SIash ago

People do not seem to realize that under the Clinton Foundation more money was raised than the entire Haitian GDP. This would be equivalent to the US receiving 20 trillion dollars. Yet no major economic effect could be seen whatsoever, the money is gone.

Im_with_her ago

Fake! These people are paid actors...bad ones at that. Pizzagate is fake news.

remedy4reality ago

Why is Haiti so fucked up when the Clinton's are the largest economic and political force in the country ?

Wake the hell up.

Im_with_her ago

The Clintons have done so much good throughout the world. The right tries to downplay or lie about the humanitarian acts the Clintons have done because the right is full of hate and only care about rich white people. Guess what? The white population is shrinking! The future is going to burn bright! Chelsea 2020!

LadyMinx ago

I've been on here 2 months and still can't down voat. If I could, I effin would. Just. Go. Away. Edit: referring to "I'm with her"

remedy4reality ago

Lifelong Democrat here, who never voted for a Republican, and thinks Trump is a dangerous figure.

Hillary and Bill are corrupt. John and Tony Podesta are pedophiles AND most likely, CIA.

I have learned all this in the past 6 weeks.

Im_with_her ago

Please reevaluate your recent stance! Don't let the fake news sites get to you. The Clintons are great people and so are the Podesta brothers. The fake news sites are trying to use lies to turn Democrats. Don't fall for their lies. Remember Bill Clinton left the country with a surplus. We all prospered under him. He cares about the people. Do you think the Bushes or Trump care about anyone but the 1%? In addition, they are harmful to minorities and the LGBQTIAPK community.

JvbJvb ago

I love we are change

AreWeSure ago

Where's the other Haitian?

PodestaMolestaDBesta ago

The Clintons also murder you if you cross their path and get too close in Haiti:

Gothamcity ago

14K views and 31 comments. Who is bullshitting who?

Ciscogeek ago

I didn't like how when he asked for who he was with, he lost his confidence and brought out the uh train.

logjam ago

Same. He started out strong and then referred questions to his "Leader".

Ciscogeek ago

Yep, every time he said "Leader" my narration thought "Handler".

Cbradio ago

Good. Did you read the book on the reality of Haiti for children that someone uploaded onto a subverse? Horrid..and then for Clinton's to do all they did in such a horrific environment is beyond evil.

logjam ago

I have't seen it. Was it a sound source that it come from?

Cbradio ago

Hi, can you refresh my memory on my post? I can give you sources...thx!!!

YingYangMom ago

This guy knows exactly what's going on.

militant ago

Lucidity level: Haitian

PodestaMolestaDBesta ago

He better watch his back. I know this was filmed a couple months ago, but the Clinton's retaliation abilities know no bounds.