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CaliforniaRed ago

What do we know about Ricky Dearman? Besides earlier comment referencing HampsteadChristChurch, which suggests he is one the top global child traffickers, and was accused of Satanically abusing his own children by their mother, Google him. And as for those promotional videos, it' seems his Haitian charity is a total front. Click on the video, and look at the weird stuff his channel is subscribed too. NONE seem relevant to the charity. And many are weird like this random pick:

ListenUp ago

"We" know a lot, there are VERY strong connections between Dearman, Supreme Master Ching Hai & Haiti. First, Dearman did voice-overs for Supreme Master, one of them was about Haiti

He also did 16 other voice-overs for her. He wrote a poem about volunteering with her "cult" I tweeted about this here and here I wrote a post about Dearman being a pornographer here My friend wrote these two VERY important articles for WakeUpWorld, the first here Second one here, which has more CF connections within, here

Angirfan wrote about the connection here He even started a website called "Hoaxtead Research" after other activists began a website called "Hampstead Research" to mock us, the researchers and activists. Here is today's offering from that horrid site, use your VPN as always... I am a smiling pepperoni on the slice of pizza on their little meme today found here, slagging us all off as "conspirtitards" All activists in the UK are silenced. Threatened with jail and worse. It's an impossible situation. We need help getting the word out. We have fought tooth and nail for every video that still exists on the internet, our work is hard to find because we've had to go underground but we are here with tons of info. My facebook page called "Believe The Children" is named for the fact that the cult defenders say they lied, the children cannot lie about things they shouldn't even EVER know about. It's a cover-up from the very first day when parts of the childrens testimonies were concealed and never used in court. The case never made it past the secret family court system. The case has never been fully investigated by police because they were implicated. The concealed evidence taping is called "The Jean-Clement Recordings" and you can find the audio and transcriptions (1000's of man-hours of volunteer work) here and here A few Facebook pages exist, the largest is the creator of "Cannabis Cures Cancers" has written hundreds of articles and put them into his photo section. His page has 100,000+followers but very few pay attention to him for some reason...there seems to be cognitive dissonance. Here's one of his photos on the CF connections And the rest of his photos can be found here United Kingdom Prime Minister Theresa May Eat Babies group here

EatenLivesMatter is here

Believe The Children is here That's a good start, oh the mothers website is on twitter she is here It's been a hell of a fight, we are really tired and need more people to see this, to see what is going's ugly and it wears on you. I'm here if anyone needs any info....tons of screen shots, links, connections, you name it. It goes deeper than you even think, you haven't see the worst parts of it all yet, but you'll get there if you keep digging. Sorry to say. Peace!