I_have_my_gun_ready ago

Wait! How did someone figure out what hospital Seth was taken too? Last thing read, was everyone was still trying to figure that out?

HennyPenny ago

That's a red flag. Also, she's involved with cybersecurity per her company's website:" Named to the Hill’s Top Lobbyists 2016: Hired Guns ‘A Clinton administration veteran, Kountoupes has been working on everything from drug approval reform to cybersecurity.’http://kdindc.com/

YingYangMom ago

Knowing how they work, meaning that they like to cover up their tracks... I'm thinking who, after Seth Rich was shot and killed, has been killed, suffered an accident or was badly hurt? David Brock. He was certainly close to all of them and he suffered a stroke that almost/could have killed him. Could it be, that he was supposed to be "suicided" for having botched the "Seth Rich job", but that this attempt also failed? Just a thought. Anyway, so I decided to search SEIU and David Brock. And this popped up:

http://archive.is/bZhK3 (ALL CONSPIRACIES GREAT AND SMALL 2011)

"In an effort to explain why the jury in the Kenny Gladney trial took less than the time it takes to watch an episode Law & Order: Special Victims Unit to return with a verdict of GTFO, Andrew Breitbart’s crack team of trained bonobos have been working day and night and even through their naptimes to explain what malignant force in the universe has the power to not only corrupt our system of justice but also to defy the laws of time and space and physics and no rights turns on a red.

Who could these space monsters be?

"Media Matters for America."

"Yes, when SEIU doesn’t get what they want by unleashing their purple-clad beserkers on unsuspecting Real Americans, SEIU turns to DAVID'S BROCK Media X-Men to do the behind the scenes “BLACK OPS” work. No, really:

It’s no surprise that the tax-exempt Media Matters regularly features publishes proven-false propaganda pieces as “news,” and it’s no surprise that the site, led by Eric Boehlert, came out hard to spin and defend on behalf of SEIU. What Media Matters and Eric Boehlert have not disclosed is that they were paid by SEIU for UNKNOWN services and it begs the question of whether or not they were paid to help cover up SEIU’s mess in the Gladney incident.

Something to think about.

Votescam ago

Here's a link to some info about the Kenny Gladney case and verdict - - https://www.mediamatters.org/blog/2011/07/13/the-kenneth-gladney-charade-collapses/181483 both sides ... http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2011/08/04/blood-money-how-seiu-and-media-matters-stole-justice-from-kenneth-gladney-2/

But in thinking about all of the deaths which occurred early last year which were intended to do harm to Julian Assange and seemingly to protect the DNC from the truth about it -- it really seems to have been a rush to prevent any more information coming out about Hillary or DNC.

Guess we don't know if Seth Rich was continuing to send info to WikiLeaks, but they sure seemed to want to make sure that he couldn't.

In the John Podesta email referring to death of Scalia he mentions "wet works" or "wet jobs."

Not that Brock didn't seem to be very close to Hillary and certainly she was the one most threatened.

Doboy787 ago

The Sect of SEIU that has a contract with Medstar is, SEIU 722. https://seiu722.org/ website will not pull up though. we need to dig

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

And you figured out the doctor's name how?

HennyPenny ago

I should have said "alleged" ER doctor. Thank you for pointing that out. Got his name from George Webb's youtube work.

Littleredcorvette ago

Guests at the retreat. will have briefing in the am or later tonight

This email was from tflournoy11@g***l to JP and [email protected]

Brian Fallon https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Fallon_(press_secretary)

Jack Sava and Lisa Kountoupes were on the attached guest list along with tony and heather podesta. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/14833

Here's a direct link to the attachment. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/fileid/14833/3928

It appears that tony and heather brought a guest. Sava and Kountoupes are listed as a couple.

Ed moody is bringing his daughter? No one else mentioned kids.

There are around 183 people listed. What retreat are they going to? It was at Martha's Vineyard.

This is who sent the email. http://archive.is/kac72 Hartina "Tina" Flournoy http://archive.is/wTj5A Search her name.

RatmanThomas ago

MV DSCC is Martha's Vineyard Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

RatmanThomas ago

Ties to Bill Clinton for Tina Flournoy..


Ties to CLINTON executive services Office


Listed as number 28 on list of CLINTON operatives hierarchy


srayzie ago

They have connections in all directions to save their butts.

nitro169 ago

All kinds of Fuckery, there are so many things going on for so long, I think they know they are untouchable, they don't even bother to cover their tracks, they just backtrack if they need and cover it up. We need to find one of their weak links and get them to spill. There are too many doors left unlocked, we just need to open the right one and this entire thing will come to an abrupt end.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Would have to be done on a video link I think for the world to see at the same time. This isn't a US problem .. I truly believe it is a UN problem.

2impendingdoom ago

Yes, massive problems with the UN too. Remember John Ashe killed right before he was expected to testify against HRC, crushed in the throat by a barbell.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Hahaha. Oh yes .. about to testisfy against Hillary .. throat crushed by barbell .. no questions asked.

Another "example to the leakers" me thinks.

UN workers raping children + Bush Snr confirming my thoughts = Certainty the UN was set up for this exact purpose .. with CIA created to fund black ops via drug dealing etc.

Freemasonsrus ago

They thought she was going to win. It didn't matter how sloppy they were. NOW they're fucked.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Christ they have their tentacles everywhere... Have we confirmation this was the hospital he was brought to yet? I think police report just said 'local hospital'. Where was that anonymous doctor from on 4chan?

carmencita ago

That is some pretty sketchy stuff you found there. Who knew an ER Dr. had a connection to the WH? So now we have the possibility of an SEIU Union Member, ER Doctor. Police Officer, I say we have a lot of possibilities.

Takeitslow ago

Tons of coincidences

TimeForPitchForks ago

maybe no coincidence at all...