Dressage2 ago

Sad, she found an opportunity to push the never ending gun control issue. She is such a piece of work.

Jem777 ago

The evidence of guilt is obvious for all of them. HRC said Seth's name & "unknown shooter" from the stage during campaign.

There is no way that an active homocide investigation would have revealed any details to anyone much less an FBI investigation of potential political assasination.

All of them can be supeoned into court as to what they knew and how they knew it. Who was FBI agent that took Seth's laptop? Where is it?

Dressage2 ago

Good questions. I read somewhere that when Comey was fired in LA,, D.O.J. came in and took control of files and laptop. Could be a lie.

Jem777 ago

Yes. They locked Comey out for sure that is why it happened the way it did. Question is did they lock out McCabe in enough time?

The leaks of "alleged memos" and worse Comey's friend opining about Comey's feelings about Trump (neg) and feelings towards the deputy AG Rosenstein are vomit inducing.

Who & why would these people go public unless they are desperate.

thisisnotagame ago

Seems like a coordinated effort to down vote this post...hmmm...I wonder why?

carmencita ago

I remember sitting on my sofa in front of my laptop that horrible Sun. morning. While I was still trying to wrap it around my head she came out to give her fake speech about how broken hearted they all were. It was like a knife going into my stomach. The first wound was bad enough and then she had to twist the knife. She needs to feel the same pain. I live for the day.

WotTheFook ago

Yeah, like this will wallpaper over all of the cracks and make everything all right again... NOT. The only honours that really matter are Victoria Crosses or Medals of Honour, something that is given posthumously in a lot of cases. Debbie is trying (and failing) to cover her arse on this. She can't re-write history.

Debbie won't understand, because snowflake.

Littleredcorvette ago

Timing of resignation related?

*Chairman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (announced April 5, 2011, elected May 4, 2011; re-elected Jan. 22, 2013; announced resignation on July 24, 2016)

Elected a DNC vice chair in Jan. 2009; also served as DCCC vice chair for incumbent retention in the 2010 cycle. Elected to represent Florida's 20th CD (parts of Broward and Miami-Dade Counties) in Nov. 2004 ("first Jewish Congresswoman ever elected from Florida"). Member of the Florida Senate, 2000-04. Member of the Florida House, 1992-2000 "youngest female legislator in Florida history"). Aide to U.S. Rep. Peter Deutsch, 1989-92. Additional experience includes adjunct instructor at Broward Community College, NJDC staffer, lecturer at Nova Southeastern University and community and external affairs staff at Nova Southeastern University. B.A. in political science, 1988, and M.A. in political science, 1990, from the University of Florida, 1988. Originally from New York.


thisisnotagame ago

Read the comments in the video. Virtually every comment is accusing her of being linked to Seth Rich's murder. She has absolutely no love in her heart...if this 1 minute comment by Wasserman is "honoring" a fallen hero, we got a problem!