Unreasonable ago

It said you fucking Shareblue shills are about to be exposed. Fuck off with your shilling. This is YYUUUGEE.

Guy said he'd risk 20 years in Jail to testify in court to put your witch Queen Killary Jewton in jail.

Who will pay you then fucker?

HolyMoly0 ago

This is absurdly dumb.

equineluvr ago

I told ya so.

Yet again....

srayzie ago

I was hoping it said more too πŸ˜’

DarkMath ago

Yeah me too but after 6 months you get used to this. It's been an emotional roller coaster ride.

srayzie ago

Very true. I got my hopes up and should have known better. It could be good tho in the end.

DarkMath ago

What's it say? I'm not going to that his web site because I think it's a publicity stunt.

srayzie ago

I just edited it and posted what it said