Gothamgirl ago

My thought from wikileaks is special credit cards. I came across this to in another post.

crazimal ago

Identity cards birth certificates etc are a good angle to pursue. Having first hand knowledge of the recent wave of mainly central American illegal immigrants to US, I have seen the majority of the children have false identities and false birth certificates.

Very commonly, the children when questioned in their native language will give ages and birth dates that differ from what is in their school registration forms and birth certificates. In most cases they are older than stated, with many actually 18+. Stating minor age is a huge barrier to investigating and ultimately a safeguard against deportation. Additionally they often have a guardian who is unreachable or fictitious and they often stay with unrelated people or more distant relatives rather than staying with a parent. All this keeps children vulnerable as many services cannot be provided without parent/guardian signature.

I realize this may seem tangential to the topic as far as it isn't limited to <18 kids, but I want to provide understanding of the overall patterns of trafficking in the americas and emphasize the major role of false papers and false identities. The systems of false identities practiced both by criminals and by our own government are huge and prolific.

Yuke ago

The dealings involving these islands, Haiti/DR, Puerto Rico and possibly even the US virgin islands, given their close proximity, is I'm sure where something absolutely huge is going to be found. I found an article a while back saying how the Podesta's had lobbied for the Puerto Rican's to get the US to wave billions of dollars in debt, backed by Hillary. If we assume they are trying to traffic children from Haiti, east through the Dominican Republic, the logical next step is indeed Puerto Rico. A short boat ride off the island and BAM! you're in another country who is effectively, in your debt.

I think we could find something if we look into the logistical side of things concerning these countries.

BarryOSeven ago

Could the cards be some other code?

Like ace of spades represends death or something?

Or maybe Tarot cards? Like on the Time cover?

Could it be they are pointing us to another style of codespeak?

SannleIkurrin ago

Please go back to that CdeBaca email and you will notice under his signature LOU is the number 322. There's another Wikileaks Hillary email about a young girl from Yemem where Hillary is asking to be reconnected with the young girl. It's creepy. Hillary also signs 322. Look the emails up on wikileaks or check my Twitter (same name) & I'll repost the emails and images just now. HERE'S THE THING: 322 is code for Skull & Bones and they are the actual buyers of the kids that are being trafficked. If anyone is interested I've got more on this connection. Let me know. Thanks.

ronnyCPI ago

No national identity cards until voting age?

That means no identification. In essence, it means that the child may or "may not" exist, or only in a family member's memory. That's why Haiti is such ideal trafficking ground for the pedophiles. This is a great find.

survey_girl ago

Pretty sure the "card" FBI anon was referring to is the FBI Child Abduction Rapid Deployment team. We are on the right track, but it might be closer to home...

DCmommaBear ago

I find it curious why she ended up with exactly 33 children.....not 31...not 35.....33. It could be a coincidence, but one thing we've learned about them is that they love symbology and ritual. The "coincidences" are at an absurd level at this point.


observer13 ago

John Wayne Gacy had 33 victims.

ktinkrbell ago

Check out this provision in the report: "Several NGOs noted a sharp increase in the number of Haitian children trafficked for sex and labor to the Dominican Republic and The Bahamas during 2008." I'f I'm not mistaken, Jeffrey Epstein's pedo island is in the Bahamas, isn't it?

DCmommaBear ago

Epstein's Island is off St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands....

spidersinwinter ago

Archived this info, and I'll cross reference it later. If this all checks out, good find!

It would make sense to use as a hub any country where trafficking is either legal or otherwise overlooked.

Infopractical ago

Okay, so I saw this post in which a "card" is government registration and the other one about "cards" with the theory that cards provide access to something like "sex auctions" or "admission to ritualistic sex events". Which interpretation of cards best fits FBIanon's usage? Convince me.

observer13 ago

Regardless of a "card(s)" theory being correct or incorrect or whether the FBIAnon is real or not for whatever reason the invisible hand of truth seems to point to the SOS/Clinton Foundation at a minimum being too close and cozy with a subject matter under our nose and off the radar of our daily lives- Human Trafficking.

UglyTruth ago

"Your[sic] spoke of the power and capacity of women to move events and noted the Liberia and Cote d'Ivoire model."

Liberia has the lowest percentage of registered children of the Clinton Foundation counties, with only 4% registered, and Liberia and Cote d'Ivoire have a high fertility rate of roughly 5 children per woman, making these countries targets for child trafficking.

isthisreality ago

Good work, m8

Jem777 ago

There has been an extensive post and research on the "cards" They are linked through Southebys including information about art museums as fronts for acess much sinister i.e. Child sex/satanic ritual abuse and he worst. It was a mind blowing discovery. Documented in Voat earlier there extensive investigation into the elite connections to museums of alleged art. Which has been repeatedly shown the sadistict, immoral, so called the future of art. Now we see all these worlds comtogether in open exhibits worshipping Satan, Muloch, Osiris, Thermaic, Alister Crowley, new age occultism, Illuminati, NWO, etc. I could go on. What they all have in common is the complete handover to Satan and his demons

Sentastixc ago

Can you link to that post?

EndThePizza ago

What's the significance of this? I feel like I missed something because I don't quite understand why this is so important.

Aaronkin ago

What I see in this is a system to legally acquire children who are know as Restaveks and send them to the Dominican Republic. Where a company works providing energy for resorts and hotels. The company is InterEnergy Holdings Ltd. Who's CEO is Rolando González-Bunster. Rolando also holds a board position on the highly suspicious J&T Packing Co. Inc. out of Arkansas. All that means little to nothing without more evidence but it's a start. Details on what appears to be the Clinton's J&T Packing .A company that doesn't exist I also see a system that can acquire legal birth certificates with fictitious names for sending people and children to foreign nations.

UglyTruth ago

It validates a tip by FBIanon, i.e. interpreting cards to mean identity cards.

party1981 ago

This is good digging!

Investigate1999 ago

I wonder if any "cards" are given to children to give them fake identities, and perhaps the children wouldn't understand what is happening. The fake birth certificates would have a sense of truthiness, while not being useful at all.

  • A: "Hey! Isn't this Mary Jones?"
  • B: "Nope! It's Mary Smith. Here's here birth certificate. See? There's nothing to see here. Move along."

oresd ago

Wow, someone still believes in this fbi anon stuff? Ha ha, come on.

Candle4TheKids ago

It seems plausible to me. I am undecided - however - if one takes some of his claims and finds useful information like this, there might be truth in it, even if he is a fake... so good can come of it if one has an open mind.

PodestaMolestaDBesta ago

Wow, GFY

Wolftrail7272 ago

Look at me and how great I can condescend!!!

oresd ago

Look how I run around believing everything I hear with 0 proof!!!

Wolftrail7272 ago

Look at me!! Look at me!! Fake and gay.

nomorepepperoni ago

I'm inclined to believe he may just have been a rather insightful LARPer, but insightful nonetheless. His notes have been helpful either way, and that's what I care about.

oresd ago

What "notes"? George Soros being the kingpin of some global cabal? It's total bullshit.

nomorepepperoni ago

I said rather insightful, not every word is gospel. But he also addressed the more ridiculous things by indicating he was mixing in false info for plausible deniability reasons.

And it seems most of the things he's indicated about the CF and trafficking do add up, unlike his sillier comments about Soros, Jews, etc.

observer13 ago

14% beleive in Bigfoot and 100% of MSM believed HRC was a 98% shoe in. Would you care to make any interesting, friendly wagers?

oresd ago

I would definitely wager a 1/2 years' salary that this anon is false.

salinaslayer ago

This is also a common practice in Mozambique, kids are given away or sold off by their parents into servitude because they can't afford to feed them. They are taken across the border into South Africa, the girls go to work as maids or prostitutes and the boys to the mines and farms, when for whatever reason they cease to be useful or especially if they rebel, immigration authorities are called in and deport them back to Mozambique. The report I read long ago mentions Chinese and Russian gangs being intermediaries, although the kids are usually sourced by people trusted by the parents, usually priests or muslim clerics claiming to be taking them to a religious school. The going rate for a child is $2000.

Thakiddds ago


privatepizza ago

This is an excellent find, well done.

fogdryer ago

Then why was silsby even arrested

Annon365 ago

A lot of the kids had parents and made complaints, they were being kidnapped

yabbadoody ago

32 of the 33 children in Silsby's (unauthorized) possession at the time of her arrest, had parents.

She was attempting to steal kids from the Earthquake zone, undetected. She was being followed very closely by Hillary Clinton, via Huma Abedin as a level of deniability. Silsby has not set up the orphanage, and she KNEW that she had to do that first. She was attempting to remove 33 kids from haiti, and she and 10 others involved were arrested. The ten other were released, and Silsby was convicted of trafficking. Her attorney, at that TIME, was wanted in Sal Salvador for sex offenses and trafficking, and has since been convicted.

It's a mess anywhere you look with Silsby.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Silsby was convicted of trafficking.

I'm pretty sure Jorge Torres (convicted sex trafficker) got the charges reduced pretty drastically. Otherwise, she would be in jail.

observer13 ago

The 10 missionaries were charged Thursday with kidnapping children and criminal association for trying to take 33 children out of Haiti.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

"missionaries" my ass.

MolochHunter ago

i dont know why someone downvoated you - its a good question. What was the charge if trafficking is not illegal?

fogdryer ago

illegal travel

fogdryer ago

arranging illegal travel...

Annon365 ago

A lot of the children apparently had parents, it was basically kidnapping

Candle4TheKids ago

A lot of strange down voting goes on here it seems. It was a legitimate question.