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GoldMoose16 ago

I think I found something solid, fishy and possibly ACTIONABLE regarding Luv For Haiti, the "side project" of Bruny and his Haiti orphanage. See the image from the MCL facebook page

They want money via western union directly to haiti. Unless I am missing something major, I cannot find "LuvForHaiti" charity records anywhere. As I stated in a previous reply, it just seems to be a "side project" for Bruny and MCL.

From the LFH website:

"Love For Haiti is a NGO incorporated in Haiti and was formed and is affiliated with Music Changing Lives a registered California Charity."

More from About Us page:

About Luv4Haiti

"Love For Haiti is a NGO incorporated in Haiti and was formed and is affiliated with Music Changing Lives a registered California Charity. All financial donations received in the United States, and Haiti will receive a tax-deductible receipt."

This language does not pass legal muster for anyone soliciting funds in the USA. No lawyer or knowledgeable company officer would have ever approved this language.

To complicate matters further, it seems that at times they are calling themselves "Luv For Haiti", but at other times, "Love For Haiti"

Here is why that's bad --- I found a conflicting small fundraiser using the generic Love For Haiti here on an indy funding site

From my viewpoint, there is no way in hell I am EVER sending money directly to Haiti via Western Union.

Is there anyone here from California? This should be reported to the Cali State atty general's office. All you would really need is a brief outline including the amateurish website language and that screenshot soliciting funds via Western Union.

Some legalese regarding donations to charities in foreign countries:

"Also, the IRS will not allow a domestic charity to be simply a “money conduit” to a foreign organization. US law does not allow such direct-affiliate organizations. In other words, a US charity cannot exist for the sole purpose of financially supporting a specific foreign charity." ---- Source -