Orange_Circle ago

She's sooo ugly without makeup. Thanks Russell Brand.

John Mayer, how could you?

DarkMath ago

No offense but this is the type of "evidence" that gives PizzaGate a bad name. My advice is stick to the hard core dirt like Jeffrey Epstein and Dyncorp share an aircraft's tail number. That's no coinkydink. PizzaGate is the tip of a giant iceberg. Or better said PizzaGate is the tip of a 5 story BROWNSTONE. A brownstone in CIA lingo is a honey pot. And a honey pot is how people like the CIA get dirty dirt on politicians so they can control them. Which is fine but when it morphs into shipping Qaddafi's Sarin Gas to "rebels" in Syria who then proceed to kill ~1300 innocent men, women and children then something is very very wrong. Just sayin'

rush22 ago

Seems to me there are better leads than this. If you want to look into Katy Perry's producers, video director, writers. etc. then go for it. This is just a disconnected dump.