DeathTooMasons ago

Good thread. Thank you OP.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Not too out of place if you think about it...

Think of how the mainstream media handles leakers/publishers of leaks, the general consensus is that they are evil, traitorous scum that are eligible for death penalty. Regardless of how terrible the crimes they expose are. THOSE are the leakers they can't easily kill off, or as HRC suggested "drone" them.

For the leaks that are known and effectively silenced, the narrative becomes a fever pitch of the false evil doers, the terrible source of the leaks, that cause the "jeopardy of our very democracy" - in this case, Russia. They've mounted such a repetitive campaign about Russia (to the point of which most Americans simply assume all leaks are now of Russian origin), that the foundation is incredibly sturdy for them to explain this away to the masses, even if a bombshell hits tomorrow and paints a vibrant paper trail from JP, JPo, RM to the death of SR via SEIU as a retaliatory mechanism for the DNC Leaks.

Keeping the masses dumbed down, divided and uneducated is key. Even when a smoking gun is sitting in front of everyone to see... they will still be able to run damage control and effectively 'erase' the truth with repeating talking points, changing subjects or worse - a total media whitewash.

PhillyNekim ago

is he the one who invited him to the bar?

pby1000 ago

I agree.

Also, change the word "might" to "will".

"We’ve lost one hell of a friend, brother, colleague, teammate, and patriot, and I hope his legacy will serve as an example to others who will step in to take his place."

equineluvr ago

The HOMO Dick Meth never misses an opportunity to post a long diatribe, even if it makes zero sense and has NOTHING to do with the topic at hand.

DarkMath ago

"seem to be decent people caught up in something that they did not fully comprehend."

Truer words have never been said. That's almost always how these thing get going. It reminds me a lot of the Bernie Madoff scandal. It looks like Bernie made a few mistakes and thought he'd get cute and cook the books for a quarter or two until he caught back up. Sometimes people catch up but sometimes they don't. The ones that don't have a choice of going bankrupt, selling all the toys, admitting you cooked the books and spending 6 months at Camp Fed.

Or they keep it going for 2 more then 4 then 8 and the rest is History. Bernie didn't start off saying to himself "I am going to spend the rest of my life trying to pull off the biggest Ponzi scheme in recorded History.".


sunshine702 ago

People out of Boston did catch Bernie YEARS before when they tried to match his results and realized what was going on. The SEC and the Fed covered it up. Excellent dicumentary "Chasing Bernie"

DarkMath ago

Yep. Harry Markopolos first discovered Madoff was cooking the books in 2000 and the SEC ignored him every time he contact them.

Today with all we now know about the upper echelons of power and the fact that psychopathy appears to float up there along with the crème de la crème I wonder whether the SEC really wanted to find out what happened.

Whatever the case I have a sneaky suspicion the imminent collapse of the Deep State may precipitate out some more Bernie Madoffs. I get the impression this fucker's gonna shake the very foundations of our Republic.

Tibbbyyy ago

What the fuck? The decision to use the word "but" says a lot there

maltespier ago

the whole thing just sounds cold as fuck. Reads like he's talking about the moment seth went too far looking into "our" work. And a reminder to people that they ruled everything

Markb63 ago

If he would have said "I hope" he said but I hope. Busted!

ProudTruther ago

Not really a very nice thing he wrote. If my coworker wrote a memorial like that for me I'd be pretty pissed at him.

pby1000 ago

Here is what he wrote:

"We’ve lost one hell of a friend, brother, colleague, teammate, and patriot, but I hope his legacy will serve as an example to others who might step in to take his place."

Here is the same sentence with the word "but" replaced with the word "and".

"We’ve lost one hell of a friend, brother, colleague, teammate, and patriot, and I hope his legacy will serve as an example to others who might step in to take his place."

It seems like the word "but" negates what comes before it.

Your thoughts?

Notgood2 ago

Is this pizzagate or is this Seth gate? I am getting sick and tired of hearing about this is stupid Seth rich. Was he molested? If not, then this has nothing to do with pizzagate. Start a new topic that is about Seth and let's stay on topic here.

pby1000 ago

Wasn't Seth Rich a source for some of the Pizzagate emails? Either way, he was associated with the people involved in Pizzagate, and, if they had him killed, then I think it is important that we discuss it.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

His point is that for the elite to win, they need to control the masses... and to control the masses, you need to strip away freedom, choices and free will, slowly enough that the largest populations don't even realize it. The war on drugs, the war on terror, international wars, censorship, FCC limitations imposed on the internet, etc... each of these "wars" or "battles" begins with one or many "attacks" to not only allow them to strip away our liberties - but to ultimately train us to ask them to be removed in exchange for the perception of safety.

Markb63 ago

Felt this way for 8 fking years. The dark ages of Obama.

Awoke_AF ago

Pretty much sums it up there...

DarkMath ago

I added a sentence to further clarify what I meant. Thanks for catching that.

HighLevelInsider ago

Shows you the mentality these people have. No concern for his murdered friend. Absolute psychopath.

quantokitty ago

That s weird. Thanks for the post.

Psychanaut ago

That creeped the me the f out man.

Jem777 ago

The threat is the duplicate statement echoing John Podesta email "make an example" out of leaker.

Yes he also disparaged Seth after death calling him "an embarrassment".

Still don't think there is guilt. Why did Andrew scrub his tweets after /pol/ caught it yesterday.

crackingthecode ago

seth rich bfd. he's no one

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Neither are you...

At least he leaked info we wouldn't have seen otherwise, and paid the ultimate price for doing what he thought was right. A more heroic feat that you will accomplish in a lifetime.

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

Then why are you and your crony shills pooping your pants about him?

anonOpenPress ago

By threat you're suggesting we read the word "legacy" as "destiny", or what? Any other info on Andrew Therriault?

YingYangMom ago

We’ve lost one hell of a friend, brother, colleague, teammate, and patriot, but I hope his legacy will serve as an example to others who might step in to take his place.

The entire meaning is found in the word BUT.

BUT in a sentence is used:

a) To suggest a contrast that is unexpected in light of the first clause

b) To suggest in an affirmative sense what the first part of the sentence implied in a negative way

c) To connect two ideas with the meaning of "with the exception of"

projection ago

You velly cwever.

V____Z ago

That was the loudest word in the whole diatribe.

YingYangMom ago

Pretty much.

pby1000 ago

Ah, I just posted something similar but you beat me too it. It seems that the sentence changes meaning if you replace the word "but" with "and". It is not as ominous.

EDIT: I reread it again. There is also the word "might" instead of "will". I think this is a clue regarding the meaning of this sentence. They might have someone replace Seth and take over his job, or they will? It seems like they will at the relevant point of time.

YingYangMom ago

Yes, exactly. It is that conjunction alone that suggests the meaning of the second clause in his sentence.

anonOpenPress ago

Ok, am I reaching too far if I form the sentence as:

"We’ve lost one hell of a friend, brother, colleague, teammate, and patriot, who's unexpected death hopefully serve as an example so that no-one will step in to take his place, as we will have a person to that position in time."

...or am I reaching as far to the other side with this one:

"We’ve lost one hell of a friend, brother, colleague, teammate, and patriot, but I hope the next person who will step in to take his place will follow his legacy."

YingYangMom ago

I can understand the confusion, but this is not how he formulated it. Imho, the word BUT suggests a negative contrast to the first part, which is positive.

Also, Andrew's other tweet calling Seth and all Bernie Sanders supporters (pandas = Sanders campaign mascot) an "embarrassment" here only emphasises the theory that his words were meant as a threat, or at the very least, in a negative sense. It almost feels like Andrew is holding a grudge against Seth Rich... (for knowing or having heard that he was a leaker perhaps?

If it reads like a threat and sounds like a threat, it most probably is a threat.

I'm also wondering if the DNC or the press didn't force Seth's mother to hold on to that stuffed panda bear during the interview as a "hidden in plain sight symbol" that says to those in the know: "this is what he got for secretly having been a Bernie supporter and a traitor."

What do you think?

anonOpenPress ago

Missing all the background info on the pandas, been focused elsewhere, so maybe I should just shut up on this and remain a bit confused ;) Hoping for others to catch this fish then. For me, too many possible meanings, but a threat is definitely one of those possibilities.

YingYangMom ago

Hey, I could be wrong. And please, never shut up :)

DarkMath ago

If I had to guess I bet Andrew Therriault regrets his choice of words. I'd give him the benefit of the doubt of not knowing to what depth the depravity had gotten. You've got to remember many in this crowd believe "The Ends Justify The Means". That's how the frog was slowly boiled and eaten. They're inched along slowly, asked to lower their standards just a little. Oh ignore that one exception, it's all for a good cause after all. You've got to remember Donald Trump wants to make all women wear dog leashes and keep gay people in cages. So please disregard your conscience for the next 24 hours. And on and on.........

Sometimes you'll see this phenomenon referred to as "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.".

Unfortunately it gets worse. After you agree to lower your standards then you're asked to put on the blinders, followed by those old people wrap around sun glasses that hardly let any light in at all. Your future gets worse and worse but you still have to wear shades.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


The East German Stasi Kommissar comes next and then everything turns to shit.

Fortunately we stopped it this time. But make no mistake, there's always another battle in this war. The best trick the devil ever played on us is convincing us he doesn't exist. We always win in the end though. Have no fear.

luckylemon ago

This is the same person who called him an "embarrassment".

anonOpenPress ago

A source please

V____Z ago

@Gilderoy would you consider adding this to your post? It's a huge and verified detail.

anonOpenPress ago

|#pandafacts (note to myself). Thanks, now who is who there...