programming and a lot involve sex blood gore. He usually mocks the shit out of the games but in a fun way. PDP's target market for his channel is mostly giddy teenage boys. We found him looking for stuff on Sims games, and the videos were so damned funny we subscribed. I watch every now and again.

But with the pizzagate things going on, viewing him while harboring a little bit of paranoia may make one second guess the intent of the channel. And yes, Dearman is indeed a scumbag.

LuvForHaiti - Here s a facebook TL

It is important to note that LuvForHaiti is not an actual 501c3 but a "program" of the Music Changing Lives outfit. I did some looking around here on the music program --- lots of dinners, fake award shows, press releases, a boat raffle (?), involvement with the Coachella people (no good ever comes from that).

General comments: What I have been finding over time since podesta emails came out is that all of these non profits and foundations are thick as thieves. Especially Podesta and Wyss Foundation along with Sandler. I believe they went after JP emails because he is one of the hydra heads juggling foundation activities, not only with the clintons, but with various others. And then you have Brock, Bonner Group, PACs.

What I have believed for a long time - Non Profits, Foundations and PACs are the new Savings and Loans. While in a lot of cases you won't makes nearly as much money, you'll fly really low under the radar, at least while Obama Admin remains in office.

Addition: Here is that white house web page that appeared in the video.

It is not necessarily an endorsement, rather a story submitted by Ronnie Co one of the Obama minions.

dogwalker ago

Is the spelling of "Luv" significant?

GoldMoose16 ago

Not really. Came into accepted use when the Beatles landed, so this goes back to mid 1960s. I guess some couldn't spell, others found that just spray painting 3 letters onto a VW bus was just easier than doing 4.

CaliforniaRed ago

Man, Ricky seems like pure evil. Long and awful past chronicled here.

justiceforever ago

What else do we know about Ricky Dearman?

vacvape ago

And owning their copywrite ain't worth shit without their mutual marketing engine. Bend over motherfucker... gargle the gravy. Science sounds hard.. I want to be a rap star.

justiceforever ago


NamelessJoe ago

ZalesMcMuffin ago

So far, so good...

derram ago :

Jeff Horseman on Twitter: "Just spoke with Josiah Bruny, one of the people who will meet with @HillaryClinton in Perris tonight."

This has been an automated message.

chickyrogue ago

you just got one of my very precious upvotes

whats shakin in haiti has great significance to me and has to come forward and center

they have always hated haiti for rejecting colonial rule

therealwopD ago
