carmencita ago

Yes, they will keep on trying. We have to be smart and not fall for every CTR post and comment on here and 4chan. I think a lot more people have now caught on to their ploy. It will be much harder now for them. Watch for they may have a new plan soon.

waxdino ago

why wasn't he at funeral? Send flowers? Tell family he was a hero?

I find that one telling. Why was a run-of-the-mill DNC employee that was a victim of "a botched robbery" a hero, if he didn't indeed do something much more important?

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

This one has teeth.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

That makes no sense... you "care" more than we do by ignoring details around a murder case that don't add up??? Ok... that's like the people who claim asking about the unanswered questions surrounding 9/11 makes you less patriotic.

Complying with bullshit stories and intentionally keeping your head in the sand is not caring.

xyz_3 ago

DNC Affiliates Increase Involvement In Seth Rich Case After Wheeler Claims

ejd4500 ago

Your opinion and his actions don't match up. Someone who "actually cares" wants closure. And on this, there is no closure at this point. And 'fuckers' is so 1998, come up with something more modern - if you're going to needlessly troll/shill, make it entertaining at least.

HawkeIronsides ago

I disagree. The people doing this are spin doctors. The more info they have, the easier it is to spin. If they have the information and the right people in the right places (comey), they can spin the entire story to fit their narrative. They control and discredit the evidence to the point that people don't know what's real and what isn't.

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

If Kim dot Com was this..., if Kim dotcom was that. SHUT THE F*UK UP Brad. We already know your a paid Shill for the DNC. NO ONE BELIEVES ANYTHING YOU SAY ANYMORE! You're Done!

Mad_As_Hell ago

I've argued those points above already with other commenters, and Riva did so with you. I was just joking about you not being from around here because most of us who post here on the regular are aware of DC police corruption and the lengths DNC will go to to silence whistleblowers, I genuinely didn't mean to offend you

HawkeIronsides ago

Do you believe he hasn't made worse go away?

Mad_As_Hell ago

That makes no sense whatsoever

44NJ9 ago

Yea, because calling the DC police will get you help. haha, between pedi-protector Newsham and Podesta wife on police board all you will get is put on a hitlist.

bikergang_accountant ago

This guys sounds like shit PR. I think he might actually be crazy.

Why wasn't kim dotcom at the funeral? He's been arguing against extradition to the US for some time now.

This guy is unhinged and forms opinions without reading anything. Yet based on how little he knows he knows kim dotcom must be either a sociopath or have an agenda. He sounds like a mental patient.

GeorgeT ago

'......he would have called the police ....,, hmmmmm... you mean police like .... Officer Robinson!!!!!????''''

SuperShilly ago

Because you're a faggot

srayzie ago

Look at how much the stories conflict. This guy sure is spooked! Why else is he pushing a lie? Look at this... I posted an update there.


Yes! That's how it reads to me too. Transparent as. The bots on twitter are coming at full force promoting it. Bauman's work for sure.

ReddittRefugee ago

Ha ha, Bauman has lost control of the narrative.

Look at just 1 of his tweets:

There are 17 replies, and only 1 of them supports Bauman & the DNC party line.

16 of 17 tweets are negative, mocking Bauman for being so shameless.

And guess who shows up among the negative replies? Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert.

This is out of Bauman's control. He's becoming an object of scorn & ridicule. That's what ends the careers of PR types. He's got to be in a panic!

GeorgeT ago

He would need O'reilly to spin this one.

srayzie ago

Brad Bauman: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Bauman Is a Crisis Communications Expert Who Works for a Firm With Progressive Ties & Urged Civil Disobedience to Force an Independent Investigation on Russia

He says this about Seth Rich's Family... Because they are loving and trusting, and just want answers desperately, they accepted the help not knowing that their sons legacy would be contorted and manipulated so that every time there is a flare up in the Trump/Russia story, that their son would be used by Russia and allies to try and distract everyone, and guess what…it’s working.

He sure is playing them by acting like he cares about this family and is filled with compassion. HE is the one manipulating!

YingYangMom ago

They MISSED one very important detail:

A media release from the Pastorum Group reveals that Bauman previously worked for the DNC and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).


From this link thread:

Dressage2 ago

Well there you go. SEIU!!!! Couldn't they do anything right?!?! At least pick a different union from the one you used for Seth's death spiral! No wonder they lost the election!

Infopractical ago

If Kim DotCom is showboating, but wasn't really involved, Assange himself will have the opportunity to clear that up. I know Assange doesn't want to reveal sources, but there's little statistical risk in asserting lack of involvement by bragging parties.

We will have to wait and see, I guess.

Whattheheck321 ago

Good point

pbvrocks ago

Well now this is highly interesting...also highly interesting how tweeked he is about KimDotCom...who would Seth have sent those emails to @wikileaks? Dollars to donuts it was Kim...

Riva ago

Right, he's not a complete dumb ass. He's not going to let the people who currently control a huge network of assets. He's not going to piss of people who have covered up a murder, stole a primary and indiscriminately rape children and put himself at the epicenter of that fucking mess without anyone else taking about it.

It would be like having proof that the pope is a pedophile. You don't go to Vatican security to let them know.

Mad_As_Hell ago

You're not from around here are you?

palmitespo910 ago

I'll be honest about this, I agree with Brad on many of those questions. The difference between us is that I am taking Kim's words seriously. But mostly, I am wondering why he hadn't come forward with the information earlier than this. I mean he may have been dropping bombshells all over anonymously forever and we just didn't get the hind and just didn't follow the leads. But it's very frustrating to see people having some sort of boost of character for this info that needs to be blown open.

Mad_As_Hell ago

No point until the infrastructure is in place e.g. Sessions, no Comey. Think of all the people who were about to break big stories who stepped back last minute, Milo even talked about how someone in DC had told him "not now"

Whome ago

Spot on. You can't rush this shit! The killing of Seth Rich wasn't to just silence him, but to also silence other would be leakers through fear.

Like podesta said "make an example"

YingYangMom ago

Exactly. Waiting for the right moment and right circumstances, for fear of being "suicided".

palmitespo910 ago

I forget about that. Thank you very much.

HawkeIronsides ago

He had to wait for Comey to be fired Pitt the evidence would have been buried right next to Kim and Seth.

Riva ago

Why in God's name would he not contact the DNC appointed family representative?? Why oh why! And if not them, the police!??

Because both are bought and paid for by DNC/enemies that will put his evidence somewhere no one will find it.

peacebringer ago

Incredible, keeps trying to spin and spin and spin.

maltespier ago

"why didn't he come in before" - that is the best he has got for refuting Kimdotcom, alarm bells are ringing

Is he family spokesman with these tweets? Are they family responses to Kimdotcom?

Mad_As_Hell ago

Nothing's been heard from the family directly since April, at which time they were thanking people for their help and interest, and begging for further information. Bauman is the DNC-appointed spokesperson so hard to know if he's genuinely speaking on their behalf or simply doing PR spin for HRC et al.

peacebringer ago

If you read between the lines, the family clearly feels like being used.

V____Z ago

I wonder what they were threatened with in order to get them to allow this guy to speak for them.


What's the bet that Brad Bauman is behind this too? Reads like its his work. Alefantis - one of the most influential or whatever la de da in Washington DC (cough cough) got himself a gofundme page when all big dramas happening at Comet proved too much for him. It's what they do obviously. A Brock initiative no doubt. Anyway I'm thinking this is Brad Bauman posing as Seth Rich's brother Aaron. Weird as!

GeorgeT ago

It's a gang! All of them in it together. Reminds me of that monstrous P2 (Propaganda Due) Lodge scandal that broke the into the tabloids decades ago in Europe when white hat agents discovered and published over 1000 names of elite ranking Judges, Politicians and Police chiefs who were members of a satanic-masonic lodge known as P2. A number of 'suicides' followed as well as a public outrage before the fake stream media swept everything under the rug. We need similar type of exposure.


I have some reading to do! Thank you for sharing.

GeorgeT ago

Knowledge is power

Mad_As_Hell ago

You might be onto something there. All that shit about conspiracy theories and people using his brother's murder for political gain? Besides, it's been revealed that Ed Butowsky stepped in to pay on behalf of the family for Rod Wheeler's investigation so it's not even clear what this money will be used for.


Beware!!! Brock's robots are busy fleecing today - relentlessly pushing this fraudy Seth Rich gofundme page on social media. Just like they did for James Alefantis!

ArthurEdens ago

Why would their spokesman refuse potential evidence?

YingYangMom ago

Because he's part of the cover-up.

sorrytodisagreeagain ago

Brad Bauman was also in charge of defending Donna Brazile over the fallout from the DNCleaks... that turned out to be from Seth Rich. Coincidence he's keeping the family isolated?

NoBS ago

Damn, this info has been exposed and I just now hear about it? I'm slacking and must apologize. I raise my 1.25 ounces of some of the best Panamanian rissetto espresso shot my obsession can afford.

carmencita ago

They are not interested in REAL evidence, just creating their own.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

We know that for obvious reasons .. but .. what I can't get my head around is how are deniers seeing this? As Arthur is saying, the hired private investigator is denying possible evidence or leads on Twitter for all to see .. how do they perceive that?

carmencita ago

We can only wonder why it is so obvious to some and not to others. Sometimes when reading so many comments in a row I have to read them over and over before I can even believe it. for their statements are trying to confuse us on purpose. It is their mantra.

GuannaRue ago

Yup, confusion is the devil's game. Like the saying goes: "the devil is in the details"

2impendingdoom ago

for their statements are trying to confuse us on purpose. It is their mantra.

if you got nothing else, baffle with bullshit

carmencita ago

That is what they have been told to do. Baffle us with BS.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Yes you're right. Sometimes I tell people what I have found out and have to go back and check the facts again because it seems so crazy.

Ordo Ab Chaos = Order Out Of Chaos

carmencita ago

We have been pushed to our limits in the last few days, and I must say we have survived the CTR Blitzkrieg. They have not fared so well.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

I honestly can't believe they are still clawing on. Fake news blew up in their face and they tried getting down with the kids using video deception .. cue Twitter exploding with CNNHASVD .. I really thought they'd go find a rock. But here they are just not giving it up.

carmencita ago

They are hanging on for dear life. We need to get that out there. Make them look as weak as they are. At this point it is stupid for them to continue, but there are those that are pushing them that are at the top of the heap and so they must keep going. They are sucking up to the Illuminati and hoping they won't meet that horrible fate.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

I actually find it quite an embarrassing watch when you know the truth 😂

2impendingdoom ago

there were some CTR on 4chan admitting that they were lied to but afraid to quit now. but it is 4chan, so who knows?

carmencita ago

Who knows is right. They could be lying about that too. They are not believable.

Godwillwin ago

Yeh. I do wonder why Kim waited so long?? Baumam sounds spooked for sure, but he makes a good point with that question

NoBS ago

Because Kim is still alive and has not been suicided. That's only the obvious clue, which you conveniently "must" deflect for.. Have a nice day, care for some popcorn? Have extra...

carmencita ago

Maybe he was waiting for just the right time. The time when they are hanging themselves, already the noose is near and I think they really are in a panic. This is when everyone will be paying attention. The JP email will become famous and be plastered everywhere. We will not be the only ones to have seen it. Kim could have been waiting for the Perfect Storm. I feel there may be a really big False Flag coming up.

YingYangMom ago

Because Kim is smart and he was waiting for the right opportunity to come forward with his info. We all know what happens to "people who know too much" in D.C., right?

V____Z ago

He came forward days after Comey was fired, it does seem related.

srayzie ago

That makes sense! Even Wikileaks said that things are going to leak like niagra falls since Comey left.

mooteensy ago

@YingYangMom @V___Z @srayzie Exactly. I swear you three can read my mind.

YingYangMom ago

I believe it's called common sense :D

srayzie ago

You must be smart. Lol jk

YingYangMom ago

Hehe ;)

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

"He would have called the family[through me, the gatekeeper. No problems there, eh mate?] first or gone to the [inactive and obviously standing down] police"

You answered your own questions.

thatguyiam ago

any info from dotcom yet?

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

I thought he said Tuesday?

10000-20000 ago

he did

Mad_As_Hell ago

It's Tuesday in NZ in a couple of hours...

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Oooooh is that where he is? A little bit exciting. Did he say what time?

Cue heart attack in his sleep ..