Bluebirdsolitude ago

This Anon has to be a politician...20 yrs in DC and having inside info. Or maybe a journalist.

kestrel9 ago

‘I Was Fired When I Brought Up These Concerns’

"Dear Daily Signal: I’m an activist and organizer who worked for a short time, from October to December 2012, as lead organizer for SEIU United Long Term Care Workers, which, pre-scandal, was called SEIU 6434 in California. The local was in the middle of a huge leadership corruption scandal when I was hired with the charge of bringing the union back to the workers.

I was fired after a few months when I brought up these very concerns reported in Kevin Mooney’s article (“Home Caregivers, Asserting Fraud, Push to Decertify Union That Deducts Dues”). SEIU is a corporate union that preys on the poorest and most vulnerable of workers. The union makes millions of dollars thru forced unionization and forced involvement in the Committee on Political Education, or COPE.

COPE is a political action committee that members are pressured to support. The poor members sign, giving more of their paychecks away through further deductions. The money is then given in large part as direct political contributions to political candidates."

equineluvr ago

No worries. The MOSSAD Jew disinfo agent George Webb will crack the case. LOL

ArthurEdens ago

ArthurEdens ago

Webb's actually narcing on Mossad lately. Maybe you put his feet to the fire

DarkMath ago


Don't ignore me.

Who do you think killed Seth Rich?

DarkMath ago

"Jew disinfo agent"

Who do you think killed Seth Rich?

Jem777 ago

My God equineluvr get over yourself. Webb is breaking this open has interviews scheduled with an acreditated journalist where the whistleblowers will tell their story with masking of facial I'd & voice id.

He is in Washington DC on the ground and has uncovered the true story of handoffs of thumbdrives for wikileaks.Everyone was killed but at least one set of documents made it to Assange. Seth was a hero!

Equineluvr your sad "everyone is a Jew" responses are old and predictable. Grow up

DeathTooMasons ago

Webb is obviously a Spook, so why not Mossad? He does try to blame Saudis for things we know are more likely from Mossad.

Warmoose76 ago

It's always those damn Jews lol