queenhootie ago

just wow, the hampstead story is so disgusting, ricky dearman needs to be locked up!

ListenUp ago

The non-investigating police were implicated by the children to have been in the cult and I can confirm the very same police officer, Detective Sargent Steve Martin, that interviewed both children all three times is the same officer that paid visits last week to 8 different activists/researchers homes to arrest, question and release on bail. Bail conditions are, they are to be watched and cannot communicate about the case, paedophilia or coverups of any sort, The very same cop you see in Alisa & Gabriel's forced retraction videos that were done SIX days after having been kept by police in "protective custody". Forced retractions and concealed evidence from the very first day. It was a cover up from the start. Medical records were consistent to both children's claims. Here's the mother's website

ListenUp ago

It's an addiciton to adrenochrome released adrenaline in the body of someone being frightened or tortured, heightens the adrenochrome content. Check out this crazy vid called "Adrenochrome", also referenced in Fear & Loathing

ListenUp ago

The Hampstead Cover Up has been my main focus for 2 years, I started researching it instantly the moment I first saw the video the day they came out. I have been in secret groups, started fb pages, twitter accounts and a website. I have tons of screen shots of Dearman using stupid sock accounts he used to troll us, slip ups he made, important evidence, hidden links and so much more. I know where to find all of our hidden research because we were watched by him and the other abusers. There are DEFINITLY links between these cases. All of the activists in the UK have been silenced and CANNOT communicate about this case. I have been working my ASS off to get this out into the pizzagate arena. There are only 6 of us original researchers not in the UK that can tell you EVERYTHING about this case. This piece explains very clearly the connections between CF, Supreme Master Ching Hai and Dearman. Dearman did 16 voice-overs for Ching Hai, helped build one of her "centers" and even wrote a poem for her. If you need anything, just ask...I have it or know where to find it. Peace

Gumpgump ago

You are a disifo shill, Kris.

Don't anyone listen to this creep - she is working for the Satanists.

ListenUp ago

Lol, Look at @GumpGump projecting her filth onto me. Here you go, and you thought you could disrupt the DC researchers like you did Hampstead researchers...No way “And Still I Rise” You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may tread me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I’ll rise. Does my sassiness upset you? Why are you beset with gloom? ‘Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells Pumping in my living room. Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high, Still I’ll rise. Did you want to see me broken? Bowed head and lowered eyes? Shoulders falling down like teardrops. Weakened by my soulful cries. Does my haughtiness offend you? Don’t you take it awful hard ‘Cause I laugh like I’ve got gold mines Diggin’ in my own back yard. You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I’ll rise. Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come as a surprise That I dance like I’ve got diamonds At the meeting of my thighs? Out of the huts of history’s shame I rise Up from a past that’s rooted in pain I rise I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide, Welling and swelling I bear in the tide. Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear I rise Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise I rise I rise. Maya Angelou

ListenUp ago

Oh, I see you Jacqui, that's funny you say I "nicked" information when you were "nicking' my screen shots for your videos. Be careful of this one, the mother of the two Hampstead children disavowed this woman. Shortly afterwards, Jacqui began claiming the mother was also in the cult, trashing the mother who was trying to save her children from the cult. Great help Jacqui! You totally ruined the Hampstead case and now you're going to try and ruin the DC scandal? Not on my watch, witch. And she IS a self-professed witch, "I had powers that would astonish you. I was a beautiful person. I could see into people’s minds." You just can't make this shit up, really. "I know this because it has happened to me. Normally people are not permitted to talk about it. If you go to a spiritual teacher and ask them to discuss initiation they will turn you away – if they are any good. The reason I can talk about it is because I failed – I was a Initiate who failed an initiation. So I have given myself permission to talk about it. I was at a high level." yeah, I bet she was... It's going to get ugly here people, I try not to make any of this about ME and more about the research and the children we are hoping to rescue. You can see who is who by the donation button on their website. I have a job and have NEVER asked for a single dime from anyone, there is no donation button on my website, instead I have donated many times to the people around the case that needed it. I recognize there is a Luciferian vs satanism war going on, I find myself somewhere in the middle ground trying to shine a light on both darknesses. I work from love, not hate.

ListenUp ago

I am not a disinfo shill, I am a mother of 3 young children, a wife and a worried citizen. I think you're the disinfo prick. With all the work I have put into this case it's obvious I'm going to receive harassment. Hoaxtead Research has done a fine job on me plenty of times, yet here I am still offering my knowledge to good people who are genuinely interested in finding out if there are connections to the DC scandal....and yes theres plenty of connections. How is that being a shill? Fuck Off!

MAGABoomer ago

Before the deletion there was a person who was going to help fill in blanks for us as he had been working there during the post EQ time. This person any myself were discussing the UN troops rampant and uncontrollable abuse of children there...and I said something like...let me guess, West African and Arab UN troops are the ones..he said yes, but worst was Arabs (re child rape, trafficking).

Louisa ago

You are right. The Rules for Radicals are being used obviously by comment makers - seeming to try and create chaos and delusion. Alinskey wrote them, was Hillary's mentor and Breitbart named Alinskey in one of the tweets that was just uncovered.

This thing is so big.

Gumpgump ago

You are quite right, PedoHunter55. Nice post. Dearman was indeed in Haiti, allegedly. Allegedly also his cult was bringing back babies to eat from various Pizzagate locations e.g. Hawaii. Or having them trafficked into London and picked up in a black cab from Gatwick.Heathrow.

I was "in" Hampstead and I am currently seeing some of the disinfo agents (I know on the basis of direct experience that they are) spreading fake news about people dying - one of them jsut started a FB rumour that Ben Fellows is dead. I hope Ben is not dead (in case anyone does not know who Ben is, he is an important UK child abuse whistleblower who was recently cleared in court) but this is what we are looking at - they are so scared that they are spreading fake news!" I don't want to detract from Pizzagate but am personally pretty convinced that these alleged groups exist and that they are linked. And that this fake news shit is of course another tactic to keep people diverted....I hope they are not planning some sick false flag for us all.......

ListenUp ago

Here's this piece on the Nairobi-Belfast connection. Dearman's children told us where the babies were coming from All of the crime scenes have been refurbished including Hampstead Christchurch itself.

Gumpgump ago

True. But DDH is a disinfo blog. Most of her info is nicked from someone else inc Nairobi. The connection is compelling and needs to be looked at but not via her.

ListenUp ago

Why not Jacqui? What is your beef with me? I never nicked any info, I took all of my own screen shots and did all of my own research. It may not be the best, I'm not a journalist, but I work my ass off to keep this case alive and in the public eye so that no one forgets it. You left the case a year ago and started attacking me, I'm still here.

ListenUp ago

So this must be your way of discrediting all of my research. My info wasn't "Nicked" from anyone one else I spent 1000's of hours doing my own research and plenty of good people sent me things they found but didn't want to speak up. I've fought my way through nearly 2 years of harassment, supporter flame wars, being called nasty names and soooo much more but I still show up every day and do my research, post it and if you have a problem with that then you must be the person I'm researching...are you a paedophile? Do you rape kids? I work from love every screen shot I take, every word I write comes from my heart...I couldn't do it any other way and there are plenty of good people who will tell you the same thing. So please, don't let the shills discredit me, it's obvious we're getting something right when we start getting attacked. Peace

NonexistentNihilist ago

What are some other false deaths/examples of disinfo you've noticed recently?

ListenUp ago

A common law solicitor Patrick Culllinane was just reportedly found dead of a heart attack. He was to represent a young man, an activist working on the Hampstead case who was taken away and put into a mental health facility. Jake Clarke is this young man's name. The cult were harassing him online, twitter and fb posts giving out his address, phone number and parents place of business. Jake got really stressed out. I put together a page showing all of this harassment in one place, found the identities of two of them and they are highly involved with a cult called the Illuminates of Thanateros, a death & sex cult that are defending Dearman. So one of the researchers talked with this commonlaw solicitor, Patrick Cullinane to see if he could help Jake. They spoke for a few days then, bam....gone. But if you google his name, you will see they had taken everything away from him, his car, his home, and now apparently his body. Family claim the man in the morgue is not the man they knew. Totally different. Autopsy came back and said he died from Intracerebellar Haemorrhage II Hypertension](https://www.facebook.com/victor.pc.589/posts/10206098360696669?pnref=story)) But that is death by heart attack. and it's not his body.

Heffisntmyrealname ago

This is what's needed. Slowly coming together. Fantastic work.

alneuman ago

Oh man. Excellent research! I wish I had some points to give (wtf is up with that? 10 pts? No wonder voat is not popular. THat is a humongous mistake. Stupid move. And that is constructive criticism folks -- change it)

I now truly believe that not only is this global and involves mkultra, cia, un, mi6 and pedophilia. There is so much disinfo about the Hampstead case, but I have a dear friend who works with kids, and when she saw the interview she was both horrified and disgusted. Horrified at what the kids said, so clearly and consistently, but so disgusted with the way the police handled (or didn't handle) the 'investigation'--which was truly a NON-investiagtion.

If any shill shows up and tries to claim the kids were 'coached' and lying, please just ban them.

Pedohunter55 ago

thanks, I am trying to figure out how to format and change the font,dose'nt seem clear. I have to admit this rabbit hole goes very deep and its quite complex. There are researchers in the UK who have investigated this stuff a lot, so hopefully we can get them onboard.

nnfx ago

Here https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1435605

Notice the Bruny- Dearman- Clinton connection.

GoldMoose16 ago

I found actionable information regarding the Haiti "charity" the other day. I asked for help and no one replied.

Please see my comments to that thread




The haiti charity is fake based on all of my research, and the Bruny Music Changing Lives charity has an expired registration. Yet they are still soliciting va their websites and facebook.

Is there anyone here from Cali that can file complaints with Cali Atty Gen Ofc? Holds more weight coming from a Cali resident.

nnfx ago

Yeah we know man. Or at least I know and it was already pointed out here.

But can't be posted often enough if you ask me, since this connection is prety strong evidence. (This was basicly what made me loose all doubt..)

Pedohunter55 ago

Only now i figured this out,but a lot of people aren't aware it seems

Maybe someone should create a central information source and release info like #wikileaks, so everyone gets the clifnotes in a digestible fashion.

nnfx ago

There is just so incredible much information about all of this. Even without dem shitposts and stuff.

Needs some huge VR mindmap or something the like, heh.

Smyrtz ago

I want a shed like he had on "A Beautiful Mind"...

anonmoose ago

I looked into the wiki option and I was put off by the liability the creator actually has.

nnfx ago

Yeah would be nice. I have no clue how to tho.