NotTooLate ago

Distraction. Get back on topic.

imkhan ago

I remember watching the video of the girl, its a 2+ hour video, so i was watching it in pieces. One day I went back to watch it and it was gone! so i immediately downloaded the video testimony of the boy. in fact if anybody has the video interview of the girl (a working link) please share cause I would like to archive it on my local machine.

ListenUp ago

The full list of videos is here... And the concealed audio tapes titled the "Jean-Clement Recordings" and their transcriptions is here Transcriptions of all videos and police interviews is here

cayenne-peppe ago

Do you have the full video where the boy asks if he is going back to his father?

imkhan ago

what I have is from youtube, the boy is being interviewed by the police, video is 2:31.41 long.

zzvoat ago

Great work!

cayenne-peppe ago

That one is not the full set of videos, I think there were hours more of interviews alone that one does not show the officer telling him he may be going back to his father.

Forgetmenot ago

Could you provide a link I would be interested in seeing your list.

spez_dispenser ago


222 High Street Pizza Express is close to Hampstead:

Giustra's 222 Pizza Express company:

TruthIsMyReligion ago

Exposing the Hampstead case is the best way to take down the Elite UK pedos IMO. The BBC is complicit.

Here's hoping Trump leads the way and starts locking up the Elite US pedos!

Z11Mama ago

This fits the pattern of what happens in the US with reports of possible sexual abuse. The police cover for the accused and most everyone backs them up.

SpikyAube ago

Wow. Haven't heard anything about this in the news, and it was such a big deal before, that this poor father had been falsely accused of abuse by his own children who were forced to lie by their evil mother!

Surely if people see this, and are then told about the connection between Dearman and Haiti/Clintons they own't be able to ignore what's going on?

rickman ago

It doesn't have to be threats to get the children to retract statements. But then if this is a cover up you have to accept the possibility the kids are being ignored when they raise issues. See Becki Percys story of not being believed by anyone for years.

Forgetmenot ago

They also will intimidate witnesses and even resort to murder to eliminate witness and pavoid prosecution. The media will ignore it because they are complicit. The media will also discredit the victims as crazy or gold digger or drug addicts. However public outrage combined with political muscle might make the difference.

MolochHunter ago

far freaking out. The whole world has seen the clip of these kids statements, the fuckn police didnt even arrest the dad to get his phone to verify the kids claims he had images of their depravity on it

death to the Paedostocracy

tjarco ago

this should be a meme

Votescam ago

Encouraging -- questions retraction of children's statements due to the level of details given by children Also says (Pt18) Retractions were coerced from the victims and inconsistent. Concerns raised by language by interviewing officer. (Pt19) Officer led child to retract the allegations - also to retract allegations regarding murder of children. ... both based on discussions in car - not recorded. Complaint: Retraction statements were made after the children were threatened. (Pt5) Sufficient evidence has not been proven to substantiate your complaint regarding this point. "the children have not raised any issues w/regard to having been threatened by anyone.
They have been provided counseling and have had the opportunity to speak to someone regarding any threats that were made to them but nothing has come to light. In the absence of any evidence to indicate otherwise, I find that there is no misconduct on the part of the police w/regard to this point." hmmm....? Conflict over medical evidence circulated in September evidently police don't see it until January? Father's home, cell phone never searched. Further investigation into this matter recommended re still outstanding questions. Also recommends different IO be appointed not connected in any way with the original criminal investigation.

postfascion ago

Recommendations aren't legally binding. This may be just another attempt to get hopes for justice up only to dash them later. A technique used to bring about fatigue on the part of the victims. Thankfully karma doesn't rely on hope tho.

Votescam ago

Agree -- And, clearly whatever caused the children to retract their statements happened in the car -- and there were no notes or recordings of what was said there. If there was a threat to their Mother's life or to the children, themselves, there's no way to know. When someone actually is appointed and does something about all of this, then they are quickly removed.
Not even sure if the children are still being held somewhere or whether they've been returned to their mother.

postfascion ago

Don't know how those involved can sleep. If there is such a thing as a soul, then the psycho/sociopathic "elite" may not have any.

cayenne-peppe ago

The boy retracted his statement because he was threatened on video by the police officer all recordings on the internet have been edited to remove this evidence.

Votescam ago

Evidently, the group which re-examined the case didn't know that. But it was suggested by that group that it may have happened in the car. Read the report. If the info was removed, how do you know this and does anyone have a copy of the original video?

cayenne-peppe ago

It was one of the the first videos I watched on liveleak there were hundreds if you searched for "whistleblower kids" and labeled by someone atleast upto #301. There were many more hours of video than 2:31.41 there is a timestamp on the police interviews I bet they are not correct, I have watched the parts with the boy in it but it seems to stop just before he makes the threat it is subtle he just askes if he is going back to his father and the officer says he does'nt know but the conflict begins almost immidiately as he flips between the truth and what his father will like to hear after prompting by the officer. If I did download the video it is gone as the HDD used cashed the heads. I have not looked into the group examining the case either they are just plain stupid or more likely controlled opposition there have been huge resources poured into shutting this down as it goes to the very top, since it happened I have posted that I watched that video all over the internet and in no time at all someone appears to counter it.

Votescam ago

Thank you for the response. What is "liveleak" -- something different from YouTube? Understand what you are saying about interviews - actually can be easily manipulated if not supervised. In the Belgium investigations, the lower level investigators were being watched by higher up investigators to ensure everything was being done properly. Not necessarily true at the higher level. And, yes, as we look at videos now, we have to keep in mind that they can be edited right before our eyes by simply stopping the recording. Agree, NYPD Detective Jim Rothstein says over 50 years there were 3 very serious investigations shut down -- even one which went to NY State level of Hearings/Investigation. Agree also that seem to be people involved full time in cover up; kinda like David Brock's CTR with millions supplied to keep pro-HRC trolls on the internet -- and other mischief, I imagine. Also understand about losing info -- sometimes you can't find it when you want it -- but also eventually you need a new computer and things get lost. Not sure if these children are still being held or whether they've been returned to their mother. Also rather strange about the new boyfriend/or husband who was hitting the children. Almost as if he had been moved in. Was he also supposed to sexually abuse the children? I wonder about that. Again, thanks.

SpikyAube ago

They should have stipulated that the new IO is not allowed to be a Freemason!

Atatarkus ago

Or work at a childrens charity

projection ago

Good work.

ASolo ago

Aye, aye! Yes!

LargePepperoni ago

Very good find. Clearly a cover up.