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GoldMoose16 ago

I went further with MCL - NEED HELP

Please look here

Note that the Charity Registration says they are DELINQUENT with their Registration. Yet according to the FB page, they still seem to be doing business.

Please see this page for the master registration

Please, can someone else verify my findings? We need to have this info correct before reporting.

While I have already found that the orphanage is soliciting funds in a manner that bypasses proper practices, it looks like the whole MCL operation is soliciting without having a current registration.

Looking for a California resident to file complaint. Why? Because it will have more weight coming from a resident, and you have a congressman in place to bug about it.

BTW, Guess who the AG is for Cali? Kamala Harris. Seems we have heard that name before in pizzaland.

nnfx ago

First Link is down/server error?

Sorry can't help much. Living in germany.